Ditemukan 12541 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Indonesia,s mangrove resources (soils and waters, flora and fauna ,and as an ecosystem all are called as mangrove biodiversity) are growing in importance...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Cagar Alam (CA) Keling II/III merupakan salah satu cagar alam di Jawa Tengah yang mengalami gangguan akibat pemanfaatan masyarakat sekitar, sehingga kawasan tersebut tidak berfungsi sebagaimana awal penunjukannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui keanekaragaman avifauna atau kelompok burung sebagai informasi untuk menentukan rencana pengelolaan di kawasan tersebut. Metode pengamatan burung di lapangan menggunakan point count. Data pengamatan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon Wiener. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan ditemukan 23 spesies burung dari 6 ordo dan 14 family. Sebanyak enak spesies yang ditemukan tercatat dilindungin dalam peraturan pemerintah No. 7 Tahun 1999 tentang pengawetan jenis tumbuhan dan satwa serta UU No. 5 Tahun 1990 antara lain Halycon Cyanoventris (Bubulcus ibis). Kuntul kecil (egretta garzetta), dan Cinnyris jugularis (burungmadu sriganti). Indeks keanekaragaman (Shabbob Wiener) di kawasan tersebut sebesar 2,68."
Semarang: Badan Pengembangan Konservasi UNS,
300 IJC
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Pohan
Universitas HKBP Nonmensen, 2016
050 VISI 24:3 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Spellerberg, Ian F.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992
333.951 6 SPE b
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"The number of primates on the brink of extinction continues to grow due to threats such as habitat loss, hunting, and disease. The need to respond with effective conservation measures has therefore never been greater. This edited book brings together an international team of contributing authors with wide-ranging expertise to provide a comprehensive synthesis of current research principles and management practices in primate conservation. The chapters are grouped into three sections: background and conceptual issues, threats, and solutions. In the first section, the authors consider why we should conserve primates, summarize the conservation status of primates, discuss species concepts and their relevance to conservation, review primate conservation genetics, and describe primate abundance and distributions. The second section includes discussion of threats from habitat destruction and degradation, primate trade, hunting, infectious diseases, and climate change. The third section considers solutions to primate conservation challenges from several perspectives: protected areas, landscape mosaics, human-primate conflict, reintroduction, ecosystem services, and evidence-based conservation. The book concludes with consideration of some future directions for primate conservation research.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Abrol, Dharam P.
"This book has a wider approach not strictly focused on crop production compared to other books that are strictly oriented towards bees, but has a generalist approach to pollination biology. It also highlights relationships between introduced and wild pollinators and consequences of such introductions on communities of wild pollinating insects. The chapters on biochemical basis of plant-pollination interaction, pollination energetics, climate change and pollinators and pollinators as bioindicators of ecosystem functioning provide a base for future insights into pollination biology. The role of honeybees and wild bees on crop pollination, value of bee pollination, planned honeybee pollination, non-bee pollinators, safety of pollinators, pollination in cages, pollination for hybrid seed production, the problem of diseases, genetically modified plants and bees, the role of bees in improving food security and livelihoods, capacity building and awareness for pollinators are also discussed."
Dordrecht: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Roberts, Julian
Despite the benefits that PSSA designation can deliver, the practice, both within the IMO and by individual member States, has considerably undermined confidence in this concept. This book focuses on the events within the IMO that have led to this lack of confidence. It offers an examination of coastal State practice with the PSSA concept"
Berlin: Springer, 2007
333.956 ROB m
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Subagyo
"Sumatra merupakan habitat bagi tujuh spesies Felidae. Ancaman utama terhadap Felidae di Sumatra adalah hilangnya habitat dan perburuan liar. Data ekologi dan dukungan masyarakat sekitar merupakan faktor penting yang menunjang keberhasilan konservasi Felidae di dalam kawasan konservasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengumpulkan data ekologi dan mengetahui bagaimana dukungan masyarakat lokal terhadap konservasi Felidae di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK). Data ekologi meliputi keanekaragaman spesies, kelimpahan relatif, distribusi, pola aktivitas, dan interaksi dikumpulkan dengan memasang perangkap kamera pada area seluas 480 km2 yang dibagi dalam tiga blok sampling. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana dukungan masyarakat lokal terhadap konservasi Felidae, dilakukan wawancara terstruktur terhadap 395 responden yang tinggal di 19 desa sekitar taman nasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keanekaragaman spesies Felidae di TNWK lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan survei sebelumnya. Hanya empat spesies Felidae yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu harimau Sumatra (Panthera tigris sumatrae), macan dahan (Neofelis diardi), kucing batu (Pardofelis marmorota) dan kucing congkok (Prionailurus bengalensis). Dua spesies Felidae lainnya yaitu kucing emas (Pardofelis temincki) dan kucing dampak (Prionailurus planiceps) tidak ditemukan. Ekologi keempat spesies Felidae di taman nasional ini secara umum serupa dengan literatur dan beberapa hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya di Sumatra. Meskipun pengetahuan masyarakat tentang taman nasional dan Felidae tergolong rendah, namun mereka memiliki persepsi dan sikap yang positif terhadap konservasi Felidae. Data ekologi hasil penelitian ini merupakan masukan yang penting dalam pengelolaan Felidae di TNWK terutama dalam aspek perlindungan, monitoring, dan restorasi habitat. Agar dukungan masyarakat sekitar terhadap konservasi Felidae semakin baik, perlu upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang taman nasional dan Feliade melalui pendidikan konservasi, sosialisasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik sosial, demografi, dan pengalaman interaksi mereka dengan taman nasional.
Sumatra is home to at least six species of wild felids. Habitat loss and poaching are the main threat to the wild felids in Sumatra. Management strategy based on solid information and local community support are important factors for the success of wild felids conservation. The purposes of this study are to collect ecological data and to reveal local communities support for wild felids conservation in the Way Kambas National Park (WKNP). Ecological data were collected by placing camera traps in an area of 480 km square which is divided into three blocks of sampling. Data of local communities support to wild felids conservation were collected using structured interviews to 395 respondents living in 19 villages around the park. The results showed that wild felids species diversity in this stydy is lower compared to those of previous surveys. Only four wild felids were found in this study i.e., sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi), marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorota) and leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis). Two other species i.e., golden cat (Pardofelis temincki) and flat-headed cat (Prionailurus planiceps) were not found. In general, ecology of the four species of wild felids in this park is in accordance with literature and several earlier studies in Sumatra. Despite the low level of local communitie’s knowledge both on the parks and wild felids, their perception and attitude towards wild felids conservation are positive. Ecological information resulted from this study serve as important input to develop the wild felids management plan especially in terms of species protection, monitoring and habitat restoration. To ehance the local community support toward wild felids conservation, it is essential to improve the level of local community knowledge towards national parks and wild felids conservation through conservation education, socialization, and community empowerment by considering social and demographic characteristics of the local people, including their experience in interacting with the park."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
KAJ 17:3 (2012)(2)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dasmann, Raymond F. (Raymond Fredric)
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1972
333.72 DAS e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library