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Ditemukan 10881 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jensen, J. Trygve
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982
610.69 JEN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kerridge, Ian
Katoomba, N.S.W : Social Science Press, 1998
174.290 73 KER e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Judson, Karen, 1941-
""Law and Ethics for the Health Care Professions illustrates the numerous legal and ethical issues that health care professionals face every day. The topics are derived from real-life experiences and dilemmas from a variety of health care practitioners. Through the use of learning outcomes, key terms, ethics issues, chapter reviews, case studies, Internet activities, court cases, and video vignettes, students hear from health care practitioners in various locations throughout the United States as they encounter legal and ethical problems and situations. Students will practice critical thinking skills to decide how to resolve the real-life situations or theoretical scenarios, determine why the court made a particular ruling and decide how the issues are relevant to the health care profession they will practice."-"
New York: McGra-Hill Connect Learn Succeed, 20103
174.2 JUD l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiwiek Pudjiastuti
"Analysis on the Compliance Rate of Health Personnel towards the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness at DKI Jakarta Health Center Year 2001The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the World Health Organization, since 1997, has developed an approach in managing sick child under-five at the primary health services known as Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI). Today, IMCI has been implemented in 26 provinces (of 30 provinces present) covering 128 districts/municipalities in Indonesia.
The province of DKI Jakarta, using regional budget 2000, has started socializing the IMCI to 14 health centers in 5 regions of Jakarta. How is the compliance of health worker in implementing the IMCI has never been studied.
The objective of this study is to have a outline information on factors related to the health worker's compliance towards IMCI implementation at HC in Jakarta. The study will use "cross-sectional" design with quantitative and qualitative approach and total sample of 23 IMCI-implement health workers. Data collection is conducted by direct observation to the health workers during sick child examination using a checklist. After the observation, the health workers will fill in a questionnaire. Some secondary data will also be collected using the checklist for Monitoring IMCI record and checklist for supporting facilities.
The result of the study shows that of 23 IMCI-implement health workers in DKI Jakarta 21.72% comply with interval value 58.61% - 90.28%, with cut off point value 80. The Internal factors is proven to have significant correlation with health worker's compliance with p = 0.04. While the external factors is proven to have significant correlation with human resources/MMCI facilities with p = 0.02 and leader's commitment with p = 0.009.
In conclusion, the compliance rate of HC personnel in DKI Jakarta towards IMCI has not adequate. It is suggested to the Provincial Health Services DKI Jakarta to provide a health policy in managing sick child under-five using IMCI approach and at the same time improving quality of its monitoring and supervision.
Health Center needs to have a clear task description for each of their personnel and a continued monitoring/supervision. A reward system should also be considered. The Ministry of Health needs to review the IMCI Monitoring and Supervision Checklist also considers Cut of Point of IMCI compliance rate and finalizing the Essential Drug for IMCI."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Muhamad
"Dalam upaya untuk pemerataan pelayanan kesehatan bagi seluruh masyarakat, pendayagunaan tenaga kesehatan seeara rasional sangat diper1ukan. Pemerintah mengatur penempatan tenaga kesehatan melalui program penugasan khusus ke daerah perbatasan. Upaya pemetataan dan penempatan tenaga melalui penugasan khusus untuk ditugaskan di fasilitas kesehatan seperti Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas, di daerah terpencillsangat terpeneil, daerah rawan bencanalkonflik dan perbatasan mempunyai nilai strategis dalam menye1enggarakan program kesehatan. Peron dan keberadaan tenaga medis sangat besar pengaruhnya dalam pemeriksaan dan mutu pelayanan kesehatan, sebingga Departemen Kesehatan mengembangkan kebijakan tenaga medis melalui Masa Bakti dengan dikeluarlkannya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 1 Tahun 1988 tentang Masa Balrti dan Praktek Dokter dan Dokter Gigi sebagal pe1aksanaan dari pemturan tersebut diterbilkan Keputusan Presiden daerah sehingga masih adanya kesenjangan antara jumlah kebutuhan dan jumlah tenaga medis yang benninat dan mau ditugaskan di daerah terpencil sangat terpencil, perbatasan dan pulau terluar. Penugasan khusus tenaga kesehatan ke daerah perbatasan tidak dapat secara langsung mengakibatkan keberbasilan penurunan angka mortalitas dan mobilitas, karena penduduk di daerah perbatasan sangat kecil sehingga tidak berpengaruh terhadap pernbahan angka mortalitas dan angka mobilitas. Asumsi asumsi masih menggunakan kebijakan-kebijakan penempatan tenaga medis dalarn keadaan khusus seperti keadaan bencana, konflik, daerah terpencillsangat terpencil, masa bakti dan eara lain.
Saran utama yang diajukan kepada pembuat kebijakan adalah penyusunan kebutuhan tenaga keaehatan di daerah perbatasan haadaknya tidak haaya berdasarkan tuntutan kompetensi jenis tenaga yang dibutubkan tetapi perlu dilakekan secara terpadu (integrated} dan memperhatikan berbagai faktor terutama kondisi wilayah daerah dengan asas desentra1isasi sesuai kemampuan dan kondisi daerah. Segera dibahas dan dibentuk kebijakan khusus tentang penempatan khusus tenaga kesehatan di daerah perbatasan. Pola pengernbangan karier tenaga kesehatan pasca penugasan perlu dilakukan secara seimbang antara kepentingan organisasi dengan kepentingan tenaga medis itu sendiri baik jangka pendek maupnn jangka panjang."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dista Karlita
"Persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan merupakan faktor penting dalam upaya menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI). Cakupan pertolongan oleh tenaga kesehatan di Kelurahan Cimahpar Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bogor Utara sebesar 71,9% masih di bawah target SPM.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor pada ibu bersalin yang berhubungan dengan cakupan pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan di Kelurahan Cimahpar Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bogor Utara tahun 2015. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan data primer yang dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 80 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 61,3% persalinan ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan dan 38,8% ditolong oleh tenaga non kesehatan.
Dari hasil uji statistik menunjukkan ada hubungan antara tingkat pendidikaan ibu, sikap terhadap pelayanan kesehatan, pendapatan keluarga, dan persepsi kebutuhan kesehatan yang dirasakan dengan pemilihan penolong persalinan. Sedangkan umur, paritas, kunjungan ANC , kepemilikan jaminan kesehatan, dan akses pelayanan kesehatan tidak teridentifikasi berhubungan secara signifikan.

Deliveries by health professionals is an important factor in efforts to reduce maternal mortality. The scope of deliveries by health professionals in Cimahpar District the Work Area of North Bogor Health Center is 71,9% and still under target.
The aim of this study is to find out maternity factors related to selection helper delivery in Cimahpar District the Work Area of North Bogor Health Center 2015. Cross Sectional approach was used with primary data that collected by spread out the questionnaire to 80 respondents. The results showed that 61,3% of births attended by health professional and 38,8% of births attended by non health professional.
From statistic results showed there are relationships between education level, attitude toward health care, family income, and perceptions to need of health service with the utilization of delivery assistance by health professionals. For age, parity, Antenatal Care visit, property insurance, and access of health service, was not significantly associated.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Euis Nurhayati
"Infeksi Nosokomial merupakan infeksi yang terjadi di Rumah Sakit setelah pasien dirawat lebih dari tiga hari. infeksi ini menjadi masalah besar pada setiap rumah sakit, di Amerika angka kejadian infeksi nosokomial mencapai rata-rata 6 persen. Di Indonesia, beberapa hasil survailens menunjukkan angka kejadian infeksi nosokomial berkisar 1 -15 persen, dengan angka kejadian infeksi paling tinggi di bagian bedah.
Kejadian infeksi nosokomial dapat memberikan kerugian, baik terhadap pasien, Rumah Sakit maupun terhadap tenaga kesehatannya. Selain hari rawat akan bertambah dan biaya perawatan tinggi, pasien akan mengalami gangguan fungsi tubuh dari yang paling ringan sampai gangguan berat pada seluruh sistem tubuh. Oleh karenanya, angka kejadian infeksi nosokomial ini telah digunakan sebagai salah satu tolok ukur mutu pelayanan Rumah Sakit.
Untuk mengantisipasi keadaan tersebut, pada tahun 1987 telah dimulai upaya pengendalian infeksi nosokomial dengan menunjuk lima Rumah Sakit Umun Pusat untuk dijadikan Rumah Sakit rujukan pengendalian infeksi nosokomial, termasuk diantaranya RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Lingkup kegiatannya mencakup pelatihan tim pengendalian infeksi nosokomial, penyusunan komite pengendalian infeksi nosokomial , penyusunan standar operasional prosedur, surveilens, dan pelaksanaan tindakan pencegahan. Program ini bertujuan membentuk perilaku petugas kesehatan agar tetap patuh dalam melaksanakan tindakan medic atau keperawatan, dan pengendalian lingkungan dalam upaya pencegahan infeksi nosokomial.
Prioritas pengendalian infeksi nosokomial di RSVP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung adalah pencegahan infeksi luka operasi yang memiliki angka kejadian infeksi nosokomial paling tinggi di bagian bedah. Kegiatan pengendaliannya mencakup tindakan pencegahan sebelum pasien di operasi, selama pasien di operasi dan sesudah pasien di operasi.
Atas dasar hal tersebut diatas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktorfaktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku kepatuhan petugas kesehatan dalam pencegahan infeksi nosokomial luka operasi di bagian bedah RSUP Dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan survai kros-seksional survei, menggunakan responden tenaga dokter dan perawat yang bekerja di bagian rawat inap bedah dan kamar operasi RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Pengambilan total sampel adalah sebanyak 117 responden dan pertigumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi tindakan medis 1 keperawatan dan wawancara.
Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan univariat, Kai-kuadrat untuk melihat hubungan variabel dependen dengan variabel independen, dan untuk mengetahui variabel independen yang paling berhubungan dilakukan uji multivariat regresi logistik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya hubungan antara perilaku kepatuhan petugas kesehatan dengan latar belakang pendidikan petugas kesehatan yang tinggi, pengetahuan petugas yang balk, dan sikap petugas kesehatan yang balk dan pengawasan yang baik umumnya dapat melakukan tindakan pencegahan infeksi nosokomial luka operasi yang baik pula.
Rata-rata tingkat kepatuhan petugas kesehatan dalam pencegahan infeksi nosokomial tersebut di bagian bedah. RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung adalah 40,2 % baik, 39,3 % sedang, dan 21,5 % kepatuhan rendah. Variabel pengawasan tim menunjukkan hubungan paling bermakna terhadap perilaku petugas kesehatan dalam pengendali infeksi nosokomial tersebut. Dengan pengawasan yang baik, petugas kesehatan mempunyai peluang untuk patuh melaksanakan pencegahan infeksi nosokomial mencapai 89 persen.
Keberadaan tim pengendali infeksi nosokomial di Rumah Sakit memberikan dampak yang cukup baik bagi terwujudnya perilaku kepatuhan petugas kesehatan dalam pencegahan infeksi nosokomial luka operasi.

Nosocomial infection is an infection on patient which occured after care more than three days. This infection become a big problem for every hospital, in America, it have achieved average occurance value of 6 percent for nosocomial infection. In Indonesia, some surveilens results showed the occurence value of nosocomial infection was about 1-15 percent with the highest occurance at the surgical division.
The occurance nosocomial infection could gave disadvantages directly to the patients, hospitals, and also health providers. Besides a long stay care and expensive cost, the patient will faced problem of body faction systems, either from light to heavy disturbances. So that, the occurance value of nosocomial infections was use as measures of quality services of hospital.
To antisipate those conditions, in 1997, it .was started the preventing effort of nosocomial infection with address to five hospitals center as reference to prevent those infections, including for the RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Scope activities covered training for the prevention team, commitee arragement, standard arragement for operational procedure of preventing nosocomial infections, and surveilens.
The prevention priority ofnosocomial infection in RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung is to prevent of wounds which have highest occurance value for nososcomial infection at the surgical division. Those activities also covered preventive measures of the patient before operation, during the operation, and after the operation process.
Based on the above mentions, the objectives of this research was to obtain information concerning factors which retalted to compliance behavior of health providers in preventing nosocomial infections of wounds at the surgical division of RSVP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung.
The research was conducted through the activities of cross sectional survey, using respondents of medical doctors and nurces which worked at division of surgical care stayed and the operation room in RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. The total samples were 117 respondents, and data collection was done through observation of medical I nursing activities and also the discussion.
Statistical analysis used distribution frequencies and Xi-square analysis to find the relationship among the dependance variable and each independance variables. However, multivariate analysis with the logistic regression was also use to find a dominance independence variable which gave the highest relation.
The research results showed there was significant relationships among compliance behavior of health providers with education level, knowledge, attitudes of health providers, and the monitoring team. The health providers which have higher level education, better knowledge, and better attitudes were usually done better in preventing nosocomial infection of wounds.
The average value of compliance behavior for health providers in preventing nosocomial infections at the surgical division of RSUP Dr, Hasan Sadikin Bandung were 40.2 % better, 39.3 % fair, and 21,5 % low, respectively. The role of monitoring team gave better relationships to the behavior of health providers in preventing those nosocomial infections. The compliance behavior of health providers could be improve to 89 percent in preventing nosocomial infection, through better team monitoring activities.
The availability team of preventing nosocomial infection in the hospitals gave better impacts on the improving compliance behavior of health providers to prevent nosocomial infection of the wounds.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Routledge , 1999
174.2 ETH
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mimi Oktami
"Perencanaan sumber daya manusia merupakan fungsi utama yang harus dilakukan dalam organisasi, guna menjamin tersedianya tenaga kerja yang tepat untuk menduduki berbagai posisi, jabatan dan pekerjaan yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat. Salah satu metode dalam perencanaan kebutuhan tenaga kesehatan di instansi adalah dengan metode Workload Indicators of Staffing Needs (WISN).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan dokter umum dengan menggunakan metode Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) melalui observasi menggunakan tehnik work sampling di Poli Umum Puskesmas Kecamatan Pademangan Jakarta Utara Tahun 2018.
Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2018. Sampel penelitian ini adalah tiga orang dokter umum di Poli Umum Puskesmas Kecamatan Pademangan Jakarta Utara.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa waktu kerja tersedia bagi dokter umum di Poli Umum Puskesmas Kecamatan Pademangan adalah 76.620 menit/tahun di Poli Umum. Dengan standar beban kerja terbesar dokter umum di Poli Umum per tahun sebesar 29583,01 pelayanan medik dengan waktu penyelesaian kegiatan pelayanan medik adalah 2,59 menit per satu kali layanan. Standar tugas penunjangnya adalah 1,82. Hasil perhitungan WISN didapatkan kelebihan tenaga satu orang dokter. Diperlukan peningkatan kualitas layanan dengan mengevaluasi standar mutu layanan.

Human resource planning is the main function that must be carried out in the organization, to ensure the availability of the right workforce to regulate various positions, positions and the right job at the right time. One of methods in planning the needs of health workers in institutions is the Workload Indicators of Staffing Needs (WISN) method.
This study discusses the needs of general practitioners by using the Workload Indicators of Staffing Needs (WISN) through observation using work sampling technique at the General Poly of the Public Health Center of Pademangan District, North Jakarta in 2018.
This study uses a qualitative type of research with descriptive design. This research was conducted in December 2018. The sample of this study were three general practitioners at the General Poly District Health Center of Pademangan District, North Jakarta.
The results of this study indicate that the working time for general practitioners at the General Police of Pademangan District Public Health Center is 76,620 minutes / year at General Poly. With the workload standard of the practitioner at General Police per year was 29583.01 medical services with medical service approval time was 2.59 minutes per one time service. The supporting task standard was 1.82. The results of the WISN calculations obtained were by the strength of one doctor. Improved service quality is needed by evaluating service quality standards.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sundari Wirasmi
"Kepatuhan petugas terhadap standard operating procedure pelayanan dapat membantu mengurangi risiko kesalahan dan meningkatkan keselamatan pasien. Sejak akreditasi tahun 2017 di Puskesmas Kalijaga Permai belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi kepatuhan petugas terhadap standard operating procedure pelayanan rawat jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepatuhan petugas terhadap standard operating procedure pelayanan rawat jalan di Puskesmas Kalijaga Permai dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus dengan kerangka teori kepatuhan diadaptasi dari theory of planned behavior, theory of knowledge, attitude dan practice serta theory of compliance. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepatuhan petugas terhadap Standar Operating Procedure pelayanan rawat jalan di Puskesmas Kalijaga Permai walaupun secara umum sudah baik namun masih terdapat beberapa ketidakpatuhan oleh petugas di bagian kesehatan ibu dan anak, pendaftaran dan balai pengobatan umum. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan petugas terhadap standard operating procedure rawat jalan yaitu pengetahuan, sikap, dan sarana. Upaya perbaikan kepatuhan petugas terhadap standard operating procedure pelayanan rawat jalan diperlukan dengan cara peningkatan kepatuhan petugas antara lain pengawasan oleh pimpinan puskesmas, audit internal terkait kepatuhan, serta penguatan komitmen pada jam buka dan tutup pelayanan.

Compliance of personnel with standard operating procedures (SOP in healthcare services can help reduce the risk of errors and improve patient safety. Since the accreditation in 2017 at Kalijaga Permai Community Health Center (Puskesmas), there has been no evaluation of the compliance of personnel with the SOPfor outpatient care. This research aims to analyze the compliance of personnel with the SOP for outpatient care at Kalijaga Permai Puskesmas and the influencing factors. The research adopts a qualitative approach with a case study design, using a theoretical framework of compliance adapted from the theory of planned behavior, theory of knowledge, attitude, and practice, as well as the theory of compliance. The results of this research indicate that although the overall compliance of personnel with the SOP for outpatient care at Kalijaga Permai Puskesmas is good, there are still some non-compliance issues among personnel in the Maternal and Child Health, registration, and General Health Clinic departments. The factors influencing the compliance of personnel with the SOP for outpatient care include knowledge, attitude, and facilities. Efforts to improve the compliance of personnel with the SOP for outpatient care are needed, including increased supervision by the Puskesmas management, internal audits related to compliance, and strengthening commitment to the opening and closing hours of service."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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