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Sri Astuti
"Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan impor beras di Indonesia. Komponen permintaan impor beras meliputi harga realtif, GDP, jumlah penduduk, dummy tariff, dummy produksi. Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah uji kointegrasi proedur Johansen untuk melihat hubungan jangka pnajang dan error correction model untuk estimasi jangka pendek dengan menggunakan data tahun 1972-2005.
Dari hasiluji kointegrasi terlihat adanya pengaruh komponen jnagka panjang berupa harga relatif berpengaruh negatif, jumlah penduduk berpengaruh positif, GDP berpengaruh positif. Menunjukan bahwa persamaan struktural mempunyai tanda parameter sesuai dengan harapn. Sedangkan dari hasil regresi kesalah, semua variabel bebas memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap permintaan impor beras Indonesia. ECT yang signifikan secara statistik mwnunjukan ECM yang dibangun adalah model untuk menggambarkan jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Dewi Arini
"Inspection of goods which are going out and coming in Customs Territory conducted by institution that have been assigned by government, which is Customs or international surveyor. The assignation of inspecting operator depends on the system used by pertinent government. If the government applies a pre-shipment inspection (PSI) system that is inspection of imported goods in a port load provided by independent private company to both exporters and government in order to give assessment of goods to be imported and exported, the operator is an international surveyor. On the other hand, if the government uses an on arrival inspection (OAI) system that is an inspection of imported goods in destination port, the operator is a local Customs.
A government can also apply PSI system and OAI system concurrently, for example, Indonesia in 1985 up to 1990. At that period, PSI operator checks importation with value above FOB US$ 5,000.00, and OAI operator checks importation with value until FOB USS 5,000.00, Along with the increasing of commercial activity and market forces demand to enhance Customs service and to fulfill Customs commitment as a member of World Customs Organization (WCO), hence existing Customs procedures and systems continue to develop. Since the launching of Law # 1011995 about Customs, inspection system of imported goods in Indonesia embraces an OAI system which is in Law # 10/1995 gives a larger trust to market forces, but it is without disregarding state's finance security. OAI system is based on a self-assessment implementation, risk management and a post clearance audit. The supervisory of OAI system relied on a post clearance audit, so it doesn't interfere the releasing of imported goods from the port The PCA implementation is a logical consequence of self-assessment implementation and selective physical examination which is embraced by Law # 10/1995 about Customs.
In general, advantage of PSI system is to give benefit to exporter and importer to his imported goods, so it can comply with quantity and quality of goods demanding in sales agreement. Besides, PSI can give benefit to government by improving state revenue through evasion of imported goods which are under standard, increasing foreign trade management by providing accurate commerce statistic, and supporting and pushing foreign capital cultivation incentive plan.
On the other hand, results of research conducted by Lembaga Manajemen Universitas Indonesia (LM UI) in 1997 indicating that the government have to pay US$1 for each of US$163.63 import value which is done by SGS as The PSI system operator during 1995 - 1997, comparing to USS 1 for each of US$ $ 989,22 import value which is done by Customs as The OAL system operator in the year after SGS implementation. Thereby, the results indicate that The OAI system is more efficient compared to The PSI system. Results of research of LM UI also show that for each of USS 1 fee paid by government to SGS yield by US$ 4.40 of import duty revenue, while for each of US$ 1 fee paid by government to Customs yield US$ 18.68 of import duty revenue. Again, the data indicate that The OAI system is more effective compared to The PSI system.
Meanwhile, based on results research conducted by ECONIT Advisory Group, the cost paid by government during implementation of SGS service equal to almost 15% from total import duty in a yearlong. Whereas the cost paid by government to defray DJBC only equal to less than 14° c let %ear from total cost paid to SGS. Farther, cost which is must be paid by government dung import pattern by using PSI system that is executed by SGS indicate that government have to pay 0.6% on average from import value or 23% from collected import duty. Cost Collection equal to 23% is counted very high and above maximum international standard cost collection, which is 5% on average.
From system comparison and procedure analysis and cost-benefit analysis between PSI system and OAI system, PSI supporters argument and field facts, deeply interview, and perception participate observation results with some parties who is related to inspection system of imported goods in Indonesia, it can be concluded till now that The OAI system is the inspection system that are cheapest, fastest, simplest, most effective, and most efficient. This matter can be proved from its cost, time, and OAI procedure."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Purnama
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis permintaan impor daging sapi di Indonesia sebelum dan sesudah adanya program swasembada daging sapi baik dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang Penelitian ini menggunakan data time series periode tahun 1974 sampai dengan tahun 2013 dengan menggunakan pendekatan kointegrasi dan Error Correction Model Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam jangka panjang dan jangka pendek program swasembada daging sapi belum mampu mengurangi permintaan impor daging sapi Apabila terjadi perubahan pada variabel variabel yang mempengaruhi permintaan impor daging sapi jangka pendek maka akan membutuhkan waktu selama 3 37 bulan untuk menuju keseimbangan model permintaan impor daging sapi jangka panjang.

This study aims to analyze the demand for beef imports in Indonesia before and after the beef self sufficiency program in both the short and long term This study uses time series data period 1974 to 2013 by using cointegration approach and error correction model The results showed that long term and short term self sufficiency in beef program has been unable to reduce the demand for imported beef If there is a change in the variables that affect the demand for imported beef short term it would take 3 37 months for the balance towards demand model for beef imports in long term"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jazman Ihsanuddin
"[Dampak penurunan tarif impor terhadap kesempatan kerja di negara berkembang
masih banyak diperdebatkan. Menurut teori, efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya dari
perdagangan internasional dapat meningkatkan produksi domestik dan permintaan
tenaga kerja. Namun setidaknya dalam jangka pendek pengangguran dapat
meningkat di sektor yang tidak mampu bersaing. Studi di Indonesia belum banyak
menunjukkan bukti empiris pengaruh penurunan tarif impor terhadap kesempatan
kerja. Dengan mengadopsi metodologi Hasan, Mitra, Ranjan, & Ahsan (2012) dan
data individual dan sektoral dari SAKERNAS 2000-2010, studi ini menunjukan
penurunan tarif impor di Indonesia dapat mengurangi kemungkinan menganggur di
sektor yang mampu bersaing dan meningkatkan kemungkinan menganggur di
sektor kurang mampu bersaing., The effect of import tariff reduction on job opportunities in developing countries is
still debateable. The theory suggests that efficiency in utilization of resources
resulting from international trade can increase domestic production and demand of
labour. However, at least in the short-run, unemployment can increase in less
competitive sectors. Empirical studies from Indonesia on this issues are still limited.
By adopting the methodology from Hasan, Mitra, Ranjan, & Ahsan (2012) and
employing individual and sectoral data from SAKERNAS 2000-2010, this study
shows that reducing import tariff in Indonesia decreases of probability of
unemployment in competitive sectors but increases it in less competitive sectors.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asnita Naik Harianja
"Adanya perjanjian Asean-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) telah meningkatkan persentase impor produk manufaktur asal Cina di Indonesia. Akibatnya, kompetisi produk yang dihasilkan industri manufaktur domestik dengan produk impor dari Cina semakin meningkat. Persaingan dari produk impor Cina diukur menggunakan penetrasi impor, dimana cara pengukurannya diperkenalkan oleh Bernard, Jensen, & Schott (2006). Tesis ini mengestimasi dampak penetrasi impor dari Cina terhadap upah industri manufaktur di Indonesia dengan menggunakan model fixed effect. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa penetrasi impor dari Cina berdampak negatif terhadap upah industri manufaktur.

The existence of the Asean-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) agreement has increased the percentage of imports of Chinese manufactured products in Indonesia. Consequently, the competition of products produced by the domestic manufacturing industry with imported products from china is increasing (assuming the products produced by the domestic manufacturing industry may be substituted with imported products from China in the domestic market). Competition from imported products from China is measured using import penetration, where the measurement method is introduced by Bernard, Jensen, & Schott (2006). This thesis estimates the effects of import from China on wages of manufacturing industry in Indonesia by using fixed effect model. The estimation results show that import penetration from China has a negative effect on wage of manufacturing industry.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitra Krisdianto
Hasil kajian yang dilakukan oleh Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) pada tahun 2004 dalam studi berkaitan dengan Trade and Related System and Procedure di Indonesia, disebutkan bahwa pelaku bisnis yang terlibat dengan perdagangan internasional membutuhkan administrasi kepabeanan yang memberikan ?pelayanan prima? (excellent service with swift, transparent, and immediate response) dan pelayanan cepat dan murah (faster, cheaper, and better). Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai (DJBC) sebagai salah satu lembaga pemerintah yang berkaitan langsung dengan dengan perdagangan internasional dituntut untuk dapat senantiasa memperbaharui diri (self-reinventing) sesuai dengan aspirasi masyarakat dan perkembangan mutakhir teknologi keuangan serta administrasi publik.
Dari hasil pembahasan terhadap penelitian yang dilakukan ditarik kesimpulan bahwa meskipun tatalaksana impor yang berlaku telah mengalami berbagai penyempurnaan akan tetapi penerapan di lapangan masih menemui beberapa hambatan. Hambatan yang masih terjadi terutama berkaitan dengan jangka waktu pelayanan atas PIB yang melalui Jalur Merah yaitu pada proses pemeriksaan fisik dan proses pemeriksaan dokumen. Selain itu, sistem pertukaran data elektronik yang telah berjalan masih belum menggabungkan semua entitas yang terkait dengan proses importasi barang dalam komunitas jaringan pertukaran data elektronik (PDE) sehingga pertukaran informasi berkaitan dengan penanganan dokumen pabean dan pengeluaran barang menjadi belum optimal.
Untuk itu maka saran yang diberikan adalah mendesak integrasi Sistem National Single Window (NSW) dengan Sistem Aplikasi Pelayanan Impor mengingat dengan Sistem NSW maka semua entitas yang terkait dengan lalulintas ekspor dan impor khususnya dengan penanganan dokumen kepabeanan dan pengeluaran barang dapat saling bertukar informasi sehingga akan meminimalisasi waktu dan biaya yang timbul dalam penanganan dokumen kepabeanan dan pengeluaran barang, penyempurnaan sistem aplikasi pelayanan impor, perlunya peningkatan kemampuan dan pengetahuan dari pejabat/petugas yang terkait dengan proses pelayanan impor, perlunya pertemuan rutin dengan pengguna jasa di wilayah pengawasan KPPBC Tipe Madya Pabean Soekarno Hatta untuk menjalin komunikasi antara pihak pabean dengan pengguna jasa, serta melakukan rekayasa ulang terhadap proses pelayanan kepabeanan yang berorientasi kepada proses sehingga dapat tercapai peningkatan signifikan dalam waktu yang diperlukan untuk pengeluaran barang impor tanpa mengorbankan fungsi pengawasan penerimaan negara itu sendiri.

(JICA) in 2004 in a study related to the Trade and Related System and Procedure in Indonesia, mentioned that the business involved with international trade need the customs administration that give a "prime services" (excellent service with swift, transparent, and immediate response) and give services that fast and reasonable (faster, cheaper, and better). Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE) as one of the government relating directly with the international trade are required to be constantly updating themselves (self-reinventing) in accordance with the aspirations of the community and the development of sophisticated technology of finance and public administration.
As the results of research conducted, a conclusion is drawn that although the applicable import procedure have experienced various improvement but still encountered some obstacles of implementation in the field. Obstacles that still occur especially in relation to the time period of customs declaration on the Red Channel through the process on the physical examination and document examination. In addition, current electronic data exchange system still has not integrating all entities associated with the process of goods importation within electronic data interchange (EDI) network community so that the exchange of information related to the handling of customs documents and the releasing of the goods not be optimal.
To the suggestion that it is urgent given to the integration of National Single Window (NSW) with the current imports application system to take an advantages of NSW system where all entities associated with the import and export activities especially with the handling of customs documents and releasing goods can exchange information so that it will minimize time and costs incurred, improvement of the import applications system, the need to increase the skills and knowledge of the officers/officials associated with the import process, the need for regular meetings with the market forces in the area of supervision of Soekarno Hatta Customs Service Office to establish communication between the customs officer and the market forces, and perform re-engineering that process oriented of the customs procedure so that significant decrease in time required for import of goods can be achieved without compromising the function of supervision of the customs revenue itself.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ronald Bintang Andreas
"Laporan magang ini membahas prosedur impor yang digunakan perusahaan untuk mengimpor barang mereka. Karena perusahaan biasanya membeli produk dalam jumlah besar, laporan ini secara khusus akan mencakup metode pengiriman Full Container Load atau FCL yang digunakan oleh perusahaan. Laporan ini akan mengungkap proses impor yang harus dilalui perusahaan mulai dari membuat pesanan hingga membongkar peti kemas. Selain itu, prosedurnya akan dibandingkan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait impor yang berlaku di Indonesia. Sebagian besar data yang diperlukan berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama masa magang di PT ABC.

This internship report discusses the import procedure that companies use to import their goods. As companies normally buy products in large quantities, this report will specifically cover a Full Container Load or FCL shipping method used by the company. This report will unearth the import process that a company needs to go through starting from creating an order to unloading containers. Also, the procedure will be compared to related import laws and regulations applied in Indonesia. Most necessary data are based on the experience and knowledge obtained during the internship period at PT ABC."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noviyanti Vidya Nurmala
"Tesis ini mencoba menganalisa mengenai Kebijakan Yerizinan Impor Beras di Indonesia dihubungkan dengan ILA yang merupakan bagian dari Multilateral Agreement on Trade in Goods yang diatur di dalam Annex- IA GATI 1994 ang mengatur mengenai prosedur_administratif perizinan impor yang barus dipenuhi oleh importir. Sebagai anggota WTO, Indonesia berkewajiban untuk menyesuaikan berbagai peraturan atau kebijakan y&ng mengatur mengenai segala hal yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan impor dengan ILA. termasuk kebijakan impor terhadap komoditi beras. Kebijakan impor Indonesia merupakan bagian dari kebijakan perdagangan yang memagari kepentingan nasional dari berbagai pengaruh masuknya barang i.mpor dari negara lain. Globalisasi perdagangan yang melembaga di dalam WTO diragukan keefektifitasannya terutama menyangkut suatu keadaaan yang dilematis antara liberalisasi dengan kepentingan nasional. Penyesuaian aturan­ aturan yang terdapat di dalam WTO terhadap setiap kebijakan impor beras yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Jndonesia hams benar-benar memperhatikan kepentingao nasional Indonesia. Sebagai sebuah bangsa yang berdaulat dengan amanat kehendak rakyat yang tertuaog dalam dasar negsra PEJtcasila dan UUD 1945, maka norma­ norma yang terkandung dalam Pancasila dan UUD 1945 tetap menjadi unsur dominan dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk kebijakan perdagangan Indonesia, tidak terkecuali kebijakan dalam tata niaga impor beras di Indonesia. Terwujudnya keadilan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia, haruslah benar-benar menjadi perhatian yang penting dan tujuan akhir yang harus dicapai ketika pemerintah membuat kebijakan impor beras. dengan demikian harus adanya keharmonisan antara kepentingan dalam negeri di satu sisi dan keharmonisan di dalam melaksanakan kewajiban dari keikutsertaan Indonesia sebagai anggota WTO.

This thesis attempts to analyze on Import Licensing Policy for Rice in Indonesia associated with the which is part of the Multilateral Agreement on Trade in Goods as stipulated in the GAIT 1994 in Annex IA which governs the import licensing administrative procedures that must be met by the importer. As a member of WTO, Indonesia is obliged to adjust the various regulations or policies that govern on all matters relating to the import policy with the ILA, including the commodity riimport policy. Indonesia's impcrt policy was part of trade policy bordering the national interests ofthe various influences the entry of goods imported from other countries. Globalization of1rade is institutionalized within the WTO and its effectiveness is questionable circurnstanC\!s which primarilY' involves a dilemma between liberalization with national interests. Adjustment rules contained in the WTO against any policy of rice imported by the Indonesian government should really pay attention to Indonesia's national interests. As a sovereign nation with the will of the people's mandate as stipulated in the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila state basis, the norms contained in Pancasila and the I945 Constitution remains the dominant element in the decision to Indonesia's trade policies, including policies in the rice import trade regulations in Indonesia. Achieving justice for all Indonesian people, should really become an important concern and ultimate goal to be achie:ved when the government makes thri(:e "import policy. Thus there must be harmony between the interests of the country on one side and harmony in carrying out obligations of Indonesia's part:cipalion as a member of the WTO."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pretty Failasufa Aziza
"Penelitian ini meneliti mengenai dampak ketidakpastian nilai tukar terhadap ekspor dan impor antara perdagangan bilateral Indonesia dengan Australia menggunakan periode waktu 2001-2013. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji bagaimana hubungan jangka panjang dan jangka pendek antara ketidakpastian nilai tukar dengan pertumbuhan ekspor dan impor. Data yang digunakan adalah data time series ekspor dan impor dari industri total. Untuk menguji hipotesis tersebut digunakan penghitungan Error Correction Model (ECM) dengan beberapa tahapan mulai dari penentuan panjang lag, uji kointegrasi untuk melihat hubungan jangka panjang, dan Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) untuk melihat hubungan jangka pendek. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketidakpastian nilai tukar memiliki hubungan terhadap ekspor dan impor baik jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek.

This study analyzes the effect of exchange rate volatility on export and import in bilateral trade between Indonesia and Australia using the time period 2001-2013. The objective of this study is to examine the long run and short run between exchange rate volatility on export and import. This study uses time series data from export and import of the total industry. To examine the hypothesis, this study uses error correction model and autoregressive distributed lag. This study find that exchange rate volatility has relationship with export and import in long run and short run."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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