"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- Service-Level Management
- The Changing Telecom Landscape and Its Impact on Fixed-Line Network
- Security:Common Administrative Partitioning
- Content Mediation and Charging
- Gaining Control
- Build-versus-Buy Dilemma
- Disaster Recovery:Lessons Learned
- Managing Networks and Services with Intelligent Systems
- Sharpening the Saw
- Usage Data Integrity and Revenue Assurance
- Increasing Network Profitability
- Will Your OSS Investment Pay Off?
- Mediation and Revenue Assurance
- Adaptive Revenue Assurance Delivers Maximum Network Profitability
- IP/MPLS and Multi-Technology Network Management
- Solving the 3G Data-Management Problem
- The Benefits of Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) Modulation for VDSL Systems
- Cross-Operator Service Discovery
- Leveraging Existing OSS Architecture to Implement Flow-Through
- The New OSS:Architecture over Features and the Changing Definition of
Network Inventory
- OSS for Open, and Secure,Wireless LAN Roaming
- Techniques to Enhance Wireless Local-Area Network(WLAN)
- Billing Challenges of WLAN
- Broadband Fault-Management Challenges
- Resource Management:A Critical Function for Mobile Operators
- FCAPS and Traffic Modeling for DSL, Wireless, Cable,and ETTx
- The Seven Deadly Sins of Wireless LANS
- Operations Challenges with Multi-Technology Wireless Services
- Next-Generation Converged Services
- Rapid OSS Integration
- The Business of Interconnection
- OSS Database Integration
- Extending Control-Plane Functionality to Legacy Equipment
- Total Service Quality Management for Competitive Advantage
- Duplicate Event Checking in 3G Telecom Billing
- E-Provisioning Cuts Administrative Costs,Improves Asset Control
- Ensuring Service Availability and Performance for Roaming Customers
- Data Assurance:Telecom is Knight in Shining Armor?
- Fulfill the Promises of Web-Based Customer Self-Services
- New-Generation OSS
- The TeleManagement Forum is New-Generation Operations System and
Software (NGOSS)
- Java in Your OSS
- Building Sustainable 802.11 Service Offerings
- Turning Operations into a Revenue Generator
- Acronym Guide