Kata Kunci: Kinerja, Rutilahu, Kemiskinan, 7S McKinsey
ABSTRACTThis thesis analyzes the organizational performance of the Social Program in the Implementation of the House not livable (rutilahu) Program as poverty reduction in Cirebon Regency in 2014-2018. In the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), poverty is one of the main targets for combating countries in the world, including Indonesia. Poverty is not only the responsibility of the Central Government, but Local Governments must work together with poverty rates in Indonesia. BPS noted that in 2017 the poor population in Cirebon Regency had as many as 279.55 thousand people out of 2.6 million inhabitants, experiencing an increase in 2015 as many as 313.21 thousand people (BPS Jawa Barat, 2017).The efforts of the CirebonRegency Government in tackling poverty are by making a House not livable Program (RTLH) for the poor. In this study using Postpositivism research using qualitative methods. The results of the study that showed the Performance of the Social Service in the 2014-2018 program in Cirebon Regency were not yet satisfying and significant, because they were still far from the target. This is related to the still many problems in the implementation of the program and is caused by several influencing factors, namely internal factors and external factors of the Social Affairs organization. Prospective Beneficiary Families (CKPM) are in accordance with the name with the appropriate address because Social Affairs Agency often updates data, helps update data due to problem resources. Problems that are still commonly found in the Rutilahu Dinsos program in Cirebon Regency are dynamic and will continue to change. A socialization program that has not yet fully reached the roots of the community, even the understanding of the village still many do not understand the technical aspects of the Social Service program.Regarding internal factors that can affect the performance of the Social service organization in the program of house not livable is skills, systems, staff, strategies, and shared values. However, the most prominent internal factor that can affect the performance of the social service organization that they do not perform well in the budget and budget system. Regarding external factors that can affect the performance of the Office of Social Affairs in the program, namely economic factors and socio-cultural factors. However, the most prominent internal factors that can affect social service organization performance so that they do not perform well are economic factors. While other factors are good.
Keywords: Performance, House Not Livable, Poverty, 7S McKinsey.