ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah terdapat hubungan antara adolescent-parent career congruence dan efikasi diri pengambilan keputusan karier pada siswa kelas X SMA. Dalam penelitian ini, adolescent-parent career congruence divariasikan menjadi adolescent-father career congruence dan adolescent-mother career congruence karena ada perbedaan peran ayah dan ibu. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 176 siswa kelas X SMA yang telah menerapkan kurikulum 2013 di Depok dengan teknik accidental sampling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan baik adolescentfather career congruence maupun adolescent-mother career congruence dengan efikasi diri pengambilan keputusan karier. Akan tetapi, tidak ditemukan perbedaan antara adolescent-father career congruence dan adolescent-mother career congruence. Hasil penelitian didiskusikan lebih lanjut kaitannya dengan teori dan penelitian sebelumnya.
ABSTRACTThis study examined correlation between adolescent-parent career congruence and career decision making self efficacy from first entry high school student. Based on existing role differences between father and mother, adolescent-parent congruence is divided into adolescent-father career congruence and adolescent-mother career congruence mother. There are 176 high school students who participated in this study origin from school which has implemented curriculum of 2013 in Depok by accidental sampling technique.
The results showed that there were significant positive relationships both adolescent-father career congruence and adolescentmother career congruence with career decision making self efficacy. However, no differences were found between adolescent-father career congruence and adolescent-mother career congruence. The results are discussed further in relation to theory and previous research."