"In technology market, a brand name represents functional value, pleasure value, and symbolic values as a reflection of buyer's self-image; prices measure its monetary value; country-of-origin image address the producer's competences. The whole of those makes a product easier to 'read'. To explore the effect of brand credibility and country-of-origin image on consumer price sensitivity, four brands of notebook 'Toshiba, Acer, MacBook Apple, and Zyrex- were compared. The research used survey method. The subjects were students of 10 faculties in University of Indonesia Depok. The research also required the subjects to have the original products of particular brand 'not second-hand products and/or not black-markets goods- to make sure the validity of answers about the brands.
Data from survey research conducted were analyzed by using multipleregression method and One-Way Anova method. Before conducted the analysis, it measured the reliability and validity to indicate each variable constructs. And then model structure was tested by multiple-regression method. The examination showed relationship among some the indicators in a variable. Examination to determine individual relation strength and also various tested hypothesis. To measure the difference among the brands, the research also conducted One-Way Anova test to know the variance analysis in the population area. Bonferroni test also used to find out which brand(s) differ from another.
The research indicated the following results: (1) there was impact from brand credibility on consumer price sensitivity in positive-linier directions, which expertise dimension was the most dominant factor of this. It showed that high brand credibility increase consumer price sensitivity. This might happened because of Indonesian consumers mostly are price-seeker and tend to be valueoriented consumers, (2) There was positive influence significant between country-of-origin image and consumer price sensitivity, (3) There were differences among consumers of four brands 'Toshiba, Acer, MacBook Apple, and Zyrex- for its brand credibility, (4) MacBook Apple obtained the highest brand credibility among others considering trustworthiness and expertise dimensions, (5) There were differences of country-of-origin among each brands, (6) There were differences of consumer price sensitivity among each brands.
The implications of this research were: (1) considering the unique characteristic of Indonesia's consumers, value-oriented consumers, it was suggested that companies started to apply the value-pricing strategy to gain bigger market share and to emphasize sales, (2) brand-naming strategy also can help to increase sales by mentioning the home-country or put the 'made-in' label on products. For Indonesian's products, in the purpose to survive or even win the competition in the industry, companies may considered to give a foreign brand-name to attract consumer's attention and achieve a better product-image."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008