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Mukayat Djarubito Brotowidjojo
Jakarta: Media Sarana Press, 1987
574.524 MUK p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Suarsini
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: Di Indonesia kasus infeksi oleh cacing Echinostoma spp. belum banyak dilaporkan, tetapi di beberapa tempat tertentu ditemukan secara endemi. Infeksi pada manusia terjadi secara kebetulan, yaitu bila manusia makan keong air yang mengandung metaserkaria dalam keadaan mentah atau setengah matang.
Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui keadaan infeksi cacing Echinostoma spp. pada keong Bellamya javanica (Vivi para javanica) yang merupakan sumber infeksi bagi manusia di Indonesia. Sejumlah 2500 keong telah dikumpulkan, dan secara acak dipilih 500 ekor untuk dilakukan pembedahan dan pemeriksaan metaserkaria.
Metaserkaria yang dikumpulkan diinfeksikan terhadap mencit putih. Telah diinfeksi 30 ekor mencit- putih, masing-masing dengan 150 ekor metaser karia. Untuk keperluan identifikasi, cacing dewasa yang tumbuh dalam usus mencit dikumpulkan, kemudian dipulas dengan teknik pulasan 'trichrome' yang dimodifikasi.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan angka infeksi metaserkaria Echinostoma, spp. setinggoi 100 % pada keong B. javanica. Rata-rata tiap keong mengandung 802 ekor metaserkaria. Infektivitas metaserkaria pada mencit cukup Tinggi, yaitu dari 30 ekor mencit terdapat 27 ekor {90%) positif, sedangkan jumlah produksi seluruhnya 133 ekor cacing. Jadi tiap mencit rata-rata mengandung 9 ekor cacing.
Hasil identifikasi spesies diperoleh 75 ekor (56,4%) E. recurvatum, 24 ekor (18,0%) E. ilocanum, dan 10 ekor (7,6%) E. revolutum; lainnya 24 ekor (18,0%) tidak dapat diidentifikasi. Dengan demikian dapat dikimpulkan bahwa keong B. javanica merupakan hospes perantara II cacing Echinostoma spp. yang sesuai dan berperan sebagai sumber infeksi potensial bagi manusia.

Scope and Method of Study: Cases of echinostomiasis are rarely reported in Indonesia, but in some places endemic foci have been found and are considered as of . public health importance. Human infections occurred accidentally, and man got the infection by way of consuming raw or half cooked snails which contained metacercariae. The general objective of this study is to know whether Echinostoma spp. larvae found in B. javanica (Vivipara javanica) snails are the potential source of infection for man in Indonesia. In this study 2500 snails were collected, and 500 snails were randomly selected for dissecting and searching for metacercariae. Experimental infection of 30 white mice were then carried out with 150 metacercariae for each mouse. For species identification, adult worms were stained by a modified trachoma staining technique.
Findings and Conclusions: The infection rate of Echinostoma in B. javanica was found to be 100 %, with a mean number of 802 metacercariae for each snail. The infectivity of metacercariae for white mice is quite high: of 30 mice infected, 27 (90%) were positive. A total of 133 adult worms were found; the worms found in each mouse varied from 1 - 27, with a mean of 5 worms per mouse. Identification results: 75 (56.5%) were identified as E. recurvatum, 24 (18.2%) E. ilocanum, 10 (7.6%) E. revolutum, and 24 (18.2%) could not be identified. Thus, based on this evidence, the snail B. javanica could be considered as a potential host for Echinostoma spp.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noble, Elmer R.
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1989
591.524 NOB p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisaa Elina Dewi Sutyarjoko
"Infeksi parasit intestinal sering ditemukan pada masyarakat yang mempunyai perilaku kebersihan rendah dan sering kontak dengan tanah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui prevalensi infeksi parasitik pada murid Madrasah Tsanawiyah X, di daerah perkebunan sayur di Kecamatan Pacet, Cianjur. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dan data diambil pada tanggal 10 September 2011. Semua murid (133 orang) diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini. Subjek diminta mengumpulkan feses, yang kemudian dibawa ke laboratorium parasitologi FKUI untuk dibuat sediaan dengan pewarnaan lugol 1% dan diperiksa di bawah mikroskop. Data diproses menggunakan SPSS program ver. 17.0 dan dianalisis dengan metode Fisher Exact, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 63 (54.3%) subjek terinfeksi parasit dengan rincian Blastocystis hominis 76,2%, Giardia lamblia 1,6%, Ascaris lumbricoides 4,8%, Entamoeba coli 3,2 % infeksi campur Blastocystis hominis + Ascaris lumbricoides 7,9 %, Blastocystis hominis + Entamoeba coli 4,8 %, Trichuris trichiura + Hymenolepis diminuta 1,6 %. Disimpulkan bahwa infeksi protozoa intestinal tergolong tinggi sedangkan prevalensi cacing tergolong rendah.

Intestinal parasitic infection are commonly found in society with low hygiene behavior and frequent contact with soil. The objective of this research is to know the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among tsanawiyah students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah X, plantation site Pacet subdistrict, Cianjur. The design method of this research is cross sectional where data was taken at 10 September 2011. All students (133 respondents) were included in this study. Subjects were instructed to collect feces specimen, which later was taken to parasitology laboratorium at FKUI. The specimen were then made into preparation with lugol 1% staining then observed under microscope. Data was processed using SPSS program ver. 17.0 and analyzed using Fisher’s Exact method. Results showed 63 (54.3%) infected subjects with each infection of Blastocystis hominis 76.2%, Giardia lamblia 1.6%, Ascaris lumbricoides 4.8%, Entamoeba coli 3.2 % mixed infection Blastocystis hominis + Ascaris lumbricoides 7.9 %, Blastocystis hominis + Entamoeba coli 4.8 %, Trichuris trichiura + Hymenolepis diminuta 1.6 %. In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal protozoan infections was high while helminthes infections were low."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sendy Wulandhary
"Ascaris lumbricoides termasuk kelompok nematoda usus yang dapat menimbulkan malnutrisi pada individu yang memiliki sistem imun lemah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeteksi dan mengetahui persentase infeksi submikroskopis dari A. lumbricoides, dengan sampel feses anak usia 5-18 tahun di Nangapanda, menggunakan metode real-time PCR. Sampel feses dikoleksi selama dua kali, yaitu pre dan post treatment albendazole 400 mg. Total sampel yaitu 242, tetapi yang digunakan dengan uji real-time PCR hanya 45 sampel negatif secara mikroskopis. Sampel diisolasi kemudian dilakukan running realtime PCR. Primer yang digunakan berasal dari daerah target ITS-1. Daerah ITS-1 dipilih karena memiliki laju mutasi yang tinggi dan mampu menbedakan Ascaris dengan cacing lain. Real-time PCR mampu mendeteksi kuantitas DNA A. lumbricoides dalam jumlah yang sedikit. Deteksi sampel menggunakan realtime PCR menghasilkan kurva amplifikasi pada fluorophore VIC. Dua sampel (4,4%) pada pre treatment termasuk dalam low load of DNA (Ct > 35) dan lima sampel (11,4%) pada post treatment termasuk moderate load of DNA (30 < Ct < 35). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa real-time PCR dapat mendeteksi infeksi submikroskopis.

Ascaris lumbricoides is an intestinal nematode that can cause malnutrition, in the individual with weak immune system. The aim of this research is to detect and know the percentage of submicroscopic infection of A. lumbricoides, from human faecal samples (5-18 years) in Nangapanda by using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. The faecal samples were collected in two times period, before and after treatment using 400 mg of Albendazole. Total samples were 242 but only 45 negative samples from microscopic detection were tested with realtime PCR. The samples were isolated and amplified with real-time PCR, by using primer from target area of internally transcribed spacer (ITS-1). ITS-1 region was chosen due to its high rate mutation and ability to differentiate Ascaris with the other helminth parasites. Real-time PCR can detect low load of A. lumbricoides DNA. Detection of samples with real-time PCR generated amplification curve in VIC fluorophore. Two samples (4.4%) in pre treatment were low load of DNA (Ct > 35) and five samples (11.4%) in post treatment were moderate load of DNA (30 < Ct < 35). The result showed that real-time PCR can detect submicroscopic infection of A. lumbricoides."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Malaria masih menjadi beban kesehatan bagi Indonesia, terlebih lagi dengan perkembangan resistensi parasit terhadap pengobatan saat ini. Untuk itu, diperlukan penemuan terapi baru dengan segera. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia) adalah tanaman asli Kalimantan yang terbukti secara in vitro dan in vivo memiliki aktivitas antiplasmodium. Penelitian ini ingin menguji efektivitas kombinasi ekstrak akar Pasak Bumi dosis 10 mg/kgBB (PB10) dan 20 mg/kgBB (PB20) dengan Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) dosis 1,7 mg/kgBB pada mencit Swiss yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Pemberian obat dilakukan secara subkutan untuk meningkatkan bioavailabilitasnya, sehingga didapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Dengan menggunakan metode 4-day suppressive test, didapatkan pertumbuhan densitas parasitemia dan persentase inhibisi pertumbuhan secara berturut-turut: kontrol positif 22,08% dan 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% dan 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% dan 92,22%. Pemberian kombinasi meningkatkan efektivitas secara signifikan terhadap PB tunggal, tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap ACT tunggal. Meskipun demikian, peningkatan tersebut mengindikasikan adanya efek sinergis dari kedua zat dan membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut. Dari semua perlakuan, PB20+ACT memiliki efek antimalaria yang paling baik.;Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity, Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity]"
[;Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suaydiy Okdiyanzah
"Banyak manfaat didapatkan dari mengkonsumsi sayuran. Namun sayuran dapat menjadi perantara penularan parasit usus (STH dan kista protozoa) dan meningkatkan angka kesakitan akibat infeksi ini. Berbagai penelitian membuktikan kontaminasi parasit usus diberbagai sayuran dengan jumlah beragam. Hal ini diperburuk dengan kebiasaan mengkonsumsi sayuran mentah (lalapan) di Indonesia. Maka dilakukanlah penelitian pada kubis karena sering dikonsumsi mentah.
Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui perbedaan jumlah kontaminasi parasit usus yang ditemukan pada kubis pasar tradisional dan pasar swalayan serta ingin mengetahui efektifitas perendaman antara larutan garam-cuka dengan air. Penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan menggunakan 20 sampel kubis pasar tradisional dan 20 sampel kubis pasar swalayan yang dibeli secara acak di lima wilayah Jakarta.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p=0,006) jumlah parasit yang ditemukan pada kubis pasar tradisional (2570 parasit) dan kubis pasar swalayan (1610 parasit). Ditemukan pada seluruh sampel (tradisional dan swalayan) terkontaminasi STH, 9 dari 20 sampel kubis pasar tradisional dan 7 dari 20 sampel kubis pasar swalayan terkontaminasi kista protozoa. Didapatkan pula perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05) jumlah parasit usus pada kubis yang direndam dengan larutan garam-cuka dibandingkan dengan air. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini jumlah parasit pada kubis pasar tradisional jauh lebih tinggi dan perendaman dengan larutan garam-cuka lebih baik dibandingkan dengan air.

We can get a lot of benefit by consuming vegetables. But, vegetables also can be a medium to transmit parasites (STH and protozoa) and increase the morbidity because of infection. Some researches proved parasites contamination in any vegetables with vary of number. It is worsen by a habit to consume raw vegetables (lalap) in Indonesia. This research was done by using cabbage that often consume uncooked.
This research wants to know the difference parasites quantity in cabbage from traditional and modern market and also the effectiveness between salt-acid solution and water as immersion medium. This cross-sectional research use 20 samples of cabbages from traditional market and 20 samples of cabbages from modern market in Jakarta.
The result show a different parasites quantity (p value = 0,006) between cabbage from traditional market (2570 parasites) and modern market (1610 parasites). All of samples (traditional and modern market) are contaminated by STH, 9 of 20 cabbages from traditional market and 7 of 20 cabbages from modern market are contaminated by protozoa. And also there is a different parasites quantity (p value < 0,05) found in cabbage using salt-acid solution then water only. As conclusion number of parasites found in cabbages from traditional market is higher than cabbages from modern market and using salt-acid as immersion medium is better than water only."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herdanti Rahma Putri
"Infeksi parasit usus banyak dijumpai di negara berkembang dan erat kaitannya dengan kebersihan diri dan lingkungan. Faktor lingkungan yang diduga ikut berperan dalam transmisi parasit adalah keadaan lantai rumah. Penelitian dengan desain crosssectional ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka infeksi parasit usus dan hubungannya dengan keadaan lantai rumah pada anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang. Data diambil bulan Maret 2012 dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 122, diolah menggunakan program SPSS versi 16.00, dan dianalisis dengan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan angka infeksi parasit usus sebesar 73% dan berhubungan bermakna dengan infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi (p=0,047), di mana lantai rumah yang terbuat dari tanah meningkatkan risiko penularan infeksi parasit usus.

Intestinal parasitic infections are found in many developing countries and is closely related to personal and environmental hygiene. One of the environmental factors suspected responsible for the intestinal parasite transmission is the house floor condition. This study with cross-sectional design was aimed to determine the infection rate of intestinal parasites and its relationship with the house floor condition in children in Bantar Gebang. Data was taken in March 2012 with 122 consecutive sampling, processed using SPSS version 16, and was analyzed by chi square test. The results showed intestinal parasitic infection rate by 73% and was significantly associated with intestinal parasitic infections (p = 0.047), in which floor made of soil increases the transmission risk of intestinal parasitic infections."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Ayu Puspita Anggarsari
Infeksi parasit usus merupakan infeksi yang banyak terjadi di daerah tropis dan subtropis terutama daerah dengan fasilitas sanitasi, air dan kebersihan yang tidak adekuat. Terbatasnya sumber air konsumsi diperkirakan menjadi penyebab tingginya infeksi. Anak-anak merupakan populasi yang rentan terhadap infeksi parasit usus. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak dan hubungannya dengan sumber air konsumsi. Penelitian dilakukan di TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, Jawa Barat tahun 2012. Metode penelitian yaitu Cross-Sectional. Pengambilan data melalui kuesioner dan pemeriksaan feses yang melibatkan 139 anak usia 0-15 tahun. Pemeriksaan feses menggunakan metode Kato Katz dan teknik identifikasi protozoa usus dengan larutan lugol atau eosin.
Data yang diperoleh diproses dengan SPSS versi 16.0 dan dianalisis dengan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan prevalensi infeksi parasit usus 72,7%. Infeksi disebabkan oleh Blastocystis hominis 53,5%, Giardia lamblia 30,9%, Trichuris trichura 20,9%, Ascaris lumbricoides 4,3% dan Entamoeba histolytica 2%. Uji Chi-square tidak menunjukan perbedaan bermakna antara prevalensi infeksi parasit usus yang dihubungkan dengan sumber air konsumsi (p>0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang tinggi dengan Blastocystis hominis merupakan parasit yang paling banyak menginfeksi. Selain itu, sumber air konsumsi tidak berhubungan dengan infeksi parasit usus.

Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection. Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis (53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.;Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection.
Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis
(53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris
lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.;Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection.
Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis
(53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris
lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection., Intestinal parasitic infection is the most infection in tropic and subtropics regions where sanitation facilities, water and hygiene are inadequate. Limited of consumption water resource is estimated to be the cause of high infection.
Children is a susceptible population of intestinal parasitic infection. The aim of this study was determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children and its relationship with consumption water resource. This study was conducted in TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi, West Java on 2012. The method of study was cross-sectional. Data was collected by questioner and stool examination on 139 children within 0-15 years old. Stool examination was determined using Kato Kats method and intestinal protozoa identification technique using lugol or eosin solution. Data was processed by SPSS version 16.0 and analyzed by Chi-square test. The result showed prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was 72,7%. The infection caused by Blastocystis hominis
(53,5%), Giardia lamblia (30,9%), Trichuris trichura (20,9%), Ascaris
lumbricoides (4,3%) and Entamoeba histolytica (2%). Chi-square test did not showed significant difference of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and its relationship with consumption water resource (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among children in TPA Bantar Gebang was high that mostly caused by Blastocystis hominis. Moreover, consumption water resource had not relationship with prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Eko Jatmiko
Sayuran kemangi yang sering dikonsumsi secara mentah misalnya sebagai lalapan, dapat menjadi media transmisi infeksi parasit usus yaitu Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) dan kista protozoa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan metode potong lintang, menggunakan 40 sampel sayuran kemangi yang dibeli secara acak dari pasar tradisional dan swalayan di Jakarta. Dua puluh sampel dari pasar tradisional dan 20 sampel dari pasar swalayan kemudian direndam selama 24 jam dalam larutan garam cuka dan air sebagai kontrol. Perendaman ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh jumlah kontaminasi parasit usus. Data berupa jumlah telur STH atau kista protozoa kemudian diproses dengan SPSS versi 20 dan dianalisis dengan uji t tidak berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 14 sampel terkontaminasi STH, 7 sampel dari pasar tradisional dan 7 sampel dari pasar swalayan, dan seluruh sampel (100%) terkontaminasi kista protozoa. Jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan sebesar 1780 pada pasar tradisional dan 1550 pada pasar pasar swalayan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p > 0,05) antarajumlah kontaminasi parasit usus yang ditemukan pada pasar tradisional dan swalayan Jakarta, dan diperoleh perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05) antara jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan pada media perendaman larutan garam cuka dan air. Jenis pasar tidak mempengaruhi kontaminasi parasit usus pada sayuran kemangi dan penggunaan larutan garam cuka sebagai media perendaman berpengaruh terhadap jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan.

Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780 from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.;Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780 from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.;Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional
markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780
from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of
market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.;Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional
markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780
from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of
market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites., Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional
markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780
from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of
market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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