"This paper presents a study of sustainable rating systems for sustainable housing that have been developed by various countries around the world. The objective of this study is to develop a
framework for a rating system for housing development by taking into account local requirements. There are numerous sustainable rating systems for buildings and groups of buildings that have been developed and rating tools like Comprehensive Assessment System for
Building Environmental Efficiency (CASBEE), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), British Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), Green Building (GB) Tool and Green Star influential in the development of other
rating systems. Malaysia has recently launched a rating system for buildings called the Green Building Index (GBI). However, Malaysia has
yet to introduce a rating system for measuring sustainable practices in housing development. Hence, this paper reviews some available tools
related to the rating of housing developments for the purpose of developing one for Malaysia. Important factors for developing a tool for measuring sustainability practices should include
sustainability criteria that relates to the environment, society, economics, site/land use, communication, and transportation. An index for measuring sustainability in housing development will be developed to suit the local context. The formulated index will take into consideration the parameters in sustainable housing developed by various systems around the world. The index, called A Comprehensive Assessment System for Sustainable Housing (CASSH), will be available for further testing. "
[Fakultas Teknik UI, Universiti Sains Malaysia. School of Housing, Building and Planning], 2011