"Pendahuluan: Role Model dalam pendidikan kedokteran tidak hanya penting dalam meningkatkan pembelajaran, tetapi juga memengaruhi pilihan tempat tinggal dan karir mahasiswa. Karir mahasiswa kedokteran yang dapat dipilih salah satunya adalah menjadi dokter spesialis. Saat ini 30 provinsi di Indonesia masih kekurangan dokter spesialis dan studi memperlihatkan role model memiliki pengaruh dalam pilihan karir dokter spesialis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat hubungan antara persepsi mahasiswa terhadap role model dan pemilihan karir dokter spesialis.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan alat ukur kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan oleh Harun dkk. Instrumen telah melalui tahapan validasi, dimulai dari tahap telaah ahli oleh 6 panel ahli dan wawancara kognitif kepada 10 mahasiswa, Berikutnya dilakukan uji pilot kepada 30 mahasiswa dan analisis faktor yang melibatkan 170 mahasiswa, untuk kemudian dilakukan analisis kuantitatif untuk mengukur atribut persepsi role model yang berpengaruh pada pilihan karir dokter spesialis.
Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis faktor didapatkan 11 indikator persepsi mahasiswa terhadap dosen sebagai role model dan didapatkan seluruh faktor valid dengan faktor loading >0,45 dan reliabel dengan cronbach alpha 0,875. Terdapat 3 indikator persepsi dengan skor tertinggi, yaitu cara mengajarkan materi yang sulit agar dapat dimengerti, keterampilan klinis dan pengetahuan klinis. Hasil uji statistik memperlihatkan hubungan antara memiliki role model dengan keinginan memilih karir dokter spesialis (p value <0,05), terdapat hubungan antara cara dosen menghargai junior/mahasiswa, cara mengajarkan materi yang sulit agar dapat dimengerti dan keterampilan klinis dosen dengan mahasiswa memiliki role model (p value <0,05), serta terdapat hubungan antara cara dosen merespon kebutuhan mahasiswa dan keterampilan klinis dosen dengan keinginan memilih karir dokter spesialis (p value <0,05).
Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini memperlihatkan persepsi mahasiswa dalam mempertimbangkan pemilihan role model menunjukkan indikator keterampilan klinis secara konsisten selalu muncul baik dalam skoring kuesioner, maupun analisis statistik. Penelitian ini juga telah menghasilkan suatu kuesioner yang valid dan reliabel.
Introduction: Role models in medical education are not only important in improving learning, but also influence students' choices of residence and career. One of the careers that medical students can choose is to become a specialist doctor. The current condition of Indonesia is that 30 provinces still lack specialist doctors and several literatures show that role models have an influence on the career choices of specialist doctors. The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between students' perceptions of role models and the choice of specialist doctor careers.Method: This study used a cross-sectional design with a questionnaire measuring instrument adapted from previous research conducted by Harun et al. which were validated through various stages, starting from expert review by 6 expert panels and cognitive interviews with 10 students. Then a pilot test was conducted on 30 students and factor analysis was conducted involving 170 students, of which the data was then subjected to quantitative analysis to measure the role model perception attributes that influence the career choices of specialist doctors.Result: Based on factor analysis, 11 indicators of student perceptions towards lecturers as role models were obtained, all factors were valid with loading factors >0.45 and reliable with a Cronbach alpha of 0.875. There were 3 perception indicators with the highest scores, namely how to teach difficult material so that it can be understood, clinical skills and clinical knowledge. The results of statistical tests showed a relationship between having a role model and the desire to choose a specialist doctor career (p value <0.05), there was a relationship between the way lecturers respect juniors/students, how to teach difficult material so that it can be understood and the clinical skills of lecturers with students having role models (p value <0.05), and there was a relationship between the way lecturers respond to student needs and the clinical skills of lecturers with the desire to choose a specialist doctor career (p value <0.05).Conclusion: This study shows that clinical skills indicators consistently appears, both in questionnaire scoring and statistical analysis, as a factor which relates to students' perceptions in considering a role model. This study has also produced a valid and reliable questionnaire."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2025