"Partial contents :
Securitization of global environmental change -- Economic, social, environmental security and human threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks in the Near East, North and Sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia -- Threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks for urban centres in hazards and disasters -- Coping with global environmental changes : climate change, soil and desertification, water management, food and health -- Climate change -- Soil and desertification -- Water management -- Coping with food security issues -- Coping with health security issues -- Coping with hazards and strategies for coping with social vulnerability and resilience building -- Coping with global environmental change : scientific, international , regional and national political strategies, policies and measures -- Scientific research goals and strategies for coping with global environmental change -- Global strategies, policies and measures for coping with climate change -- Regional strategies, policies and measures for coping with climate change -- National strategies, policies and measures for coping with climate change -- A technical tool : remote sensing, vulnerability mapping and indicators of environmental security challenges and risks -- Towards an improved early warning of conflicts and hazards.