"The development policies in Indonesia are based on the principle
of quality and harmonious partnership between men and women. This
principle is deeply ingrained in the State Ideology, Pancasila, and
Constitution of l94.5. Consequently, this principle of equality is also
embodied in all regulations and legislative acts of the Republic of
indonesia. including the GBHN adopted everv five years by the People?
Consultative Assembly. The GBHN provides direction for the formulation
of the Five Year Development Plan. indonesia, in l98-if also ratified the
convention on the Elimination of All Farms of Discrimination Against
Women, as stipulated in Act No. 7/1984. Neglecting the endeavor of women
in economic development in particular and national development in general
is an unwise decision. Indonesia? large population is the basic asset for
development. The more so if every citizen regardless of their sex, would
fully and effectively participate therein. However, data show that the status
of women generally in the society and particularly in the bureaucracy
system is lower than what men can achieve, Therefore, the efforts to attain
the women?s role and status have to be explored in the implementation
phase. Besides the level of education, social value of most Indonesian
people which perceives female as housekeeper rather than the head of
household brings a difficulty for female to reach high position t`n
government office. For example there is a conflicting interest between
husband and it-Ui: when a wife gets a promotion to other place. In many
cases husband does not agree to accompany his wife. Consequently, women
refuse the promotion. On the contrary, when husband gets a promotion to
other place. in many cases his wifi: has to accompany him even though it
will sacrifice her current jolt position.
Journal of Population Vol. 3 No. 3 1997 : 237-268, 1997