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"Criticality safety assessment on the design of tank V-401 to accumulate the uranyl nitrate solution enriched U235 UP to 5%. The criticality safety assessment has been conducted to tank of V-401 to know wether the tank can accumulate the uranyl nitrate solutionenriched U235 up to 5%...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widia Sandy
"Keselamatan diri penting bagi siswa sekolah dasar karena siswa rentan terhadap kejadian cedera. Penelitian deskriptif sederhana ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pengetahuan siswa sekolah dasar tentang keselamatan diri. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa (131 siswa) kelas IV, V, dan VI pada salah satu Madrasah Ibitaiyah di Depok pada 30 April - 02 Mei 2012. Kusioner karakteristik dan tingkat pengetahuan keselamatan memiliki range nilai validitas (r hitung: 0,107-0,609 dan r tabel: 0,174) dengan nilai alpha crombach 0,852 (α: 0,05).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 51,9% (68 responden) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan tinggi tentang keselamatan diri secara umum. Namun, pada aspek keselamatan psikososial pengetahuan siswa masih rendah. Program peningkatan pengetahuan tentang keselamatan diri siswa sekolah dasar terhadap keselamatan fisik, kimia, biologis, psikososial, dan upaya pencegahan kecelakaan lalulintas perlu selalu dilakukan agar siswa dapat aman di sekolah.

Personal safety is important for elementary school students because the students are susceptible to injury occurrence. This simple descriptive study aimed to describe knowledge of primary school students about personal safety. The samples used in this study are all students (131 students) class IV, V, and VI in one of Madrasah Ibitaiyah in Depok on 30 April to 2 May 2012. Questioner characteristics and level of safety knowledge has particularly value range of validity (r count: 0.107 to 0.609 and r table: 0.174) with Crombach alpha value of 0.852 (α: 0.05).
The results showed 51.9% (68 respondents) have a high level of knowledge about personal safety in general. However, the psychosocial aspects of students' knowledge of safety is low. Program increased knowledge about the safety of elementary school student to the physical safety, chemical, biological, psychosocial, and traffic accident prevention efforts should always be done so that students can be safe at school.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Gunarto
"Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah, termasuk aspek Pengelolaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pertambangan Umum (PK3PU) terbentur permasalahan mendasar. Masalah kesiapan Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi (termasuk Subdirektorat Keselamatan Pertambangan) menjadi sorotan utama.
Agar otonomi PK3PU berhasil, maka dilakukan penelitian terhadap tingkat kesiapan Dinas sebagai dasar menentukan strategi ke depan, Penelitian dilakukan pada pertengahan semester ke 2 tahun 2002 dengan menggunakan dasar teori kerangka kerja Balanced Scorecard serta pengolahan data dengan Statistik Deskriptif dan Analisis Proses Hirarki (AHP).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hahwa berdasarkan empat tingkat kesiapan yaitu "tidak siap, kurang siap, cukup siap, dan siap", maka tingkat kesiapan Dinas Pertambangan hanya 56,7% (cukup siap) dengan populasi sebesar 60%. Tiiigkat kesiapan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh tingkat kesiapan unsur/elemen tenaga kerja, pengawasan K3, peralatan K3, administrasi K3, program K3, dan dana K3. Di antara unsur/elemen tersebut, Peralatan K3 memiliki tingkat kesiapan paling rendah yailu 22,8% (tidak siap) dengan populasi sebesar 52% Berdasarkan tingkat kesiapan tersebut maka telah ditetapkan alternatif strategi yang bertujuan agar otonomi PK3PU berhasil, yaitu dengan cara melakukan peningkatan mutu tenaga kerja, kerja sama teknik dalam pengujian dan sertifikasi peralatan, dan pembuatan sistem informasi K3.

The implementation of District Autonomy, including the aspects of General Mines Safety and Health Management (GMSHM) stumbled on principle problems. The preparedness of the District Mines Inspectorate (including Sub directorate of Mine Safety) will be priority objective to discuss.
In order the autonomy of GMSHM to he succeed. an acceptable strategy based on result of research for the preparedness of the District Mines Inspectorate should he carried out. The research that was carried out in the middle of 2"d semester in 2002 was using a basic theory of the framework of Balanced Scorecard as \veil as data processing with Descriptive Statistic and Process Hierarchy Analysis (PHA).
According to the four (4) preparedness that is "not ready, less ready, ready. fully ready", from the result of research indicated that the preparedness of District Mines Inspectorate for GMSHM is 56,7% (ready) with the population of 60%. The preparedness level is affected by preparedness level or elements human resources. safety supervision, monitoring or testing safety equipment, safety administration, safety programs, and safety budgeting. Among those elements, the element of monitoring or testing equipment has the lowest of preparedness level that the others that is 22.8% (not ready) with the population of 52% Based on the above preparedness level, therefore, an alternative strategic to succeed the autonomy of GMSHM has been made, that is by improving the quality of human resources, partnership or joint work on testing and certifying safety equipment. and developing safety information system.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lena Kurniawati
"Partisipasi pekerja dalam kegiatan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) merupakan elemen penting untuk mendukung keberhasilan program K3 di perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang mendalam mengenai partisipasi pekerja dalam kegiatan K3 di PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk.
Terdapat dua variabel yang dilakukan penelitian yaitu variabel eksternal dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan variabel internal dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Dari hasil wawancara dan observasi terhadap variabel eksternal, terdapat lima dari delapan variabel yang dinilai sedang.
Dari hasil pengolahan data yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner, pada variabel internal terdapat perbedaan partisipasi pekerja dalam kegiatan K3 berdasarkan unit kerja, umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan jabatan, namun hanya pada variabel jabatan mempunyai perbedaan yang signifikan.
Dari hasil penelitian terhadap dua variabel di atas, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tingkat partisipasi pekerja dalam kegiatan K3 di PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk. adalah sedang.Kegiatan K3 yang memperoleh nilaipartisipasi paling tinggi adalah kegiatan identifikasi potensi bahaya, sedangkan kegiatan yang memperoleh nilai partisipasipaling rendah adalah kegiatan penyusunan kebijakan K3.

Worker participation in safety and health activities ( OSH ) is an essential element to support the company's success in the OSH program. The purpose of this study was to obtain in-depth overview on worker participation in the activities of OSH at PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk.
There are two variables that are researched which are the external variables using qualitative methods, and internal variables using quantitative methods. From the result of interviews and observations of the external variables, there are five of the eight variables were measured as Intermediate level.
From the processing of data obtained through the questionnaire, in the internal variables, there are differences in the activities of employee participation OSH based on workplace, age, gender, education and occupation, but only in occupation variable has significant difference.
From the research of two variables above, it is concluded that the level of employee participation in the activities of OSH at PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, Tbk. is at intermediate level and the OSH activity that has participation level with the greatest value is the identification of potential hazards and the lowest value is OSH policy making.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cetra Palupi Rengganis
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran profil persepsi risiko pada pekerja di PT. Terang Parts Indonesia dengan menggunakan paradigma psikometri. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 216 responden pada bulan Mei - Juni 2016 menggunakan desain cross-sectional, data primer berupa kuesioner dengan menggunakan 8 parameter paradigma psikometri. Parameter yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah skala likert dengan nilai 1 (sangat tidak setuju) - 4 (sangat setuju). Nilai rata-rata masing-masing dari 8 dimensi paradigma psikometri akan memberikan gambaran profil tentang persepsi risiko pada pekerja.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi tingkat kebaruan risiko dipersepsikan pekerja sebagai parameter yang paling mempengaruhi persepsi pekerja, pekerja melihat perubahan proses yang terjadi akan mengakibatkan munculnya risiko baru yang belum diketahui. Dimensi penerimaan secara sukarela dipersepsikan oleh pekerja cenderung ke arah tidak sukarela, pekerja menyadari dan mengetahui risiko apa saja yang ada dapat mengancam kesehatan dan keselamatan akan tetapi pekerja melihat bahwa risiko tersebut merupakan bagian dari pekerjaan dilakukan. Pekerja dengan lokasi kerja yang berbeda memiliki persepsi yang berbeda tentang pengendalian risiko dan kesegeraan dari suatu efek.
Pekerja dengan fungsi kerja yang berbeda memiliki persepsi yang berbeda tentang tingkat kebaruan risiko dan pengendalian risiko serta pengetahuan terhadap risiko (ilmu pengetahuan). Pekerja dengan perbedaan masa kerja memiliki persepsi yang berbeda tentang ketakutan terhadap risiko. Persepsi risiko adalah salah satu poin penting dalam membuat kebijakan perusahaan terkait keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja agar tercipta perilaku berbudaya K3, maka diperlukan komitmen manajemen terkait K3, pelatihan tentang pengenalan risiko serta pengawasan berkala terkait efektivitas sistem manajemen K3 umumnya dan pengendalian risiko secara khusus.

The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of risk perception profile in PT Terang Parts Indonesia. Research conducted on 216 respondents in May to June 2016 using cross-sectional design. The primary data is obtained from 8 parameter of the psychometric paradigm questioner with the scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). The average value from each dimension will give the profile overview of the employee's risk perception. The newness of risk dimension was perceived by the employee as the most influential parameter of their working perception. The workers think that the change of process production will create a new unknown risk.
The study result shows that the workers tend to not perceive the voluntariness of risk dimension as a non-voluntary process. The employee is aware of the risk of their work including all the things that endanger their health and safety and that are part of their job function. The workers, who have different working location, have the different perception about control of risk and immediacy of effect.
The workers with different job function have different perception about newness of risk, control of risk, and knowledge of risk (science). The workers with different employment period have different perception of common dread. The risk perception of the worker is one of important influence to create the company policy about safety working environment, so that it can lead to safety culture inside the company. It needs commitments from the management in regard to OHS, training of the safety introduction, and also monitoring of the effectiveness of the OHS system in general, especially for controlling the risk.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ariawan Kristiyanto

Program Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) merupakan program yang pada proyek konstruksi di Indonesia masih dianggap hal yang kurang penting. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan minimnya perhatian terhadap program-program K3 pada proyek konstruksi. Suatu program K3 dapat dikatakan berhasil apabila angka kecelakaan kerja dapat ditekan seminimal mungkin sampai akhir konstruksi.

Frekuensi dan dampak kecelakaan kerja dapat di kurangi dengan adanya suatu program K3. Setiap kontraktor mempunyai program-program K3 sendiri yang kemudian diterapkan selama proses konstruksi berlangsung. Akan tetapi dari banyak aturan mengenai K3 yang ada, tidak semua diambil dan diterapkan di lapangan oleh kontraktor.

Dari hasil penelitian dan analisa yang dilakukan ditemukan program K3 apa saja yang paling sering dilakukan kontraktor, serta program K3 apa saja yang tidak pernah dilakukan kontraktor.

Health and safety program at construction project in Indonesia still assumed less important matter. This matter is shown with the minim of attention of Health and Safety Program at construction project. Health and Safety Program can be told succeed if number accident of job can be depressed as minimum as possible to the last the project of construction.

Frequency of risk and impact able to happened because accident of job earn in lessening with existence of health and safety program. Each contractor have health and safety program alone which was later; then applied during construction process take place. However from many orders concerning existing of health and safety program, not all taken and applied by contractor.

Of research result to be analysis to be got finding that still there are a lot of collisions of health and safety program by worker, especially in using appliance peacemaker of x'self.

UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Wibowo
Skripsi ini berusaha meneliti sosialisasi keselamatan berkendara yang berlangsung di dalam kegiatan kopdar yang dilakukan oleh perkumpulan pemotor. Terdapat tiga perkumpulan pemotor yang dilibatkan (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, dan D’Broter Motorcycle). Masing-masing perkumpulan memiliki pemaknaan yang berbeda tentang keselamatan berkendara. Hal itu membuat nilai-nilai keselamatan berkendara yang disosialisasikan menjadi beragam. Proses
sosialisasi keselamatan berkendara berlangsung melalui interaksi yang saling dilakukan oleh para anggota perkumpulan pemotor. Sosialisasi keselamatan berkendara dapat berfungsi sebagai kontrol untuk anggota-anggota yang menjadikan perkumpulan pemotor sebagai sarana aktualisasi diri.

This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.;This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization., This study is focus on socialization of safety riding in the kopdar activity that is organized by motorcyclists associations. There are three motorcyclists associations that involved in this study (JMC Chapter Depok, OHM 17+ ML Style, and D’Broters Motorcycle). Every association has distinctive safety riding meanings. Those meanings makes values of safety riding that is socialized become varied. Socialization process works through interactions and not works in one direction. Socialization of safety riding works as control to members that makes the association as medium of self actualization.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marina Kartikawati
Nama : Marina KartikawatiProgram Studi : Magister Keselamatan dan Kesehatan KerjaJudul : Analisis Tingkat Kematangan Budaya Keselamatan SektorKonstruksi di PT. MK Proyek Renovasi Stadion Utama Gelora BungKarnoLatar Belakang : Budaya keselamatan tidak hanya berpengaruh kepadaproduktivitas namun juga persaingan antar usaha yang sejenis. Konsep budayakeselamatan merupakan sebuah konsep baru di sektor konstruksi yang memilikikarakteristik tenggang waktu penyelesaian yang sempit serta tingginya angkapergantian pekerja. PT. MK. Departemen Gedung memenangkan tender atasProyek Renovasi Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno dengan jangka waktu proyekselama 14 bulan Choudhry et al. 2007 Cooper 2002 .Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan budaya diPT. MK pada proyek Renovasi Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno SU-GBK .Metode : Metode pengambilan data secara kualitatif FGD, observasi danwawancara mendalam dan diolah dengan metode kuantitatif untuk kemudiandilakukan analisis secara mendalam indepth analysis pada bulan Mei-Juli 2017.Sampel dalam penelitian ini dipilih dengan stratified random sampling yangditentukan berdasarkan representasi di dalam populasi.Hasil : PT. MK Proyek Renovasi SU-GBK menitik beratkan perhatian kepadaperencanaan sistem, namun persepsi dalam implementasi dan evaluasi sistemmanajemen keselamatan masih memiliki nilai yang rendah. Manajemen dalamproyek telah menyadari pentingnya manusia dalam sebuah pekerjaan. Manusia /pekerja adalah aset penting bagi perusahaan. Namun hal ini belum dirasakan olehsebagian besar pekerja karena nilai yang tinggi terdapat pada level manajemen danpengawas. Kesadaran akan keselamatan yang dibangun oleh para pemimpin proyek manajemen dan pengawas masih dalam tahapan awal namun keselamatan kerjabelum tercermin dalam keseharian / daily activities di proyek ini karena masihdalam tahapan menata organisasi.Kesimpulan : Tingkat kematangan budaya keselamatan di PT. MK ProyekRenovasi Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno SU-GBK dapat dikategorikan kedalam tingkat kalkulatif dengan rata-rata nilai adalah 3,19. Sistem manajemenkeselamatan berjalan didasarkan data yang ada dengan kendali penuh padamanajemen tanpa partisipasi aktif dari pekerja. Organisasi dengan level kalkulatifmerupakan organisasi yang belum siap dalam menjalankan budaya keselamatan.Kata Kunci : Budaya Keselamatan, Konstruksi, Keselamatan Kerja

Name Marina KartikawatiMajor Occupational Health and SafetyTitle Analysis of Safety Culture Maturity Level in Construction at PT. MKGelora Bung Karno Main Stadium Renovation ProjectBackground Safety culture not only affects to productivity but also to competitionbetween similar core businesses. The concept of safety culture is a new concept inthe construction sector. Construction sector has a narrow building period and highemployee turnover. PT. MK Building Departement won the tender for theRenovation of Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium with 14 months term. Choudhryet al. 2007 Cooper 2002 Aim This study aims to determine the level of cultural maturity in PT. MK on theRenovation Project of Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium SU GBK .Method Data collected qualitatively FGD, observation and in depth interview and processed by quantitative method for indepth analysis in May July 2017. Thesample in this study was chosen by stratified random sampling and determined byrepresentation in population.Result PT. MK SU GBK Renovation Project focuses on system planning, butimplementation and evaluation of the safety management system still has low value.Project rsquo s managements have realized the importance of humans in a system.Workers are important asset for the company. The awareness of the safety built byproject leaders management and supervisors is still in the early stages and has notbeen felt by most workers. Safety is not reflected in daily activities. This projectstill is organizing the organization.Conclusion The safety culture maturity level in PT. MK SU GBK project can becategorized into calculative level with average value is 3.19. The safetymanagement system runs based on existing data. It fully controled by managementwithout the active participation of workers. Calculative level organization is anorganization that is not ready for the safety culture.Keywords Safety Culture, Construction, Safety"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Rohmat Fakhrurrozi
"Perkembangan konstruksi yang semakin meningkat mempunyai risiko tinggi terhadap kecelakaan kerja. Sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sebagai sarana mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan dan kerugian lainnya yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pelaksanaan SMK3 melalui analisis temuan ketidaksesuaian hasil audit eksternal OHSAS 18001 dibandingkan dengan PP RI no.50 tahun 2012 di proyek pembangunan Apartemen Bogor Valley Residence dan Hotel tahun 2014. Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif analitik. Metode pengambilan data melalui wawancara dengan 3 informan dan data sekunder.
Hasil telitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat penerapan SMK3 di PT X menurut PP RI no.50 tahun 2012 sebesar 96,9%, yang merupakan tingkatan lanjutan yang harus dipertahankan atau ditingkatkan. Sedangkan penyebab temuan audit adalah tidak adanya peralatan alat ukur, tidak adanya SOP penanganan bahan kimia, perencanaan program yang tidak tepat, tidak adanya SOP perbaharui dokumen, dan terakhir yaitu kurangnya pengawasan/inspeksi area berbahaya. Secara keseluruhan penyebab temuan adalah kurangnya dukungan dan partisipasi aktif dari manajemen baik Pusat maupun proyek terhadap program K3.

The development of the growing construction have a high risk of work accidents. Occupational health and safety management systems as a means of preventing the occurrence of accidents and other damage caused. The purpose of this study is knowing the implementation of SMK3 through analysis OHSAS 18001 external audit results compared with PP RI No. 50/2012 on project development Bogor Valley Residence apartments and hotels. Design study is a descriptive analytic. Method of data acquisition through interviews with three informants and secondary data.
The results showed that the level of adoption research SMK3 in PT X by PP RI No. 50 of 2012 as much as 96.9%, which is an extension form should be preserved or enhanced. While the causes of the audit findings are not the tools of measurement, not the SOP chemical handling, improper planning program, not the SOP renew documents, and lack of supervision and inspection of hazardous areas. On the whole causes of the findings are the lack of support and active participation from top management and project management for K3 program.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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