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New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 2008
027.7 LEA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shepherd, Elizabeth
"Many organizations do not yet have a formal programme of records management, but increasingly they are recognizing the benefits of well managed records and the serious consequences of inadequate records systems. Establishing records management and maintaining an effective programme requires specialist expertise. This essential manual of practice provides a detailed guide to the concepts, skills and techniques of records management for organizational staff who have a responsibility for setting up, maintaining or restructuring a records management programme. It offers invaluable advice on the management of records in both electronic and traditional paper media, and focuses on the following areas: understanding records management; analysing the context for records management; classifying records and documenting their context; creating and capturing records; managing appraisal, retention and disposition; maintaining records and assuring their integrity; providing access; implementing records management. The appendices provide a wealth of additional information including a list of standards for records management, an annotated bibliography and sources of further information, and details of professional and advisory bodies. This much needed manual is an indispensable purchase for organizations wishing to introduce better practices for managing their records. The book is intended to be of value to experienced records managers as well as LIS practitioners and newcomers to the field. It should be on the desk of every manager and every information professional with responsibility for records management."
landon: Facet Publishing, 2003
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michigan: Michigan State University , 2005
027 ICA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carmicheal, David W.
"Many of our nation's historical records reside in small historical societies, libraries, cultural organizations, houses of worship, and museums. The hard work of non-professional archivists is to thank for preserving much of our documentary heritage. Organizing Archival Records equips non-professional archivists with the skills to tackle one of the most challenging tasks of archiving: arranging and describing archival materials. Carmicheal offers step-by-step guidance to understanding the purpose of organization and the essentials of how to do it. He covers the basic terms and theory of organization, and how to avoid some common pitfalls. Carmichael brings this third edition into the 21st century with extended discussions about computerizing the process, making descriptions available on the web, and organizing electronic records. With real-world examples, exercises, and step-by-step directions, anyone can organize archival materials in a professional manner. Organizing Archival Records is an excellent resource for both computerized and manual organization and recordkeeping."
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield , 2012
025.17 CAR o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Umar
"Masalah utama yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah kegiatan layanan rujukan kearsipan di Bidang Layanan Arsip Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI) di Jakarta dan masalah yang sama di Bagian Akses Arkib Negara Malaysia (ANM) di Kuala Lumpur sebagai pembanding.
Secara rinci masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) petugas layanan rujukan kearsipan, (2) proses layanan rujukan kearsipan meliputi; (a) peraturan akses, (b) peraturan penggunaan, (c) metode layanan, (d) jenis-jenis layanan dan (e) fasilitas layanan di Bagian Layanan Arsip ANRI dan Bagian Akses ANM sebagai pembanding.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan perbandingan pelaksanaan kegiatan layanan rujukan kearsipan di ANRI dan ANM.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian komparatif dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif yang menjelaskan semua variabel yang ditemukan dalam penelitian dan membandingkan perbedaan dan persamaannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung, wawancara, pengisian kuesioner dan penelitian dokumen.
Hasil penelitian adalah (1) ANRI belum memiliki peraturan pelaksanaan dari UU No. 7/1971 yang terkait dengan layanan rujukan sebaliknya ANM sudah memiliki peraturan pelaksanaan dari UU No. 44/1966 berkaitan dengan layanan rujukan, (2) secara kuantitas, ANM memiliki petugas layanan rujukan kearsipan lebih banyak daripada ANRI. Demikian pula, secara kualitas, ANM memiliki petugas profesional kearsipan yang bertugas di bagian layanan lebih banyak daripada ANRI, (3) peraturan akses di ANRI dan ANM adalah semua arsip dapat diakses oleh pemakai terkecuali arsip rahasia, kondisinya rapuh dan yang mengganggu keamanan negara, perbedaannya ANRI menentukan ketentuan arsip tidak dapat diakses apabila belum ada sarana temu kembalinya, ketentuan ini tidak ada di ANM dan ANM menetapkan arsip dapat diakses apabila sudah melebihi usia 25 tahun, ketentuan ini tidak ada di ANRI, (4) peraturan penggunaan berbeda antara ANRI dan ANM dalam jam layanan dan proses registrasi dan identifikasi pemakai, sedangkan persamaannya dalam persyaratan pemakai, pernyataan kebijakan untuk pemakai, larangan membawa masuk barang-barang bawaan pemakai dan peraturan umum untuk memperlakukan bahan arsip, (5) metode layanan di ANRI sama dengan ANM yaitu tatap muka, melalui surat dan komunikasi telepon, (6) Persamaan jenis layanan ANRI dan ANM adalah layanan penelitian, pertanyaan dan permintaan bahan arsip, layanan penggandaan fotokopi, foto, mikro film, print out mikro film dan layanan pengesahan salinan bahan arsip. Perbedaan jenis layanan yang diberikan oleh kedua lembaga ini adalah ANRI memberikan layanan penggandaan film dan kaset yang tidak diberikan oleh ANM dan ANM memberikan layanan peminjaman bahan kepada lembaga-lembaga pemerintah dan layanan membuat transliterasi yang tidak diberikan oleh ANRI, (7) fasilitas layanan yang terdapat di ANRI dan ANM adalah lobi, ruang pameran, ruang konsultasi, ruang baca, ruang transit/penggandaan dan ruang perpustalcaan. Fasilitas layanan yang dimiliki ANM yang tidak ada di ANRI adalah kaunter pendaftaran/registrasi, kaunter layanan, ruang mikro film, ruang audio, ruang video, ruang diskusi dan ruang finding aids.

The main issue exposed in this study is comparing reference services at The Reference Service Department of The National Archives of The Republic of Indonesia (NARI) in Jakarta and The Access Department of The National Archives of Malaysia (NAM) in Kuala Lumpur.
The detailed issues discussed in this study are (1) reference staff, (2) access policies, (3) policies for use, (4) service method, (5) types of service, (6) reference facilities at The Reference Service Department of NARI and The Access Department of NAM as a compared institution.
The purpose of this study is to describe the comparison of reference services at NARI and NAM.
This research is a comparative study using qualitative method by describing all of variables related to the issues to be studied, and comparing the similarities and or the differences found in the study. The data of the research are collected through various techniques such as observation, interview, questionnaires, and studying documents.
The results of this study are that: (1) NARI do not have the technical regulation of Archives Act of Indonesia 7/1971 in relation to reference services, while NAM already have the technical regulation of Archives Act of Malaysia 44/1966 in relation to reference services (2) NAM have more reference staff than NARI and also NAM have more reference professional staffs than NARI, (3) access policies at NARI and NAM are that all archival materials could be accessed by user except confident records, damaged records, and records containing sensitive issues which may threaten national stability; The while differences between NARI and NAM lie on that NARI determines archives could not be accessible if they have no finding aids and NAM determines that public archives should be made available to the public after twenty-five years, (4) the differences of the policies for use between NARI and NAM lie on hours of operation and registration and identification of users process, while their similarities lie on rule of users, policy statements for users, limiting personal materials and general rules for handling materials, (5) the methods of reference services at ANRI and ANM are face-to-face, letters and telephone calls, (6) the types of reference services at NARI and NAM are research, general inquiries and requesting materials services; reprographic services including photocopy, photographic reproduction, microfilm duplication, microfilm off-prints and certification of archival materials as true copies, while they differ in that NARI provides film and cassette reproduction and NAM provides loan of archival materials to creating agencies especially Government Departments and transliteration services, (7) both NARI and NAM have the same reference facilities such as lobby, exhibition room, reader- consultant room, photocopy room and library room, while the reference facilities which are available only in NAM are registration counter, service counter, microfilm room, audio room, video room, discussion room, and finding aids room.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnilasa Pratiko
"Skripsi ini mengenai pemanfaatan Gedung Arsip Nasional sebagai cagar budaya. Faktor-faktor keseimbangan antara kegiatan pemanfaatan dan pelestarian cagar budaya menjadi perhatian utama dalam skripsi ini. unit Analisis dari penilitian ini adalah berbagai macam kegiatan pemanfaatan yang dilakukan pada Gedung Arsip Nasional kemudian dibanding dengan keadaan ideal pada beberapa literatur serta peraturan dan perundangan yang berlaku. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan evaluasi serta saran dalam hal pemanfaatan Gedung Arsip Nasional.
This thesis is discuss about utilization of the Ntional Archieves Building as a cultural heritage. The balance factors between utilization and conservation of cultural heritage is amajor concern in this thesis. The unit of analysis in this thesis is a wide range of activities conducted on the utilization of the National Archieves Building and then compared with the ideal state in some literature as well as rules and regulations. The purpose of this study is to provide evaluation and advice in the use of the National Archieves Building."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Toto Widyarsono
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh aksesibilitas akan informasi arsip. Hal ini didorong oleh meningkatnya kebutuhan informasi dari berbagai sumber serta dinamika dan lingkungan masyarakat yang telah berubah dalam meletakkan peranan informasi.
Teknik evaluasi yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan mengamati permasalahan akses di unit layanan informasi Arsip Nasional RI. Subyek penelitian dalam hal ini adalah para peneliti yang sudah biasa menggunakan arsip, peneliti pemula, arsiparis dan pejabat penentu kebijakan. Sedangkan obyek penelitian adalah masalah kewenangan hukum, sarana bantu penemuan kembali, fungsi layanan dan fasilitas layanan. Dari sini dapat diidentifikasi sejauh mana koleksi arsip telah dimanfaatkan serta kendala apa saja yang dihadapi dalam hal akses. Populasi penelitian yaitu pengguna jasa layanan kearsipan dari tahun 1995 sampai dengan 2000, sedangkan sampel diambil berdasarkan sampel purposif, sebanyak 85 responden.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif jenis studi kasus. Sedangkan data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan pengamatan, survei, riset dokumentasi dan wawancara sebagai pengkayaan. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan arsip belum optimal, ini terlihat dari jumlah rata-rata peneliti per hari sekitar 7-8 orang sedangkan kapasitas layanan yang tersedia sekitar 10-15 peneliti per hari dan masih terdapat kendala dalam hal akses terhadap informasi arsip sebagai akibat belum adanya ketegasan dalam peraturan dan ketetapan hukum, belum sempurnanya alat bantu temu kembali, serta terbatasnya sumber daya layanan yang ada.

The research aims to measure archival accessibility with regard to the need of information. Social dynamic and modern living environment demand the role of improvement of information technique in society.
The main technique being used for evaluation is observation, focusing on the problem of access in the reference services and mechanism operated in the reading room of the Arsip Nasional RI Research subject deals with both avocational and vocational users, archivists and policy makers on archival matters. Questionnaire on legal authority, finding aids, function of reference services and facilities had been distributed among them, as parts of data collection details are obtained from interviews. From observation and survey, the main question on the perusal of archives materials, and the real problem of archival access have been identified survey's participants are persons who frequented the reference services in 1995-2000, purposive samples totaling 85 respondents were taken among them.
My research employed descriptive method on a case study, i.e. the Arsip Nasional RI. Observation, survey, library research and interview were made for data collecting. The research concludes that problem of access, particularly on obtaining information from archives, is due to insufficient and poorly- defined rules and regulations, inadequacy of finding aids and personnel?s lack of skills. The average daily number of researchers is 7-8, is still lower rate compared to the existing service capacity of 10-15 researchers per day, This saws the archival utilization is not yet optimal.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardy Pratama K.R.
"Penelitian ini tentang kegiatan pemberkasan surat oleh sekretaris pejabat eselon I di Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kegiatan pemberkasan surat yang dilakukan oleh sekretaris pejabat eselon I di ANRI. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara and observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberkasan surat oleh sekretaris sudah memenuhi kriteria pemberkasan. Kegiatan pemberkasan surat dapat meningkatkan kinerja sekretaris pejabat eselon I, sehingga temu kembali informasi dan keutuhan informasi dapat terjaga.

This study of the activity of filing a letter by the secretary of echelon I officials at the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia ( ANRI ). The aim of this study was to determine the activities undertaken by filing a letter secretary echelon I officials in ANRI. Research using the case study method. Collecting data through interviews and observations. The results showed filing a letter by the secretary meets the filing criteria. Letter filing activities can improve the performance of the secretary of echelon I, so information retrieval and information integrity can be maintained.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marwah Leilawati
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai nilai guna sekunder arsip komunitas sebagai memori kolektif bangsa pada Belantara Budaya Indonesia. Kontrol kegiatan tertanam di dalam kelompok yang bersangkutan karena arsip komunitas bersifat independen. Arsip komunitas digambarkan sebagai “ruang generatif politik” atau “rumah memori” bagi komunitas dalam mendapatkan kendali atas pengambilan keputusan di masa depan. Komunitas mempertimbangkan penciptaan arsip berdasarkan keterlibatannya dengan pelestarian budaya atau motivasi lainnya. Arsip menjadi memori kolektif yang mengandung nilai mendasar bagi pendidikan karakter, jati diri bangsa, serta berperan dalam menumbuhkan jiwa nasionalisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi nilai guna sekunder arsip dan faktor yang memotivasi pembentukan arsip di Belantara Budaya Indonesia. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Informan penelitian dipilih berdasarkan metode purposive sampling dengan kriteria yaitu anggota komunitas selama lebih dari 6 tahun, terlibat aktif dalam aktivitas dan perkembangan sejarah komunitas, serta mendokumentasikan, mempublikasikan, dan mengakses arsip komunitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa arsip Belantara Budaya Indonesia dapat menjadi memori kolektif bagi bangsa Indonesia, meskipun belum memiliki tenaga profesional bidang arsip. Pengelolaan arsip di Belantara Budaya juga memerlukan kebijakan sesuai dengan pedoman dan standar kearsipan. Selain itu, perlu adanya tautan antara arsip Belantara Budaya Indonesia dengan Jaringan Informasi Kearsipan Nasional (JIKN) dan Sistem Informasi Kearsipan Nasional (SIKN) milik ANRI sehingga memori kolektif dapat diakses oleh bangsa Indonesia.

This research discusses the secondary use value of community archives as a nation's collective memory in the Belantara Budaya Indonesia. Control of activities embedded in the group because community archives are independent. Community archives are described as "political generative spaces" or "memory houses" for communities to gain control over future decision-making. The community considers the creation of archives based on its involvement with cultural preservation or other motivations. Archives becomes a collective memory that contains fundamental values for character education, the identity of the nation, and plays a role in cultivating the spirit of nationalism. This research aims to identify the secondary use value of archive and factors that motivate community archives in Belantara Budaya Indonesia. The research approach used is qualitative with a case study method. The data is collected by interview, observing, and document studies. The informants are chosen by purposive sampling methods with the criteria of being community members for more than 6 years, actively involved in community activities and historical developments, as well as documenting, publishing, and accessing community archives. The result of this study shows that the archives of the Belantara Budaya Indonesia can be a collective memory for the Indonesian nation, even though it does not yet have professionals in the field of archives. However, there is a need for a link between the archives of Belantara Budaya Indonesia and the ANRI’s National Archives Information Network (JIKN) and National Archival Information System (SIKN) thereby that collective memory can be accessed by the Indonesian nation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noventra Tri Permana Putra
"Penelitian ini membahas perlindungan terhadap arsip inaktif di Record Center Pustaka Bogor baik fisik maupun informasinya dari faktor yang dapat merusak arsip. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kegiatan perlindungan arsip inaktif pada Record Center di Pustaka Bogor dalam menghadapi berbagai macam ancaman kerusakan arsip berikut dengan kendala yang ditemukan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus.
Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa adanya kesenjangan antara kebijakan dan kebutuhan perlindungan arsip yang muncul karena belum adanya kebijakan internal khusus untuk perlindungan arsip inaktif di Record Center Pustaka yang menyebabkan masih minimnya upaya perlindungan arsip atas faktor-faktor yang dapat merusak arsip seperti debu, suhu dan kelembapan, cahaya, serangga dan binatang pengerat, juga faktor manusia. Dari hasil penelitian ini menyarankan sebaiknya dibuat kebijakan internal khusus mengenai perlindungan arsip inaktif di Record Center Pustaka Bogor.

This research is about protection of inactive records at Records Center Pustaka Bogor in terms of its physic and its content from any factors which may harm the records itself. The purpose of this research is to describe the activity of inactive record protection at Record Center Pustaka Bogor in order to deal with any kinds of damage threat along with problem occurs. This research is using a qualitative research with a case study method.
The result of this research defines that the gap between policy and the need of record protection causes by none internal policy specifically made for inactive record protection at Record Center Pustaka that leads to the lack of effort in protecting the record from any factors that may causes damage such as dust, damp temperature, lights, bugs and rats also human factor. The suggestion based on this research is to create a specific internal policy regarding the protection of inactive record in Record Center Pustaka Bogor.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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