"There are many theory about the growth of craniofacial that proposed by any scientist with different understanding background. The genetic theory described that genes determine all. Dominace Sutural theory according to Sicher, said that primary event in sutural growth is the proliferation of the connective tissue between the two bones. The nasal septum theory from Scot showed that cartilage is a more pressure-tolerant tissue than the vascular-sensitive sutures. It presumably has the developmental capacity to expansively push the whole nasomaxillary complex downward and forward. Moss hypothesis suggest that bone and cartilage lack growth determination and grow in response to intrinsic growth of associated tissues. The associated tissues call "functional matrices". Each component of a functional matrices perform a necessary service-such as respiration, mastication, speech, while the skeletal tissue support and protect the associated functional matrices. Functional matrices consist of periosteal and capsuler. Besides that, there are many factors to control craniofacial growth, such as natural and disruptive. The natural factors include function, general body growth, neurotrophism. While disruptive is orthodontic forces, surgery, malnutrition, malfunction, gross craniofacial anomalies."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library