ABSTRACTThe Goals of this research are to identity and analwe the local knowledge of Akit tribe society in managing the environment related with the value orientation. Utilization of Mangrove forest by Akit tribe is inseparable from
the role of knowledge system. The conception of values which are the basis
of human acts are stored within the framework of knowledge. According to
Kluckhohn, there are orientation values of culture possessed by society 1)
the meaning of human life, 2) the meaning of human relationships with
others, 3) the problem of human perception about time, 4) Nature of work,
5) the problem of human relationships with nature. This study describes local knowledge of Akit tribe community in exploiting nature where there is
an exchange between the nature of work and the condition of nature damage. Akit tribe utilizes mangrove forest as their livelihood as supplier of mangrove wood at Panglong Arang. This research uses qualitative descriptive, with 6 informants and 4 key informants. Data obtained through interviews conducted in the Berancah village Bengkalis. The results of this study show that local knowledge of Akit Tribe people based on the concept of value orientation has its own definition according to local aspect. It has a
relationship in the pattern of acting in the face of nature, therefore it is
necessary to pay attention on local knowledge, especially in the value of
the essence of the very closely related work with the existence of mangrove
forests, and utilize mangrove timber wisely so that the preservation of forests in the coastal areas are well preserved."
Pekanbaru: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru, 2018