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Santi Kertati
"Polimerisasi anilin dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu memodifikasi anilin menjadi garam melalui penambahan dopan asam asetat dan asam propionat. Polimerisasi keadaan standar dilakukan menggunakan garam anilinium asetat/anilinium propionat 0.2 M dengan rasio APS/anilin 1,25, treaksi = 90 menit. Produk polimerisasi yang terbentuk berupa bubuk dan film polianilin pada substrat kaca. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi polimerisasi anilin antara lain konsentrasi reaktan, kelebihan asam, dan kelebihan APS. Pemantauan reaksi polimerisasi dipelajari menggunakan profil suhu dan pengukuran berat bubuk polianilin. Karakteristik dari reaksi-reaksi tersebut dilakukan mengunakan spektrofotometer UV-Visibel, FT-IR, dan SEM.Pemantauan reaksi menunjukkan bahwa semakin panjang rantai karbon yang digunakan sebagai dopan, semakin sulit proses polimerisasi terjadi. Film Polianilin diujicobakan sebagai sensor kualitatif uap amonia. Film polianilinium asetat yang diberi uap amonia memberikan penurunan hantaran, tetapi film polianilinium propionat menunjukkan kenaikkan hantaran."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Fahmiati
"Efek dari amonia yang ditemukan pada air limbah telah mendorong pengembangan metode yang efisien untuk penyisihannya. Pada penelitian ini, kombinasi kontaktor membran serat berongga dan proses ozonasi digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Limbah amonia sebesar 120 ppm dan absorben mata air panas ciater yang mengandung sulfat digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Efek dari suhu umpan, yakni 30°C, 40°C dan 50°C pada efisiensi pemisahan dan perpindahan massa amonia diinvestigasi. OH- yang terbentuk dari OH radikal sebagai produk dari dekomposisi ozon membantu menjaga pH basa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan suhu umpan meningkatkan penyisihan amonia.. Kombinasi kedua proses ini dapat dikatakan efektif dalam menyisihkan 96% amonia pada suhu 50°C.

The effects of ammonia which commonly found in wastewater streams have promoted the development of more efficient methods for their removal. In this study, polypropylene hollow-fiber membranes and ozonation process were used to achieve this purpose. Synthetic ammonium sulfate and Ciater spring water was used. The effects of feed temperature (30°C, 40°C and 50°C) on removal efficiency and the overall mass transfer of the ammonia were investigated. OH- which formed from OH radical as a product of ozone decomposition helps to maintain alkalinity of the system. Result shows that feed temperature has significant effect on ammonia removal. This combination process works to be very effective on ammonia removal from the synthetic waste water. For variated temperature on 30°C, 40°C and 50°C , the best result of ammonia removal is around 96 % on 50°C."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kezia Elkardiana
"Limbah amonia dinilai sebagai limbah beracun dan harus disisihkan sehingga kandungannya tidak boleh melebihi 5-10 ppm (Peraturan Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup RI No. 04 Tahun 1995). Penggunaan teknologi membran yang marak digunakan sebagai media penyisihan limbah pada industri mendorong penelitian ini untuk dapat menghasilkan pemisahan yang paling efektif apabila dibandingkan dengan metode pemisahan konvensional lainnya. Sebagai intensifikasi dari pemisahan digunakan kontaktor membran super hidrofobik untuk mencegah fouling yang disebabkan oleh pembasahan serat membran. Pada penelitian digunakan variasi pH 10, 11, dan 12 pada air limbah untuk mendapatkan pemisahan yang maksimum. Di akhir penelitian didapatkan bahwa pada pH 11 dan 12 amonia telah terhilangkan 100% dari larutan pada menit ke 120 dan 90, sementara itu pH 10 telah mencapai efektifitas 98.8% pada menit ke 120. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa pemisahan dengan membran super hidrofobik pada pH 11 dan 12 dapat mencapai pemisahan 100%.

Waste ammonia assessed as toxic waste and must be set aside so that its content should not exceed 5-10 ppm (Ministry of Environment Regulation No. 04 of 1995). The use of membrane technology which is used as a separation medium on industrial waste encourage research to produce the most effective separation when compared to other conventional separation methods. As a process intensification of separation, we used super hydrophobic membrane contactor to prevent fouling of the membrane caused by membrane fiber wetting. In this research we used a pH variation of 10, 11, and 12 on the waste water to obtain maximum separation. At the end of the study showed that at pH 11 and 12 ammonia has been stripped away 100% of the solution at 120 and 90 minutes, while the pH of 10 has reached 98.8% effectiveness in minutes to 120. This value showed that separation with super hydrophobic membrane on waste water pH 11 and 12 can achieve perfect separation which reach 100%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ananda Putra Sangaji
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang penyisihan amonia dari air limbah sintetis menggunakan kontaktor membran Super Hydrophobic. Berdasarkan Keputusan Kemen LH No.51/1995, amonia harus disisihkan dari air limbah karena amonia merupakan senyawa B3 yang dapat membahayakan biota perairan. Penggunaan kontaktor membran Super Hydrophobic digunakan sebagai media alternatif karena kemampuannya dalam memisahkan senyawa tanpa kontak langsung dan mempunyai ketahanan yang baik akan pembasahan yang terjadi baik oleh air limbah maupun larutan penyerap. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan variasi konsentrasi amonia dalam air limbah, antara lain : 100, 200, 400 dan 800 ppm. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa kontaktor membran Super Hidrofobik mampu menyisihkan amonia dengan efisiensi 100% untuk setiap variasi konsentrasi yang diujikan.

This undergraduate thesis explain about ammonia removal from synthetic wastewater through membrane contactor Super Hydrophobic. Based on Regulation of Minister of Environment Republic of Indonesia No. 51 of 1995 ammonia must be removed from wastewater because it is inlcuded in toxic compound that can be dangerous in water ecosystem. The membrane contator Super Hydrophobic is used as alternative media because have better stability when wetted by wastewater and absorbent. This experiment is done with variety of feed concentration : 100, 200, 400 and 800 ppm. The result from the experiment show the ammonia removal efficieny is perfect for every variation (100%)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Salehudin Nur
"Unit pemisahan amonia (Area 600) adalah tahap/bagian akhir dalam produksi amonia hijau dengan proses Haber-Bosch. Tujuan dari proyek desain ini adalah untuk mencapai amonia anhidrat cair sebagai produk akhir dengan kemurnian minimum 99,6%-wt dan tingkat produksi 5.000 ton/hari, dan akhirnya menyimpannya dalam tangki penyimpanan amonia yang harus efisien selama 20 hari sampai siap untuk dipindahkan ke kapal dermaga dan diekspor. Unit ini memiliki dua output lain juga, yang meliputi purged gases untuk mencegah akumulasi pada recycle stream, dan recycled gases ke reaktor di Area 500 untuk meningkatkan konversi amonia. Dengan menggunakan Aspen HYSYS, kami dapat mencapai amonia anhidrat cair dengan kemurnian 99,9% dan kapasitas produksi sebesar 5.200 ton/hari. Suhu dan tekanan aliran akhir masing-masing adalah -30 ° C dan 10 bar. Perkiraan energi yang dihasilkan adalah 3 – 5 Gigajoule/tonNH3. Peralatan unit ini yang meliputi heat exchanger, flash drum, storage tank dan lain-lain dirancang dengan standar yang layak, meskipun penelitian lebih lanjut harus dilakukan untuk beberapa peralatan sehingga mereka dapat beroperasi lebih memadai. Biaya modal yang diperoleh dari semua peralatan unit adalah $335,579,062.19. Selain itu, proses ini berhasil memenuhi emisi karbon dioksida nol bersih.

Ammonia separation unit (Area 600) is the last stage/section in the production of green ammonia with the Haber-Bosch process. The objective of this design project is to achieve a liquid anhydrous ammonia as the final product with minimum purity of 99.6%-wt and production rate of 5,000 tonne/day, and finally store it in an ammonia storage tank which should be efficient for 20 days until it is ready to be transferred to a jetty ship and exported. This unit has two other outputs as well, which include purged gases to prevent any accumulation in recycle stream, and recycled gases to reactor in Area 500 to increase ammonia conversion. By using Aspen HYSYS, we are able to achieve a liquid anhydrous ammonia with purity of 99.9%-wt and production rate of 5,200 tonne/day. The temperature and pressure of the final stream are -30°C and 10 bar, respectively. The estimated energy is 3 – 5 Gigajoule/tonNH3. The equipment of this unit that include heat exchanger, flash drum, storage tank and others are designed to a viable standard, although further research should be conducted for some of the equipment so that they can operate more adequately. The capital cost that is obtained from all the equipment is $335,579,062.19. In addition, the process successfully fulfills the net zero carbon dioxide emissions.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamilla Manzilina Istmah
"Saat ini dibutuhkan perubahan atau inovasi dalam pembuatan amonia yang lebih ramah lingkungan dan mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil. Salah satu alternatifnya yaitu dengan memanfaatkan konsep reduksi fotoelekrokimia menggunakan material semikonduktor TiO2. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan modifikasi TiO2 Nanotube Array (TNA) melalui metode anodisasi, dan dilanjutkan dengan reduksi secara elektrokimia untuk mendapatkan spesi TiO2 dengan populasi Ti3+ yang diperkaya (Blue TiO2 dan Black TiO2), disertai variasi annealing yang berbeda untuk mempelajari pengaruhnya terhadap morfologi dan karakteristik fotoelektrokimia. Selanjutnya dilakukan evaluasi kinerja White TiO2, Blue TiO2 dan Black TiO2 Nanotube Array (TNA) sebagai elektroda pada sistem fotoelektrokimia untuk konversi N2 menjadi amonia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modifikasi TiO2 dengan metode self-doping menghasilkan blue TiO2 dan black TiO2 Nanotube Array (TNA) yang memiliki morfologi dan aktivitas fotoelektrokimia lebih baik berdasarkan hasil karakterisasi yang diperoleh dengan adanya spesi Ti3+ dan oxygen vacancy yang terbentuk. Berdasarkan karakterisasi FTIR intensitas Ti-O-Ti semakin berkurang akibat semakin banyaknya spesi Ti3+ dan oxygen vacancy. Hal ini mempengaruhi pergeseran band gap dari 3,2 eV menjadi <3,2 eV. Selain itu, Lama waktu annealing mempengaruhi aktivitas fotoelektrokimia dari White TiO2, Blue TiO2 dan Black TiO2 Nanotube Array (TNA). semakin lama waktu annealing semakin banyak spesi Ti3+ yang terbentuk sehingga meningkatkan aktivitas fotoelektrokimia. namun jika melewati batas maksimum Ti3+ akan ter-reoksida kembali dan menurunkan aktivitas fotoelektrokimia. Berdasarkan hasil XRD waktu anneling tidak secara signifikan mempengaruhi fasa kristal, namum mempengaruhi ukuran kristal. Photocurrent tertinggi diperoleh pada Blue TiO2 dengan densitas arus sebesar 0,0301 mA/cm-2 pada penyinaran sinar UV. Onset potensial OER paling rendah dan onset potensial HER, NRR paling tinggi didapatkan pada Blue TiO2. Pada pengaplikasian konversi N2 menjadi amonia menggunakan sistem PEC dengan fotoanoda Black TiO2 Sedangkan untuk katoda gelap menggunakan White TiO2 waktu anneling 4 jam, Blue TiO2 waktu anneling 2 jam dan Black TiO2 waktu anneling 2 jam pada kondisi penerangan gelap-gelap dan gelap terang dikedua kompartemen. Dari hasil karakterisasi dan aplikasi konversi reduksi N2 menjadi amonia, didapatkan kesimpulan Blue TiO2 memiliki performa atau kinerja yang lebih baik dari black TiO2 dan White TiO2 sebagai elektroda pada sistem fotoelektrokimia untuk konversi N2 menjadi amonia karena memiliki spesi Ti3+ dan oxygen vacancy lebih banyak. Dengan menghasilkan amonia sebesar 0,06413 μmol/h cm2 dengan waktu anneling 2 jam pada kondisi penerangan gelap-gelap di kedua sisi. Hal ini menunjukkan semakin banyaknya spesi Ti3+ dan oxygen vancancy yang terbentuk, semakin efektif untuk konversi nitrogen menjadi amonia.

Currently, changes or innovations are needed in the manufacture of ammonia that is more environmentally friendly and reduces the use of fossil fuels. One alternative is to utilize the concept of photoelectrochemical reduction using a TiO2 semiconductor material. In this study, a modification of the TiO2 Nanotube Array (TNA) was carried out by anodizing method, followed by electrochemical reduction to obtain TiO2 species with enriched Ti3+ populations (Blue TiO2 and Black TiO2), with different variations of annealing to study their effect on morphology and characteristics. photoelectrochemistry. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of White TiO2, Blue TiO2 and Black TiO2 Nanotube Array (TNA) as electrodes in the photoelectrochemical system for the conversion of N2 to ammonia was carried out. The results showed that modified TiO2 using the self-doping method produced blue TiO2 and black TiO2 Nanotube Array (TNA) which had better morphology and photoelectrochemical activity based on the characterization results obtained in the presence of Ti3+ species and the formed oxygen vacancy. Based on the FTIR characterization, the intensity of Ti-O-Ti decreases because there are more Ti3+ species and empty oxygen. This affects the shift in the band gap from 3.2 eV to <3.2 eV. In addition, annealing time affects the photoelectrochemical activity of White TiO2, Blue TiO2 and Black TiO2 Nanotube Array (TNA). The longer the time, the more Ti3+ species formed, thereby increasing the photoelectrochemical activity. However, if it exceeds the maximum limit, Ti3+ will be re-oxidized and reduce the photoelectrochemical activity. Based on the results of XRD annealing does not significantly affect the crystal phase, the amount of time that affects the crystal size. The highest photocurrent was obtained on Blue TiO2 with a current density of 0.0301 mA/cm- 2 under UV irradiation. The lowest OER onset potential and HER potential onset, the highest NRR was found in Blue TiO2. In the application of the conversion of N2 to ammonia using a PEC system with a Black TiO2 photoanode. Meanwhile, for the dark cathode, White TiO2 annealed time is 4 hours, Blue TiO2 annealed time is 2 hours and Black TiO2 annealed time is 2 hours in dark and light conditions in both compartments. From the results of the characterization and application of the conversion of N2 to ammonia reduction, it was concluded that Blue TiO2 has better performance or performance than Black TiO2 and White TiO2 as electrodes in a photoelectrochemical system for the conversion of N2 to ammonia because it has Ti3+ species and more oxygen vacancies. By producing ammonia of 0.06413 mol/h cm2 with an anneling time of 2 hours under dark lighting conditions on both sides. This shows that the more Ti3+ and oxygen vancancy species formed, the more effective it is to convert nitrogen into ammonia."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Navianti
"Meningkatnya perkembangan Industri di Indonesia mengakibatkan terjadinya pencemaran Lingkungan di sekitamya. Adanya berita media massa tentang pencemaran lingkungan di sekitftr PT Pupuk Sriwijaya yang menycbabkan teijadinya penyakit infeksi saluran pemapasan pada penduduk di pemukiman sekitar industri tersebul.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mcngetahui hubungan pemajanan ammonia dan PM", serta faktor risiko yang mempengaruhinya dengan kejadian gejala pcnyakit saluran pemapasan pada bayi dan balita di pemukiman sekitar PT pupuk Sriwijaya palembang tahun 2001.
Subyek pcnelitian adalah ibu-ibu yang memiliki bayi dan baiita (0 bulan-59 bulan). Didapatkan sebanyak 125 keluarga yang mcmiliki bayi dan balita secara random sampling yang tersebax dalam 3 kclurahan. Jenis penelitian bersifat deskriptif anaiitik dengan rancangan penelitian Cross-secrional.
Hasil penentuan kadar ammonia antara 246.75 pg/m3-1499 gym), sedangkan kadar P1\/110 antara 202.60 pg/m3-1281 ng/mi. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan (p < 0.05) pemajanan ammonia dcngan kejadian gejala penyakit saluran pcmapasan pada bayi dan balita di pemukiman sekitar industri PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja. Ada hubungan dosis respons antara pemajanan ammonia dengan kejadian gejala penyakit saluran pemapasan pada bayi dan balita di pemukiman sckitar PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang
Pemajanan PM|o Yang tinggi pada bayi dan balita di pemukiman sekitar PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja akan meningkatkan risiko menderita gejala penyakit saluran pemapasan Dari model akhir didapat nilai OR = 1.1124 (95%CI=l.014-l.221), artinya setiap peningkatan 1 unit kadar PM 10 meningkatkan riaiko bayi dan balita rnenderita gejala penyakit saluran pemapasan sebcsar I 1.24%
Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa bayi dan balita yang terpajan dengan ammonia 2 652.50 pg/ma' mempunyai risiko menderita gcjala penyakit saluran pemapasan sebesar 9.508 kali dibandingkan dengan bayi dan balita yang terpajan ammonia < 652.50 pg,/ms setelah ciikontrol oleh variabcl variabel PMN, kepadatan hunian, perokok dalam rumah dan interaksi antara ammonia dengan PMN.
Saran kepada pihak PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja unmk tems memantad alat alat pengendaiian emisi gas maupun debu urea dan meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas alat alat pengendalinya, sehingga dapat mengurangi pencemaran di sekitar industri tersebut.

Due to increasing industry expansion in Indonesia it alfect the environmental pollution around the industry. There was mass media regarding environmental pollution around PUSRI which result of acute respiratory infection symptoms of the local community around that lndustry.
The purpose of -this study is to find out the relationship between expo: ure ammonia and PMN , as well as risk factor which influence with the condition acute respiratory infection symptoms at babies and children living around at PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja in 2001.
Subyect of this study are mothers who has babies and children ranging from 0 to 59 months. We found out that around l25 families who has babies and children as sampling random from 3. The methode of this study is descriptive analytic with cross sectional study designed.
The result of concentrate ammonia between 246.75 ug/m3-1499 ug/m3. And actual PMN, consentrate between 202.60 ug/m3-128| pg/rn3.There is significant relationship (p<0_05) between exposure ammonia and PM", with condition acute respiratory infection symptoms at babies and children living around at PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang There are linked dose respons between exposure ammonia with acute respiratory infection symptoms at babies and children living around at P'I` pupuk Sriwidjaja.
High exposure of PM", at the babies and children around PT Pusn area will raise from the risk acute respiratory infection symptoms. From the last model, it found out the value of OR equal to 1.1124 (95%CI = l.0l4-1221), meaning every raise per l unit PM10 will be raised the risk of babies and children for l 1.24 %.
Conclusion indicates that babies and children who has exposured with ammonia 2 652.50 ug/m3 has risk factor of the acute respiratory infection symptoms 9.5! times compare with babies and children exposured by ammonia < 652.50 ug/m3, after being adjusted by variables PM io, smoker inside the house, density of population and interact between ammonia and PM iq.
Suggestion to PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja to constantly measure all the control gas emission and dust urea equipment and to raise eiiiciency and effectiveness ofthe control equipment so that it could reduce pollution around the industry.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adam Ghozi Rahman
"Lemna minor atau mata lele, merupakan salah satu spesies dari family Lemnaceae yang dapat ditemukan di berbagai tempat di dunia. Tanaman L. minor tumbuh cepat pada air dengan konsentrasi N, P dan K yang relatif tinggi, dan dapat mengkonsentrasi mineral yang terdapat dalam air dan mensintesis protein dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentasi amonia yang optimal untuk pertumbuhan L. minor. Laju pertumbuhan diamati dengan menghitung jumlah keping daun setiap dua hari sekali. Perlakuan dibagi menjadi 8 kelompok, yaitu 3 kelompok kontrol dengan hoagland standar sumber nitrogen nitrat 210 ppm, nitrat 196 ppm dengan amonia 14 ppm dan amonia 210 ppm hoagland dan 5 kelompok yang diberikan amonia dari konsentrasi 84, 112, 140, 168 dan 196 ppm. Masing-masing kelompok perlakuan dilakukan 4 ulangan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan sumber cahaya matahari langsung dengan kisaran cahaya. Laju pertumbuhan L. minor yang paling baik pada konsentrasi amonia 84 ppm dan kenaikan konsentrasi amonia memiliki korelasi negatif dengan laju pertumbuhan L. minor yang menunjukkan konsentrasi amonia yang tinggi akan menyebabkan keracunan

Lemna minor is one of the species of the Lemnaceae family most commonly known as duckweed that can be found everywhere around the world. L. minor grows fast on top of water with relatively high concentration of N, P and K. L. minor can accumulate minerals from water and shyntesize protein really well. The purpose of this study was to determine the omptimal growth of L. minor in different concentration of amonia in the water where it grows. In this experiment, the growth is measured by the number of fronds, in which it is counted every two days. There is two groups of treatment that has been done in this experiment, which is 3 control groups with standard hoagland solution with different nitrogen source, 210 ppm nitrate, 196 ppm nitrate with 14 ppm amonia and 210 ppm amonia. 5 groups with different ammonia concentration between 84, 112, 140, 168 and 196 ppm. In this experiment, The result of this experiment is that the ammonia concentration which is most optimal from the 5 groups are the lowest concentration of 84 ppm ammonia and the increase in ammonia concentration have negative correlation to the growth rate of L. minor."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihombing, Cristine Angelina Roma Uli
"Senyawa amonia seringkali ditemukan dalam jumlah yang cukup besar pada air permukaan yang dapat membahayakan manusia dan lingkungan apabila tidak diolah secara tepat. Penelitian ini merupakan studi tentang metode kavitasi hidrodinamika menggunakan orifice plate untuk mendegradasi amonia pada limbah cair sintetik. Larutan amonia disirkulasikan menggunakan pipa biasa lalu dilakukan kuantifikasi senyawa pengoksidasi dengan titrasi KMnO4 melalui variasi jumlah lubang orifice plate (6, 8 dan 17 lubang). Degradasi amonia dilanjutkan dengan variasi pH awal (4, 7 dan 10) dan variasi konsentrasi awal (10 mg/L, 25 mg/L dan 50 mg/L). Hasil persentase penyisihan amonia dengan pipa biasa sebesar 4,85%, orifice plate 17 lubang memproduksi senyawa pengoksidasi paling banyak, yaitu 39,95 mg/L dan amonia terdegradasi optimum pada pH 10,10 menggunakan orifice plate 17 lubang dengan konsentrasi awal 50 mg/L, yaitu sebesar 22,5 %.

Ammonia compound is often found in large numbers on the surface water that can harm humans and the environment if not treated appropriately. This research is a study of hydrodynamic cavitation method using orifice plate to degrade ammonia in synthetic wastewater. Ammonia solution was circulated using pipe and then tested the productivity of oxidizing compounds using permanganate titration by varying the orifice plate number of holes (6, 8 and 17 holes). Furthermire, degradation of ammonia followed by variations of initial pH (4, 7 and 10) and variation of initial concentration (10 mg/L, 25 mg/L and 50 mg/L). The results showed that the circulation using pipe can degrade ammonia by 4.85%, orifice plate with 17 hole produces most oxidizing compound which is 39,95% and ammonia is best degraded at pH 10,10 using orifice plate 17 holes with initial concentration 50 mg/L which is 22,5%."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Konsep penanggulangan bencana saat ini adalah paradigma pengurangan risiko.Setiap individu, masyarakat di daerah diperkenalkan dengan berbagai ancaman (hazards) dan kerentanan (vulnerability) yang dimiliki, serta meningkatkan kemampuan (capacity) masyarakat dalam menghadapi setiap ancaman. Sehingga studi ini bertujuan mengkaji model pengendalian risiko dispersi gas amonia.
Disain studi adalah cross sectional. Analisis model pengukuran dan struktural menggunakan comfirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Nilai validitas dan reliabilitas hasil uji kesesuaian/Goodness of Fit (GOF) adalah good fit untuk konstruk dari model.Kuesioner disebarkan secara cluster, terdapat 626 responden (area risiko 0- 2600 meter). Dibagi menjadi 293 responden pada zona dalam (area risiko 0-1300 meter) dan 333 responden zona luar (area risiko >1300-2600 meter).
Model pengukuran menghasilkan 5 variabel eksogen (kondisi lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi, biologi dan kapasitas) yang saling berhubungan langsung membentuk variabel endogen risiko dispersi gas amonia. Faktor kondisi lingkungan terdiri dari zona bahaya dan jarak rumah ke jalan raya.Faktor sosial yaitu pelatihan dan pekerjaan.Faktor ekonomi yaitu kecukupan akomodasi, pendapatan, asuransi dan pendidikan.Faktor kapasitas yaitu pengetahuan tentang bahaya, pengetahuan tentang peringatan dini, pengetahuan tentang evakuasi dan perilaku tanggap darurat. Faktor biologi yaitu usia> 65 tahun, anggota keluarga dengan penyakit kronis dan anggota keluarga berkebutuhan khusus. Risiko dispersi gas amonia pada rumah tangga area risiko 0-2600 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi dari 47% faktor sosial, 37% faktor ekonomi, 29% faktor kapasitas dan 9% faktor kondisi. Risiko dispersi gas amonia zona dalam (area risiko 0-1300 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi darifaktor sosialberkontribusi 63%, faktor ekonomi 64%, faktor kapasitas 57% dan biologi 2,3%. Selanjutnya risiko dispersi gas amonia pada rumah tangga area risiko >1300-2600 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi dari 2 (dua) faktor yaitu faktor kondisi 99% dan faktor kapasitas (12%).
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan model risiko dispersi gas amonia dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan faktor yang berkontribusi membentuk risiko dispersi gas amonia sehingga dapat menjadi upaya pengendalian dengan memperhatikan faktor yang berkontribusi tersebut. Rekomendasi kepadaPemerintah Daerah untuk menetapkan peta rawan bencana menjadi peraturan daerah yang berkekuatan hukum dan pemberlakuan peraturan tentang tata ruang (daerah pemukiman), standar keselamatan (pemantauan penggunaan teknologi) dan penerapan sanksi terhadap pelanggar. Mengkoordinasi antara Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah
(SKPD), Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran/ Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD), dan dinas terkait untuk evakuasi (akomodasi), kelancaran akses jalur evakuasi. Menyelenggarakan sosialisasi, pendidikan dan pelatihan mengenai kesiapsiagaan bencana dispersi gas amonia kepada masyarakat melalui perkumpulan/organisasi di masyarakat. Rekomendasi kepada perusahaan antara lain : Membuat peta rawan bencana dan Emergency Respon Plan (ERP) baik internal maupun eksternal; Melakukan perawatan dengan inspeksi rutin berbasis risiko untuk memastikan kehandalan peralatan sistem pendingin amonia; Semua pekerja dalam operasional tangki sistem pendingin amonia selalu dilakukan dengan mengikuti Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), peraturan keselamatan, audit keselamatan; Mengingat sifat gas amonia yang tidak berwarna tetapi sangat beracun serta luasan area risiko yang berdampak perlu adanya sensor untuk gas amonia sebagai alat ukur dan monitoring. Selanjutnya rekomendasi kepada masyarakat agar mengembangkan dan berperan aktif dalam desa siaga bencana (kesiapsiagaan bencana berbasis masyarakat);

The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).;The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).;The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness)., The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).]"
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