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Vazquez, Roberto Valencia
Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema, 2008
628.445 64 Vaz e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmi Puspita Sari
"Material lignoselulosa yang mengandung tiga kompenen utama, yaitu selulosa, hemiselulosa, dan lignin, diketahui sulit untuk didegradasi melalui proses biologis. Selulase telah terbukti mengkatalis degradasi selulosa dengan menggunakan hidrolisis enzimatik. Namun, penambahan selulosa diperkirakan bisa mempengaruhi kualitas air lindi yang dihasilkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efek penambahan enzim terhadap kualitas air lindi. Dua 1,5 meter bioreaktor disediakan untuk dua perlakuan, yaitu 1 resirkulasi air lindi dengan penambahan enzim, 2 hanya resirkulasi air lindi sebagai kontrol. Penambahan enzim selulase sebanyak 15 x 106 U/ton menghasilkan konsentrasi COD lebih rendah 29,100 mg/L dengan penambahan enzim dan 31,900 mg/L pada kontrol , TS 17,800 mg/L dan 22,100 mg/L , TDS 15,900 mg/L and 19,800 mg/L. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh percepatan hidrolisis menggunakan proses enzimatik. Namun, nilai BOD lebih tinggi ketika penambahan enzim dilakukan 16,100 mg/L dan 11,600 mg/L disebabkan karena penambahan enzim mendorong pembentukan glukosa, sehingga meningkatkan nilai BOD. Nilai pH meningkat seiring waktu menuju netral, mengindikasikan landfill telah menuju fase metanogenik. Dari penelitian ini, bisa disimpulkan bahwa penambahan enzim pada landfill mempunyai dampah pada kualitas air lindi yang dihasilkan.

Lignocellulose material which consist of three main component, including cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, was known hard to degrade using biological process. Cellulase has proven to catalyst the degradation of celullose by enzymatic hydrolysis. However, the addition of enzyme might affect leachate qualities that was emitted from landfill. The aim of this research is to analyses the effect of cellulase addition on leachate qualities. Two 1.5 m height bioreactors was provided for two different treatment including 1 leachate recirculation with cellulase addition 2 leachate recirculation only as control. The addition of cellulase at 15 x 106 U tonne was resulting lower concentration for COD 29,100 mg L in cellulase addition and 31,900 mg L in control, TS 17,800 mg L and 22,100 mg L, respectively, TDS 15,900 mg L and 19,800 mg L, respectively. This was likely caused by acceleration of hydrolysis using enzymatic process. However, BOD value higher when cellulase addition was conducted 16,100 and 11,600 mg L, respectively because the addition of cellulase was supported formation of glucose, therefore escalate BOD value. pH value was increasing over time towards neutral, indicates landfill has been headed toward methanogenic phase. From the experiment, it can be concluded that addition of cellulase has impacts towards leachate qualities."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Makoenimau, Bevin Philip Pratama
"Pasokan energi dan kebersihan lingkungan merupakan isu penting yang terjadi secara global, belum lagi di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia menargetkan mencapai 23 45 GW pengembangan EBT pada tahun 2025 dalam bauran energi nasional. Di sisi lain, produksi sampah terus meningkat seiring bertumbuhnya jumlah penduduk dan perekonomian. Program sampah menjadi energi melalui penerapan Sustainable Modular Bioreactor Landfill Gas Plant merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat mengatasi masalah pasokan energi nasional maupun timbulan sampah kota. Kondisi yang menantang muncul pada sektor pendanaan untuk membangun dan mengoperasikan teknologi ini.
Resident-based financial model akan diterapkan untuk mengatasi kondisi ini. Terdapat 2 skenario, yaitu tanpa dan dengan diskon tarif listrik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor pendorong internal demografis yang merangsang masyarakat untuk berperan serta dalam membiayai investasi dan operasi pabrik gas landfill tersebut. Metode survei dengan wawancara langsung dan kuesioner online akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kriteria masyarakat yang sesuai untuk penerapan resident-based financial model adalah masyarakat yang memiliki pendapatan rumah tangga sebesar 3.000.000 - 7.000.000 rupiah per bulan.

Energy supply and environmental hygiene are critical issues that happened globally, not to mention in Indonesia. Indonesian government targets to reach 23 45 GW of NRE development by the year of 2025 within the national energy mix. On the other hand, waste production increases as the number of population and economic level grows. Waste to energy program through the implementation of Sustainable Bioreactor Landfill Gas Plant is one of many alternatives which can solve the problem of national energy supply as well as the municipal solid waste problem. Challenging conditions come to the funding sector to build and operate this plant.
Resident based financial model is used to cope with these conditions. There are 2 scenarios, namely without electricity rate discount and with discount. The purpose of this study is to find out which internal drivers demographic factors that stimulate the society to take part in financing the investments and operations of the landfill gas plant. Survey method by direct interview and online questionnaire will be used in this study. The results of this study indicate that the appropriate society criteria for applying a resident based financial model is a community with household income of 3,000,000 - 7,000,000 rupiah per month.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edward Tanari
Limbah yang dalam persepsi manusia dipandang sebagai barang yang harus disingkirkan karena mengandung logam berat yang dapat membahayakan makhluk hidup, ternyata dalam beberapa hal masih dapat digunakan kembali (reuse) atau didaur-ulang (recycle). Dalam hal pemanfaatan limbah tersebut, beberapa penelitian terdahulu memberikan gambaran bahwa lumpur limbah sebagai hasil akhir dari suatu proses pengolahan limbah, dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman. Potensi tersebut perlu dimanfaatkan mengingat kuantitas jumlah limbah sebagai hasil sampingan dari suatu produk industri berkorelasi positif dengan kuantitas jumlah produk yang dihasilkan.
Di dalam upaya penanganan dan pengendalian limbah yang semakin lama semakin remit dan komplek, maka pemusatan industri dalam suatu lokasi dalam bentuk industrial estate, kawasan berikat, lahan peruntukan industri, perkampungan industri kecil, atau sentra industri merupakan langkah yang sangat strategis.
Berkaitan dengan upaya tersebut, maka keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh adalah bahaya adanya pencemaran lingkungan dapat diminimalisasi dan proses daur ulang (recycle) limbah yang masih mungkin dimanfaatkan kembali (reuse) untuk keperluan lain dapat dilakukan dengan efisien .
Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut di atas, maka percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengamati pertumbuhan tanaman jagung yang diberi perlakuan pemupukan dengan lumpur limbah industri, menganalisis kandungan logam berat (Cr, Cd, Pb, dan Ni) yang diserap oleh tanaman selama fase pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif, dan menentukan tingkat dosis lumpur limbah industri sebagai pupuk organik yang optimal bagi tanaman.
Percobaan ini dilakukan di rumah kaca (green house) dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 (lima) tingkatan dosis lumpur limbah industri ditambah kontrol (tanpa lumpur limbah industri), masing-masing ditambah tanah hingga mencapai total berat 5 kg. Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 (tiga) kali sehingga total jumlah sampel 18 kantong (polybag). Adapun tanaman yang dicobakan adalah tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) varietas Pioner 5 (P5) yang peka terhadap pemupukan.
Hipotesis yang diuji pada penelitian ini adalah:
1. Penggunaan lumpur limbah industri sebagai pupuk pada tanaman berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jagung yang dicobakan.
2. Pemupukan dengan lumpur limbah industri pada berbagai dosis akan memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap semua parameter tumbuh fisiologis (tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat kering batang, berat kering daun, dan berat kering tongkol buah jagung) yang diteliti.
3. Terdapat perbedaan kandungan logam berat yang diserap oleh bagian tanaman (batang, daun, dan tongkol buah) jagung terhadap lumpur limbah yang diaplikasikan sebagai pupuk.
Adapun tingkat dosis campuran Lumpur limbah dan tanah yang digunakan adalah:
· LO = 5.000 gr tanah tanpa lumpur limbah (kontrol).
· L1 = 4.800 gr tanah + 200 gr lumpur limbah
· L2 = 4.600 gr tanah + 400 gr lumpur limbah
· L3 = 4.200 gr tanah + 800 gr lumpur limbah
· L4 = 3.400 gr tanah + 1.600 gr lumpur lirnbah.
· L5 =1.800 gr tanah +.3.200 gr lumpur limbah.
Data basil percobaan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode statistik ANOVA (Analysis of Varians) dengan menggunakan SPSS for MS Window release 6.0 dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Bela Nyata Terkecil (BNT) atau Least Significant Difference (LSD). Sedang lumpur limbah industri yang digunakan serta jaringan organ tanaman dianalisis di laboratorium dengan menggunakan metode titrasi dan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) untuk mengetahui kadar logam berat yang terlonggok
Bardasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan kesimpulan:
1. Lumpur limbah PT. Kawasan Industri jababeka Cikarang dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk pada tanaman jagung. Hal itu dimungkinkan karena kandungan unsur hara mikro (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, dan Co) dalam lumpur limbah industri itu cukup tinggi dan dapat diserap oleh tanaman untuk pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatifnya. Pemanfaatanlumpur limbah sebagai pupuk dapat menguntungkan secara fisiologis bagi tanaman. Di samping itu, juga dapat memberi keuntungan dan segi lingkungan di mana kemungkinan pencemaran tanah dan air akibat lumpur limbah industri dapat dikontrol dengan baik.
2. Tanaman jagung yang dipupuk dengan lumpur limbah industri secara fisiologis menampakkan daun yang tegak dan keras. Batang tanaman kuat dan mempunyai ruas yang tinggi dan tegak. Kondisi seperti itu terjadi pada semua level dosis pemupukan yang dicobakan, kecuali pada tingkat dosis 3.200 gr lumpur limbah + 1.800 gr tanah (L5). Pada tingkat dosis dengan perlakuan LS, tanaman nampak kerdil dan kekar, ruas batang pendek-pendek sehingga daun berbentuk roset (bertumpuk-tumpuk).
3. Batas toleransi rnaksimal penggunaan lumpur limbah sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman dari tingkat dosis yang dicobakan adalah 1.600 gr lumpur limbah dalam 3.400 gr tanah. Pemberian lumpur limbah melebihi dosis tersebut akan berpengaruh negatif pada tanaman. Pengaruh negatif yang ditimbulkan adalah tanaman menjadi kerdil dan sistem perakarannya jelek (akar tanaman pendek dan tidak memiliki bulu-bulu akar).
4. Dari hasil percobaan didapatkan tingkat dosis lumpur limbah yang optimal dan toleran untuk pertumbuhan tanaman adalah 400 gr lumpur limbah + 4.600 gr tanah (L2) dart 800 gr lumpur limbah + 4.200 gr tanah (L3). Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat kering batang dan berat kering daun yang nilai rata-ratanya relatif lebih tinggi dibanding perlakuan lainnya. Selain itu, sistem perakaran tanaman sangat baik.
5. Dibandingkan dengan potensinya, jagung jenis Hibrida varietas Pioner 5 (P5) yang dipupuk dengan lumpur limbah, menghasilkan organ tanaman (batang, daun dan tongkol buah) yang masih jauh dari potensi hasilnya. Hal itu dikarenakan tingkat kesesuaian tanah (media) untuk pertanaman tergolong sedang dan unsur hara makro yang dibutuhkan tanaman relatif masih sangat minim dari kebutuhan yang seharusnya.
Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas, maka untuk aplikasi lumpur limbah agar mendapatkan hasil pertanaman Jagung yang optimal, sebaiknya media tumbuh diberi tambahan unsur NPK karena kandungan unsur NPK dalam lumpur limbah industri tergolong relatif kedl dibanding untuk kebutuhan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman.
Akibat adanya komplikasi ekologis yang sering menyertai peningkatan basil produksi pertanian yang dipupuk dengan Sari Kering Limbah (SKL) industri, maka pada setiap dampak positif dari peningkatan produksi jangan pula dilupakan kemungkinan timbulnya hal-hal negatif. Oleh karena itu, pada setiap proyek pembangunan hendaknya perencanaan dan pengelolaan limbah hars dipikirkan sematang-matangnya.
Agar keamanan dari penggunaan Lumpur limbah dari kemungldnan bahaya keracunan atau pelonggokan logam berat melalui rantai makana.n, maka disarankan agar aplikasi limbah sebagai pupuk dilakukan pada tanaman nonpangan.

Man's perception on waste is that the material must be removed since it contains heavy metals that can endanger living creatures. However, it turned out that on several occasions it can be reused or recycled. In utilizing waste, several earlier studies showed that sludge as final product of waste processing could be used as organic fertilizer of plants. Such a potential need to be utilized considering the quantity of waste as a by product of an industrial product correlates positively with the quantity of product that is produced.
In an effort towards waste management and control which became increasingly difficult and complicated, hence, centralizing industry in one location in the form of industrial estate, bounded zone, area allocation for industry, small scale industry settlements or industrial centres constitute a very strategical step.
The benefits obtained related to such efforts include minimalization of environmental pollution and recycling of wastes that can still be utilized or reused for other purposes, can still be carried out efficiently.
This experiment then, has as objectives, to observe the growth of maize fertilized by industrial waste sludge, to analyze the heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) contents absorbed by the plants during the vegetative and generative phases of growth and to decide the dosage of industrial waste sludge as optimal organic fertilizer for plants.
This experiment was carried out in a green house by using the Complete Random Design with 5 (five) different dosages of industrial waste sludge and additional control (without industrial waste sludge)_ Each specimen received additional soil so that a total weight of 5 kg. was achieved. Each were repeated 3 (three) times so that the total number of samples were 18 polybags. The plant used in the experiment is maize of the Pioner 5 (P5) variety that is sensitive towards fertilizers.
The hypothesis tested in this study were:
1. That industrial waste sludge has the chemical elements' composition that can be used as fertilizer to support the growth of plants. Has the waste sludge positive influence on the growth of maize?
2. Different dosages of industrial waste sludge resulted in different responses towards all parameters of physiological growth (height, total number of leaves, dry stem and leaves weigth, and dry corn stalk) under study.
3. The heavy metals' content that were absorbed by the different parts of the plant (stem, leaves, corn stalk) differ towards the waste sludge applied.
The dosages of waste sludge and soil mixtures used were as follows:
L0 = 5.000 gr soil without waste sludge(control)
L1 = 4.800 gr soil + 200 gr waste sludge
L2 = 4.600 gr soil + 400 gr waste sludge.
L3 = 4.200 gr soil + 800 gr waste sludge
L4 = 3.400 gr soil +1 .600 gr waste sludge.
L5 = 1.800 gr soil + 3.200 gr waste sludge.
Data of the experiment was analysed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with SFSS for MS Window release 6.0. It was then tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Whereas the industrial waste sludge and plant organs' tissue were analized at the laboratory by using the titration method and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to know the heavy metal concentration.
Based on the study results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The Cikarang Jababeka industry Zone PT. waste sludge can be used as fertilizer on maize plants. Such was made possible because the fertilizer micro elements' content (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Co) of the industrial waste sludge is sufficiently complete and can be absorbed by the plants for vegetative and generative growths. However, the maximal limit of the dosage level experimented on was 1.600 gr of waste sludge in 3.400 gr soil. The provision of waste sludge exceeding the said dosage will negatively influence the plants. The negative influence took the form of bad roots' system and stunted growth.
2. Maize plants fertilized by industrial waste sludge showed physiologically hard and upright leaves, strong stems with high and upright nodes. Such condition took place for all levels of dosages experimented on, except at 3.200 gr dosage of waste sludge + 1.800 gr of soil (L5). At this dosage level, the plant dwarfs rigidly, the nodes were short so that the leaves took the form of rosettes.
3. The experimental results showed that the optimal and tolerant dosage levels were 400 gr of waste sludge + 4.600 gr of soil (L2) and 800 gr of waste sludge + 4.200 gr of soil (L3). In these cases, the height of the plant, the number of leaves and dry weights of stems and leaves have an average higher value compared with other dosage levels. In addition, the root system was also very good
4. Concentration of heavy metals in the waste sludge of waste processing result of Jababeka Industrial Zone FL is high enough. But if it is compared with the turn of heavy metals in compost fertilizer which is based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard, the contens of heavy metal Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni axe still below the allowed tolerancy limit.
5. Compared to its potential, Hibrid maize of Pioneer variety (P5) fertilized by waste sludge, produced plant organs (stem, leaves and corn stalk) which are far from its potential. Such was caused by the level of media suitability for plants of intermediate group and macro fertilizer elements needed by the plants are still relatively very minimal than what is really needed.
Based on the above conclusions, therefore, to apply waste sludge in order to obtain optimal maize plants' production, the media should be given additional NPK elements. This is due to the minimal NPK contents in industrial waste sludge compared to the needs for growth and production of the plants in question.
For ecological complication often accompanies the increase of agriculture production result which is fertilized with industrial Waste Dry Essence, so do not forget the possibility of appearance of negative effects in every positive impact of production increase. Because of that in every development project the planning and processing of waste should be thought very seriously and widely.
For safety reasons and the possibility of poisioning or accumulation of heavy metals in the food chain, it is recommended that the application of waste sludge as fertilizer is carried out in non-food plants.;The Impact Of Industrial Waste Sludge Aplication As Fertilizer On PlantMan's perception on waste is that the material must be removed since it contains heavy metals that can endanger living creatures. However, it turned out that on several occasions it can be reused or recycled. In utilizing waste, several earlier studies showed that sludge as final product of waste processing could be used as organic fertilizer of plants. Such a potential need to be utilized considering the quantity of waste as a by product of an industrial product correlates positively with the quantity of product that is produced.
In an effort towards waste management and control which became increasingly difficult and complicated, hence, centralizing industry in one location in the form of industrial estate, bounded zone, area allocation for industry, small scale industry settlements or industrial centres constitute a very strategical step.
The benefits obtained related to such efforts include minimalization of environmental pollution and recycling of wastes that can still be utilized or reused for other purposes, can still be carried out efficiently.
This experiment then, has as objectives, to observe the growth of maize fertilized by industrial waste sludge, to analyze the heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) contents absorbed by the plants during the vegetative and generative phases of growth and to decide the dosage of industrial waste sludge as optimal organic fertilizer for plants.
This experiment was carried out in a green house by using the Complete Random Design with 5 (five) different dosages of industrial waste sludge and additional control (without industrial waste sludge)_ Each specimen received additional soil so that a total weight of 5 kg. was achieved. Each were repeated 3 (three) times so that the total number of samples were 18 polybags. The plant used in the experiment is maize of the Pioner 5 (P5) variety that is sensitive towards fertilizers.
The hypothesis tested in this study were:
1. That industrial waste sludge has the chemical elements' composition that can be used as fertilizer to support the growth of plants. Has the waste sludge positive influence on the growth of maize?
2. Different dosages of industrial waste sludge resulted in different responses towards all parameters of physiological growth (height, total number of leaves, dry stem and leaves weigth, and dry corn stalk) under study.
3. The heavy metals' content that were absorbed by the different parts of the plant (stem, leaves, corn stalk) differ towards the waste sludge applied.
The dosages of waste sludge and soil mixtures used were as follows:
L0 = 5.000 gr soil without waste sludge(control)
L1 = 4.800 gr soil + 200 gr waste sludge.
L2 = 4.600 gr soil + 400 gr waste sludge.
L3 = 4.200 gr soil + 800 gr waste sludge
L4 = 3.400 gr soil +1 .600 gr waste sludge.
L5 = 1.800 gr soil + 3.200 gr waste sludge.
Data of the experiment was analysed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with SFSS for MS Window release 6.0. It was then tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Whereas the industrial waste sludge and plant organs' tissue were analized at the laboratory by using the titration method and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to know the heavy metal concentration.
Based on the study results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The Cikarang Jababeka industry Zone PT. waste sludge can be used as fertilizer on maize plants. Such was made possible because the fertilizer micro elements' content (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Co) of the industrial waste sludge is sufficiently complete and can be absorbed by the plants for vegetative and generative growths. However, the maximal limit of the dosage level experimented on was 1.600 gr of waste sludge in 3.400 gr soil. The provision of waste sludge exceeding the said dosage will negatively influence the plants. The negative influence took the form of bad roots' system and stunted growth.
2. Maize plants fertilized by industrial waste sludge showed physiologically hard and upright leaves, strong stems with high and upright nodes. Such condition took place for all levels of dosages experimented on, except at 3.200 gr dosage of waste sludge + 1.800 gr of soil (L5). At this dosage level, the plant dwarfs rigidly, the nodes were short so that the leaves took the form of rosettes.
3. The experimental results showed that the optimal and tolerant dosage levels were 400 gr of waste sludge + 4.600 gr of soil (L2) and 800 gr of waste sludge + 4.200 gr of soil (L3). In these cases, the height of the plant, the number of leaves and dry weights of stems and leaves have an average higher value compared with other dosage levels. In addition, the root system was also very good.
4. Concentration of heavy metals in the waste sludge of waste processing result of Jababeka Industrial Zone FL is high enough. But if it is compared with the turn of heavy metals in compost fertilizer which is based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard, the contens of heavy metal Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni axe still below the allowed tolerancy limit.
5. Compared to its potential, Hibrid maize of Pioneer variety (P5) fertilized by waste sludge, produced plant organs (stem, leaves and corn stalk) which are far from its potential. Such was caused by the level of media suitability for plants of intermediate group and macro fertilizer elements needed by the plants are still relatively very minimal than what is really needed.
Based on the above conclusions, therefore, to apply waste sludge in order to obtain optimal maize plants' production, the media should be given additional NPK elements. This is due to the minimal NPK contents in industrial waste sludge compared to the needs for growth and production of the plants in question.
For ecological complication often accompanies the increase of agriculture production result which is fertilized with industrial Waste Dry Essence, so do not forget the possibility of appearance of negative effects in every positive impact of production increase. Because of that in every development project the planning and processing of waste should be thought very seriously and widely.
For safety reasons and the possibility of poisioning or accumulation of heavy metals in the food chain, it is recommended that the application of waste sludge as fertilizer is carried out in non-food plants.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutagalung, Winny Laura Christina
"Lumpur pada sludge drying bed Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT) Kalimulya Depok dimanfaatkan masyarakat sekitar sebagai penyubur tanah. Padahal, lumpur tersebut belum memenuhi kriteria untuk dijadikan penyubur tanah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan satu pengolahan untuk memperbaiki kualitas lumpur tersebut. Pengolahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengomposan yang mencampur lumpur dari sludge drying bed dan sampah organik pasar dengan menggunakan metode open windrow. Pengomposan merupakan proses eksotermik yang akan menghasilkan panas dan pengukuran suhu dilakukan selama proses pengomposan berlangsung. Dalam percobaan pengomposan ini, dua perlakuan pengadukan yang berbeda diberikan pada dua buah komposter. Kompos diaduk dengan frekuensi dua dan empat hari. Kualitas yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah Fecal coliform dan Salmonella sp.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengadukan empat hari mampu mencapai suhu hingga 66,40C, sedangkan kompos dengan pengadukan dua hari hanya mencapai suhu 65,20C. Hasil pengukuran jumlah Fecal coliform adalah 23 MPN/gr pada hari ke-15, sedangkan jumlah Salmonella sp adalah <2 MPN/4gr pada hari ke-30. Ketika suhu mencapai suhu termofilik (35-650C), maka jumlahkedua bakteri tersebut akan berkurang. Dengan demikian, pengomposan mampu menurunkan jumlah bakteri Fecal coliform dan Salmonella sp sehingga dapat memenuhi SNI 19-7030-2004 tentang Spesifikasi Kompos dari Sampah Organik Domestik. Namun, terjadi pertumbuhan kembali bakteri dan secara signifikan ditunjukkan dengan jumlah Fecal coliform yang meningkat pada hari ke-30 dan 40, yaitu mencapai 50 MPN/gr dan 300 MPN/gr. Titik maturasi kompos tidak hanya dilihat dari kualitas mikrobiologisnya, tetapi juga dari kestabilan suhu, reduksi volume, bau, warna, dan tekstur kompos. Secara umum, variasi frekuensi pengadukan dua dan empat hari sekali tidak menghasilkan perbedaan yang mencolok. Untuk percobaan pengomposan yang lebih efektif, maka pengadukan yang lebih disarankan adalah frekuensi pengadukan 4 hari.

Sludge that is coming from sludge drying bed in Kalimulya Waste Water Treatment Plant City of Depok was used as soil fertilizer by community nearby. In fact, these sludge do not meet with standard as soil fertilizer and requires other treatment to improve its quality. This research was conducted to treat this sludge by open windrow composting method. This sludge was mixed with organic waste from traditional market. Composting is an exothermic process that is produced heat. The temperature increased due to the heat was measured during process takes place. There are two different turning frequencies performed which are every two and four days. The compost quality parameters that is examined are Fecal coliform and Salmonella sp. SNI No. 19-7030-2004 - Specification of The Domestic Organic Waste Composting was used as a base for compost quality standard.
The result shows that four days turning frequency could reach highest temperature at approximately 66.40C. Meanwhile, two days frequency only could reach highest temperature approximately 65.20C. The average number of Fecal coliform at day 15 is approximately 23 MPN/gr and Salmonella sp at day 30 is not more than 2 MPN/4gr. Composting could reduce the number of both bacteria. However, bacterial regrowth occurred and significantly indicated by number of Fecal coliform that increased at day 30 and 40, those are 30 MPN/gand 300 MPN/g. The matured compost is not only seen from its microbial quality, but also temperature, volume reduction, odor, color, and texture stability. In general, the compost quality did not show significant difference between two and four days turning frequency. But, four days turning frequency is preffered for effectivity and keeping temperature high during composting.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Saffira
"Pengoperasian bioreaktor landfill dengan resirkulasi air lindi sudah banyak digunakan untuk mempercepat stabilisasi sampah. Namun, komposisi sampah di Indonesia didominasi oleh sampah organik yang merupakan material lignoselulosa yang sulit terdegradasi. Dalam upaya untuk mempercepat proses degradasi lignoselulosa tersebut dilakukan penambahan enzim selulase. Enzim selulase merupakan enzim yang dapat mengatalisasi proses dekomposisi selulosa dan polisakarida lainnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua kondisi; pengoperasian resirkulasi air lindi dengan penambahan enzim selulase dan pengoperasian resirkulasi air lindi saja sebagai kontrol. Penambahan enzim selulase menghasilkan penurunan kandungan organik dalam sampah secara signifikan yang ditunjukkan dengan penurunan parameter volatile solid.
Hingga akhir penelitian penurunan volatile solid pada reaktor dengan penambahan enzim dan reaktor kontrol masing-masing adalah 24,23 dan 10,72. Penambahan enzim selulase juga dilaporkan menghasilkan penurunan kandungan selulosa sampah yang signifikan 24,60 w/w dan 18,40 w/w untuk kontrol. Penurunan sampah pada bioreaktor lebih besar dengan penambahan enzim 32,67 dibandingkan dengan kontrol 19,33. Proses stabilisasi sampah ditinjau dengan konstanta laju penurunan parameter rasio selulosa dan lignin lebih cepat dicapai dengan penambahan enzim 0,014 hari-1 dibanding dengan kontrol 0,002 hari-1.

Landfill bioreactor with leachate recirculation is known to enhance waste stabilization. However, the composition of waste in Indonesia is comprised by organic waste which is lignocellulosic materials. Lignocellulosic materials are considered to take a long time to degrade under anaerobic condition. In order to accelerate the degradation process, enzyme addition is ought to do. Cellulase enzyme is an enzyme that can catalyze cellulose and other polysaccharide decomposition processes. The experiment was performed on 2 conditions leachate recirculation with cellulase addition and recirculation only as control. The addition of cellulase is reported to be significant in decreasing organic content which is represented by volatile solid parameters.
The volatile solid reduction in the cellulase augmented reactor and control reactor was 17,86 and 7,90, respectively. Cellulase addition also resulted in the highest cellulose reduction 24,50 w w and 18,40 w w cellulose reduction, respectively. Settlement of the landfill in a bioreactor with enzyme addition 32,67 is reported to be higher than the control 19,33. Stabilization of landfill review by the decreasing rate constant of the cellulose and lignin ratio parameter was more rapidly achieved by the enzyme addition 0,014 day 1 compared to control 0,002 day 1.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Romaita Ardzillah
"Minimnya informasi terkait waktu tinggal substrat di dalam digester untuk menghasilkan gas yang optimum menjadikan salah satu permasalahan dalam pengoperasian digester anaerobik, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait waktu tinggal. Penelitian terhadap waktu tinggal ini dilakukan dalam reaktor berukuran 51 L dengan sistem batch selama 40 hari dengan perbandingan substrat lumpur tinja:sampah makanan:sampah kebun adalah 1:1:1 dan dilakukan pengecekan karakteristik awal substrat setelah pencampuran.
Berdasarkan penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa C/N substrat adalah 12,5 dengan TS sebesar 1,25%. Biogas maksimum yang dihasilkan terjadi pada waktu tinggal 40 hari yaitu sebanyak 127,13 L per kg VS dengan persentase metan sebesar 37,4% dan persentase penghilangan COD sebesar 73,5%. Namun, pada penelitian ini belum dapat menentukan waktu tinggal optimum dikarenakan belum adanya fluktuasi dari produksi gas.

The lack of information regarding the substrate residence time in the digester to produce optimum gas has affected to an appearance of certain problems in the operation of an anaerobic digester, so it is necessary to study related residence time. Research on the residence time in the reactor was done by measuring 51 L in a batch system for 40 days with a ratio of substrates, fecal sludge:food waste:garden waste is 1: 1: 1 and checking the initial characteristics of the substrate after mixing.
Based on the research, it showed that the C/N substrate is 12,5 with 1,25% TS. Biogas produced maximum occur at the time of stay of 40 days was as much as 127,13 per kg VS L with a percentage of 37,4% methane and COD removal percentage of 73,5%. However, this study have not been able to determine the optimum detention time fluctuations due to the lack of gas production.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Rialdi
"Pada studi ini dilakukan penelitian terhadap kemampuan denitrifikasi in situ pada badan landfill dengan umur sampah yang berbeda-beda. Terdapat dua buah kolom landfill bioreaktor skala lab yang digunakan pada penelitian ini: reaktor R2 yang berisikan sampah berumur 2 tahun, dan reaktor R4 yang berisi sampah berumur 4 tahun. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa reaksi denitrifikasi sebagai penghilangan nitrat tercapai pada kedua reaktor, di mana kemampuan penghilangan nitrat yang lebih besar dimiliki oleh R2 dengan konstanta reaksi first order k= 0,0302/jam dibandingkan pada R4 dengan k= 0,0226/jam. Pengaruh perbedaan kedalaman pada landfill terhadap kemampuan penghilangan nitrat juga coba dibahas pada penelitian ini.

The in situ denitrification capacity of bioreactor landfills filled with different refuse ages were studied. There are two bioreactor landfill columns: reactor R2 filled with 2-years-old refuse, and reactor R4 filled with 4-years-old refuse. The results showed that both reactors have the capacity to remove nitrate through denitrification reaction, where R2 have bigger capacity of nitrate removal with first order reaction constant, k= 0,0302/hour, than R4 with k= 0,0226/hour. The variance in nitrate removal along with depth differences in the bioreactor landfill is also discussed in this study.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Chairiah
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan co-biodrying dengan mencampurkan lumpur dengan limbah padat organik. Limbah padat organik yang digunakan adalah sampah halaman yang terdiri dari dedaunan hijau dan dedaunan kering. Sedangkan lumpur yang berupa sludge cake, diperoleh dari instalasi pengolahan air limbah domestik di Bekasi. Co-biodrying dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan keseimbangan properti feedstock dan aspek mikrobiologis. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga reaktor skala laboratorium dengan spesifikasi yang sama. Hasil percobaan yang didapatkan dari proses biodrying yang dilakukan selama 21 hari, menunjukkan bahwa reaktor dengan fraksi pencampuran lumpur terendah 5:1 memiliki profil temperatur yang lebih baik dan penurunan moisture content yang paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan reaktor lainnya. Kandungan moisture content awal dan VS awal pada reaktor ini secara berturut-turut adalah 52.25 dan 82.4 . Kecepatan aliran udara yang digunakan adalah 10 L/menit. Setelah proses biodrying selesai, moisture content akhir material pada reaktor ini adalah 22 , VS sebesar 75.9 , dan nilai kalor akhir sebesar 3179,28 kkal/kg.

In this study, organic waste was co biodried with sludge cake. The organic waste was consisted of dried leaves and green leaves, while the sludge cake was obtained from a waste water treatment plant in Bekasi. Co biodrying was done by balancing substrate rsquo s property and microbial aspect. The experiment was performed on 3 lab scale reactors with same specifications. After 21 days of experiment, it was found that the reactor with the lowest mixing fraction of sludge 5 1 has the best temperature profile and highest moisture content depletion compared with others. Initial moisture content and initial volatile solid content of this reactor rsquo s feedstock was 52.25 and 82.4 respectively. The airflow rate was 10 lpm. After biodrying was done, the final moisture content of this reactor was 22.0 , final volatile solid content was 75.9 , and the final heating value was 3179,28 kkal kg."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djoko M. Hartono
"Trading activities, whether in traditional or modern markets, generate both solid waste and wastewater. This study aims to analyze the characteristics and composition of solid waste generated from traditional and modern markets and their potential reductions in Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Cinere, based on waste generation, composition, and solid waste’s characteristics that are generated from both markets. The method used in this study is based on SNI 19-3964-1994 about Measurement and Collection Method for Waste Generation and Composition of Municipal Solid Waste Sample. Results showed that the average volume of solid waste generation from Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Segar Cinere is 2.74 m3/day and 0.76 m3/day, respectively. The main components of Pasar Pondok Bambu solid waste are 65.56% garden and vegetable waste, 13.04% slaughterhouse waste, 7.34% plastic waste, and 7.28% food waste. Meanwhile, the main components of Pasar Segar Cinere are 58.77% garden and vegetable waste, 20.58% food waste, 9.60% plastic waste, and 3.76% paper waste. There is a chance to reduce the amount of waste in both traditional markets in order to reduce the waste load in landfills. Alternatives to reducing the amount of solid waste are through reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting. These alternatives are expected to reduce solid waste generation in both Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Segar Cinere. In order to be able to be used as compost material, both sources of solid waste should add materials such as leaves from garden waste to increase the levels of carbon content. Based on solid waste composition, potential reduction waste in both Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Segar Cinere is around 40%."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:5 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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