"Singer, H. W. Early years (1910-1938).--Tinbergen, J. Equitable income distribution: a quantitative challenge.--Lewis, W. A. Development and distribution.--Jolly, R. Redistribution with growth.--Emmerij, L. and Ghai, D. Employment problems in developing countries: lessons from the world employment programme.--Bruton, H. J. Employment, productivity, and income distribution.--Streeten, P. Industrialisation in a unified development strategy.--Ady, P. Growth models for developing countries.--Stewart, F. Capital goods in developing countries.--Meier, G. M. Export substitution and multinational enterprises.--Patel, S. J. Collective self-reliance of developing countries.--Cairncross, A. The limitations of shadow rates.--Robinson, A. The economic development of Malthusia.--Seers, D. The political economy of national accounting.--Boerma, A. H. The evolution of international food aid policy.--Singh, T. Management of the Indian economy: a view in retrospect.--Seynes, P. de. The United Nations and technological change."
London: Macmillan Press , 1976
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