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Abraham Setiyono
"Nowadays, in a very competitive market, a brand would be very important because product attributes are relatively easy to be imitated. Therefore, a company must control their intangible assets, such as brand equity. Brand Equity is the assets and liabilities, linked to a brand's name and symbol that adds to the value provided by a product or service to a firm and that firm's costumer. The major asset categories are: brand awareness, brand perceived quality, brand association, and brand loyalty. Brand Equity is not built easily. Building, maintaining, and protecting must be controlled professionally. Prestigious brand which has strong brand equity so it has strong association in consumer's mind. With strong brand equity, marketer's goal for developing and getting market share will be obtained. This Research has been conducted to find the analysis of brand equity of Shell Super automotive fuel. The target respondents were the members of HTML (Honda Tiger Mailing List) community. The theory of Brand Equity by David Aaker was used. The goal of this research was to know the Brand Equity analysis of Shell Super automotive fuel upon the members of HTML community. This research used survey research and descriptive research type. Purposive sampling was used in technique sampling research. 100 respondents were analyzed using Distribution Frequencies Method with application on SPSS for Windows Release 15.0. This analysis showed that brand awareness of Shell automotive fuel had a good result because generally the HTML community members were aware with Shell Super. Brand Perceived Quality and Brand Associations also showed a good result. In spite of Brand Loyalty result showed that the respondents weren't loyal but generally respondents like Shell Super."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes Parningotan Rusdianto
"These research empirically examined the effect of brand image, product knowledge, and product involvement on repurchase intention from the owner of Bajaj, Honda, Kanzen and Kymc. Therefore these study was conducted to observe the influence of brand image, product knowledge, product involvement on the decided of repurchasing motorcycle and also to observe the differences between Bajaj, Honda, Kanzen and Kymco. The research method the researcher used was the descriptive method with the objective was to try to find an understanding about the effect of positive word of mouth received on buyers purchase intention. The data was collected by surveying 120 respondent whohave motorcycle like Bajaj, Honda, Kanzen and Kymco. Data were obtained and conducted by an analysis by using regression analysis.
The findings of this study contribute to the previous research on the effect of brand image, produk knowledge and product involvement on repurchase intention and provide further insight into understanding consumer behavior. Results demonstrated that brand image, produk knowledge and product involvement give an affect to consumers perceptions and their desires to repurchase. And in the result was obtained the difference between Bajaj, Honda, Kanzen and Kymco."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Indra Setiawan
"Merek telah menjadi komponen penting dalam dunia pemasaran. Di tengah banyaknya jumlah produk yang ditawarkan produsen dan derasnya informasi, merek menciptakan perbedaan suatu produk dengan produk lainnya. Merek menjadi sama mahalnya dengan komoditas yang dilekatinya. Dengan merek, perusahaan mampu melepaskan diri dari kurva penawaran-permintaan sehingga dapat menciptakan keungulan kompetitif berkelanjutan (sustainable competitive Advantage).
Krisis ekonomi telah menyebabkan penurunan daya beli masyarakat dan masuknya barang-barang dengan harga murah masuk ke dalam negeri. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya tekanan yang cukup keras terhadap industi otomotif yang sebagian besar suku cadangnya masih diimpor dari luar negeri.
Produsen sepeda motor Honda sebagai pemimpin pasar yang belum tertandingi juga menghadapi tekanan dengan turunnya daya beli masyarakat dan datangnya berbagai merek baru yang ada di pasar dengan harga yang relatif lebih murah.
Memasuki era globalisasi, merek akan menjadi sangat penting karena atributatribut lain dari kompetisi, seperti atribut produk, biasanya relatif murah ditiru. Untuk itu agar suatu persahaan dapat terus bersaing, intangible asset-nya seperti ekuitas merek perlu dikelola secara terus-menerus. Hal tersebut mendorong peneliti untuk mengetahui kekuatan element ekuitas merek Honda sebagai pemimpin pasar di tengah perubahan yang sedang terjadi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, dimana data diperoleh melalui survei. Jenis penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah nonprobabilistic sampling dengan teknik penarikan sampeI quota sampling, dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 200 responder. Data yang di dapat dalam penelitian ini kemudiaan disusun untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian yang berkaitan dengan ekuitas merek sepeda motor Honda.
Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa bila dilihat dari ekuitas mereknya, posisi merek Honda saat ini masih cukup kuat. Hasil dari pengukuran top of mind diperoleh Honda menempati peringkat pertama. Hasil pengukuran persepsi kualitas memberikan hasil yang cukup baik, dimana hampir seluruh dimensi kualitas mendapatkan kesan yang baik. Hanya saja, untuk beberapa dimensi seperti kemudahan perawatan mendapat hasil yang kurang begitu baik.
Hasil pengukuran loyalitas merek menunjukkan bahwa konsumen menyukai merek Honda sebesar 76,5%, adapun konsumen yang merasa puas menggunakan Honda sebanyak 76%. Akan tetapi tingkat pelanggan setia relatif lebih rendah, yaitu hanya sekitar 12% saja. Kelompok terbesar pengguna Honda adalah kelompok yang membeli Honda hanya karena faktor kesukaan (liking the brand).
Hasil pengukuran persepsi pengguna sepeda motor Honda terhadap masuknya sepeda motor dengan harga murah (mocin) menunjukkan bahwa responden masih menyatakan ragu-ragu untuk beralih ke merek lainnya. Responden yang menyatakan setuju dan sangat setuju untuk berpindah sebesar 27%. Kondisi demikian merupakan ancaman bagi produsen Honda. Hasil analisis aset merek lainnya seperti slogan Honda menunjukkan hasil yang cukup baik.
Asosiasi-asosiasi yang terkait dengan Honda yang menunjukkan hasil yang baik, pengukuran tertinggi ditempati oleh produk Jepang, irit BBM, dan jaringan servis luas. Adapun hasil pengukuran yang kurang menunjukkan hasil yang kurang baik terdapat pada keterjangkauan harga dan variasi model.
Produsen Honda hendaknya melakukan revisi terhadap kebijakan harga dengan menciptakan harga yang lebih kompetitif dari harga jual maupun suku cadang, serta terus meningkatkan pelayanan pemeliharaan kepada konsumennya."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aprilizayanti Putri
"Nowadays, brand does not function as an identity or to differentiate of one product to others only. The branding has been extending in many product categories which are marketed to consumers. To offer their products, the producers can not rely on functional benefits only, but also needs to take the emotional approach to the consumers by the brand given. The approach to give the emotional benefit is through the personalities of the brand as human personalities, included to fashion products. The brand must appear as the consumers it self in order to gain the brand loyalty in long time.
The purpose of this research is to find out how the impact of brand personality to brand loyalty of the consumers of fashion brand Zara at Jakarta. In addition to know which dimension of brand personality is most influential to brand loyalty. This research also using Aaker?s dimensions of brand personality, sincerity; excitement; competence; and sophistication. Aaker?s theory about the benefit of brand (functional; emotional; and self-expressive) is used as the first step to refer the brand personality concept. The theories are used to measure the brand loyalty of the consumers based on Aaker?s and Peter and Olson?s measurement.
The approach used in this research is quantitative approach with descriptive as a type of research. In order to get the data that support this research, the writer using purposive sampling by distributed 23 questions related to the indicators from the dimensions stated above to 100 respondents in 5 locations (Zara?s store in Jakarta) with judgemental sampling. To find out the brand personality dimensions as independent variable to brand loyalty as dependent variable, the writer uses factor analysis and multiple regression in the measurement.
The finding of this research suggests that three of four dimensions which use in measurement, have significant positive impact to brand loyalty. And the result suggests that dimension of competence has biggest impact to brand loyalty than others dimension in brand personality. Besides, dimension of excitement has no impact to the brand loyalty.
This research also gives the managerial implications related to the result to Zara?s management, especially in Indonesia. The consumers did not fully aware and care about the competitive advantage which Zara offers, which most appear in dimension of excitement. So that Zara?s Indonesia should adopt the markets here better and more adaptive in the way to gain the brand loyalty of consumers. The best thing that Zara?s Indonesia can do is through the approach of characteristic, and also the culture of brand preference of Indonesian consumers."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rakhmania Anindhita Pithaloka
"Brand Love merupakan salah satu konstruk baru dalam komunikasi pemasaran untuk mengukur hubungan emosional antara brand dan konsumen. Brand Love didasarkan pada dugaan bahwa brand memiliki karakter manusia dan konsumen memiliki perasaan emosional terhadap brand. Penelitian mengenai Brand Love umumnya mengunakan pendekatan hubungan interpersonal dimana peranan identitas dan identifikasi menjadi penting. Sementara itu, adanya media baru membuat praktisi komunikasi pemasaran menciptakan komunitas brand online dengan dua aktivitas utama terkait interaktivitas adalah adalah kemampuan brand untuk menciptakan dan menanamakan nilai dalam komunitas penciptaan nilai dan bagaimana konsumen secara aktif berinteraksi di komunitas online tersebut Social Interactive Engagement.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan model bahwa komunikasi pemasaran dalam komunitas online brand melalui variable Social Interactive Engagement dan Penciptaan Nilai berpengaruh terhadap Brand Love, yang termediasi oleh social identity dan di moderasi oleh sifat self expressive dari brand. Penelitian dilakukan melalui metode survey terhadap sample yang dikumpulkan secara purposive terhadap anggota komunitas online brand berusia 20-44 tahun dan bekerja di area Sudirman-SCBD Jakarta. Hipotesis kemudian diuji menggunakan Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling.
Penelitian ini menemukan adanya hubungan positif antara interaktivitas user melalui variabel Social Interactive Engagement dan penciptaan nilai terhadap Brand Love yang termediasi variabel identitas sosial dan termoderasi variabel self expressive brand. Penelitian ini memberikan sumbangsih bagi perkembangan teori Brand Love terutama pada indikator-indikatornya dan saran bagi praktisi komunikasi pemasaran untuk memanfaatkan komunitas online seabagai bagian strategi integrated marketing communication.
Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat jugakonteks sosio-kultural, dan menggunakan pendekatan sampling probabilita agar hasil penelitian bisa ditarik ke populasi.

Brand Love is a new construct in marketing communications to measure emotional relationship between brand and consumer. Brand Love term was based on an allegation that brand has human characters and consumers develop an emotional feeling toward brand. Researches about Brand Love generally use interpersonal relationship approach, where the role of identity and identification matters. While the rise of new media makes marketers create virtual brand community with two of the main activity that happened with this interactivity is the ability of brand to create and seed value within the community, and how the consumer actively interact in the virtual community.
Objective of this research was to prove marketing communication model in virtual brand community with variable Social Interactive Engagement and Value Creation have effect on Brand Love that was mediated by social identity and moderated by self expressive character of the brand. Research used survey as a method toward sample that was collected by using purposive method. Samples are virtual brand community member age 20 44, working in Sudirman SCBD Jakarta. Hypothesis was tested by using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling.
This research found positive correlation among user interactivity in virtual brand community through variabel Social Interactive Engagement and Value Creation toward Brand Love, mediated by Social Identity and moderated by Self Expressive Brand. This research has significance for theoretical development of Brand Love and suggestion for praktisi komunikasi pemasaran to utilize brand online community as a part of integrated pemasaran communication strategy.
The recommendation from this research is to also look at socio cultural context and using probability sampling approach, so the finding able to be applied in population.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendrik F.M.
"Mobile Phones Industry has increased and more competitive nowadays. It could be seen from the variety of mobile phones product segmentation. So that, many of company created an innovative product mobile phones with the multifunction and usage from brand they offered. This challenge was answered by Nokia which became the producer of mobile phones branded.
The purpose from this research was to find out what the consumer perception about the brand association based on the brand function of Nokia and the effect to their responses. In this study, used four variables that build Brand Function such as Guarantee Function, Personal Identification, Social Identification and Status was measured the positive influence on consumer responses to accept brand extentions, to recommend the brand and to pay the premium price.
This research was conductded during December 2007. To support this research, 130 questions were distributed, consisted of 26 questions that related to all indicators as mentioned above. This research used the combination of puposive sampling and accidental convenience sampling. Factor analysis and multiple linear regression were used to analize the data.
This research found that dimensions that build brand extentions which had a significant influence to the consumer response to accecpt brand extentions were Guarantee Function and Social Identification had a significant influence; Personal Identification and Status have not a significant influence. The dimensions that build brand functions which had a significant influence to the consumer response to recommend the brand were Guarantee Function, Personal Identification and Social Identification function. And the last the dimensions that build brand
function which had a positive influence to the consumer response to pay premium price were Guarantee Function, Personal Identification Function and Status had a significant influence; Social Identification had not a significant influence."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alifiya Arkana Paramita
"Kredibilitas merek telah diperhatikan sebagai elemen penting yang membentuk persepsi konsumen terhadap sebuah merek dan memengaruhi pengambilan keputusan mereka. Saat Indonesia memasuki fase baru transisi menuju konektivitas digital, Gojek, salah satu perusahaan terbesar di negara ini, telah muncul sebagai pemain yang signifikan. Gojek dimulai sebagai perusahaan ride-hailing dan memperluas konsep sharing economy melalui perluasan merek, memenuhi permintaan pasar, dan mendapatkan kepercayaan konsumen. Untuk mengikuti perkembangan pasar, penting untuk memahami faktor-faktor yang dapat membantu strategi pemasaran di masa depan. Maka dari itu, makalah ini menyelidiki pengaruh kredibilitas merek terhadap adopsi perluasan merek, menggunakan Gojek dan Gopay sebagai studi kasus, dan menyertakan analisis mediasi pada kepercayaan konsumen.
Menggunakan metode survei kuantitatif dengan sampel 187 responden yang dikumpulkan melalui pengambilan sampel sukarela, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kredibilitas merek memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan adopsi perluasan merek, dengan kepercayaan konsumen sebagai peran mediasi. Namun, temuan menunjukkan batasan tingkat faktor di luar kredibilitas merek yaitu keahlian. Studi ini mengembangkan kerangka konsep yang mencakup dimensi dari setiap faktor untuk menawarkan wawasan berharga bagi pemasar tentang cara meningkatkan kredibilitas merek dan kepercayaan konsumen untuk mengadopsi perluasan merek. Dengan demikian, makalah ini memberikan dasar untuk penelitian masa depan tentang adopsi perluasan merek di Indonesia dan sekitarnya.

Brand credibility has been noted as a significant element that shapes consumers’ perceptions of brands and affects their decision-making. As Indonesia enters a new phase of transition into digital connectivity, Gojek, one of the country’s biggest ventures, has emerged as a significant player. Gojek began as a ride- hailing company and expanded its sharing economy concept through brand extensions, meeting market demand, and gaining consumer trust. To keep up with the evolving market, it is necessary to understand the factors that can aid future marketing strategies. Thus, this paper investigates the effects of brand credibility on brand extension adoption, using Gojek and Gopay as a case study, and includes mediation analysis on consumer trust.
Using a quantitative survey method with a sample of 187 respondents collected through voluntary sampling, the study finds that brand credibility has a significant relationship with brand extension adoption, with consumer trust playing a mediating role. However, the findings suggest a limitation of the level of factors beyond brand credibility that is expertise. This study develops a framework that includes dimensions of each factor to offer valuable insight for marketers on how to leverage a brand’s credibility and consumer trust to adopt brand extensions. In doing so, it provides a foundation for future research on brand extension adoption in Indonesia and beyond.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuri Wulandari
Pemasaran adalah tentang menawarkan proposisi nilai yang superior.
Fenomena akhir akhir ini megindikasikan bahwa produk ataupun service sebagai
proposisi nilai tidak lagi mencukupi untuk berperan sebagai nilai ataupun alat
diferensiasi dan nilai tersebut telah berpindah ke penciptaan pengalaman
pelanggan. Mengadaptasi teori merek pengalaman dari ranah pemasaran dan teori
pengalaman dari ranah pariwisata, disertasi ini berusaha menyusun sebuah model
komprehensif pengalaman merek destinasi. Penelitian mengambil kasus Bali
sebagai destinasi wisata dan dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, wawancara pendek
dengan metode SPACE matrix, Focus Group Discussion dan survey kuisioner.
Hasil penelitian berhasil mengidentifikasi anteseden dan konsekuensi dari model
pengalaman merek destinasi dan membuktikan bahwa pengalaman merek
destinasi dan keaslian merek destinasi mempunyai pengaruh penting dalam
kesetiaan merek pelanggan dalam konteks destinasi pariwisata;

This dissertation is driven from the notion that marketing is all about
offering superior value. It is suggested that the traditional product and service
value proposition is no longer adequate and the meaning of value is rapidly
shifting to experiences. Adapting branding theory from marketing and experience
from tourism, this dissertation developed a comprehensive and holistic model of
destination brand experience. This includes investigating its antecedents,
consequences and relationships within the model with loyalty. The research
consisted of three phases with combination of methodologies: Strategic Position
and Competitive Evaluation (SPACE), Focus Group Discussion and a
questionnaire survey, and took Bali as the destination case. The result has
provided a context background, identified and validated antecedent and
consequences of destination brand experience. Moreover, it proved that
destination brand experience has significant relationship to destination brand
loyalty. It also showed that destination brand authenticity has a mediation role in
the relationship between destination brand experience and destination brand
loyalty;This dissertation is driven from the notion that marketing is all about
offering superior value. It is suggested that the traditional product and service
value proposition is no longer adequate and the meaning of value is rapidly
shifting to experiences. Adapting branding theory from marketing and experience
from tourism, this dissertation developed a comprehensive and holistic model of
destination brand experience. This includes investigating its antecedents,
consequences and relationships within the model with loyalty. The research
consisted of three phases with combination of methodologies: Strategic Position
and Competitive Evaluation (SPACE), Focus Group Discussion and a
questionnaire survey, and took Bali as the destination case. The result has
provided a context background, identified and validated antecedent and
consequences of destination brand experience. Moreover, it proved that
destination brand experience has significant relationship to destination brand
loyalty. It also showed that destination brand authenticity has a mediation role in
the relationship between destination brand experience and destination brand
loyalty, This dissertation is driven from the notion that marketing is all about
offering superior value. It is suggested that the traditional product and service
value proposition is no longer adequate and the meaning of value is rapidly
shifting to experiences. Adapting branding theory from marketing and experience
from tourism, this dissertation developed a comprehensive and holistic model of
destination brand experience. This includes investigating its antecedents,
consequences and relationships within the model with loyalty. The research
consisted of three phases with combination of methodologies: Strategic Position
and Competitive Evaluation (SPACE), Focus Group Discussion and a
questionnaire survey, and took Bali as the destination case. The result has
provided a context background, identified and validated antecedent and
consequences of destination brand experience. Moreover, it proved that
destination brand experience has significant relationship to destination brand
loyalty. It also showed that destination brand authenticity has a mediation role in
the relationship between destination brand experience and destination brand
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedy Setianto
"This study explored the effect of country of origin information on repurchase intention. Lea Jeans, an Indonesian jean brand which is currently being distributed in the Indonesian market, was used as the focus of the study. The effect of ?madein Indonesia? on repurchase intention of Lea Jeans was investigated through a survey, on a sample of 100 Indonesian consumers that both potential and current users of Lea Jeans.
The research method that researcher used is descriptive. It means that the research is dscribed accurately using facts, spoken or written words, action, and visual images. The approach used in this research is quantitative approach. The goal is to try to find an understanding about the effect country of origin on tepurchase
intention. The research type is descriptive. The data collection technique used in this research is by reading the literature which focus on the research, observation, and intervies.
The finding of this study contribute to the previous research on the effect of origin cue in brand knowledge and provide further insight into understanding consumer behavior. Examining this unexpected success of a less developed country brand in a market occupied by develop country brand points out that consumers don?t always associate products from less developed countries with low quality contrary to what the existing literature suggests."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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