"Program Promosi Kesehatan merupakan salah satu program pokok pembangunan kesehatan, untuk penatalaksanaan promosi kesehatan tersebut oleh Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia tahun 1996 disusun Strategi Peningkatan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (SP2HBS) yang ditujukan agar terjadi perubahan perilaku hidup yang bersih dan sehat. Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) meliputi 5 tatanan yaitu tatanan di rumah tangga, institusi pendidikan, institusi kesehatan, tempat umum dan tempat kerja.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan intervensi pelatihan PHBS terhadap pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku dari petugas promosi kesehatan puskesmas di Kota Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan quasi experimental, dengan jumlah sampel 26 orang petugas promosi kesehatan puskesmas dari 26 puskesmas di Kota Depok. Metode pelatihan yang dipilih adalah metode ceramah, tanya jawab dan dinamika kelompok.
Hasil intervensi pelatihan PHBS secara umum menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku petugas berbeda yaitu meningkat secara bermakna ;.setelah pelatihan dibanding sebelum pelatihan, pada kemaknaan a < 0,05 dengan p.value 0,045.. Kesimpulan dari penilitian ini adalah bahwa intervensi pelatihan PHBS berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku petugas promosi kesehatan Puskesmas se Kota Depok.
Agar dapat mewujudkan peningkatan PHBS di tatanan institusi kesehatan maka disarankan kepada petugas promosi kesehatan puskesmas untuk melaksanakan pelatihan manajemen PHBS di tatanan institusi kesehatan dan membuat jadwal kegiatan program PHBS. Untuk puskesmas se Kota Depok disarankan membuat surat tugas untuk petugas promosi kesehatan puskesmas secara khusus (tidak tugas rangkap), deseminasi informasi program PHBS, melaksanakan manajemen promosi kesehatan melalui 4 fungsi tahapan manajemen promosi kesehatan puskesmas, membuat uraian tugas bagi petugas promosi kesehatan puskesmas, dan meningkatkan serta mempertahankan hasil penilaian klasifikasi PHBSnya. Untuk Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok disarankan melembagakan pelatihan yang berkesinambungan bagi petugas promosi kesehatan puskesmas, menyediakan sarana yang diperlukan, melakukan bimbingan pelakasanaan pengkajian PHBS, monitoring evaluasi pelaksanaan PHBS, membantu proses penilaian, dan menindakianjuti hasil penilaian PHBS. Bagi peneliti lain diharapkan dapat melakukan penelitian secara bertingkat, studi kualitatif dan kuantitatif, atau melakukan eksperimental murni.
Daftar bacaan: 35 (1979 - 2003)
Effect from Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Training toward Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior of Health Promotion Staff at Health Center in Depok City, West Java, 2003Health promotion program is one of the main health development program an to manage its program the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Republic of Indonesia has prepared Strategy of Increasing Clean and Healthy Life Behavior in 1996. The program encompasses 5 issues as follows: education institution, health institution, public facility, and work place. As mentioned by Green (1980) that health promotion is combination of health education, health service, organization resource, and health environment effort that aims to generate the behavior that is valuable to the health.The objective of this study was to assess the effect of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Training toward knowledge, attitude, and behavior of health promotion staff of health center in Depok City. This study used a quasi-experimental research design and took 26 health promotion staffs as samples out of 26 health centers in Depok City. The methods that used in this study were lecture, discussion, and group dynamic.The result of the study showed that generally there was a significant relationship between the staffs knowledge and Clean and Healthy Life Behavior with alpha <0.05 (p value--0.000) as well as between the staffs behavior and Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (p value=0,000). Nevertheless, the result showed that there was no significant relationship between the staff's attitude and Clean and Healthy Life Behavior. In addition, there was a negative attitude change toward the lecture using cassette radio and group education at health center. The study concluded that Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Training affected to the knowledge and behavior of health promotion staff at health center in Depok City.In order to accomplish the increase of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior surrounding health institution, it was recommended to conduct Clean and Healthy Life Behavior and to arrange the schedule of program. Besides, for all health centers in Depok City should conduct dissemination of information of the program, apply management of health promotion through 4 levels of function of health promotion in health center, set out the job description for health promotion staff in health center, and improve the evaluation result of the program as well. In addition, Health Office of Depok City should propose to publish regional regulation of health promotion, make the director regulation for health promotion staff of health center, provide the needed facilities, give technical assistance to the program, monitor and evaluate the program, facilitate the evaluation process, and follow up the evaluation result.References: 35 (1979-2003)"