ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah pemberian kompensasi uang yang disertai permintaan maaf setelah seseorang diperlakukan tidak adil dan adanya kesempatan untuk melakukan pembalasan dendam berpengaruh terhadap perilaku balas dendam yang ditunjukkan oleh orang tersebut. Penulis berhipotesis bahwa partisipan yang tidak diberikan permintaan maaf akan lebih menunjukkan perilaku ,balas dendam dibandingkan partisipan yang diberikan permintaan maaf. Selain itu, adanya kesempatan untuk melakukan pembalasan dendam kepada orang yang telah menyakitinya atau orang lain (yang tidak berhubungan dengan perlakuan tidak adil yang diterima sebelumnya) juga akan mempengaruhi perilaku balas dendam yang
ditunjukkan oleh partisipan. Hasil penelitian eksperimen menggunakan dictator game yang dijalankan dalam program z-Tree membuktikan bahwa ada atau tidak adanya permintaan maaf tidak mempengaruhi perilaku balas dendam yang ditunjukkan oleh individu yang telah mendapatkan perlakuan tidak adil. Namun, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa individu akan membalaskan dendamnya, baik kepada orang yang menyakitinya maupun ke orang lain yang bukan penyebab rasa sakitnya. Tidak peduli pada siapa dendamnya terbalaskan tapi harus ada seseorangyang menerima balasan atas perlakuan tidak adil yang diterimanya.
ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to examine whether financial compensation along with an apology right after someone is treated unfairly and the opportunity to revenge affect the revenge behavior. The author hypothesized that participant who were not given an apology would shown revenge behavior than participant who were given an apology. Furthermore, the opportunity to take vengeance on those who have hurt him or anyone else (who is not related to the unfair treatment) affect revenge behavior. The results of experimental research using dictator game in z-Tree program proves that the presence or absence of an apology does not affect the behavior of revenge of participants. However, this study proves that the individual will avenge himself to anyone, either the person who hurt him or anyone else who is not cause of the pain. No matter to whom vengeance avenged but there must be someone who receive it as a reply to unfair treatment received., The objective of this research is to examine whether financial compensation along
with an apology right after someone is treated unfairly and the opportunity to
revenge affect the revenge behavior. The author hypothesized that participant who
were not given an apology would shown revenge behavior than participant who
were given an apology. Furthermore, the opportunity to take vengeance on those
who have hurt him or anyone else (who is not related to the unfair treatment) affect
revenge behavior. The results of experimental research using dictator game in z-
Tree program proves that the presence or absence of an apology does not affect the
behavior of revenge of participants. However, this study proves that the individual
will avenge himself to anyone, either the person who hurt him or anyone else who
is not cause of the pain. No matter to whom vengeance avenged but there must be
someone who receive it as a reply to unfair treatment received.]"