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Tokyo: Sophia University, 1972
332.67 FOR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nababan, Frida Yanti Putri
Pengembangan Solow Model pada negara dengan perekonomian terbuka menyatakan bahwa capital inflow akan memberikan kontribusi positif pada peningkatan output perekonomian melalui peningkatan tabungan yang tersedia untuk disalurkan sebagai investasi untuk meningkatkan aktifitas perekonomian. Mengetahui bahwa capital flow masuk ke Indonesia dalam tiga bentuk, yaitu investasi langsung (FDI), investasi portfolio, dan investasi lainnya, karya akhir ini memfokuskan penelitiannya pada investigasi empiris terhadap pengaruh dari capital inflow secara umum dan secara khusus pada output perekonomian Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan model estimasi Ordinary Least Square (OLS), ditemukan bahwa capital inflow secara umum, yang terdiri dari FDI dan invetasi portfolio, mempengaruhi peningkatan output perekonomian secara positif dan signifikan. Sementara itu, secara khusus, capital inflow dalam bentuk FDI berpengaruh positif dan signifikan. Sementara itu, capital inflow dalam bentuk investasi portfolio tidak mempengaruhi peningkatan output perekonomian.

The extension of Solow Model on open economies claims that capital inflow will present a positive contribution on increasing economic output through increasing saved funds that later will be allocated to be an investment to increase economic productivity. Knowing that capital flows into an economy takes in the form of foreign direct investment, portfolio investment, and other investment, this thesis focuses the research on how capital inflows, particularly those in the forms of foreign direct investment and portfolio investment, influence the domestic output in Indonesia. Using Ordinary Least Square method, the author finds that capital inflow as summation of foreign direct investment and portfolio investment, have a positive and significant contribution on increasing domestic economic output. More specifically, foreign direct investments have significantly positive contribution to economic output, whereas shorter termed portfolio investments are found insignificantly affecting the economic output.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Almira Salsabila
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh keberadaan Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi antar provinsi di Indonesia pada periode setelah krisis 1998 atau pada masa otonomi daerah. Pertumbuhan nasional yang sudah cukup tinggi pascakrisis belum menghasilkan pemerataan pendapatan antar provinsi. Kesiapan masing-masing provinsi dalam menghadapi otonomi daerah pun berbeda sehingga disparitas dapat menjadi lebih tajam. FDI diharapkan dapat menjadi engine of growth bagi provinsi-provinsi di Indonesia pada masa otonomi daerah. Namun hasil regresi terhadap model pertumbuhan menunjukkan tidak ditemukannya dampak positif FDI terhadap pertumbuhan. Provinsi harus memiliki kesiapan modal manusia agar keberadaan FDI berdampak positif bagi pertumbuhan ekonominya. Pada akhirnya, walaupun masih terdapat disparitas pendapatan regional, namun hasil analisis menggunakan teori konvergensi memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat kecenderungan daerah miskin dapat mengejar ketertinggalan dari daerah kaya.

This paper aims to analyze the effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on economic growth among provinces in Indonesia in the period after Financial Crisis of 1998 or in the period of regional autonomy. Although National growth is already high after the crisis, there are still income inequality across provinces. Readiness of each region to face regional autonomy is different that the disparity could be more severe. FDI is expected to be the engine of growth for the Indonesia provinces during the regional autonomy era. For FDI to have positive impact on economic growth, however, there is a need of readiness of human capital for each provinces. Finally, although there are regional income disparities, the results of the analysis using the convergence theory show that there exist a tendency for poorer regions to catch up with richer regions."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nwogugu, E.I.
Oceana: Manchester University Press , 1965
332.6 NWO l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tokyo : The Export-Import Bank of Japan, 1991
332.6 EXP e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dylan Thomas Carolus Lapya
"[Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dan menganalisisfaktor-faktor penentu dalam penanaman modal asmg(PMA) di Industri minyak dan gas Indonesia, serta dampak yang signifikan terhadap daya saing Indonesia. Aliran FDI telah meningkat secara dramatis dalam dua tahun terakhir. Namun, distribusi FDI sangat tidak merata dan persaingan antar negara untuk menarik investor asing sangatlah tinggi. Model konseptual dan hipotesis penelitian dikembangkan dan kerangka teori yang sudah ada. Data utama dikumpulkan melalui survei berbasis
kuantitatif, total 245 responden terlibat dalam penelitian mi yang merupakan karyawan yang bekerja di perusahaan minyak dan gas asing yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Analisis deskriptif disajikan untuk mengeksplorasi kinerja keseluruhan daya saing negara, serta hubungan antar variabel. Untuk meneliti hubungan antara variabel penentu dan daya saing, analisis faktor dilakukan untuk tujuan pengurangan data dan mempertahankan faktor terkuat. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi berganda. Penelitian menunjukkan Pemerintah, Infrastruktur, Lokasi dan Suinber Daya Man usia memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan daya saing Indonesia.

This study identifies and analyzes the determinant factors in foreign direct investment (FDI) Indonesian oil and gas and its significant impacts on Indonesia Competitiveness. The flow of FDI has increased dramatically in the last two years. However, the distribution of FDI is highly unequal and the competition among countries to attract foreign investors is high.On the basis of theoretical framework among the constructs, a conceptual model and hypotheses were developed. Primary data were collected through quantitative based survey from a total of245 samples were collected, from employee that worked in foreign oil and gas companies who operated in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis was presented to explore the overall performance of country competitiveness, as well as the relationship among variables. To investigate the relationship between FDI determinant variables and country competitiveness, factor analysis was performed for the purpose of data reduction and maintaining the strongest factor. Testing hypothesis has been done with multiple regression analysis. The findings showed Government, Infrastructure, Location and Human resources have a significant relationship with Indonesia Competitiveness.;This study identifies and analyzes the determinant factors in foreign direct investment (FDI) Indonesian oil and gas and its significant impacts on Indonesia Competitiveness. The flow of FDI has increased dramatically in the last two years. However, the distribution of FDI is highly unequal and the competition among countries to attract foreign investors is high.On the basis of theoretical framework among the constructs, a conceptual model and hypotheses were developed. Primary data were collected through quantitative based survey from a total of245 samples were collected, from employee that worked in foreign oil and gas companies who operated in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis was presented to explore the overall performance of country competitiveness, as well as the relationship among variables. To investigate the relationship between FDI determinant variables and country competitiveness, factor analysis was performed for the purpose of data reduction and maintaining the strongest factor. Testing hypothesis has been done with multiple regression analysis. The findings showed Government, Infrastructure, Location and Human resources have a significant relationship with Indonesia Competitiveness.;This study identifies and analyzes the determinant factors in foreign direct investment (FDI) Indonesian oil and gas and its significant impacts on Indonesia Competitiveness. The flow of FDI has increased dramatically in the last two years. However, the distribution of FDI is highly unequal and the competition among countries to attract foreign investors is high.On the basis of theoretical framework among the constructs, a conceptual model and hypotheses were developed. Primary data were collected through quantitative based survey from a total of245 samples were collected, from employee that worked in foreign oil and gas companies who operated in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis was presented to explore the overall performance of country competitiveness, as well as the relationship among variables. To investigate the relationship between FDI determinant variables and country competitiveness, factor analysis was performed for the purpose of data reduction and maintaining the strongest factor. Testing hypothesis has been done with multiple regression analysis. The findings showed Government, Infrastructure, Location and Human resources have a significant relationship with Indonesia Competitiveness., This study identifies and analyzes the determinant factors in foreign direct investment (FDI) Indonesian oil and gas and its significant impacts on Indonesia Competitiveness. The flow of FDI has increased dramatically in the last two years. However, the distribution of FDI is highly unequal and the competition among countries to attract foreign investors is high.On the basis of theoretical framework among the constructs, a conceptual model and hypotheses were developed. Primary data were collected through quantitative based survey from a total of245 samples were collected, from employee that worked in foreign oil and gas companies who operated in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis was presented to explore the overall performance of country competitiveness, as well as the relationship among variables. To investigate the relationship between FDI determinant variables and country competitiveness, factor analysis was performed for the purpose of data reduction and maintaining the strongest factor. Testing hypothesis has been done with multiple regression analysis. The findings showed Government, Infrastructure, Location and Human resources have a significant relationship with Indonesia Competitiveness.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarasanti Anindya Praba
"Penelitian ini menganalisa korelasi faktor-faktor ekonomi negara tujuan investasi terhadap aliran penanaman modal di beberapa negara. Analisa difokuskan pada penanaman modal asing pada industri manufaktur di Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina dan Thailand dan didasarkan pada data-data makroekonomi pada periode 1996 hingga 2001. Analisa korelasi faktor-faktor ekonomi negara tujuan yang meliputi: (a) nilai tukar mata uang, (b) luas pasar, (c) tingkat pertumbuhan, dan (d) tingkat penetrasi usaha asing terhadap penanaman modal asing di bidang manufaktur dilakukan untuk setiap negara dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi. Dengan menggunakan model regresi linier, analisis korelasi setiap variabel babas terhadap variabel terikat, yaitu tingkat penanaman modal asing, dilakukan secara terpisah untuk setiap variabel babas dan untuk masing-masing negara. Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan model regresi multipel keempat variabel babas secara bersama-sama dianalisa korelasinya terhadap tingkat penanaman modal asing. Hasil analisa regresi ini kemudian dibandingkan secara deskriptif untuk setiap negara.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam kasus aliran penanaman modal asing di sektor manufaktur untuk Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina dan Thailand, perbedaan tingkatan penanaman modal asing di negara-negara tersebut dapat dijelaskan dalam berbagai tingkatan oleh faktor-faktor ekonomi di negara tujuan, baik secara terpisah maupun gabungan. Faktor-faktor tersebut meliputi tingkat nilai tukar mata uang, besar pasar, tingkat pertumbuhan dan penetrasi usaha asing. Korelasi antar tiap faktor negara tujuan dengan tingkat penanaman modal asing menunjukkan arah korelasi yang berbeda antar negara. Hasil korelasi antar variabel menunjukkan hasil yang bertentangan dan juga mendukung penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian tidak menunjukkan signifikansi secara statistik.
Untuk penelitian mendatang yang mencoba menganalisa fenomena penanaman modal asing dan factor-faktor yang menentukan sebaiknya mempertimbangkan satu pendekatan yang lebih komprehensif dengan menyertakan faktor-faktor internal perusahaan penanam modal dan lokasi investasi sehingga keterkaitan antar berbagai faktor dan fenomena penanaman modal asing tersebut dapat dipahami secara lebih baik.

This thesis analyzes the correlations of host country economic factors to foreign investment flow and compares the correlations between countries. The analysis focuses on direct investment manufacturing in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine and Thailand, using macroeconomic data of the countries for the period of 1996 to 2001. Several host country economic factors, they are: (a) foreign exchange fluctuation, (b) market size, (c) level of development, and (d) penetration by foreign business were analyzed of their association to foreign equity investment made to the manufacturing sector in each country using regressions analysis method. The four independent variables were analyzed independently for their association with the dependent variables (foreign equity investment) using linear regression model in each country, and subsequently, using multiple regressions model, the four variables were jointly analyzed on their associations to foreign equity investment. Regression results were then descriptively compared to each country.
Findings of this study show that in the case of foreign equity investment flow to manufacturing sector in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine and Thailand, the variance of foreign equity investment in these countries can be explained in various degree by the host country economic factors (i.e. foreign exchange fluctuation, market size, level of development and penetration by foreign business), independently or jointly. The direction of the relationship between each host country factor to the equity investment varies from country to country. Contradicting and supporting results of the variable's associations also appear in the finding. The findings did not show significant statistic results.
Future studies attempting to examine foreign direct investment phenomenon and the determinant factors of such activity should consider a more comprehensive approach incorporating both MNC and location factors to understand the interplay of these factors better as well as to understand the phenomenon better.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmad Al Afghani
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peringkat kinerja reksa dana Batasa Batasa.Variabel yang digunakan adalah dua variabel babas yaitu prilaku investor dan marketing communication. Metode analisis desktptif dan menggunakan crosstabs. Dengan analisa deskriptif penulis akan menjelaskan kaitan antara faktor prilaku investor dan marketing communication dengan faktor kinerja reksa dana Batasa. Sampel yang diperoleh sebesar 30 sampel responden dari 168 investor reksa dana Batasa.
Uji KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) Measure of Sampling Adequancy pada kedua factor sebesar 0,741, sedangkan nilai Barlett's Test of Sphericity mempunyai nilai 233,402 dengan nilai signifikasi sebesar 0,000. Hal ini berarti semua faktor tersebut adalah valid sebagai yang mempengaruhi kinerja reksa dana Batasa syariah.
Dalam uji validitas kesemua faktor yang diuji telah valid dikarenakan nilai R hitung > R tabel 0,444. Uji reliabelitas diperoleh nilai 0,898, diatas 0,6 berarti semua variabel adalah reliable. Berdasarkan hasil tabulasi silang yang menggunakan uji chi square, antara status dan produk yang variatif memiliki hubungan yang signifikan sebesar 0,013 lebih dari 0,05 berarti Ho ditolak, antara dua variabel yang diuji ada hubungan.

The goal of this reseach is to find factor which is influences Batasa Capital mutual fund rating. Reseacher use two independent variable which are investor behaviour and marketing communication. From 168 Batasa Capital investor, researcher use 30 sample.
KMO test (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) Measure of Sampling Adequancy in two factor is 0,741, Barlett's Test of Sphericity had value 233,402 with signification value of 0,000. All factor are valid influence Batasa Capital mutual fund.
In validation test, researcher find all factor are valid because R count > R table. In crosstabs, researcher use chi square test. There are connection between status and variety product.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lund, Philip J.
Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1971
332.6 LUN i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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