"[Sertifikasi guru adalah program penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan nasional. Implementasi adalah kunci sukses sebuah program. Kegagalan dalam melaksanakan program
berarti kegagalan dalam mencapai tujuan dari program tersebut.Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk Menganalisis Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Sertifikasi Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Di Kecamatan Sekampung Udik Kabupaten Lampung Timur Tahun 2014 dengan menggunakan faktor-faktor interaktif yang digagas oleh Merille S. Grindle yaitu isi kebijakan dan lingkungan kebijakan. Keberperanan faktor-faktor tersebut sangat bermakna bagi implementasi kebijakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post positivis melalui metode kualitatif dengan model studi kasus. Subyek penelitiannya adalah pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Provinsi
Lampung dan Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda Dan Olahraga Kabupaten Lampung Timur, Pegawai LPMP Provinsi Lampung, LPTK penyelenggara rayon 107 Universitas Lampung, pengawas
sekolah, kepala sekolah, Unit Pelaksana Dinas Kecamatan Sekampung Udik, dan juga guru sekolah dasar negeri di Kecamatan Sekampung Udik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil peneltian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan sertifikasi guru sekolah dasar negeri di Kecamatan Sekampung Udik Kabupaten Lampung Timur Tahun 2014 telah memenuhi sembilan indikator dari unsur implementasi kebijakan publik model Merille S Grindle walaupun belum sempurna. Variabel lingkungan implementasi (cntext of implementation) merupakan
unsur yang paling lemah dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan sertifikasi guru. Peningkatan koordinasi merupakan solusi alternatif untuk permasalah pelaksanaan kebijakan sertifikasi guru di Kecamatan Sekampung Udik.
Teachers certification is an important program to improve the quality of national education. The implementation of the program is the key to success. Failure to implement the program means failure to achieve the goal.The focus of this research is to analyze the implementation of teachers certification policy at public elementary school in Sekampungudiksubdistrict, East Lampungregency in 2014 using interactive factors initiated by MerilleS. Grindle which are policy content and policy environment. The influences of those factors are very meaningful for policy implementation. This research using post positivis approach by qualitative method with case study model. Research object are employees of Education And Culture Department Lampung Province, Youth Education And Sport Department East Lampung Regency, LPMP East Lampung's Employees, LPTK Administrator Area 107 Lampung University, school superintendent, head master, service, UPDT Sekampung Udik Sub District, and elementary school?s teachers in Sekampung Udik Subdistrict. Data collection method in this research are interview and documentation study. Research result show that implementation of teacher certification policy in Sekampung Udik sub district, East Lampung regency in 2014 has been for qualified nine indicator from public policy's Implementation element Merille'S Grindle's model although it is not perfect yet. Environmental implementation variable (context of implementation) is the weaknest element in teacher?s policy implementation. Strengthen the coordination is an alternative solution for teachers certification policy?s problem in Sekampung Udik sub district. Teachers certification is an important program to improve the quality of national education. The implementation of the program is the key to success. Failure to implement the program means failure to achieve the goal.The focus of this research is to analyze the implementation of teachers certification policy at public elementary school in Sekampung udik subdistrict, East Lampung regency in 2014 using interactive factors initiated by MerilleS. Grindle which are policy content and policy environment. The influences of those factors are very meaningful for policy implementation. This research using post positivis approach by qualitative method with case study model. Research object are employees of Education And Culture Department Lampung Province, Youth Education And Sport Department East Lampung Regency, LPMP East Lampung’s Employees, LPTK Administrator Area 107 Lampung University, school superintendent, head master, service, UPDT Sekampung Udik Sub District, and elementary school’s teachers in Sekampung Udik Subdistrict. Data collection method in this research are interview and documentation study. Research result show that implementation of teacher certification policy in Sekampung Udik sub district, East Lampung regency in 2014 has been for qualified nine indicator from public policy’s Implementation element Merille S Grindle’smodel although it is not perfect yet. Environmental implementation variable (context of implementation) is the weaknest element in teacher’s policy implementation. Strengthen the coordination is an alternative solution for teachers certification policy’s problem in Sekampung Udik sub district. Teachers certification is an important program to improve the quality of national education. The implementation of the program is the key to success. Failure to implement the program means failure to achieve the goal.The focus of this research is to analyze the implementation of teachers certification policy at public elementary school in Sekampungudiksubdistrict, East Lampungregency in 2014 using interactive factors initiated by MerilleS. Grindle which are policy content and policy environment. The influences of those factors are very meaningful for policy implementation. This research using post positivis approach by qualitative method with case study model. Research object are employees of Education And Culture Department Lampung Province, Youth Education And Sport Department East Lampung Regency, LPMP East Lampung’s Employees, LPTK Administrator Area 107 Lampung University, school superintendent, head master, service, UPDT Sekampung Udik Sub District, and elementary school’s teachers in Sekampung Udik Subdistrict. Data collection method in this research are interview and documentation study. Research result show that implementation of teacher certification policy in Sekampung Udik sub district, East Lampung regency in 2014 has been for qualified nine indicator from public policy’s Implementation element Merille S Grindle’smodel although it is not perfect yet. Environmental implementation variable (context of implementation) is the weaknest element in teacher’s policy implementation. Strengthen the coordination is an alternative solution for teachers certification policy’s problem in Sekampung Udik sub district., Teachers certification is an important program to improve the quality of national education. Theimplementation of the program is the key to success. Failure to implement the program meansfailure to achieve the goal.The focus of this research is to analyze the implementation of teacherscertification policy at public elementary school in Sekampungudiksubdistrict, East Lampungregency in 2014 using interactive factors initiated by MerilleS. Grindle which are policy contentand policy environment. The influences of those factors are very meaningful for policyimplementationThis research using post positivis approach by qualitative method with case study model.Research object are employees of Education And Culture Department Lampung Province, YouthEducation And Sport Department East Lampung Regency, LPMP East Lampung’s Employees,LPTK Administrator Area 107 Lampung University, school superintendent, head master, service,UPDT Sekampung Udik Sub District, and elementary school’s teachers in Sekampung UdikSubdistrict. Data collection method in this research are interview and documentation study.Research result show that implementation of teacher certification policy in Sekampung Udik subdistrict, East Lampung regency in 2014 has been for qualified nine indicator from public policy’sImplementation element Merille S Grindle’smodel although it is not perfect yet.Environmental implementation variable (context of implementation) is the weaknest element inteacher’s policy implementation. Strengthen the coordination is an alternative solution forteachers certification policy’s problem in Sekampung Udik sub district.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016