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Sullivan, Clara K. (Clara Katherine), 1916-
New York, N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1965
336.271 3 SUL t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
James, Kathryn
"This book explores one of the most significant trends in the evolution of global tax systems by asking how, within less than half a century, the value-added tax (VAT) has risen from relative obscurity to become one of the world's most dominant revenue instruments. Despite its significance, very little is known about why so many countries have adopted the VAT and, in particular, why different countries adopt the types of VAT that they do. The popular mythology provides that the merits of the VAT have underpinned its global spread; however, this book contends that much scholarship confuses the question of why the VAT has risen to dominance with the issue of what makes a good VAT. This book combines policy and legal analysis to propose a new way of understanding the rise of this important revenue instrument so as to better reflect the realities of the VATs that are actually implemented."
New York: Cambridge University Press , 2015
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: National Development Information Office, 1996
343.598 05 LAW (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nandina Gita Hayuningtias
"Perubahan ambang batas (threshold) hunian yang tergolong mewah berupa apartemen menjadi awal permasalahan penelitian ini. Penelitian menggunakan analisis data kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah PMK 206/PMK.010/2015 Tentang Perubahan atas PMK Nomor 106/PMK.010/2015 Tentang Jenis Barang Kena Pajak yang Tergolong Mewah Selain Kendaraan Bermotor yang Dikenai Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah belum memenuhi aspek penegakan, namun memenuhi aspek penerapan. Upaya penghindaran pajak yang dapat dilakukan pada penerapan PMK tersebut dengan tidak menjual apartemen mencapai threshold dan tidak mencantumkan harga jual saat transaksi yang sebenarnya terjadi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah diperlukan kerja sama dengan pihak ketiga untuk pengawasan pemungutan PPnBM apartemen mewah dan kajian untuk penegakan upaya penghindaran pajak yang dapat dilakukan pada penerapan PMK 206/PMK.010/2015.

Changing the threshold of luxury apartments become a problem of this research. Research using qualitative data analysis with descriptive research. The results obtained from this study are PMK 206/PMK.010/2015 about the amendment PMK 106/PMK.010/2015 not meet enforcement aspects yet fulfilling aspects of the application. Tax avoidance can be made on the application of the PMK to sell the apartment with did not reach the threshold and did not state the selling price when the transaction actually happened. The conclusion of this study is necessary cooperation with third parties for the supervision of polling sales tax on luxury apartments and assessment for tax evasion enforcement can be made on the application of PMK 206/ PMK.010/2015."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufalia Dinar Primacita
"Studi pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kelayakan penerapan Goods and Services Tax GST sebagai pengganti Pajak Pertambahan Nilai PPN di Indonesia pada periode 2005 hingga 2015. Selain itu, estimasi besaran potensi penerimaan negara dilakukan baik pada pemerintah pusat maupun daerah yang dihubungkan dengan teori Stiglitz. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode data panel dengan melakukan analisis deskriptif dan ekonometrika. Unit analisis pada penilitian ini adalah antarprovinsi di Indonesia. Temuan pertama pada penelitian menunjukkan bahwa GST layak diimplementasikan di Indonesia. Kemudian, potensi penerimaan yang dihasilkan oleh GST memberikan nilai yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan potensi penerimaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai PPN . Oleh karena itu, jika GST dilaksanakan di tingkat daerah, maka distribusi pendapatan interprovinsi yang lebih merata dapat dicapai dengan memberdayakan kapasitas fiskal melalui sistem opsen.

This research aims to analyze the feasibility of implementing Goods and Services Tax GST as a substitute of Value Added Tax VAT in Indonesia during period 2005 until 2015. In addition, the estimation of potential revenues is made at both central and local government levels. This study uses panel data method through descriptive and econometrics analysis. The unit of analysis is interprovincial in Indonesia, then the findings are correlated to Stiglitz theory. The first finding results from the analysis shows that Goods and Services Tax has potentially feasible to be applied in Indonesia instead of VAT. Moreover, It provides a greater potential tax revenue rather than VAT. As a consequence, if GST is implemented at a regional level, thus interprovincial equity can be achieved with more equitable by empowering fiscal capacity by strengthening Gross Regional Domestic Product through an opsen system. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rabin Hattari
The thesis is a continuing forecast stiy of the two biggest taxes managed by
Indonesian?s Directorate General of Tax (Ditjen Paak)--lncome Taxes (PPh) and
Value Added Tax (PPN). In addition, the respond hopes to assist any revenue forecaster
on forecast analysis by introducing new conventional and unconventional ways.
Currently, the Ministry of Finance (DepKeu), in this case represented by
Ditjen Pajak and Agency for Fiscal Analysis (BAF) is responsible for revenue
forecasting in Indonesia. The existing forecasting practices used by Ditjen Pajak and
BAF based on a linear relationship between tax revenue and the macroeconomic
aggregates such as GDP, inflation rate, exchange rate, and others. This approach
seems to lack the fundamental economic relation that needs to show in any fiscal
forecasting. The best alternative and common international practice is to relate tax
revenue with its proxy base. For example, logically national consumption can act as a
reliable PPN?s base. As people increasingly consume goods and services, then PPN,
which is a tax on final domestic consumptiOn, will also increase. The economic theory
behind the movement can also assist any forecaster. For example, an increase in say
PPN rate will definitely affect the revenue. However, questions such as, the
eflèctivenesS of the rate change needs to be addressed. A good revenue forecaster
should take into account any changes in economic behavior.
The thesis employs the most commOn method of revenue forecasting
technique--Baseline forecasting, which is estimating of future revenues based on
current laws andlor decrees. The two types of baseline forecasting are macro models
(aggregate models) and micro models. For PPh, the report will only forecast macro
models, because of lack of ?good and unbiased micro database (i.e., a clean and
sufficient tax return database). On the other hand, PPN?s forecast analysis will have
both micro model and macro model, because of its sufficient micro and macro
The macro methodologies for PPh are elasticity, time-series model, and
monitoring, whereas the macro models for PPN are only time-series model and
monitoring. A regression analysis between tax receipt and GDP is practiced to find
the elasticity. The elasticity model will employ a stable relationship between the
growth of tax receipts and tir growth in the tax base. In addition, a dummy variable is
used to discover whether a tax reform has any impact on revenue collection. By using
the estimated of tax elasticity and forecasted growth rate of the tax base, a forecast of
the change in tax revenue can be obtained by simply multiplying the growth rate in
the tax base by the elasticity. The elasticity approach is feasible if there have been no
changes in the tax system (in rates, exemptions, and compliance) during a sufficiently
long period to permit estimation of its value. An alternative way is to discard the
concepts of tax elasticity and buoyancy and the economic basis of the revenue
equations in general. The new method is a time series analysis that will use a
regression analysis to exploit trends and correlations in the series of data for revenue
and the proxy base, including the autocorrelation in the tax revenue series. It does not
involve the assumption of an absence of tax changes, and it requires modest types and
qualities of data. The monitoring system works as a measurement of administrative
Estimating the PPh?s elasticity, the writer employs annual PPh?s data from
1984 to 1997, by taking into account the 1994 as the tax reform year. The results on
the pPh?s elasticity, the multiple regression analysis shows a linear relationship
between independent variables in the modeI?multicollinearity problem. This is
indicated by a relatively high R2 in the regression equation with few significant t
statistics. The presence of multicollinearity implies that there is no effect of 1994 tax
refbrm in PPh collection. The new estimated PPh elasticity of tax revenue with its
proxy base will not take into account the 1994 tax reform (i.e. GDP).
The time series model for both PPh and PPN will be a regression time series
model, which will utilize a quarterly data from 1989 to 2000. The model provides a
more sophisticated description of cause-and-effect relationship between the taxes and
their proxy bases (i.e. GDP for PPh and national consumption for PPN) and the
random matute of the process that generated the sample observations of the two taxes.
The result for PPh shows a significant relationship between PPh and GÐP. However,
the PPN?s result looks logically inconsistent with no significant relationship between
PPN and national consumption.. PPN?s regression time series model is not a fit model.
The monitoring analysis for both PPh and PPN serves as a management tool
that Ditjen Pajak can employ. It provides a flmdarnental inputs to both short- and
Long-term Ditjen Pajak planning.
PPN is the only tax that can accommodate micro model. The writer employs a
micro data that is input-output table, a statistical framework of indonesian economic
activities in a given period. Later, the writer will estimate the PPNs base before
estimating future revenue.
me shortcomings are lack of in depth economic study, statisticai problems
(e.g. multicollinearity, simultaneous equation problem, low confidence interval, and
fimited number of observations), and lack of scenario adjustments (e.g. impact of
WTC incident on the tax revenue).
The recommendations to counter these shortcomings are:
1. Setup the economic framework that accompanies any revenue forecasting
2. Expand the number observations to stabilize the elasticity3s multiple regression
model and regression time series model.
3. Setup a clean and reliable tax revenue database, which includes discretionary
changes eflèct for tax revenue.
4. Setup a statistics of income database, a database of sample of tax return. This is
important for niicrosiniulation modeling.
5. Includes performance targeting measurement, such as audit rate, percentage of
collection, and others as a monitoring tool.
6. Setup a sepaiate database for personal and corporate income taxes. These two
taxes have very different characters.
7. Take into account any endogenous and exogenous adjustments.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annastasya Larasati
"Masalah kesehatan di Indonesia cukup buruk terutama untuk masalah penyakit tidak menular yang mendominasi dari tahun ke tahun, dalam hal ini adalah diabetes yang prevalensi menurut Riset Kesehatan Dasar mencapai 2,0% untuk tahun 2018. Hal ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh konsumsi gula berlebihan lewat minuman berpemanis. Oleh sebab itu pemerintah butuh untuk melakukan intervensi dalam bentuk kebijakan fiskal dalam rangka mengendalikan konsumsi masyarakat dan mengkompensasi eksternalitas negatif yang ada dari segi kesehatan. Salah satu yang tepat untuk dilakukan adalah kebijakan ekstensifikasi barang kena cukai.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kesesuaian minuman berpemanis sebagai barang kena cukai baru jika dilihat dari teori Cnossen mengenai legal character cukai, selain itu penelitian ini juga menganalisis proses formulasi kebijakan yang sedang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam mewujudkan ekstensifikasi barang kena cukai, serta melakukan overview implementasi kebijakan cukai minuman berpemanis dari beberapa negara, yaitu Filipina, Thailand, Inggris, Perancis dan Irlandia.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cukai atas minuman berpemanis telah sesuai dengan legal character menurut Cnossen, yaitu selectivity in coverage, discrimination in intent, dan quantitative measurement. Selain itu, pemerintah telah melakukan proses formulasi kebijakan ekstensifikasi barang kena cukai atas minuman berpemanis. Hingga saat ini, proses perumusan kebijakan baru sampai di tahap agenda settingBerdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan terkait lima kebijakan cukai di negara yang bersangkutan, umumnya cukai minuman berpemanis dihitung berdasarkan kadar gula yang ada di dalam suatu minuman berpemanis.

Health problems in Indonesia are quite concerning, especially for non-communicable diseases that dominate from year to year, in this case is diabetes, which prevalence according to the research conducted by the Health Minsitry of Republic Indonesia reaches 2.0% for 2018. One of the cause is the excessive sugar consumption through sugar-sweetened beverages. Therefore the government needs to intervene in the form of fiscal policy in order to control public consumption and compensate for negative externalities that exist in terms of health. One of the right things to do is the extensification policy of goods subject to excise.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the suitability of sugar sweetened beverages as the new excise items when viewed from Cnossen's theory of the legal character of excise, this study also analyzed the process of policy formulation by the government in realizing the extensification of excise goods, as well as overviewing the implementation of sugar-sweetened beverage excise policies from several countries: Philippines, Thailand, United Kingdom, France and Ireland.
The results showed that excise on sweetened beverages was in accordance with character law according to Cnossen, namely selectivity in coverage, discrimination in intent, and quantitative measurement. In addition, the government has carried out a process of formulating a policy on extensification of excisable goods for sweetened beverages. Until now, the process of policy formulation has only arrived at the agenda setting stage. Based on data collected related to five excise policies in the country concerned, generally excise for sweetened beverages is calculated based on the sugar content in a sweetened beverage.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
F. Shinta Inandia Putri
"Penelitian ini membahas evaluasi perubahan kebijakan pungutan Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah (PPnBM) dan cukai pada Minuman Mengandung Etil Alkohol. Penelitian ini meneliti tentang evaluasi perubahan kebijakan PPnBM dan cukai atas MMEA dengan menggunakan empat kriteria yaitu biaya pemungutan pajak, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan efisiensi, kesederhanaan dan kewajaran penerimaan bagi pemerintah.
Pertanyaan penelitian ini yaitu apa yang menjadi latar belakang perubahan kebijakan atas PPnBM dan cukai atas MMEA dan bagaimana evaluasi perubahan kebijakan pemungutan PPnBM dan Cukai atas MMEA ditinjau dari prinsip pajak ideal. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif.
Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan biaya administrasi atau biaya kepatuhan pajak. Kenaikan tarif cukai atas MMEA membuat beberapa pabrik MMEA tutup dan peningkatan mutu MMEA dari produsen yang berhasil bertahan.. Pengadministrasian pemungutan cukai menjadi lebih sederhana dan dapat memprediksi jumlah penerimaannya.

This research discusses the evaluation of of policy change in sales tax on luxury goods and excise over ethyl alcohol beverage. The research is about evaluation of policy change in sales tax on luxury goods and excise over ethyl alcohol beverage by using four criterias which are economy in collection, economic growth and efficiency, simplicity and appropiate government revenue.
The research questions are what is the background of policy changes in sales tax on luxury goods and excise over ethyl alcohol beverage and how does the evaluation of policy changes in sales tax on luxury goods and excise over ethyl alcohol beverage with good tax policy principle. The study was descriptive qualitative research. This research used qualitative method.
The results of the research are no differences of the administrative cost and the complaince cost after the policy applied. The increase of excise rate cause some factory shut down and increase the quality of ethyl alcohol beverage. Administration of collecting excises are more simple than before. Using specific rate in excise lead to predictable revenues.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Etheldreda Listya Dewi
"Industri properti merupakan salah satu industri yang berkembang cukup pesat di Indonesia. Banyak potensi pajak yang dapat digali dari industri ini. Salah satunya adalah pengenaan Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah (PPnBM) khususnya atas hunian yang dikategorikan sebagai hunian mewah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan perubahan batasan pengenaan PPnBM atas hunian mewah dan menganalisis apakah aspek harga jual dapat dijadikan batasan pengenaan PPnBM. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis data kualitatif. Data kualitatif didapat dengan studi literature dan wawancara mendalam. Alasan dikeluarkannya perubahan batasan PPnBM untuk hunian mewah adalah untuk memenuhi asas keadilan, memaksimalkan penerimaan negara, dan untuk mengurangi tax avoidance pelaku usaha. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tentu saja harga jual dapat dijadikan batasan pengenaan PPnBM atas hunian mewah.

The property industry is one industry that is growing rapidly in Indonesia. Many potential taxes that can be extracted from this industry. One is the imposition of Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (Sales Tax), especially on residential categorized as residential mewah.The research aims to determine the reason of change the imposition of restrictions on sales tax on luxury residences and analyze whether aspects of the sales price can be imposition of restrictions sales tax The method used is qualitative method with qualitative analysis. The qualitative data obtained with the study of literature and in-depth interviews. Reason limits of plan changes sales tax for luxury residences is to meet the principles of fairness, maximize revenue, and to reduce tax avoidance businesses. Based on this, of course, the price can be imposition of restrictions sales tax on luxury residences."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabila Safira
"Dalam teori, pajak umumnya mengenal dua fungsi, yaitu fungsi budgeter untuk meningkatkan penerimaan dan fungsi regulerend untuk mengatur masyarakat dan mencapai tujuan tertentu. Ketika diatur ulang melalui Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 73 Tahun 2019, Pajak Penjualan Atas Barang Mewah (PPnBM) pada kendaraan bermotor diubah menjadi lebih didasarkan pada tingkat emisi dalam rangka mendorong penggunaan kendaraan bermotor yang hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan, dengan mengenakan dasar pengenaan pajak yang lebih besar terhadap kendaraan yang menghasilkan emisi lebih besar pula. Hal ini menyiratkan adanya tujuan pengendalian emisi dari PPnBM kendaraan bermotor, khususnya melalui fungsi regulerend. Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana penerapan PPnBM ditinjau dari fungsi budgeter dan fungsi regulerend dan bagaimana penerapan PPnBM Kendaraan Bermotor menurut PP No. 73 Tahun 2019 dapat berpengaruh terhadap emisi kendaraan bermotor. Penelitian ini ditulis dengan menggabungkan data sekunder berupa peraturan perundang-undangan dan studi pustaka dengan metode analisis doktrinal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PPnBM memiliki kedua fungsi budgeter maupun regulerend, adapun PPnBM kendaraan bermotor yang berlaku saat ini tidak berkaitan langsung dengan emisi, namun kaitan antara PPnBM dengan emisi dapat dipertegas melalui earmarking pendapatan PPnBM kendaraan bermotor.

In theory, taxes commonly know two functions, the budgeter function to increase revenue and the regulerend function to regulate people and achieve certain goals. When re-regulated through Government Regulation No. 73 of 2019, the Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) on motorized vehicles is modified to be based more on emission levels in order to encourage the use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly motor vehicles, by imposing a larger tax base on vehicles that produce more emissions. This implies the objective of controlling emissions of PPnBM on motor vehicles, particularly through the regulerend function. This study discusses how PPnBM is implemented according to the budgeter and regulerend functions and how the application of PPnBM on motorized vehicles, according to Government Regulation No. 73 of 2019, can affect motor vehicle emissions. This research is written by combining secondary data in the form of regulations and literature with a legal-doctrinal analysis method. The result of the study shows that PPnBM has both budgeter and regulerend functions, as for the current PPnBM on motorized vehicle is not directly related to emissions, but the connection between PPnBM and emissions can be emphasized through earmarking the revenue of PPnBM on motorized vehicles."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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