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Bambang Permadi
"As it is stated at article 12 Law number 8 year 1971 about National Petroleum Company, Pertamina as the stockholder for mining oil and natural gas, then being changed by BP Migas as government authorized to sign and control management operation of mainstream business activity based on Law of Indonesian Republic about Petroleum & Gas number 22 year 2001, can cooperate with third party in the form of Production Sharing Contract, or other Contracts. Business activity in mainstream industry that is carried out by foreign companies cause expatriates mobilization according to the expertise and need of related companies to support their activities in Indonesia. Apart from high salary, they are also given various allowances to fulfill the expatriate's and their family?s need during their duties period in Indonesia, so that these expatriates can become very potential tax subject for the state revenue.
This research aimed to get clearer description about imposing cost recovery and treating expatriates tax income in KPS according to the existing law. One of the dominant aspects in KPS is cost recovery spent first by contractor financed by government when contractor has successfully found petroleum reserve popularly known as cost recovery. Expatriates tax income treatment by doing gross-up and putting that tax allowance into cost recovery causes reduction to government share in Production Sharing Contract as much as these expatriates tax that should become the state revenue.
From the result of research concluded that the treatment above is deviated from normative determination, but suitable with the prevailing determination of positive law, in this case contract and supporting rule. It is suggested that in KPS agreement contains more detail explanation about imposition of cost recovery components, and imposition of Income Tax Law for KPS can be more detailed and assertive so that it can give law certainty and reach agreement of Production Sharing Contract in Indonesia.
Research methodology used in this research is descriptive analysis by using data collection such as field study through interview with PSG expert, VP finance, Tax advisor and HRD Manager, documentary data as well as library study.
Biography : 50 Books (Tahun 1967 - 2001)"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arip Prastyo Wibowo
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan mekanisme penggantian PPN pada kontraktor minyak dan gas bumi ditinjau dari asas revenue productivity dan asas equity/equality. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan jenis penelitiannya bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah dengan perubahan mekanisme penggantian PPN tersebut, penerimaan Pemerintah secara keseluruhan akan mengalami kenaikan sebesar lima belas persen dari jumlah pajak tidak langsung yang dibebankan dalam cost recovery. Dengan adanya peningkatan penerimaan negara maka asas revenue productivity telah terpenuhi. Bagi KKKS dengan adanya perubahan mekanisme tersebut KKKS ikut menanggung sebagian beban pajak tidak langsung yang dibebankan ke dalam cost recovery, KKKS tidak mendapatkan kembali penggantian PPN nya sebesar seratus persen sehingga asas equity/equality tidak terpenuhi. Dengan adanya perubahan mekanisme ini perilaku kontraktor sebagian besar tetap sama, namun terdapat sedikit perbedaan dalam hal administrasinya. Kontraktor kini tidak perlu lagi mempersiapkan dan menyerahkan Faktur Pajak setiap bulannya ke SKK Migas untuk proses penggantian PPN, tetapi KKKS hanya menyimpan Faktur Pajak tersebut untuk dipersiapkan pada pemeriksaan audit diakhir tahun.

This study aims to analyze the changes in VAT Reimbursement mechanism in oil and gas contractors in terms of revenue productivity principle and equity/equality principle. The method used was a quantitative study with descriptive analysis. The result of the research is with the change VAT Reimbursement mechanism, the overall Government revenues will increase by fifteen percent of total indirect tax charged on cost recovery. With the increase in Government revenues so the revenue productivity principle have been met. For the Contractors, with the change in the mechanism of Contractors to bear some of the burden of indirect tax that is charged to cost recovery, Contractors does not get back his VAT Reimbursement of one hundred percent, so the principle of equity/equality are not met. With the changes in this mechanism, the behavior of Contractors remains the same, but there is little difference in terms of administration. Contractors are now no longer need to prepare and submit a tax invoice each month to SKK Migas to its VAT Reimbursement process, Contractors only keep the tax invoice to be prepared at the end of the year audit examination."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salicca Paramita
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implikasi perubahan mekanisme assume and discharge menjadi cost recovery pasca PP 79 Tahun 2010 dalam pengenaan PBB terhadap K3S eksplorasi hulu migas ditinjau dari asas ease of administration yang kemudian dijadikan dasar untuk evaluasi kebijakan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perubahan mekanisme assume and discharge menjadi cost recovery terhadap pengenaan PBB eksplorasi hulu migas tidak sesuai dengan asas ease of administration dan tidak memenuhi 6 dimensi evaluasi kebijakan. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah mekanisme assume and discharge diberlakukan kembali untuk K3S eksplorasi hulu migas.

This research explain about implication of the change of assume and discharge mechanism into cost recovery mechanism post Government Regulation No. 79 Year 2010 in the imposition of land and building tax for the upstream oil and gas contractor during the exploration phase reviewed by the ease of administration principle which then used as the evaluation ground to the policy. This research used quantitative descriptive approach and qualitative data collection method. This research concludes that the change of assume and discharge mechanism into cost recovery mechanism for the imposition of land and building tax for upstream oil and gas exploration activity is unsuitable with the ease of administration principle and unfulfilled the 6 dimensions of policy evaluation. An advice to resolve this issue is to re apply the assume and discharge mechanism for oil and gas contractor during the exploration phase."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ian Maradona
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai implikasi diundangkannya peraturan mengenai insentif perpajakan bagi investor di Indonesia terhadap iklim penanaman modal di Indonesia. Insentif yang diberikan dalam bentuk pembebasan dan pengurangan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Badan atau insentif lain yang dapat dipertimbangkan semisal amortisasi dan penyusutan barang modal yang dipercepat ataupun kompensasi kerugian yang dikenakan kepada investor. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil sample proyek investasi yang dilakukan oleh Sinarmas Grup melalui banyak anak perusahaannya yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit dan turunannya semisal margarine, shortening, dan sisa-sisa pengolahannya berupa ampas kelapa sawit yang masih dapat digunakan sebagai pakan ternak, sebagaimana produk minyak goreng dan margarin berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 52 Tahun 2011 berhak mendapatkan fasilitas pengurang PPh Badan asalkan investasi dilakukan di daerah tertentu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dan tipologi penelitian kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diundangkannya peraturan yang mengatur mengenai pemberian insentif pajak belum dapat dipastikan meningkatkan kuantitas investasi di Indonesia yang mana berbanding terbalik dengan tujuan diadakannya regulasi dimaksud oleh pemerintah yaitu untuk meningkatkan rating investment grade Indonesia di mata dunia internasional yang tujuan akhirnya dapat lebih banyak menarik investor dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia semakin baik, lewat penyerapan tenaga kerja dan tumbuhnya sektor Usaha Kecil Menegah di lokasi investasi dilaksanakan. Pada hakikatnya kebijakan fiskal berupa fasilitas perpajakan tidak dapat berbuat banyak apabila faktor penghambat investasi seperti: mogok buruh, perijinan yang rumit dan rawan pungutan liar, prosedur pengurusan perijinan yang kurang efisien, dan korupsi masih marak di Indonesia.

This thesis discusses about the implications of the enactment of legislation on tax incentives for investors in Indonesia's investment climate. Incentives are given in the form of exemption and reduction of Company Income Tax or other incentives that may be considered such as amortization and accelerated depreciation of capital goods or compensation losses charged to investors. The research was conducted by taking a sample of investment projects undertaken by the Sinarmas Group through their many subsidiaries that engaged in the processing of palm oil and its derivatives such as margarine, shortening, and the remnants of oil palm cultivation in the form of pulp that can still be used as animal feed. As cooking oil and margarine products based on the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 52 Year 2011 are entitled to a corporate income tax deduction facilities as long as the investment is made in a certain area. This research is a normative legal and qualitative research typology.
The results showed that the promulgation of government regulations for granting tax incentives has not been proven to increase the quantity of investment in Indonesia, which is inversely proportional to the purpose of the regulation is to improve Indonesia's investment grade rating in the eyes of international community which is goal can ultimately attract more investors and the increase of economic growth in Indonesia, through more employee recruitment and the growth of Small and Medium sector investment undertaken at the investment site. In essence fiscal policy in the form of tax incentives cannot do much if the investment disincentives such as: labor strikes, permit arrangement complexion and prone to illegal fees, un-efficient business permits maintenance, and corruption culture in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Buhori
"Tujuan makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai ekonomi, sensitivitas, dan dampak dari skema manajemen kontrak yang berbeda terhadap nilai ekonomi lapangan kerja minyak dan gas. Oleh karena itu kami mencoba untuk membandingkan antara pemulihan biaya kontrak pembagian produksi dan skema gross split, dengan menggunakan teknik penganggaran modal konvensional dan metode penilaian 'real options' dalam kedua skema. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan data hanya dari satu lapangan kerja minyak dan gas yang sifat keunikannya mungkin berbeda dari lapangan kerja migas lainnya. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa skema 'PSC Gross Split' memiliki nilai ekonomi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan 'PSC Cost Recovery'. Terlepas dari keterbatasan data, makalah ini akan menjadi panduan bagi praktisi, pengambil keputusan, peneliti, dan siapa saja yang tertarik pada industri minyak dan gas. Makalah ini adalah yang pertama yang membandingkan nilai ekonomi antara dua skema. Ini akan memungkinkan setiap pihak untuk lebih memahami industri minyak dan gas.

The purpose of the paper is to know the economic value, sensitivity, and impact of different contract management scheme to the economic value of oil and gas working field. Therefore we try to compare between production sharing contract cost recovery and gross split scheme, by using conventional capital budgeting technique and real option valuation method in both schemes. This research gathered data only from one oil and gas working field that its character of uniqueness may differ from other working fields. The result showed that PSC Gross Split scheme has lower economic value compared to PSC Cost Recovery. Despite of data limitation, this paper will become guidance to practitioners, decision maker, researcher, and anyone who interested in oil and gas industry. The paper is the first which compare economic value between the two schemes. This will enable any party to understand more in oil and gas industry.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chicago: Commerce Clearing House, 1969
343.730 5 TAX
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robby Jauhari
Skripsi ini membahas tentang formulasi kebijakan dan penerapannya dilihat dari metode penghitungan alokasi biaya tidak langsung yang dapat dijadikan pengurang beban pajak penghasilan (deduction) dan juga penghitungan bagi hasil yang diterima kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan ini dibentuk dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa hal, yaitu: kepastian hukum, netraitas, restriktif dan juga legalitas, selain itu pula hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat berbagai macam metode penghitungan alokasi biaya tidak langsung kantor pusat yaitu: berdasarkan masa eksplorasi yang penghitungannya dilakukan berdasarkan masa eksplorasi secara keseluruhan dan akan dilakukan peyesuaian saat tahun terakhir masa eksplorasi tersebut bukan penghitungan per-tahun dan metode penghitungan alokasi biaya tidak langsung kantor pusat pada masa eksploitasi yang dilakukan penghitungan pertahun dan langsung dilakukan pemeriksaan dan hasil koreksi dari pemeriksaan tersebut langsung disesuaikan ditahun bersangkutan pada masa eksploitasi.

This research discusses the views of policy formulation and implementation of the method of calculating the overhead allocation can be used as tax deduction and also Profit Sharing for kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). The study is a descriptive qualitative research. The results show this policy is established by considering a few things, that are: certainty, neutrality, legality and also restrictive and than the results showed too, there were various methods of calculating the overhead allocation, that are: based on the exploration period is calculated based on the exploration as a whole year in that period and will be an adjustment in the time last year exploration and the method of calculating the overhead allocation of the exploitation was calculated annually and direct examination and correction of the examination results directly adjusted in the year concerned at the time exploitation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakharsyah Hanif Sugiyartomo
"Pasal 33 ayat 3 Undang Undang Dasar 1945 memberikan kewenangan kepada negara untuk mengelola sumber daya alam untuk kemudian hasilnya digunakan untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Dalam melaksanakan kewenangannya tersebut, negara dapat menunjuk pihak swasta untuk membantu negara melakukan kegiatan pengelolaan sumber daya alam, termasuk diantaranya adalah minyak dan gas bumi. Dari sudut pandang pemerintah, kegiatan pengelolaan minyak dan gas bumi ini dilakukan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan rakyat, sementara dari sudut pandang kontraktor, kegiatan pengelolaan minyak dan gas bumi dilakukan sebagai sarana kegiatan usaha untuk memperoleh keuntungan. Adapun setiap keuntungan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan usaha wajib dikenakan pajak. Dari hasil penelitian penulis ditemukan bahwa kebijakan yang mengatur kegiatan kontrak bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi dengan skema gross split dalam bentuk Peraturan Menteri Nomor 8 Tahun 2017 tidak memiliki landasan hukum yang kuat. Pengelolaan minyak dan gas bumi dalam bentuk kontrak juga tidak memberikan keuntungan yang maksimal untuk pemerintah, sementara kebijakan yang mengatur kontrak bagi hasil juga tidak menarik minat kontraktor. Selain itu, terdapat juga tumpang tindih kewenangan lembaga yang dapat menetapkan besaran pajak penghasilan kontraktor antara SKK Migas dan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Oleh karena itu, dalam tulisan ini disarankan pemerintah mengkaji ulang kegiatan pengelolaan minyak dan gas bumi dalam bentuk kontrak, serta mengkoordinasikan kewenangan-kewenangan lembaga yang beririsan dalam menetapkan pajak penghasilan bagi kontraktor.

As an oil producing nation, Indonesia embodied its authority to manage its oil resources through article 33 paragraph 3 of The Republic of Indonesia Constitution 1945. Regarding the article, this means that the state has the authority to manage Indonesian natural resources, directly or indirectly, through other public and or private institutions and the profit of such activity shall be for the benefit of the people. This granted the state to appoint other institution, including a National International Oil Company NOC IOC , to manage the exploration and production of oil, as that particular activity is regarded as a high risk and high capital business. From the state perspectives, the management of oil and gas is an attempt to fulfill the people needs of energy, while in the other hand, from the IOC NOC perspectives, it was an attempt to gain profit as their core business, and every profit gained from a business activity must be taxed. According to this research, the regulation that governed a production sharing contract with the gross split scheme mdash Minstry of Mineral Resources Regulation No. 8 2017 mdash does not have a strong legal basis. In overall, the management of oil and gas through the contract system does not gives a maximum benefit for the state, and does not attract the IOC NOC interest to explore and produce oil and gas in Indonesia. There is also an overlapping jurisdiction to impose the income tax to IOC NOC between the Executive Agency of Oil and Gas and Directorat General of Tax. Therefore, in this thesis, the reviewing of oil and gas management through a contract system and the coordination of agencies that has an overlapping jurisdiction are recommended.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Rahmaddani
"Kontraktor usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi yaitu Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (K3S), merupakan Wajib Pungut PPN yang berhak atas pengembalian kembali PPN atau reimbursement reimbursement PPN merupakan pengembalian PPN atau PPN dan PPnBM atas perolehan Barang Kena Pajak dan/atau Jasa Kena Pajak kepada kontraktor atas PPN atau PPN dan PPnBM yang telah disetor ke kas negara sesuai dengan Kontrak Kerja Sama. Namun dalam mekanisme mengenai tata cara reimbursement PPN yang diatur pada PMK No.119 Tahun 2019, terdapat isu kemudahan administrasi dalam pelaksanaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mekanisme reimbursement PPN yang dikaji dengan teori ease of administration. Penelitian post positivist ini menggunakan studi literatur dan studi lapangan untuk pengumpulan datanya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah K3S perlu melewati proses berupa pengajuan permohonan reimbursement PPN yang diverifikasi oleh SKK Migas, konfirmasi oleh DJP, penelitian berkas oleh DJA, penelitian kembali oleh DJPb, dan pemindahbukuan rekening oleh BI. Namun dalam mekanisme reimbursement PPN tersebut, terdapat isu yang berkaitan dengan asas certainty yaitu mengenai kepastian konfirmasi dari DJP, asas efficiency terkait direct money cost, time cost, dan psychological cost dalam mempersiapkan dokumen reimbursement PPN, asas convenience terkait birokrasi perolehan kembali reimbursement PPN, dan asas simplicity yaitu kesederhanaan dokumen-dokumen permohonan reimbursement PPN.

Upstream oil and gas business contractors, namely Cooperation Contract Contractors, are obliged to collect VAT and are entitled to a refund of VAT. The VAT reimbursement mechanism is the return of VAT on the acquisition of Taxable Goods and/or Taxable Services to contractors for VAT that have been deposited into the state treasury in accordance with the Cooperation Contract. However, in the mechanism regarding the VAT reimbursement procedure regulated in PMK No.119 of 2019, there is an issue of administrative convenience in its implementation. This study aims to analyze the VAT reimbursement mechanism which is studied with the theory of ease of administration. This post-positivist research uses literature studies and field studies for data collection. The result of this research is that the Cooperation Contract Contractor needs to go through a process in the form of submitting a VAT reimbursement request which is verified by SKK Migas, confirmation by DJP, file research by DJA, re-examination by DJPb, and book-entry by BI. However, in the VAT reimbursement mechanism, there are issues related to the certainty principle, namely the certainty of confirmation from the DJP, the efficiency principle related to direct money costs, time costs, and psychological costs in preparing VAT reimbursement documents, the convenience principle related to the VAT reimbursement recovery bureaucracy, and the principle of simplicity, namely the simplicity of the VAT reimbursement application documents. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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