"Berbagi pengetahuan (knowledge sharing) merupakan landasan bagi organisasi yang menjalankan strategi Knowledge Management (KM). Salah satu persoalan yang dihadapi organisasi adalah menemukan cara yang tepat untuk meningkatkan partisipasi karyawan dalam berbagi pengetahuan mengenai pekerjaan mereka.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh knowledge and social characteristics of job terhadap perilaku knowledge sharing antarkaryawan di PT T. Knowledge and social characteristics of job merupakan bagian dari aspek pekerjaan yang ada dalam uraian pekerjaan karyawan. Berdasarkan uji regresi berganda pada 92 karyawan menggunakan Work Design Quesstionnaire dan Knowledge Sharing Behavior Quesstionnaire membuktikan adanya pengaruh simultan dan signifikan dari knowledge and social characteristics of job terhadap knowledge sharing dengan kontribusi sebesar 16,7% (R = 0,409**, p<0,01).
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Departemen Trade Marketing memperoleh skor knowledge sharing (M = 3,60; N = 15) dan social support (M = 2,83 ? 4,17) di bawah rata-rata sehingga perlu diberikan intervensi. Intervensi berbentuk simulasi Community of Practice (CoP) diberikan pada tujuh karyawan Departemen Trade Marketing dari level Supervisor hingga Manager.
Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa intervensi berhasil meningkatkan perilaku knowledge sharing karyawan pada Departemen Trade Marketing (t = -3,304; p<0,05). Hasil ini berimplikasi bahwa CoP perlu dilakukan secara berkala untuk meningkatkan perilaku knowledge sharing karyawan di Departemen Trade Marketing PT T.
Knowledge sharing is the cornerstone of organizations? Knowledge Management (KM) strategy. One of the problems faced by organization is finding the right way to increase employee participation to share knowledge about their work. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of knowledge and social characteristics of job to the knowledge sharing behaviour among employees at PT T. Job knowledge and social characteristics are parts of job aspects which could be found in the job description. By using multiple regression test of the 92 employees, it is proven that the knowledge and social characteristics of job towards knowledge sharing has a simultaneous and significant influence with scales up to 16,7% (R = 0,409**, p<0,01). Based on the data analysis, it is revealed that the Trade Marketing Department obtained knowledge sharing score (M = 3,60; N = 15) and social support score (M = 2,83 ? 4,17) which are below the average, therefore, intervention is needed to improve it. The intervention is performed in simulation of Community of Practice (CoP) with seven participants from supervisor to manager level. The result shows that there is an improvement in knowledge sharing behaviour among the employees of Trade Marketing Department after the implementation of the CoP intervention (t = -3,304; p<0,05). This result implies that a regular based CoP in the Trade Marketing Department is needed to increase knowledge sharing behaviour."