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"Understanding human needs is not an easy job. These needs are not always easily detectable. People sometimes do not aware their needs or wants especially in entertainment field. As a professional corporation, the hard work must flow after the other with creativity to create something interesting and long lasting product which can fulfil consumers needs and wants. Kick Andy as one unique talkshow at Metro Tv try to be a market leader for talkshow program , by using something, targeting, and positioning (STP). from segmenting Kick Andy programme chose audiences from middle up class because of some factor in this show, such as high education level talk show and topic in every show. The programme promise give the best shot in entertaining and gaining the knowledge more deeper exact from the source. Now , Kick Andy be an icon and be the most popular talk show in Indonesia, it can see from the share and television rating. It means that the target maket have been reach in chosen segment. The positioning words always remember in Kick Andy's are "Use your heart not the brain solely in seeing an event"."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Liquid crystal display Television (LCD TV) has been introduced since the begining of 2005. Through the implementation of the flat screen monitor technology, LCD TV becomes slim and the resulting picture becomes much clearer...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Understanding human needs is not an easy job. These needs are not always easily detectable. People sometimes do not aware their needs or wants especially in entertainment field. As a professional corporation, the hard work must flow after the other with creativity to create something interesting and lost lasting product wich can fulfil consumer needs and wants. Kick Andy as one unique talkshow at Metro Tv try to be a market leader for talkshow program, by using segmenting, targeting, and positioning (STP). From segmenting Kick Andy programme chose audiences from middle up class because of some factor in this show, such as high education level talk show and topic in every show. The programme promise give the best shot in entertaining and gaining the knowledge more deeper exact from the source. Now, Kick Andy be an icon and be the most popular talk show in Indonesia, It can see from the share and television rating. It means that the target market have been reach in chosen segment. The positioning words always remember in Kick Andy's are “Use your heart not the brain solely in seeing an event”. "
TEMEN 5:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"How are medicines transported intact through the body to their specific target sites without triggering side effects? The answer is "Drug targeting".
This thoroughly application-oriented book gives comprehensive answers to this and many other questions that confront scientists daily in chemical, pharmaceutical and medical research. A concise overview of the most important basic theories, modern forms of therapy and molecular biological tools, it represents a comprehensible introduction to the topic. The book then goes on to deal with strategies for target applications, divided according to target site, for example brain, lungs, liver, blood vessels and tumor cells. The third part is devoted to special, modern techniques, from phage display methods, via the use of tissue slices right up to pharmacokinetic modeling. Throughout, the focus remains on the practical aspect and successful application of the method in question, although a glance at what the future holds is also included. "
Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2001
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Sediana Milasari D.
"Tesis ini membahas bagaimana penerapan Inflation Targeting mempengaruhi exchange rate pass-through di Indonesia pada periode 1997:Q4 sampai 2009:Q4 selama sistem nilai tukar mengambang. Penulis ingin mengetahui apakah penerapan Inflation Targeting di Indonesia dapat membantu menurunkan derajat pass-through dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Ordinary Least Squares. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Inflation Targeting terbukti dapat menurunkan derajat pass-through dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang untuk PPI, namun belum terbukti untuk CPI.

This study examines how the adoption of inflation targeting influenced exchange rate pass-through in Indonesia on period 1997:Q4 until 2009:Q4 in the floating exchange rate. The author would like to know whether the adoption of inflation targeting in Indonesia could help reduce the degree of pass-through in the short term and the long term. The method of this study that used was Ordinary Least Squares. The result of this research indicated that the adoption of inflation targeting proved could reduce the degree of pass-through in the short term and the long term for PPI, but could not prove for CPI."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
T 27616
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marco Christian Michael
"Epididimis adalah saluran berbelit yang terletak antara testis dan vas deferens. Epididimis telah lama dikenal sebagai tempat proses pematangan sperma, yang merupakan interaksi antara sperma dan protein-protein yang disekresikan oleh sel-sel epitel epididimis. Salah satu protein yang diduga berperan penting dalam proses pematangan sperma adalah gen Defb42. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur gen dan analisis sebaran jaringan dari gen Defb42. Data struktur gen Defb42 diperoleh dari database Unigene danUCSC Genome Bioinformatics, dimana cDNA, ekson, intron, dan sekuens asam amino diperoleh. Isolasi RNA dilakukan untuk jaringan dari 4 segmenepididimis (initial segment, caput, corpus, cauda) disertai dengan beberapa organ viseral lainnya. Real time RT-PCR dari RNA yang terelusi dilakukan untuk mengukur ekspresi relative Defb42 terhadap gen aktin beta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Defb42 termasuk dalam keluarga beta defensin karena memiliki 6 residu sistein. Ekspresi Defb42 relatif terhadap aktin ditemukan paling tinggi di initial segment dariepididimis, diikuti dengan caput, cauda, dan vas deferens. Disimpulkan bahwa gen Defb42 adalah gen beta defensin dan diekspresikan terutama di initial segment dari epididimis.

Epididymis is a convoluted duct that is located between the testis and vas deferens. Epididymis has been known as the site of sperm maturation, which occur via interaction between the sperm and the proteins secreted by the epididymal epithelial cells. One of the proteins that is believed to play a major role in sperm maturation process is encoded by Defb42 gene. The objective of this research is to know the gene structure and tissue distribution analysis of Defb42 gene. Gene structure data was obtained from Unigene database and UCSC Genome Bioinformatics, in which cDNA, exons, introns, and amino acid sequence of Defb42 gene were received. RNA isolation was done for tissues of the four segments of epididymis (initial segment, caput, corpus, cauda) along with other visceral tissues. Real time RT-PCR of the isolated RNA was then performed in order to measure Defb42 relative expression to beta actin. The result showed that Defb42 gene belongs to the beta defensin family due to its conserved six cysteine residues. Defb42 expression relative to actin was highest in the initial segment of the epididymis, followed by caput, cauda, and vas deferens. In conclusion, Defb42 is a beta defensin gene and is mainly expressed in the epididymis and showed region-specific expression in the initial segment."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Setiawan
"Inflation Targeting Framework (ITF) dalam dua dekade terakhir semakin popular sebagai sebuah pendekatan baru dalam kebijakan moneter yang menggunakan inflasi sebagai sasaran utama kebijakan menggantikan besaran lain seperti pertumbuhan jumlah uang beredar. Namun ITF menemui banyak kritik menyangkut orientasi kebijakan yang mengutamakan stabilisasi yang menurut pengkritik akan mengorbankan pertumbuhan dan pengangguran. Atas kritik tersebut pendukung ITF menunjukkan bahwa ITF adalah kerangka kebijakan yang flexible yang dalam jangka pendek dapat merespon permasalahan output seperti di masa krisis. ITF merupakan pendekatan kebijakan yang bersifat diskresi daripada sebuah rule yang kaku. Sementara beberapa penelitian justru menunjukkan bahwa respon terhadap inflasi pada negara yang menerapkan ITF justru menurun setelah penerapan ITF. Sedangkan untuk Indonesia, yang menerapkan ITF sejak Juli 2005, bagaimana perubahan respon kebijakan moneter dengan penerapan ITF menjadi objek utama dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian menggunakan model Taylor Rule sebagai fungsi respon kebijakan moneter. Perubahan respon diukur dari perubahan parameter dalam fungsi respon kebijakan moneter yang akan diestimasi dengan model Time Varying Parameter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan ITF di Indonesia membuat respon kebijakan moneter lebih responsif terhadap Inflasi. ITF bersifat diskresi dengan parameter respon yang berfluktuasi dari waktu ke waktu dalam periode yang diteliti.

Inflation Targeting Framework (ITF) in the last two decades had been popular as the new framework in setting monetary policy which used inflation as nominal anchor, replacing other nominal anchor such as money growth. But its popularity was not without critics. Opponents of ITF criticized ITF to its concern on stabilization only that would sacrifice other objectives of policies: output and employment. Proponents of ITF answered the critics by arguing that ITF was a flexible framework rather than a rigid rule. It could anticipate problem of output in the short run such as during a crisis. While some researches on this field found that in some ITF countries monetary policy response to inflation tended to be lower after implementing ITF. For Indonesia which had implemented ITF since July 2005, how the changes in monetary policy responses due to ITF implementation was an object of this research. Using Taylor Rule as monetary policy responses function, changes of the response measured by changes in parameter of the model which estimated by a time varying parameter method. Evidence showed that ITF in Indonesia had changed the response of monetary policy to be more responsive to inflation than before. ITF implemented as discretion rather than a rule with monetary policy response changed over time during observed periods."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesiapp, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiyok Subekti
"Tesis ini membahas tentang hubungan kausalitas antara suku bunga SBI, nilai tukar riil, tingkat harga dan aktititas ekonomi riil khususnya pada periode diterapkannya ITF di Indonesia sejak Juli 2005. Penulisan tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh dampak penggunaan suku bmmga sebagai sasaran operasional kebijakan moneter dalam Icerangka ITF serta nilai tukar terhadap tingkat harga dan aktifitas ekonomi riil.
Data yang digunakan adalah data time series bulanan yang terdixi dari tingkat suku bunga SBI tenor 1 bulan, nilai tukar riil Rp/USS, Indeks Harga Konsumen dan sebagai proxy dari alctifitas ekonomi riil digunakan indeks produksi manufaktux Indonesia dengan rentang periode observasi sejak bulan Juli 2005 sampai dengan Mei 2008.
Metode ekonometri yang digunakan adalah model VAR (Vector Autoregression). Untuk melihat pola hubungan gmcangan antar variabel diperoleh dari hasil Impulse .Respon Function (IRF), sedangkan untuk mencntukan sumbangan /komposisi gmmcangan musing-musing variabel terhadap varians dari vaxiabcl tertentu digunakan metode Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD).
Hasil IRF yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa guncangan suku bunga SBI masih cukup efcktif untuk mempengaruhi tingkat harga dan mempcrkuat nilai tukar. Guncangan suku bunga SBI dapat rnemberikan dampak yang negatif terhadap aktititas ckonomi riil. Hasil analisis FEVD menunjukkan bahwa pada periode observasi nilai mkar agak sulit dikendalikan. Guncangan niiai tukar riil lebih dominan dalam mempcngaruhi vanasi tingkat harga dan aktititas ekonomi riil. Hal ini mennnjukkan semakin dominannya pengaruh luar negeri dalam perekonomian Indonesia.

This thesis discusses the causality relationship among SBI interest rate, real exchange rate, price level and real economic activity especially in period of the ITF implementation in Indonesia since July 2005. The effect of employing interest rate as the operational target of monetary policy and exchange rate on price level and real economic activity is the main background of this thesis.
Data employed in this thesis are monthly time series consist of one month SBI interest rate, real exchange rate Rp/U S, Consumer Price Index and manufacturing production index as a proxy of real economic activity with observation period from July 2005 to May 2008. VAR (Vector Autoregression) is used as the econometric method.
The result obtained from Impulse Respon Function (IRF) method is used to analyze the relationship characteristic among shocks of each variable. Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD) method is used to determine the shock contribution of each variable to one variable.
IRF result shows that SBI interest rate shock is e&`ective enough to influence the price level and to strenghten the exchange rate. SBI interest rate shock is negatively reponsed by real economic activity. FEVD result shows that exchange rate is hard to be controlled during observation paiod. The exchange rate shock influences the variability of price level and real economic activity dominmitly. This result indicates the more dominant influence of foreign economic on Indonesian economic.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melani Dwinita
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efek / pengaruh penerapan inflation targeting pada sistem nilai tukar mengambang terhadap pass through nilai tukar pada inflasi menurut IHK umum, IHK tradable dan IHK nontradable, dan untuk membandingkan pass through nilai tukar pada inflasi menurut IHK tradable dan IHK nontradable di Indonesia. Untuk menganalisa efek/pengaruh penerapan inflation targeting pada sistem nilai tukar mengambang terhadap pass through nilai tukar pada inflasi menurut IHK, digunakan metode error correction model ECM.
Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang, penerapan inflation targeting berhasil menurunkan pass through nilai tukar pada inflasi menurut IHK, baik pada IHK umum, IHK tradables, maupun IHK non-tradables. Dalam jangka pendek, setelah penerapan inflation targeting, besarnya pass through nilai tukar terhadap inflasi menurut IHK non-tradable lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pass through nilai tukar terhadap inflasi menurut IHK tradable. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan menurunnya efektivitas nilai tukar nominal sebagai peredam guncangan.
Selain itu, dari penelitian juga dapat disimpulkan bahwa meskipun penerapan inflation targeting berhasil menurunkan pengaruh inersia inflasi, namun pengaruh inersia inflasi pada ekspektasi masyarakat masih dominan. Dengan demikian, penerapan kebijakan inflation targeting belum sepenuhnya berhasil mengarahkan ekspektasi inflasi masyarakat berdasarkan target inflasi yang telah ditetapkan.

The aims of this thesis are to estimate the effect of the inflation targeting application in floating exchange rate system to the exchange rate pass through in inflation according to general CPI, tradable CPI, and non tradable CPI, and to compare the exchange rate pass through in inflation according to tradable CPI, and non tradable CPI in Indonesia. Error correction model ECM is used to analyze the effect of inflation targeting application in floating exchange rate system to the exchange rate pass through in inflation according to CPI.
The result of this research shows that in long run and short run, the inflation targeting application succed to reduce exchange rate pass through to inflation according to general CPI, tradable CPI, and non tradable CPI. In short run, after the inflation targeting application, the exchange rate pass through to inflation according to non tradable CPI is higher than the exchange rate pass through to inflation accoding to tradable CPI. This indicates the reduce of the effectiveness of nominal exchange rates as shock absorbers.
Besides that, from this research we can conclude that eventhough the inflation targeting application has succed to reduce the influence of inertia inflation, but the influence of inertia inflation to society rsquo s expectation is still dominant. It means that the inflation targeting application are not entirely succed to lead the society rsquo s inflation expectation according to the inflation target.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"With its particular emphasis on the constitutive activity of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)s, this book comprehensively discusses an important biological process that has not yet been covered in such depth in any other existing books on GPCRs. The international team of highly distinguished authors addresses in detail current models and concepts, to introduce medicinal chemists, physiologists, pharmacologists, and medical researchers into the advances in the understanding of GPCR activation and constitutive activity. In addition, the book provides an overview on methods of investigating constitutive GPCR activity. The text is well illustrated by selected experimental data and schemes.The chapters are all cross-referenced with each other and cover general mechanisms, methodological approaches and cover selected important GPCR systems, the consequences for drug action, including, side effects, and rational drug design for GPCR targets. The text is backed by abundant case studies and methodological advice for analysing GPCRs, covering selected pharmacologically relevant GPCR systems, the consequences for drug action, including unwanted side effects, and rational drug design for GPCR targets. It is a highly practical reference for researchers in academia and industry.
Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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