ABSTRAKAnalisa rock physics dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang hubungan
antara properti fisis batuan dengan respon gelombang seismik yang menjalar
melaluinya. Tesis ini merupakan sebuah studi kasus pada lapangan Rote, yang
membahas tentang pengaplikasian rock physics sebelum melakukan karakterisasi
reservoar dengan metode inversi simultan untuk mendapatkan informasi sebaran
litologi dan fluida. Hasil pemodelan AVO menunjukan bahwa nilai gradien
amplitudo dari reservoar dengan saturasi hidrokarbon gas lebih tinggi daripada
reservoar dengan saturasi minyak. Analisa sensitivitas pada data sumur
menunjukan bahwa atribut impedansi akustik dan terutama VP/VS dapat
digunakan untuk identifikasi litologi, sedangkan identifikasi fluida sulit dilakukan
karena separasi yang minim. Hasil inversi atribut VP/VS kemudian digunakan
untuk mendeliniasikan persebaran reservoar (nilai VP/VS rendah).
ABSTRACTRock physics analysis is performed in aim to describe the relationship between
rock physical property and seismic wave response which travels through it. This
thesis is a case study done in Rote field, which discuss the application of rock
physics prior to characterizing the reservoir with simultaneous inversion to obtain
lithology distribution as well as fluid prediction. AVO modeling results shows
that the amplitude gradient of the gas saturated reservoir yields higher values
compared to the brine saturated reservoir. Sensitivity analysis at wells shows that
the acoustic impedance and mainly VP/VS are useful attributes to be used in
identifying lithologies, meanwhile fluid discrimination is difficult to be performed
as the separation is minimal. The VPVS ratio attribute was then used to delineate
reservoir distribution., Rock physics analysis is performed in aim to describe the relationship between
rock physical property and seismic wave response which travels through it. This
thesis is a case study done in Rote field, which discuss the application of rock
physics prior to characterizing the reservoir with simultaneous inversion to obtain
lithology distribution as well as fluid prediction. AVO modeling results shows
that the amplitude gradient of the gas saturated reservoir yields higher values
compared to the brine saturated reservoir. Sensitivity analysis at wells shows that
the acoustic impedance and mainly VP/VS are useful attributes to be used in
identifying lithologies, meanwhile fluid discrimination is difficult to be performed
as the separation is minimal. The VPVS ratio attribute was then used to delineate
reservoir distribution.]"