ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang merupakan kapabilitas berbasis
pasar (market-based capabilities) yang berkontribusi terhadap kinerja proses
bisnis utama suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif
dengan responden yang merupakan Pekerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu (PWTT) di
Divisi Non Fuel Direktorat Pemasaran PT. Pertamina (Persero). Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan menggunakan variable pengembangan diferensiasi produk,
market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, transparansi informasi, supply
chain leadership dan research & development intensity sebagai acuan untuk
kinerja proses bisnis utama perusahaan (new product development, customer
relationship management dan supply chain management). Data diolah dengan
menggunakan analisis reliabilitas, validitas, korelasi dan structural equation
modeling (SEM). Hasil dari penilaian tersebut akan dijadikan landasan untuk
mengetahui kontribusi kapabillitas berbasis pasar (market-based capabilities)
pada kinerja proses bisnis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan
diferensiasi produk, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness,
customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, transparansi informasi,
supply chain leadership berkontribusi terhadap kinerja proses bisnis utama
ABSTRACTThis thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to
main business process performance. This quantitative research based on
respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing
Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research,
and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated
products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain
leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product
development, customer relationship management and supply chain management).
This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation
modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that
developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market
responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information
sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance;This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to
main business process performance. This quantitative research based on
respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing
Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research,
and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated
products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain
leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product
development, customer relationship management and supply chain management).
This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation
modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that
developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market
responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information
sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance;This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to
main business process performance. This quantitative research based on
respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing
Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research,
and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated
products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain
leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product
development, customer relationship management and supply chain management).
This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation
modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that
developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market
responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information
sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance, This thesis examines factors which are market-based capabilities that contribute to
main business process performance. This quantitative research based on
respondent who are PT. Pertamina (Persero) Non Fuel Division Marketing
Directorate employee. There are several variables that are used in this research,
and those are market-based capabilities, market sensing, developed differentiated
products, market sensing, high value customers, market responsiveness, customer
relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information sharing, supply chain
leadership, as reference to main business process performance (new product
development, customer relationship management and supply chain management).
This research use a reliability analysis, validity, correlation and structural equation
modeling (SEM) as analyzing tools. The result of this research shows us that
developed differentiated products, market sensing, high value customers, market
responsiveness, customer relationship assets, collaborative partnering, information
sharing, supply chain leadership contribute to main business process performance]"