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New Jersey: Allanheld, Osmun, 1981
338.19 FOO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"As a primary trade route for more than half of the world's shipping, the location of potentially huge oil and gas reserves, and the main source of protein in maritime South- East Asia, the South China Sea is a governing determinant of security, prosperity and development in East Asia and the wider Indo-Pacific region. The disputes in the South China Sea have long been seen as a source of tension and instability in the region. Although peace has been maintained until now, the South China Sea is the epicentre of changes in the international balance of power which have the potential to trigger military conflict. The South China Sea sovereignty disputes are among the most complicated in the world and engage claims from Brunei, China, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Given the complex convergence of national interests in the region, the prospect of settling the decades-old disputes completely is very slim"
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016
341.4 SOU
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Anwar
"The rising food price has been signaling a crisis to food insecurity among the poor since the period of 2007/2008. The poor would be in a difficult situation to allocate the budget to meet the demand for food and nonfood in daily life as the real income changes. Food insecurity measured by Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) is a most recent broadened concept of food insecurity considering the existence of anxiety to food access.
This research aims to evaluate the causal inference of food price exposure to the FIES both on simple sum namely raw score and Rasch scale, a corrected measure which assuming the same latent traits among the households. The estimation used is Pooled Ordinary Least Square through the multilevel observations and Panel Regression for regional-level data.
The main finding of this research is that the rising food price significantly affected the FIES, consistently on the raw score and Rasch scale, specifically to the vulnerable households defined by the bottom 40 percent in terms of their expenditure. The rising food price also increased the proportion of severely food insecure households at the regional level. As the heterogeneous effect through islands is also evaluated,
it's concluded that the highest effect of the rising food price to experiencing the anxiety of food insecurity belongs households located in Bali and the lowest effect belongs to households located in Java Island. Decomposing food price into rice and nonrice is solving the puzzle where and who belongs the worse effect should be. The rising rice price is affecting worse to the households in Sumatera and Papua, but on the contrary, the households in Java, Nusa Tenggara, and Sulawesi were taking benefit amid the rising rice price. The result is also serving as a baseline in evaluating the impact of such an outbreak namely Covid-19 through the channel of compensating variations regarding food insecurity. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lorraine Aragon
"Sulawesi Tengah acapkali digambarkan sebagai wilayah yang secara agamawi 'mudahtersulut', yang terletak secara geografis dan sosial di antara propinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang mayoritas Islam dengan propinsi Sulawesi Utara yang mayoritas Kristen. Bahkan, sejak awal abad keduapuluh, kolonial Belanda telah memilah penduduk dataran tinggi yang animis dan potensial untuk menjadi pemeluk agama Kristen dari penduduk dataran rendah beragama Islam. Sesudah Perang Dunia II, wilayah itu mengalami arus pemberontakan Kahar Muzakar dan Permesta dari arah selatan dan utara Sulawesi yang berkerangka keagamaan...[...] Berdasarkan temuannya bahwa persaingan-persaingan religi tidaklah terlalu penting, bahkan ada toleransi serta perkawinan campuran, dan kompetisi untuk perolehan sumberdayalah yang terjadi di antarapenduduk lama dengan pendatang baru di kota atau daerah transmigrasi, maka ia mempertanyakan sejauh manakah konflik yang terjadi merupakan konflik agama atau bahkan 'etnis'? Kemiripan dalam sejumlah aspek agama Kristen dan Islam, toleransi timbal balik ,dan kesamaan sejarah sosial-ekonomi yang umumnya kurang dinilai penting, dikaji penulisnya sebagai usaha awal untuk memahami konflik, dan sebagai sumbang saran untuk meningkatkan keharmonisan dan kesejahteraan sosial di Sulawesi Tengah di masa datang."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mia Ayu Wardani
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is regional cooperation between ASEAN, Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand. The vast potential of the RCEP provides an opportunity for the improvement of the Indonesian economy. This study aims to analyze the comparative advantages and dynamics export of Indonesias food industry as well as the factors affecting exports. The methods used Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Product Dynamic (EPD), and panel data. The results indicate that food industry generally has strong competitiveness in the RCEP market except in Australia, Cambodia, Japan, Korea and Laos. Meanwhile, the dynamics position of food industry exports is rising star in ten countries, and the rest are in the position of falling star and retreat. Factors that influence food exports are economic distance, real GDP per capita of the destination country, the population of the destination contry, price export, trade openness and tariff.
Jakarta: Faculty of Economics and Business State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, 2018
330 JETIK 17:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir, krisis yang menimpah Etnik Rohingya di Myanmar makin menarik perhatian dunia. Bukan saja dari komunitas regional namun bahkan juga oleh komunitas internasional dan PBB. Krisis kemanusiaan terjadi sedemikan masifnya dan bahkan berdasarkan temuan telah terjadi praktek Etnich Cleansing atau genocide di Rakhine State Myanmar yang dilakukan oleh militer Myanmar.Beberapa rekomendasi telah disampaikan oleh utusan-utusan khsus baik dari PBB maupun ASEAN termasuk laporan-laporan dari NGO dan UNCT yang selama ini telah melaksanakan tugas misi kemanusiaan di Myanmar dan Banglades , namun belum dapat menghentikan konflik di Rakhine State bahkan krisis kemanusiaan di Rakhine State semakin meningkat eskalasinya. Melalui pendekatan hukum kebiasaan internasional mengenai peran dan kerjasama organisasi regional dan pandangan tentang krisis kemanusiaan dan HAM serta dengan memperhatikan doktrin responsibility to protect tulisan ini mencoba untuk melihat apakah ASEAN dapat menjadi penengah bagi konflik di Myanmar. Penelitian ini dilakukana dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi pustaka, partisipasi personal dan survey kualitatif serta dengan metode kualitatif. Dari hasil pengamatan, tulisan ini berkesimpulan bahwa untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap doktrin, teori dan hukum internasional, pelibatan ASEAN dapat menajdi opsi yang paling mungkin bagi penyelesaian konflik di Myanmar

In the last ten years, the humanitarian crisis affected the Rohingya Ethnic in Myanmar has increasingly attracted the attention of the globe. The attention come either from the regional community or international community including United Nations. The humanitarian crisis become massive in scale and based on the UN findings fact report that there has been etnich cleansing or genocide practical in Rakhine State Myanmar. Those it carried out by the Myanmar military. Some recommendations have been delivered by special envoys from both the United Nations and ASEAN including some official reports from NGOs and UNCT that have been carrying out humanitarian mission tasks in Myanmar as well as Bangladesh, but in fact no solution yet achieved till today crisis. Through an international customary law approach as well as UN Charter mandate for a cooperation of regional organizations, also by referring to the doctrine of responsibility to protect this paper try to see whether ASEAN can be a mediator for conflict in Myanmar. This research was carried out by using research methods, literature study, personal participation and qualitative methods. From the observations, this paper to conclude providing an understanding to doctrine, theory and international law, the involvement of ASEAN can be the most probably as the best option for resolving conflicts in Myanmar."

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alim Bathoro
"Reformasi bidang pertambangan memberikan perubahan arah dalam kepemilikan perusahaan pertambangan asing di Indonesia, yang dikenal dengan nasionalisasi. Karena perusahaan-perusahaan milik asing tersebar di berbagai daerah maka nasionalisasi berimplikasi dalam hubungan pusat dan daerah, terutama kepentingan para elit. Untuk itu, penelitian ini mengajukan pertanyaan bagaimana pola hubungan penguasa dan pengusaha. Bagaimana faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pola hubungan penguasa dan pengusaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori elite capture Bardhan, Diyya Dutta, dan teori ekonomi politik Caporaso, sebagai teori utama. Teori politik lokal Vedi R. Hadiz, dan teori konflik Ralf Dahrendorf dan teori konsensus Maswadi Rauf sebagai teori pendukung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menganalisis data-data yang ada wawancara mendalam terhadap 5 orang informan, Gubernur Gatot Pujo Nugroho, Anggota DPR RI Chairuman Harahap, Harry Azhar Aziz, H. Refrizal, Anggota DPRD Sumut H. Muhammad Nuh. Temuan penelitian ini menemukan bahwa elite capture dalam nasionalisasi PT Inalum tersebut, telah mengakibatkan negara dalam hal ini Pemprov Sumatera Utara tidak netral, karena Gubernur Gatot Pujo Nugroho sebagai alat pengusaha Luhut Pandjaitan. Sementara di tingkat pusat, negara bersifat netral. Namun demikian, dalam kebijakan yang lain, penguasa juga melakukan capture. Sehingga penguasa dalam hal ini Presiden SBY merupakan latent elite capture. Implikasi teoritis dari penelitian ini menguatkan teori elite capture, dalam konteks relasi kekuasaan elite dengan pengusaha. Sedangkan teori Caporaso, menguatkan pendekatan ekonomi politik berbasiskan kekuasaan.

The reformation of the mining field has shifted nationalization, or specifically, the ownership of foreign mining companies in Indonesia. Due to the nationwide spread of foreign companies, they play a significant role in the centralregional government relationship, especially in the interest of the power elite. Therefore, this study aims to explain the relationship pattern between the power elite and entrepreneurs, as well as the factors that surround and influence it. This study uses Bardhan’s and Diyya Dutta’s elit capture thory and Caporaso’s political economy theory as the main theories. In addition, Vedi R. Hadiz’s local politics theory, Ralf Dahrendorf’s conflict theory, and Maswadi Rauf’s consensus theory acts as the supporting theory. Using a qualitative method, this study analyzes the data obtained through in-depth interview with five informants consisting of Governor Gatot Pujo Nugroho, three people from the People’s Representative Council (Chairuman Harahap, Harry Azhar Aziz, and H. Refrizal), and H. Muhammad Nuh from the Regional Representatives Council. The principal findings of this study shows that the elite capture in the nationalization of Inalum has led to the bias of the North Sumateran government because Governor Gatot Pujo Nugroho became Luhut Pandjaitan’s tool. Although the central government still maintained its neutrality, there are policies used by the authorities, in this case, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, to commit elite capture. The theoretical implication of this research substantiates the elite capture theory in the context of a relationship between power elite and entrepreneurs. On the other hand, Caporaso’s theory supports the power-based political economy approach."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Haniva Dwihandini
"Fasilitasi perdagangan merupakan faktor penting bagi negara-negara di dunia dalam efisiensi perdagangan. Penelitian ini menganalisis dampak fasilitasi perdagangan dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kinerja ekspor terhadap industri pengolahan makanan Indonesia ke kawasan RCEP. Sektor industri pengolahan Indonesia merupakan sektor penyumbang terbesar ekspor Indonesia dan kawasan RCEP merupakan negara tujuan utamanya. Namun, trend pertumbuhan ekspor industri pengolahan makanan Indonesia ke kawasan RCEP dari tahun 2012 sampai 2019 cenderung menurun. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder periode 2012 – 2019 dengan pendekatan gravity model data panel. Variabel fasilitasi perdagangan yang menjadi interest variable yaitu kualitas infrastruktur transportasi, penyerapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT), hambatan prosedur bea cukai, (BOCP) dan kualitas lingkungan bisnis negara RCEP. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa variabel fasilitasi perdagangan yang sangat memengaruhi nilai ekspor industri pengolahan makanan Indonesia ke kawasan RCEP adalah persentase penyerapan teknologi dan komunikasi (ICT) negara RCEP dan kualitas lingkungan bisnis negara RCEP. Negara RCEP yang memiliki persentase penyerapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT) terbesar yaitu Korea Selatan dan Selandia baru memiliki lingkungan bisnis yang terbaik. Selain itu, variabel ekonomi yang memengaruhi nilai ekspor industri pengolahan makanan Indonesia ke kawasan RCEP adalah jarak ekonomi Indonesia dengan negara RCEP dan jumlah populasi negara RCEP.

Trade facilitation is an important factor for countries in the world in trade efficiency. This study aims to analyze the impact of trade facilitation to export performance on the export value of Indonesia’s food industry to the RCEP countries. Indonesia's manufacturing sector is the largest contributor to Indonesia's exports and the RCEP countries is the main destination. However, the export growth trend of Indonesia's food industry to the RCEP countries from 2012 to 2019 tends to decrease. The data used in this study is secondary data for the period of 2012 – 2019 with a gravity model panel data approach. Trade facilitation variables that become interest variables are the quality of transportation infrastructure, the absorption of information and communication technology (ICT), the burden of customs procedure (BOCP) and the quality of business environment of RCEP countries. The result of the model shows that the trade facilitation variables significantly affecting the export value of Indonesia’s food industry are the percentage of technology and communication absorption (ICT) of the RCEP countries and the quality business environment of the RCEP countries. The RCEP countries that has the largest percentage of information and communication technology (ICT) absorption is South Korea, while New Zealand has the best business environment. Besides that, the economic variables that affect the export value of Indonesia's food industry to the RCEP countries are the economic distance between Indonesia and RCEP countries and the total population of the RCEP countries"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ispahan Setiadi
"Persoalan mengenai pendirian rumah ibadah yang masih sering terjadi dan kerap berujung pada konflik. Benih konflik yang terjadi pada pendirian Gereja Bernadet sudah ada sejak Tahun 1990 namun tidak diselesaikan secara tuntas. Konflik semakin melebar dan jauh dari pokok pemasalahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis dinamika konflik yang terjadi serta pola penanganannya. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa akar permasalahan konflik adalah adanya pengaruh fundamentalisme dalam beragama. Konflik semakin berkembang ketika isu-isu keagamaan digunakan untuk membangun solidaritas konflik. Konflik diperburuk dengan adanya konflik vertikal antara tokoh masyarakat dengan Pemerintah Daerah. Dalam menyikapi konflik masyarakat menunjukan sikap negatif dan perilaku koersif. Akibatnya konflik semakin mengakar dan berdampak pada menurunnya stabilitas daerah dan diikuti melemahnya ketahanan daerah. Dalam penanganan konflik menggunakan strategi manajemen konflik melalui pengendalian sosial.

The onging problems about the establishment of house of worship often ended with conflict. The seeds of conflict in the establishment of Bernadette Church has existed since 1990 but was not fully resolved. As the result, the conflict widened and led from subject matter. This study was conducted by using qualitative approach which aimed to analyze the dynamics of the conflict as well as the pattern of treatment. The results of the study revealed that the root cause of the conflict is the effect of religious fundamentalism. The number of conflicts were growing when religious issues used as the cause to build solidarity conflict. The conflict exacerbated by the presence of vertical conflict between community leaders and local government. In addressing conflict, community showed negative attitudes and coercive behavior. As the result, the conflict was deeply rooted, the stability of the region diminished and regional resilience weakened. In resolving the conflict, writer used conflict management strategy through social control.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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