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Niyla Qomariastuti
"Inti dari penelitian ini adalah tentang liberalisasi sektor telekomunikasi di Indonesia periode tahun 2000-2008 yang harus dilaksanakan sebagai konsekuensi atasi keanggotaannya dalam rezim internasional, seperti WTO. Untuk itu Indonesia menerbitkan UU No. 36 Tahun 1999 tentang Telekomunikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami bagaimana jalannya liberalisasi telekomunikasi di Indonesia dan kebijakan-kebijakan yang dibuat oleh Indonesia untuk menjalankan komitmen sektor telekomunikasi yang telah dituangkan dalam forum perdagangan internasional seperti WTO, AFAS dan EPA. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis. Data diperoleh dari studi pustaka terkait tema penelitian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia telah terikat dengan rezim internasional dan peneliti menyarankan agar pemerintah Indonesia mulai menata kebijakan domestiknya untuk melindungi kepentingan nasional dari tekanan rezim internasional.

The focus of this study is liberalization on telecommunication sector in Indonesia year 2000-2008. This liberalization is one of consequences as being member of international regime, like WTO. Hence, the government of Indonesia issued Law Number 36 year 1999 concerning Telecommunication. The purpose of this study is to understand the process of liberalization on telecommunication in Indonesia and the policies made by Indonesia to follow up the commitments in telecommunication sector which were submitted in the international trade forums as WTO, AFAS and EPA. This research is analysis descriptive. The data were collected by doing library research regarding the study. This study shows that Indonesia is binded to international regime and the researcher suggests the government of Indonesia to make domestic policies to protect national interest from international regime pressure."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
T 26239
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didiet Naharani Bahariyanti Purnama Dewi
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai liberalisasi sektor telekomunikasi di Indonesia sebagai bentuk komitmen Indonesia di WTO, khususnya ketentuan General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) dengan melihat pada Schedule of Commitment dan regulasi domestik Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode nonnatif preskriptif untuk melihat scjauh mana perkembangan liberalisasi sektor telekomunikasi di Indonesia serta kesiapan Indonesia dalam rnenghadapi liberaJisasi agar dapat memanfuatkan peluang sekaligus melindungi kepentingan nasional Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa liberalisasi sektor telekornunikasi di Indonesia telah dimulai dengan pemberlakuan Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 1999 Tentang Telekomunikasi serta berakhimya konsep monopoli di sektor telekomunikasi Indonesia. Dalam perkembangannya pemerintah telah melakukan upaya yang cukup menunjang dalam rangka menghadapi liberalisasi agar dapat efektif memanfaatkan hasil libernlisasi.

This thesis is concerning about liberalization of telecommunication sector in Indonesia as Indonesian's commitment in WTO, especially stipulation in General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) by refers on Schedule of Commitment and domestic regulation in Indonesia. This research is conducted using nonnative prescriptive methods to discover how far are the liberalizations of telecommunication sector development in Indonesia and the preparation of the country in dealing with liberalization so it will be able to take advantage of opportunities and also to protect Indonesia’s interests. The result of the research shows that the liberalizations of telecommunication sector in Indonesia has initiated by the Act no 36, 1999 About Telecommunication and the end of monopoly concept in Telecommunication sector of Indonesia. Within the development, the govermment conducted moderate value of supporting effort in order to deal with liberalization to be effective in utilize liberalization output."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2008
T 25137
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asiswa Sukaryaditisna
"Penelitian mengenai Iahirnya Agrarische Wet 1870 ditelusuri sejak V.O.C. dilikuidasi, diambil alih oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda. Gagasan Raffles dengan land rente nya diarahkan pemilikan tanah secara komunal menjadi kepemilikan perorangan, dalam penarikan pajak tanah, dan diooba melepaskan ikatan adat dan tradisi. Gagasan dilanjutkan oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, tetapi tidak berhasil.
Setelah dilanda krisis keuangan, politik Kolonial mempraktekan stelsel Tanam Paksa, yang dampaknya sangat berpengaruh pada struktur sosial ekonomi, intensifikasi sistem produksi pra kapitalisme. Tanam Paksa menciptakan usaha pertanian yang padat karya bagi petani pribumi, dan usaha padat modal bagi pengusaha Eropa dan pengusaha asing lainnya (1830 - 1870).
Sistem Tanam Paksa diparuh waktu tahun 1850 - 1870 menyebabkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dari kapitalisme komersial ke kapitalisme industri, dan pada perkembangan politik partai Liberal sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan politik Kolonial Hindia Belanda Desakan para pengusaha Belanda yang mendapat dukungan dari golongan Liberal berhasil melahirkan Agrarische Wet 1870.

This research is aimed to explain about the birth of Agrarische Wet in 1870. It can be seen since the liquidation of VOC, that taken over by the Nederland india government. Raffles? idea about landrent was applied on the comunally owned ground to individually owned ground, on landrent inning, and the abolishing of custom and traditional ties. The idea was followed unsuccesfully by Dutch govemment.
After monetary crisis, Dutch colonial govemment practised Culture System, with the great effects on socio-economic structure and pre-capitalism intensive production system- Culture System created a work-intensive farming pattern for native peasant, and at the same time capital-intensive for Europeans and foreigner entrepreneurs (1830-1870).
In the late Culture System, 1850-1870, it caused the economic growth from comercial to industrial capitalism, and also had a great influence on the Liberal Party's power to colonial policy in East india. The private entrepreneurs' pressure, supported by Liberal patron, leaded to the birth of Agrarlsche Wet in 1870.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Sunardi
"Dalam rangka mengimplementasikan perjanjian AFAS dan Cetak Biru Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN, Pemerintah Indonesia menghadapi beberapa kendala internal, antara lain, peraturan penyelenggaraan jasa telekomunikasi atau peraturan terkait lainnya tidak mengizinkan partisipasi modal asing hingga 70%, keterbatasan SDM yang mempunyai kompetensi diplomasi dan negosiasi, dan struktur kelembagaan yang kurang terpadu. Memperhatikan permasalahan ini, penelitian ini merumuskan strategi untuk menghadapi liberalisasi jasa telekomunikasi di ASEAN dan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk mendukung strategi tersebut.
Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan analisis menggunakan SWOT menunjukkan bahwa peta posisi organisasi berada di Kuadran IV dengan koordinat (-1.69, -0.87). Faktor kelemahan dan ancaman adalah lebih dominan dibanding dengan faktor kekuatan dan peluang. Penerapan strategi Weaknesses-Threats (WT) dilakukan untuk pembenahan internal organisasi dengan mempertahankan kondisi sekarang agar tidak lebih buruk akibat desakan yang kuat dari ancaman luar.
Memperhatikan peta posisi organisasi dan formulasi strategi, penelitian ini telah menetapkan tujuan, sasaran, strategi, kebijakan, program dan kegiatan organisasi dalam rangka menghadapai permasalahan liberalisasi jasa telekomunikasi di ASEAN. Strategi yang ditetapkan adalah Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika perlu mengkaji ulang kebijakan domestik mengenai pelaksanaan liberalisasi jasa telekomunikasi di ASEAN guna mengeliminasi kelemahankelemahan internal dan dampak buruk pelaksanaan liberalisasi.

In order to implement to AFAS agreement and ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint, the Government of Indonesia has several internal constraints, among others, the regulation of telecommunication service operation or other related regulations is not allowing the foreign equity participation up to 70%, the limitation of human resources having competency in international diplomacy and negotiation, and the un-integrated of organization conducting liberalization issues. Taking into account these problems, this research formulate the strategy to facilitate trade in telecommunication services in ASEAN and the necessary plan of action to support the strategy undertaken.
Based on data collecting with Focus Group Discussion and data analysis with SWOT, show that the map of organization position is in the Quadrant IV by the coordinate (-1.69, -0.87). The weaknesses and threats are more dominant than strengths and opportunities. The use of Weaknesses-Threats (WT) strategy is intended to make a internal betterment by retaining the current condition in order to avoid the worse condition caused by strong external threats.
Taking into consideration the map of organization position and strategy formulation, this research has determined an organization objective, target, policy, and program. The determined strategy is the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology needs to review the domestic policy on the telecommunication service liberalization in ASEAN in order to eliminate the internal weaknesses and the negative impact of liberalization.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juliani Mukti Asih
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai penerapan komitmen Indonesia dalam melakukan liberalisasi commercial presence perbankan dan prinsip akses pasar sesuai dengan GATS dalam peraturan Bank Indonesia, keselarasan pengatural commercial presence dalam peraturan Bank Indonesia dengan komitmen Indonesia dan prinsip akses pasar dalam GATS serta memberikan masukan untuk penyempurnaan yang terkait dengan pengaturan commercial presence perbankan di Indonesia.Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yang bersifat preskriptif dengan menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pengaturan commercial presence perbankan dalam peraturan Bank Indonesia lebih liberal dibandngkan dengan komitmen Indonesia dalam GATS. Pengaturan commercial presence perbankan dalam peraturan Bank Indonesia telah menerapkan prinsip akses pasar sesuai ketentuan GATS sehingga peraturan telah selaras dengan pprinsip akses pasar dalam GATS. Hasil penelitian anatar lain menyarankan bahwa optimalisasi peran da kontribusi bank asing terhadap pengembangann perekonomian Indonesia perlu ditingkatkan.

This thesis discusses the application of Indonesia's commitment to the liberalization of commercial presence in banking and the principle of market access in accordance with the GAlS in the regulations of Bank Indonesia, the alignment settings of commercial banking presence in the regulations of Bank Indonesia with the commitment of Indonesia and the principle of market access in GATS as well as advise for improvements related to setting commercial banking presence in Indonesia This thesis uses the method that is prescriptive nonnative research using qualitative approaches.
Based on the research, setting commercial banking presence in the regulations of Bank Indonesia is more liberal when compared with Indonesia's commitment in the GATS so that the setti ngs are not in line with lndonesias commitment in the GATS. Settings commercial banking presence in the regulations of Bank fudonesia has adopted the principle of nmrket access aCCOiding to the provisions of GATS so that the settings have been aligned with the principles of market access in GATS. Among other results suggest that optimization of the role and contribution of foreign banks to the economic development of Indonesia should be improved."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yati Rohayati
"Fenomena perpindahan pelanggan jasa merupakan faktor kunci yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan perusahaan jasa, karena berdampak langsung pada kinerja perusahaan, seperti peningkatan biaya operasi, penurunan pangsa pasar dan profitabilitas. Untuk mengatasi perpindahan pelanggan jasa, perusahaan perlu memahami faktor pengaruhnya. Umumnya studi perpindahan pelanggan jasa dikaitkan dengan masalah ketidakpuasan pelanggan (Bolton, l993). Tetapi penelitian lain menemukan bahwa tingkat kepuasan yang tinggi tidak menjamin pelanggan tidak berpindah (Reichheld, 1996). Penelitian ini mencoba mengungkapkan mengapa hal itu terjadi dan bagaimana mengatasinya, melalui pengujian empiris. Berbagai penelitian sebelumnya menyimpulkan kecenderungan yang berbeda; yaitu: (I) Faktor kepuasan saja tidak cukup untuk menjelaskan perpindahan pelanggan jasa, tetapi dibutuhkan faktor lain, seperti perhatian perusahaan pada hubungannya dengan pelanggan, atau investasi relational (Bansal & Taylor, 1999), dan kualitas alternatif jasa yang bersaing dipasar (Capraro et al.. 2003); (2) Selanjutnya, pengaruh kepuasan terhadap perpindahan pelanggan jasa bersifat dilematis alau non-linier, sehingga membutuhkan variabel moderator, seperti switching barrier (Jones, l998) dan karakteristik pelanggan (Homburg & Giering, ZOOI); (3) Sedangkan terhadap pengaruh tak langsung kepuasan pada perpindahan pelangggan jasa, penelitian ini menguji juga faktor intervensi dari variabel lain, yaitu komitmen relasional (Roberts, 1989). Pada intinya, penelitian ini mencoba mengatasi kekurangjelasan masalah perpindahan pelanggan jasa, dengan mengembangkan teori intensi berpindah pelanggan jasa yang dipengaruhi oleh lnvestasi relational, kepuasan, dan kualitas alternatif. Untuk menguji kelayakan model, dikumpulkan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. terhadap pelanggan telpon seluler berbasis Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), dengan menggunakan populasi mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Untuk menguji model dan data empiris, digunakan metoda analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), dengan bantuan perangkat lunak LISREL 8.72. Hasil pengujian menyimpulkan bahwa ketiga pendekatan tentang kecenderungan terjadinya perpindahan pelanggan jasa, dapat dlterapkan secara bersama-sama. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa: (a) kepuasan, investasi relasional, dan kualitas alternatif terbukti berpengaruh terhadap intensi berpindah, (b) komitmen relasional memediasi hubungan kepuasan dengan intensi berpindah. (C) hubungan kepuasan dengan komitmen relasional bersifal non-linier, dimoderasi oleh switching barrier (investasi relasional dan kualitas alternatif) dan karakteristik pelanggan (variety seeking dan keterlibatan pelanggan). Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa intensi berpindah pelanggan jasa dapat dicegah melalui pembentukan komitmen relasional pelanggan. Disamping itu, komitmen relasional tidak dipengaruhi langsung oleh kepuasan, melainkan oleh interaksi antara kepuasan dengan variabel moderator: switching barrier- dan karakteristik pelanggan. Implikasi manajerial adalah untuk mengatasi perpindahan pelanggan jasa. penyedia jasa perlu memperkuat komiitmen relasional pelanggan. Komitmen relasional yang kuat dibangun dengan meningkatkan investasi relasional, melalui pembentukan ikatan sosial dengan pelanggan, yaitu dengan membangung klub pelanggan. pembentukan klub pelanggan merupakan penerapan pemasaran relasional untuk menutupi kesenjangan hubungan penyedia jasa dengan pelanggan yang bersifat low contact dan low customization.

Customer-switching phenomenon is a factor which determines the success of a service corporation, inasmuch as it has direct impact on the productivity of the company such as operational costs, market decline, and profitability. To properly administer to this phenomenon, it is important that the corporation perceive the impacts. Traditionally, the study on customer switching phenomenon is identified with dissatisfaction on the part of the customers (Bolton, l998). However, other studies show that high satisfaction measure does not guarantee that customer-switching will not take place (Reichheld, 1996). This study attempts to reveal why this phenomenon occurs and, through empirical assessment, how to resolve the matter. Numerous studies in the past have provided different conclusions: (1) Satisfaction factor alone is insufiicient to explain customer-switching phenomenon. Other reasons are required, such as the corporation?s concem for customer relation, or relational investment (Bansal & Taylor, 1999), and the quality of alternative services in the market (Capraro et al., 2003); (2) Furthennore, the relation between customer satisfaction to customer-switching is dilemmatie or non-linier- Thus, as a consequence, a moderating variable is required, namely .switching barrier (Jones, 1998) and customer characteristics (Homburg & Giering, 2001); (3) On the indirect impact domain of customer-switching phenomenon, this study also attempts to examine the intervention factor from another variable, namely the relational commitment (Roberts, 1989). As the gist of the matter, this study intends to deal with the ambivalence regarding customer-switching phenomenon by elaborating thc intentional theory, influenced by relational investment, satisfaction factor. and the quality of alternative services. In assessing the feasibility of the model. quantitative and qualitative data are accrued from cellular telephone customers using Global ?System for Mobile Communication (GSM), the population being students of Universitas Indonesia. Model and empirical data are analyzed by employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. with the assistance of LISREL 8.72 software. The examination concludes that the three approaches pertaining the tendency of custotner-switching can be applied simultaneously. The investigation reveals that: (a) satisfaction, relational investment, and the quality of altemative services prove to he directly atifecting the customers? intention to switch. (b) relational commitment mediates customer satisfaction with the intention to switch. (c) customer satisfaction and relational commitment is characterized by non-linear interaction. moderated by switching barrier (relational investment and the quality of alternatives) and customer characteristics (variety seeking and customer involvement). This study proves that the intention to switch can be prevented by elaborating on the relational commitment to thc customers. Moreover. relational commitment is not directly influenced by customer satisfaction, but by the interaction between satisfaction and moderating variables: switching barrier and customer characteristics. The implication on the managerial domain to prevent customers from switching is by improving the corporation?s relational commitment. Strong relational commitment is established by promoting relational investment. which can be done by building strong social ties with customers. specifically by establishing a customer club. Customer club is an application of relationship marketing strategy to bridge the gap between service provider and customer, which is originally characterized by low contact and low customization."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tommy Gustari Utomo
"There are hard-business challenges identified would be faces by PT. Net wave Multi Media, today and tomorrow which entering global era market, because business technology depend on enhanced technology. They would be implementing new concept or advanced technology in their business.
In other hand hard competition in business technology and durability of a telecommunication system seem shorter. It is push the operators and contractors (telecommunication infrastructure builder) have to calculate how long their system would be survived; it must be cleared and sharp.
Method of research scenario can be use to propose long-term policies including propose effort to know development possibilities of PT. Net wave Multi Media in the future, especially in the telecommunication infrastructure. This method of research scenario is qualitative as intuitive-logic method. Wilson (1998: 81-108), is decision focus determination, to identify decision-key factor, identify and explore external-key factor, to build scenario logic, to select and elaborate scenario also to interpretation scenario.
Research conclusion, there are four scenario possibilities to develop PT. Netwave Multi Media in the future logically.
Scenario A - NETWAVE SUCCESS, it would e reach if telecommunication infrastructure business clime in the ASPAK region open wider and Indonesia macro situation is stable. Company re-structurization process is running well.
Scenario B - NETWAVE NORMAL GROWTH would be happen if ASPAK region condition still in regulates and Indonesia condition is stable. Restructure company process running well and revitalization possibilities can be held.
Scenario C - NETWAVE NOT GOFNG ANYWHERE, it would be happen if telecommunication infrastructure opens wider but Indonesian situation in a fragile (uncertainly). Company re-structure process is not running and government or PT TELKOM as share holder majority.
Finally, scenario D - NETWARE BURRIED, it would be happen if telecommunication infrastructure in Aspak in regulation with Indonesia condition unstable, company re-structure is not running well and government or PT. TELKOM as share holder majority.
From 4 (four) scenarios above, that scenario A - NETWAVE SUCCESS is scenario that would be most possible to be happen to company in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Insa Ansari
"Naskah ini membahas kajian terhadap BUMN dan penguasaan negara pada sektor pos. Kajian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Dalam penelitian hukum normatif ini digunakan bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan negara terhadap kegiatan pos berubah sesuai dengan sistem perekonomian yang dianut oleh pemerintah yang berkuasa. Pada masa orde lama penguasaan negara terhadap kegiatan pos sangat dominan, bahkan Jawatan Pos, Telegram dan Telepon memiliki kewenangan untuk melakukan monopoli. Pada masa orde baru penguasaan negara terhadap sektor pos mulai berkurang bahkan pada masa orde reformasi penguasaan negara terhadap sektor pos hanya sebagai regulator saja. Namun demikian pada masa orde reformasi ada sejumlah kewajiban negara yang diemban oleh BUMN dalam bentuk kewajiban pelayanan umum untuk menyelenggarakan pos di daerah-daerah terpencil. "
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan SDPPPI Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika, 2017
302 BPT 15:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naila Fithria
"Penggunaan internet di Indonesia diperkirakan akan didominasi oleh layanan Over The Top Internet OTT Video, atau juga disebut dengan Internet Video. Diperkirakan traffic Internet di Indonesia akan mencapai 2.1 Exabytes per bulan di tahun 2020, dengan 72 traffic internet atau 1.5 Exabytes per bulan, untuk Internet Video. Permasalahan yang muncul yaitu penggunaan layanan ini memakan bandwidth yang tinggi di jaringan telekomunikasi serta belum diregulasi, sehingga menimbulkan kompetisi tidak sehat dengan operator telekomunikasi.
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis kebijakan kerjasama penyedia layanan OTT Video dengan operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia dengan menggunakan Regulatory Impact Analysis RIA . Proses analisis meliputi validasi dengan Forum Group Discussion, penentuan usulan kebijakan, dan penilaian usulan terbaik dengan Soft-Cost Benefit Analysis dan Multi Criteria Analysis MCA. Proses penilaian MCA berdasarkan survey ke berbagai stakeholder terkait.
Dari hasil analisis tersebut, didapatkan usulan 'tidak dikeluarkannya kebijakan' tidak dapat diterima, sedangkan untuk usulan lain 'penyedia Layanan OTT Video tidak harus bekerjasama dengan operator telekomunikasi namun harus memiliki izin tertentu yang khusus diterbitkan bagi penyedia layanan OTT Video untuk dapat beroperasi', usulan'penyedia layanan OTT Video harus bekerjasama dengan operator telekomunikasi', dan usulan tidak wajib ada kerjasama namun operator telekomunikasi diberikan izin untuk memberikan charging atau penyesuaian kecepatan atas layanan OTT Video' tetap dapat diterima dan diperbolehkan untuk diimplementasikan.

Internet usage in Indonesia is expected to be dominated by Over The Top Internet OTT Video, also known as Internet video. It is estimated that Internet traffic in Indonesia will reach 2.1 Exabytes per month in 2020, with 72 of Internet traffic or 1.5 Exabytes per month, will be used for Internet Video. The problems that arise are these services consume high bandwidth of telecommunication networks, and also not yet regulated, resulting in unfair competition with telecom operators.
This study analyzes policy of cooperation beetwen OTT video service provider and telecommunication operator in Indonesia by using Regulatory Impact Analysis RIA . The analysis process includes criteria validation through Forum Group Discussion, policy alternatives determination, and best policy alternative assessment with Soft Cost Benefit Analysis and Multi Criteria Analysis MCA . MCA assessment process based on survey to various stakeholders.
Based on the results of the policy analysis, alternative 'no policy to be released' must not be applied. Another policy alternatives such as 'OTT Video Service providers do not have to cooperate with telecom operators, but must obtain special permit issued for OTT video service providers to operate' , alternative 'OTT Service provicer should cooperate with telecom operator' , and alternative 'cooperation is not mandatory, but telecom operators are granted permission to charge or adjust user speed to OTT Video service' can be accepted and allowed to be implemented.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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