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London: The Lancet, 1928"
614.422 MOD
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lumempouw, Sylvia Francina
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai efektivitas dan keamanan Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor Galantamine pada penderita Alzheimer dan Alzheimer?s Disease (AD) yang disertai dengan penyakit serebrovaskular (AD+CVD atau Mixed Dementia). Galantamine diberikan selama 6 bulan pada 28 penderita AD dan AD + CVD. Evaluasi kognitif dilakukan dengan menggunakan Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Restricted Reminding (RR), Neuropsycholgy Assessment, evaluasi fungsi global dengan Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), evaluasi perubahan perilaku dengan Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI). Hasil penelitian pada 28 penderita AD dan AD + CVD, Galantamine memberikan perbaikan fungsi kognitif yang bermakna secara klinis maupun statistik setelah terapi 6 bulan dibandingkan data dasar awal (skor MMSE p<0.05, skor RR p<0.05, NA p<0.05), perbaikan fungsi global (CDR p<0.05) dan perbaikan gejala perilaku (NPI p<0.05). Efek samping ringan (32%) mual-mual dan anokresia terjadi saat titrasi dosis obat dan dapat diatasi dengan domperidone. Disimpulkan bahwa Galantamine efektif memberikan perbaikan fungsi kognitif, fungsi global, gejala perilaku dan aman serta dapat ditoleransi dengan baik. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:94-100).

This study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor Galantamine (Reminyl®) for patients with Alzheimer?s Disease (AD) and Alzheimer?s Disease with cerebrovascular Disease (AD+CVD or mixed Dementia). A 6-month open label observational study of Galantamine has been conducted on 28 patients with AD and AD+CVD patients. Primary endpoints were cognitive performance as assessed using the Mini Mental Scale Examination (MMSE), the Restricted Reminding Test), the Neuropsychology Assessment, the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) to assess global function and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) to assess behavioral symptoms. Patients were also monitored for safety evaluation. Six month Galantamine group had a significant better outcome of cognitive performance, global function and behavioral symptoms compared with the baseline data as were assessed using the MMSE (p<0.05), the Restricted Reminding (p<0.05), the Neuropsychology Assessment (p<0.05), the CDR (p<0.05) and the NPI (p<0.05). Minimal adverse events (32%) were anorexia and nausea. It is concluded that Galantamine has a significant benefit to improve cognitive, global function, behavioral symptoms and only caused minimal adverse events. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:94-100)."
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Lancet, 1926
R 617 MOD I
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Lancet, 1926
R 617 MOD II
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Lancet, 1927
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Rabbani Rahim
"Bioburden merupakan parameter penilaian penting dalam kualitas produk steril. Dengan mengetahui adanya beban cemaran mikro maka akan dapat diketahui gambaran mutu produk sediaan steril sebelum dan setelah melewati proses sterilisasi nantinya. PT. Harsen Laboratories sendiri merupakan industri manufaktur farmasi di Indonesia dengan produksi sediaan injeksi terbesar di Indonesia dimana untuk menjamin kualitas sediaan injeksi yang diproduksi ialah dengan menjalankan pengujian bioburden pada tiap-tiap produk injeksi. Prosedur penyusunan protap bioburden dimulai dari suprevisor Andev menyusun dan merevisi prosedur pengujian bioburden kemudian diperiksa oleh Manajer RnD sub departemen Andev dan Packdev untuk memastikan prosedur pengujian bioburden dapat berjalan dengan baik. Protap pengujian bioburden dapat dilakukan dengan 2 metode, yaitu metode membran filtrasi dan metode cawan tuang dimana kedua metode ini harus dilakukan oleh analis QC terlatih dan mengikuti prosedur yang terlampir secara jelas di dalam protap dan lembar kerja pengujian bioburden.
Penyakit kardivoaskular ialah gangguan yang terjadi pada jantung dan pembuluh darah. Permasalahan yang sering timbul terkait penyakit ini ialah pengobatan yang bervariasi terutama dari sisi penggunaan obat yang beragam dimana keragaman dari efek samping dan interkasi pada peresepan obat-obatan tersebut juga meningkat. Sebagai seorang tenaga kesehatan yang profesional di bidang farmasi, apoteker berkewajiban untuk mengkaji terlebih dahulu resep yang masuk untuk menghindari kesalahan pemberian obat-obatan. Frekuensi masuknya resep untuk pengobatan penyakit kardiovaskular cukup banyak terutama di Apotek Roxy Biak yang terletak di pusat ibukota, yaitu kota Jakarta Pusat. Hasil skrining resep kardiovaskular pada penulisan laporan ini ialah kajian administratif dalam penulisan resep yang diterima di apotek Roxy Biak sudah cukup lengkap, namun ada beberapa informasi yang kurang dimana apoteker dapat menggali informasi lewat komunikasi untuk memverifikasi resep. Kesesuaian farmasetik dari obat-obatan kardiovaskular yang diberikan juga sudah cukup jelas dan pertimbangan klinik yang harus dipantau dari resep kardiovaskular yang masuk ialah harus memantau efek samping obat dan memantau terapi obat yang dikonsumsi pasien.

Bioburden is an important assessment parameter in the quality of sterile products. By knowing the presence of micro-contamination load, it will be possible to know the description of the quality of the sterile preparation product before and after going through the sterilization process later. PT. Harsen Laboratories itself is a pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in Indonesia with the largest production of injection preparations in Indonesia where to ensure the quality of the injection preparations produced is to carry out bioburden testing on each injection product. The procedure for preparing the bioburden protocol starts with the Andev supervisor compiling and revising the bioburden testing procedure and then being checked by the Andev and Packdev sub-department RnD Managers to ensure the bioburden testing procedure runs properly. The procedure for testing bioburden can be carried out by 2 methods, which is the membrane filtration method and the pour plate method where both methods must be carried out by a trained QC analyst and follow the procedures clearly attached in the protocol and the bioburden testing worksheet.
Cardiovascular disease is a disorder that occurs in the heart and blood vessels. Problems that often arise related to this disease are varied in the treatments, especially in terms of the use of various drugs where the diversity of side effects and interactions in prescribing these drugs also increases. As a professional health worker in the pharmaceutical field, the pharmacist is obliged to review the incoming prescription in the first place to avoid medication errors. The entry frequency of prescriptions for the treatment of cardiovascular disease is quite high, especially at the Roxy Biak Pharmacy, which is located in the capital city, Central Jakarta. The result of cardiovascular prescription screening in writing this report is that the administrative review in writing prescriptions received at the Roxy Biak pharmacy is quite complete, however there is some information that is lacking where pharmacists can dig up the information through communication to verify the prescriptions. The pharmaceutical suitability of the cardiovascular drugs given is also quite clear and clinical considerations that must be monitored from incoming cardiovascular prescriptions are to monitor the drug side effects and the drug therapy that the patient is taking.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendri Hendriyan
"Penyakit malaria merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh parasit (Plasmodium) dengan gejala klinis yang umum, yaitu demam, menggigil secara berkala dan sakit kepala. Penyebaran penyakit malaria didasarkan atas 3 (tiga) komponen utama, yaitu host, agent dan environment.
Insiden penyakit malaria di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya relatif masih tinggi, walaupun upaya pemberantasan terus dilakukan salah satunya yaitu melalui program pengobatan penderita. Kasus yang ada di Tasikmalaya umumnya (95,7%) adalah malaria vivax dan dari data tahun 2001 hampir sebagian besar penderita yang diberi pengobatan radikal menjalani pengobatan lanjutan (follow up) karena pemeriksaan kedua masih positif parasit. Adanya penderita yang menjalani follow up dan yang tidak ini kemungkinan berhubungan dengan perilaku penderita dalam mengkonsumsi obat yang diberi sarana kesehatan, disamping faktor lainnya. Dengan demikian untuk mengetahui kebenaran dugaan itu maka perlu dilakukan penelitian. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan pola makan obat dengan kesembuhan klinis malaria di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya.
Desain penelitian menggunakan kasus kontrol dan yang menjadi populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua penderita malaria vivax berusia >15 tahun yang diberi pengobatan radikal dan tercatat di puskesmas. Jumlah sampel seluruhnya yaitu 272 dengan perbandingan jumlah kasus dan kontrol 1:1, yaitu kasus 136 responden dan kontrol 136 responden.. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan cara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat dengan menggunakan bantuan komputer.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penderita yang sembuh klinis malaria pada pengobatan radikal (kasus) memiliki probabilitas odds 8,140 kali memiliki riwayat pola makan obat sesuai dibanding penderita yang tidak sembuh klinis (kontrol) (95%Ci = 4,1-13,235). Dalam penelitian ini tidak ditemukan adanya interaksi maupun confounding antara pola makan obat dengan variabel asal daerah terjadinya infeksi dan pengalaman berobat sendiri. Dengan demikian variabel tersebut berhubungan dengan dependen variabel secara independen.
Untuk lebih mengefektifkan pemberian obat kepada penderita dalam pengobatan radikal, maka perlu dilakukan intervensi berupa melibatkan peran kader dalam pengawas makan obat dan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang makan obat yang benar dengan demikian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penderita yang sembuh klinis pada pengobatan radikal.

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by plasmodium parasite characterized with general clinical indications (symptoms) of fever, periodic tremble, and headache. Spreading of malaria disease is based on three main components, such as host, agent and environment.
Malaria incidence in Tasikmalaya is still relatively high, although effort of fight is done continuously with curative care of patient. The cases (incident) in Tasikmalaya mostly (95,7%) is Plasmodium vivax malaria, and the data in the year 2001 showed that most of the patients received radical treatment underwent follow up treatment, since the second check up indicated parasitic positive. The fact that not all patients underwent follow up treatment might be related to patient habits in medicine intake and other factors. Therefore, to test the assumption a research needs to be done. This research aimed to find out the relationship between pattern of medicine intake habits and clinical recovery of P. vivax malaria in Tasikmalaya.
The research used a case control study. The populations of the research were all patient of P. vivax malaria aged over 15 years old received a radical curative, and recorded in public health service. The numbers of samples were 272 people with the ratio of case and control of 1:1 (136 respondents of case and 136 respondents of control). The data were analyzed with univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis using a computer device.
The results of the research showed that the clinical recovered malaria patients in radical curative were having probabilities of 8.14 times greater than regularly medicine intake compared to the clinical in-recovered patient. (95% CI=4.1--13.235). There was no interaction and confounding between medicine intake habits and the original region of infection and self treatment experience variables. Therefore, the variables independently correlated with dependent variables.
To make the medicine treatment in radical curative effective, the intervention by medicine intake supervisor and mass extension on good medicine intake habits need to be done. It is hoped that the recovered clinical patients in radical curative could be increased.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dibart, Serge
Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning offers its readers a step-by-step guide to diagnosing and planning treatment for periodontal patients through the latest evidence-based"
Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
617.632 DIB p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 25-31
A periodontal health survey, using the WHO crireria 1997. was conducted among 585 Palestinian refugees living in the United Nations Camps in Jordan, the sample consists of 363 females and 222 males aged 15-54 years. The purposes ofthh study were to determine the prevalence and the severity of periodontal disease and the treatment needs among this population and to correlate the periodontal status with age and gender. By using WHO periodontal probes, the community periodontal index (CPI), the treatment needs (TN) and the loss of attachment (LA) were measured for subject. The number of permanent teeth loss was also recorded. Females were found to have worse periodontal conditions than males. Also, a significant age difference was present. All subjects of the present population had experienced periodontal disease, where 34% and 43% of them had a shallow pocket of 4-5 mm and deep pocket of 6 mm or more respectively.
The results of this study have shown that 5.48 of sextant per subject in this population were with bleeding or higher, 4.80 with calculus or higher, 2.48 with shallow pockets or higher, and 0.88 with deep pocket. This study demonstrated that the loss of attachment increased significantly with increasing age and 42% of this population had normal level of periodontal attachment, while the rest of them (58%) had different amounts of attachment loss. Almost all subjects of this population needed oral hygiene instruction, scaling and/or removal of overhangs and 43% of them needed complex periodontal treatment. The mean number of loss permanent teeth was among this population with significant age and gender difference. Our data indicated that high prevalence and severity of periodontal disease were observed in this population require programs for both prevention and treatment."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Romeyn, Mary
San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass , 1998
616.97 ROM n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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