ABSTRAKKecelakaan pada Alur Pelayaran Masuk dan Kolam Pelabuhan berdampak besar bagi pelabuhan tersebut, mulai dari nyawa manusia, kerugian materi, pencemaran lingkungan, hingga dampak buruk bagi stakeholder pelabuhan. Berdasar dari laporan investigasi kecelakaan KNKT, Risk Assessment dibuat. Risk Assessment diperlukan untuk menilai bobot dari resiko terjadinya kembali kecelakaan tersebut. Dari contoh Risk Assessment yang dibuat, disimpulkan bahwa faktor yang kerap menyebabkan kecelakaan di Alur Pelayaran Masuk dan Kolam Pelabuhan adalah Nakhoda yang tidak mengikuti prosedur pelayanan pandu dengan benar dan pemeliharaan fasilitas pelabuhan yang kurang baik. Untuk mencegah keccelakaan terulang, dibuat Lembar Permohonan Tanpa Pandu dan Lembar Pemeliharaan Fasilitas Pelabuhan.
ABSTRACTShip accident at port entrance channel and port basin has a major impact on human lives, material losses, environmental pollution, and bad impact for the port stakeholders. Risk Assessment is based on KNKT?s investigation reports , Risk Assessment is needed to assess the weight of the risk recurrence similar accident. An example of a Risk Assessment Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak concluded that the bad procedure pilot service execution and bad port facilities maintenance are mostly causes ship accidents at port entrance channel and port basin. The recommendations to reduce the similar accidents are to apply ?Lembar Permohonan Tanpa Pandu? and ?Lembar Pemeliharaan Fasilitas Pelabuhan?.;Ship accident at port entrance channel and port basin has a major impact on human lives, material losses, environmental pollution, and bad impact for the port stakeholders. Risk Assessment is based on KNKT?s investigation reports , Risk Assessment is needed to assess the weight of the risk recurrence similar accident. An example of a Risk Assessment Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak concluded that the bad procedure pilot service execution and bad port facilities maintenance are mostly causes ship accidents at port entrance channel and port basin. The recommendations to reduce the similar accidents are to apply ?Lembar Permohonan Tanpa Pandu? and ?Lembar Pemeliharaan Fasilitas Pelabuhan?., Ship accident at port entrance channel and port basin has a major impact on human lives, material losses, environmental pollution, and bad impact for the port stakeholders. Risk Assessment is based on KNKT’s investigation reports , Risk Assessment is needed to assess the weight of the risk recurrence similar accident. An example of a Risk Assessment Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak concluded that the bad procedure pilot service execution and bad port facilities maintenance are mostly causes ship accidents at port entrance channel and port basin. The recommendations to reduce the similar accidents are to apply “Lembar Permohonan Tanpa Pandu” and “Lembar Pemeliharaan Fasilitas Pelabuhan”.]"