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Charisma Adristy
"Skripsi ini membahas gejala bahasa pergaulan pada speech community mahasiswa Stikom Interstudi Wijaya. Nilai-nilai seperti kebebasan berekpresi, media, dan prestise mempengaruhi pemilihan bahasa pergaulan di kalangan mahasiswa. Dengan menggunakan metode etnografi komunikasi, penelitian ini berusaha menemukan kaitan antara proses pembentukan identitas dan penanda prestise dengan penggunaan bahasa pergaulan. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan metode kualitatif seperti wawancara serta rekaman speech events dan di analisis dengan teori Ethnography of Speaking.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa ada nilai budaya tersendiri yang dianut oleh kelompok sosial mahasiswa. Representasi nilai budaya dalam penggunaan bahasa pergaulan terlihat dari penggunaan kata-kata yang sarkatis yang memperlihatkan adanya semacam reduksi makna, sehingga bagi speech community penggunanya kata tersebut tidak mengandung kekasaran dan dilihat sebagai upaya meraih prestise sosial dalam percakapan.
This thesis discusses the use of slang in the speech community college students Stikom Interstudi Wijaya. How cultural values such as freedom of expression, sexuality, and prestige affect code-switching among the students. By using the ethnography of communication methods, this research seeks to find linkages between the process of the formation of identity and prestige with the use of slang. Data were collected using qualitative technique such as interviews, and recording speech events to be analyzed by Ethnography of Speaking.
The research concluded that there is particular cultural values which are held by students of social groups. As the Representation of cultural value in using sarcastic slang indicates ?reduction? of meaning, the speech community uses the sarcastic slang to achieve social prestige in which some explicit words has no longer contain violence meaning in the conversations.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titin Nuraeni
"Skripsi ini mengaji tentang pandangan dunia Komunitas Semesta dan perilaku para pelakunya. Dasar pengetahuan komunitas ini adalah energi. Energi mampu menjadi motivasi bagi para pelaku untuk mewujudkan motif-motif masing-masing anggota. Di dalam komunitas Semesta juga terdapat pengetahuan yang berkenaan dengan pandangan kosmologis yang mereka yakini. Pengetahuan serta meditasi yang mereka lakukan mampu mempengaruhi perilaku anggota Komunitas Semesta. Masing-masing anggota mendapatkan kemampuan yang berbeda sesuai dengan minat, misalnya kesaktian, pengobatan dan spiritual. Sebenarnya mereka mendapatkan semua kemampuan itu namun biasanya anggota Semesta hanya condong pada bidang yang memang diminatinya atau dengan kata lain sesuai dengan jiwanya.

This thesis examines about world view of Semesta Comunity and behaviours of their members. Energy is the basic knowledge of this community. This can be a motivation of their members to create the motifs. Semesta Community is also containing the knowledge about cosmological view. That they convience. Their knowledge and experience of meditation are able to influence behaviours of Semesta Community’s members. Every member found out their different ability appropriate with their passion, for example ability of magic power, healing and spiritual power. Substansively their found out these abilities, but usually the members of Semesta just inclined on area that they are interested in or in other word appropriate with their soul."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R.M. Koentjaraningrat, 1923-1999
Jakarta: Dian Rakjat, 1969
R 305.8 KOE a
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kalimantan Barat : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya , 2019
900 HAN 2:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gusti Ngurah Bagus
"Sejarah dan Tema Penelitian. Untuk memberi gambaran yang lebih lengkap tentang tema tesis ini terlebih dahulu akan kami uraikan secara singkat mengenai sejarah lahirnya penelitian ini. Fase permulaan penelitian ini hanyalah terbatas pada penelitian ilmu bahasa yang hendak mengetahui tentang sistem hentuk hormat dalam bahasa Bali, yang dikerjakan tatkala kami mendapat kesempatan belajar pada Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Leiden dari tahun 1971 - 1973. Ide tersebut timbul, setelah kami mendengar ceramah J.L. Swellcrebel yang mengetengahkan beberapa segi dalam bahasa kali yang patut diteliti menurut sarjana itu ada dua hal yang sepatutnya mendapat.pencatian lebih lanjut, yaitu pertama dialek-dialek dan kedua sistem hentuk hormat yang strukturnya belum jelas benar diketahui oleh para sarjana (Swellengrebel, 1971: hlm. 7). Adanya kenyataan ini tentu akibat dari kurangnya penelitian orang terhadap bahasa Bali dan situasi yang demikian itu sangat tepat dikatakan oleh E.M. Uhlenbeck (1967: hlm. 872) sebagai berikut: It is particularly surprising that so little attention has been paid to Balinese, the language of an internationally so videly known culture."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1979
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Ardianto
"This research derived from Slankers phenomena. Slankers imagine their idol, the image of Slank. Slank is a group band that their music genre composed of pop, rock, blues, and reggae. For Slankers, Slank's songs are not only easy listening and singing, but also presenting the image of Slank. Even though Slank does not present physically, at that time Slank along with others image can be presented in Slankers' imagination. Mami - one of an example-, when she miss her father -who had pass away- she'Il listen to some of Slank"s songs. For her, Slank's songs can present her fathers image and Slank"s image, because her father was a Slanker. After she has listen to the songs, her longing will be tempered. While her imaginative experience comes up, she writes itto Slankers' media.
Based on the phenomena, l study literatures in the Anthropology of Experience ((Turner and Bruner 1986 (ed.)), but they do not show the theory of imaginative experience. It urges me to state the objective of this research to construct theory of the imaginative experience. I build the conceptual framework composed of the concept of experience, imagination, and culture Experience is expression of interaction system between categories (Dilthey 1910, in Rickman, (ed.) 1976: 199, 211). imagination is to confront between contradictory categories (Casey 1991:20,42). Culture is constructed (Clemmer 1969:221). Within the composition I found the essence of dialogic, narrative, and narrative dialogic. This led to the development of narrative dialogic ethnography.
I argue that the narrative dialogic ethnography is a research paradigm, that consist of (Guba and Lincoln, in Denzin and Lincoln (ed.) 1994: 108-109):
- Ontology: to view imaginative experience is an expression system of relation and interaction between categories that to present images, furthermore the system is constructing.
- Epistemology: to conduct between categories as the narrative dialogic.
- Methodology; to make tense, to confront, to relate, and to interact some categories, and to accommodate some possibilities of sequences from some categories within the topic of imaginative of experience.
Based on that paradigm, this research question is how the narrative dialogic ethnography works to construct the theory of imaginative experience. As a foundation, the narrative dialogic ethnography constructs a concept of imaginative experience. Imaginative experience is a narrative dialogic between "the realm of areal" and "the realm of afotik" that activates "the realm of aktinik, with the result is enable to presence a narrative dialogic between "the realm of areal" and "the realm of aktinik". Narrative dialogic can be able to construct the imaginative construction in "the realm of areal" or in "the realm of aktinik". "The realm of areal" is "the realm of physics" that contents of physical presence of certain person, or with others or things in various event. "The realm of afotik" is "the realm
of images" that contents of their idol`s image presence. "The realm of aktinik" that contents of both subject and images presence in imagination.
Based on that concept, the narrative dialogic ethnography constructs the theory of imaginative experience, that is narrative dialogic among "the realm of areal", "the realm of afotik" with "the realm of aktinik, which are; 1) "the realm of areal" is narrative dialogic between the concept of imaginative dramatic performance (it is performance of experiencer) with the concept of imaginative dramatic identity (it is admission cf others); 2)"the realm of afotik" is narrative dialogic between the concept of imaginative embodiment (it is energy of their idol's image that never last) with the concept of hero (it is their idol's image that have been last their heroic way); 3) "the realm of aktinik' is narrative dialogic between the concept of imaginative symbol and imaginative ritual (it is process of imaginative relationship) with the concept of religion (it is structure of imaginative relationship).
This research concludes that;
1. The nanative dialogic ethnography more capable to construct the concepts of imaginative experience compared to other anthropological approach, such as Bruner's dialogic narration (2005), Geertz's interpretation of cultures (1973), and Turner"s interpretation of symbols (1967).
2. The narrative dialogic ethnography works not only interrelated one concept with others, as realized up till now, but also narrative dialogic one concept with others."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uswatun Khasanah Enggar Saptaningrum
"Variasi akses lahan Perhutani terjadi karena keragaman cara individu dalam mendapatkan aksesnya. Guna mendapatkan keuntungan dan aliran manfaat dari sumber daya yang longlasting diperlukan cara-cara tertentu dari masing-masing aktor untuk mendekati aktor yang menjadi pengontrol akses utama, yaitu Perhutani. Variasi akses yang dilakukan oleh petani penggarap dapat dilihat melalui mekanisme akses berdasarkan hak secara legal dan ilegal, serta melalui mekanisme akses berdasarkan struktural dan relasional. Munculnya ragam akses tersebut karena adanya perbedaan kekuasan dari setiap aktor. Penulis juga menunjukkan transformasi tanaman tembakau menjadi tanaman lainnya atas respon beberapa peristiwa yang terjadi pada kurun waktu satu dasawarsa, Perubahan ini merupakan pilihan rasional yang diambil petani untuk bisa tetap mendapatkan keuntungan dari tanamanya. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian etnografi dengan cara pengambilan data observasi partisipan dengan wawancara natural, dan wawancara mendalam. Temuan data menunjukkan berbagai macam dinamika variasi akses seperti bentuk mekanisme akses legal dan ilegal, ‘gadai’, dan ganti rugi lahan. Proses transformasi penanaman tembakau menjadi tanaman lainnya menunjukkan pilihan rasional dari masyarakat guna menekan kerugian maksimal akibat ketidakjelasan harga tembakau.

Variations in access to Perhutani' land occur due to the diversity of ways in which individuals gain access. In order to obtain benefits and the flow of benefits from long-lasting resources, certain ways are needed from each actor to approach the actor who is the main access controller, namely Perhutani. Variations in access by smallholders can be seen through access mechanisms based on legal and illegal rights, as well as through access mechanisms based on structural and relational. The emergence of this variety of access is due to the different powers of each actor. The author also shows the transformation of tobacco plants into other crops in response to several events that occurred in a decade. This change is a rational choice taken by farmers to be able to continue to benefit from their crops. The method used is ethnographic research by taking participant observation data with natural interviews, and in-depth interviews. The data findings show various dynamics of access variations such as the form of legal and illegal access mechanisms, 'pawning', and land compensation. The process of transforming tobacco cultivation into other crops shows the rational choice of the community in order to minimize maximum losses due to the uncertainty of tobacco prices."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Israfyan Sofian
"Lariangi yang diajukan dalam penelitain ini adalah salah satu jenis kesenian berbentuk tari yang ada di Kec. Kaledupa Kab. Wakatobi Sulawesi Tenggara,. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap proses dan bentuk pewarisan lariangi pada masyarakat Kaledupa. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi sebagai langkah untuk memahami realitas sosial budaya masyarakat, ditunjang oleh konsep dan teori pewarisan, tradisi lisan dan formula, proses dan bentuk pewarisan lariangi pada generasi Kaledupa dapat diungkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa lariangi mengalami perubahan dalam pertunjukannya. Perubahan tersebut disebabkan, baik oleh dinamika internal maupun faktor eksternal. Kedua faktor tersebut berimplikasi terhadap proses dan bentuk pewarisan lariangi kepada generasi Kaledupa. Proses dan bentuk pewarisan utamanya dilakukan dalam lingkup keluarga inti yakni pewarisan dari orang tua kepada anak dan kerabat dekat yang terhimpun dalam satu bhakala. Selain itu pewarisan yang ditunjang oleh kebijakan pemerintah Wakatobi melalui program pariwisata sehingga regenerasi lariangi terbina di sanggar-sanggar sekolah dan bhakala setiap desa di Kecamatan Kaledupa.

Lariangi which is presented in this research is one of a dance in Kaledupa, as as part of Wakatobi Regency in SouthEast Sulawesi. This research aims to reveal the process and form of lariangi inheritance in Kaledupa society. Revealing the process and form of inheritance in society of Kaledupa is done by using the ethnography and also the theory and concept of inheritance, oral tradition and formula. The result of this research shows that there is a change in performing process of lariangi. The change is caused both external and internal factors. Both factors imply to the inheritance process and form to Kaledupa generations. Inheritance process and form are mainly done in within the family namely from parents/senior to their children or another extended family. In other hand, the inheritance process is also supported by the Government Policy in Wakatobi through the tourism program so that the lariangi is well taught as the extracurricular at school and in every bhakala in every desa in Kaledupa.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2023
308.8 MER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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