"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran employer brand dalam memperkuat hubungan brand personality dan employer brand attractiveness. Responden dalam riset kali ini melibatkan 415 sampel mahasiswa aktif S1 dari Universitas Indonesia (Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis serta Fakultas Ilmu Komputer) serta mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung (Program Studi Teknik Informatika). Syarat responden riset adalah mahasiswa tingkat akhir atau pernah magang setidaknya satu bulan. Pengujian data dilakukan secara simultan dengan metode Structural Equation Method (SEM). Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa brand personality sincerity, competence, excitement, dan sophistication secara signifikan mempengaruhi employer brand attractiveness. Pengaruhi tersebut dimediasi oleh employer brand affect serta employer brand trust, dimana efek employer brand affect juga dimediasi oleh employer brand reputation. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, berikut masukan kepada GO-JEK bahwa untuk dapat menarik minat calon pegawai. GO-JEK harus menciptakan perasaan positif pada pegawai potensial, pesan-pesan tersebut adalah pesan yang mencerminkan kejujuran serta adanya janji kepastian kerja.
The purpose of this research to examine the role of employer brand in strengthening the relationship between brand Personality and employer brand attractiveness. Data was collected from 415 registered students University of Indonesia (Faculty of Economic and Business as well as Faculty of Computer Science) as well as Bandung Institute of Technology (Information Engineering), specifically final year students or students with at least one-month internship experience. The data was tested using Structural Equation Method (SEM). The result shows brand personality traits sincerity, competence, excitement, and significantly and positively impact employer brand attractiveness. The effect is mediated by employer brand affect and employer brand trust, where employer brand affects effect is mediated by employer brand reputation. Based on the findings, the author would like to propose a few strategies to GO-JEK to maximized its employer brand effort. GO-JEK should able to create positive messages which highlights honesty as well as job certainty. Potential employee are interested to work at GO-JEK due to the fact that GO-JEK brands are able to convey youthfulness, honesty, as well as a brand that is successful which in turn elicit a positive response from university students. Thus, the university students feel that GO-JEK is a trustworthy employer and that job certainty at GO-JEK. It can conclude that those are the reasons potential employee are interested to work at GO-JEK."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019