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"Pengelolaan konservasi sumberdaya air di Indonesia pada saat ini menghadapi tantangan yang semakin berat dan kompleks. Dalam rangaka menjaga ketersediaan air diperlukan usaha-usaha pengelolaan konservasi sumberdaya air yang berkesinambungan dan berkelanjutan ( lestari).... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sibuea, Tulus T. H.
"Sumber air utama untuk wilayah Sukabumi tertumpu pada kawasan pegunungan Gunung Gede-Pangrango dan Gunung Halimun- Salak. Kawasan tersebut adalah hulu dari daerah aliran sungai Cimandiri yang mengalir ke selatan wilayah Sukabumi sampai ke Iaut di Kota Pelabuhanratu, ibukota Kabupaten Sukabumi.
Pemanfaatan air di kawasan hulu berupa air tanah dan air mata-air selain untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga juga untuk industri. Keuntungan dari pemanfaatan air tersebut oieh industri umumnya belum disertai membayar beaya pemulihan.
Penggunaan air cenderung meningkat secara eksponensial, sedangkan pasokan air cenderung melambat akibat rusaknya hutan di daerah tangkapan airnya. Internalisasi pengelolaan daerah tangkapan air untuk penyediaan air baku dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut
Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan gambaran kondisi air tanah dan perkiraan nilai air tanah melalui pendekatan perhitungan nilai ekonomi manfaat lokal daerah tangkapan airnya, persepsi dan keharusan pengguna air tanah untuk membayar beaya pengelolaan daerah tangkapan airnya.
Hasii penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi untuk melestarikan sumberdaya air dan melestarikan fungsi lingkungan alam. Informasi dari penelitian ini dapat memperkaya khasanah pengetahuan untuk pertimbangan dalam perencanaan pembangunan daerah tersebut.
Penelitian dilaksanakan dan bulan Januari sampai dengan Juni 2003 di Kecamatan Cicurug, Kecamatan Cidahu, Kecamatan Parakansalak dan Kecamatan Parungkuda di kaki Gunung Salak dalam wilayah Kabupaten Sukabumi. Daerah penelitian berada pada Kompleks Gunungapi Tua di wiilayah resapan utama dan juga berada di wilayah pelepasan. Penelitian bersifat ex post facto melalui pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data primer dan sekunder dikumpulkan dengan metode survei dan studi pustaka.
Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah tersedianya air tanah akan berlanjut jika neraca air terjaga keseimbangannya dan daerah tangkapan air terlindungi.
Hasii kajian memperlihatkan bahwa air tanah ada di 100-300 meter di bawah permukaan tanah setempat. Pelepasan air tanah berupa mataair ada yang mencapai 400 lt/dt dan penurapan melalui sumur bor dengan debit mencapai 2 It/dt hingga 5 lt/dt. Neraca keseimbangan air di daerah penelitian mengaiami defisit air tanah sebanyak 4,4 juta m3 pada tahun 2003. Kecenderungan air tanah berkurang adalah akibat perubahan kondisi tutupan lahan disertai dengan ekstraksi air tanah yang terus bertambah.
Hasil analisis ruang dan wilayah daerah penelitian memperlihatkan adanya interaksi antara daerah tangkapan air dan daerah perlepasan serta lokasi cadangan air tanah. Kegiatan ekonomi yang menggunakan air tanah tidak terpisahkan dari kawasan hutan Iindung Gunung Salak sebagai daerah tangkapan airnya. Pemanfaatan air tanah di kawasan hulu akan dapat menghilangkan peluang kegunaannya bagi kawasan hilirnya. Sepatutnya kawasan hulu menjadi kawasan tumbuh lambat yang diprogramkan untuk fungsi konservasi atau lindung karena menjadi satu kesatuan ekosistem dari hulu sampai ke hilir.
Air adalah satu fase bentuk sumberdaya alam yang secara alamiah mengalami siklus perubahan bentuk. Sumberdaya alam ini pada fase bentuk air menjadi kebutuhan dasar semua mahluk hidup di bumi. Sebagai kebutuhan dasar, air tidak dapat menjadi komoditi (barang ekonomi) yang dapat diperdagangkan dan diberi label harga. Prinsip yang memandang air sebagai komoditi (barang ekonomis) akan menghilangkan fungsi ekologis, sosial, religius dan budaya.
Pengguna air tanah dapat dikenakan beaya masa siklus air. Beaya masa siklus air adalah beaya kerugian yang dialami oleh generasi masa depan akibat pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam masa kini. Nilai masa siklus air dihitung melalui pendekatan valuasi manfaat Iokal sumberdaya hayati dan manfaat lokal sumber air.
Beaya masa siklus air di Iokasi penelitian per hektar hutan sebesar Rp. 2.924.890,- setiap tahunnya. Persepsi dan pemahaman tentang beaya masa siklus air belum sepenuhnya disadari oleh perusahaan air minum dalam kemasan. Akibatnya adalah masih banyak perusahaan belum bersedia ikut berperanserta daiam kegiatan konservasi daerah tangkapan air.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pembahasan dalam tesis ini, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut:
1. Tersedianya air tanah berkurang karena terganggunya keseimbangan neraca air akibat penurapan melalui sumur bor lebih besar dan suplesi air tanah.
2. Beaya bagi tersedianya air adalah beaya kerugian yang akan ditanggung oleh generasi masa depan.
3. Pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang beaya masa siklus air belum sepenuhnya disadari oleh pengusaha air tanah.
Saran dari penulis dalam tesis ini adalah; (1) Perlu dilakukan segera pengendalian ekstraksi air tanah melalui penataan ulang SIPA yang telah dikeluarkan, penutupan sumur bor yang tidak memiliki ijin atau melebihi debit yang diijinkan, penghentian ijin baru dan peningkatan pengawasan pemanfaatan air tanah; (2) Memperbesar suplesi air tanah meIaIui pengendalian pembangunan permukiman di daerah tangkapan air, menghutankan kembali Iahan yang bersudut Iereng lebih dari 30% dan pembangunan ?embung" atau ?waduk kecil" sebagai sumber air bersih untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penduduk; (3) Perlu disosialisasikan secara luas kepada masyarakat tentang beaya masa siklus air. (4) Perlu disosialisasikan paradigma air sebagai hak asasi manusia. Setiap orang berhak memperoleh air bersih khususnya air minum dan kewajiban negara untuk memenuhinya.

The main source of water in the Sukabumi is the reservoirs found in the Gede Pangrango and Halimun Salak highlands. These areas are the up river of the Cimandiri River which flows south through Sukabumi all the way to the Southern coastal city of Pelabuhan Ratu, the capital city of Sukabumi District. These water reservoirs, ground reservoirs and spring water, have been used in the upper regions for many years. The use of the ground water for domestic needs and industrial needs is increasing rapidly. Revenue through the use of these water resources by industry has not been charged with conservation cost of these resources.
As the use of water has increased exponentiaily, supply tends to decrease due to the destruction of the upper catchments areas that are now being developed or destroyed. Internal control in the areas with their hydrology functions are being assessed in order to over come the problem before it gets out of hand.
The aim of this study is to estimate the current ground water condition, its value through analysis of local economic value of water catchments area and the current price of water. To understand perceptions and ability of water consumers to pay reservation cost of the water catchments area.
Results would enrich information in the effort to preserve natural water resources and natural environment as a unified natural resource. Information obtained may also be useful in future planning and development of these areas.
This research has been carried out in the Counties of Cicurug, Cidahu, Parakansalak, and Parugkuda, from January to June of 2003. The focus area is located at the foot of the Salak Mountain in the area of Sukabumi district. The form of research that has been used is ex post facto through qualitative and quantitative approach. The primary and secondary data were was collected through surveys and studies of literatures.
The result of studies has shown that the area in the vicinity of Gunung Api Tua is located in the main water absorption area, which is also the area of ground water release. Ground water potential is found to be between 100-300 meters below ground surface. The release of ground water from springs is at a rate of 400 It/sec and extracted using drill-wells at a rate of 2 lt/sec up to 5 lt/sec. The balance water measured in this area shows a deficit of as much as 4,4m3 in the year 2003. Ground water deficit tends to continue declining as result of man-made change in the soil covering due to building constructions agriculture as such that disturbs the seepage of rain water into the ground, hence the replenishment, while water extraction continue to increase.
Result of space and area analysis of research area shows that an interaction exists between the water catchments areas, water releasing areas, and the areas where the ground water is naturally stored. Therefore, economic sectors benefit from the ground water supply should not be freed from their responsibility in forest conservation and protection of Salak Mountain as water catchments areas. Using ground water in water areas will eventually reduce or even eliminate the benefit for water draining areas. It should be understood that water catchments area must be considered as areas of conservation and protection, because of its ecosystem unity from water-catchments area to water-released areas.
Liquid water is one phase in the cycle of this resource, which is naturally changing in form and state. In its liquid phase, water is a basic necessity for all living organism on this earth. As a basic necessity, water cannot become a commodity to be commercialised and given a price label. Considering water as eoonomic commodity will lose its ecological, social, religious and cultural functions.
Water users could be charged with water cycling costs. Water cycle cost is atpenses to cover losses which wlll be experienced by future generations due to present resource ulilisation. The value of water cycle period is calculated by local usage valuation approach of the biological resources and the local use of water resource.
The annual per hectare expenses of water cycle at the site of investigation is calculated at Rp. 2.924.890,-. Perception and understanding in the expenses for water cycling period have not been fully realized by water packing companies. Consequently there are still a great number of companies that are not willing to participate in the effort of water catchments area.
Water is only one phase of a natural cycle that is always moving. This natural resource when it is in the water phase is essential to the life of all animals on earth. As a basic need water can not beoome a commodity that can be sold with a label and a price, it is priceless. The principle that view water as a commodity will absolutely destroy its ecological, social, and cultural function and even will threaten our religious foundations. All humans have rights to have clean water, and it is not a commodity.
Water cycle cost in research area per hectare forest is Rp. 2.924.890,- every year. Perceptions and understanding about water cycle cost is not completely realized by water-packing company. As result, there still many companies that weren?t willing to participate in conservation program of water-catchments area.
Conclusions of research result and discussion in this thesis are: 1) There is deficit of ground water in research location as result of disturbances the equilibrium of water scale. The disturbances is caused by the used of ground water through artificial pump-well that larger than infiltrate of water volume. There is company that used ground water in water-absorbent areas and water-released areas In Salak Mountain areas. Ground water that is extracted from those areas are products of conservation forest water-catchments area; 2) Water cycles should be included in production total cost by water ground user. The value of water cycles cost can be calculated through valuation approach of local benefit of natural resources and local benelit of water resources; 3) Even though the water cycles cost cannot implemented yet for ground water benefit management, the valuation approach can be easily used by people in community so that the used of the valualjon need to be socialized.
Suggestions from writer in this thesis are: a) we need to do more detail assessment about ground water storage, b) it is necessary to socialized water paradigm as human rights. Every human have rights to have clean water especially drinking water and it is obligation of the country to fulfil it; c) Some studies should be done so that water- cycle cost policy can be implemented. The study that can be done is study of scarcity rent and extraction cost; d) To minimize bias from calculating economic benefit from natural resources, we need to choose respondents accurately from areas that closed or those who lived near the forest.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Danau Towuti adalah danau tektonik-oligotrofik, yang berada di Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan. Danau ini memiliki ikan-ikan endemis namun ikan tersebut bernilai ekonomi untuk mendukung kehidupan masyarakat di sekitarnya. Pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan di danau ini tampak ekspolitatif yang diindikasikan dengan penggunaan alat tangkap yang tidak ramah lingkungan (bagan)."
577 LIMNO 19:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
A.R. [Abdoel Raoef] Soehoed
Jakarta: Djambatan, 2006
639.9 SOE t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pesatnya pertumbuhan di berbagai negara menyebabkan pembangunan lapangan golf tumbuh menjamur termasuk di Indonesia. Banyaknya lapangan golf yang dibangun seolah-olah tak terkendali dan telah menimbulkan banyak masalah seperti konflik dalam pemanfaatan lahan, marginalisasi penduduk setempat, dan bahaya pencemaran lingkungan, namun pembangunan lapangan golf yang baru tetap berlangsung.
Masalah penting dari pengelolaan lapangan golf adalah dampaknya pada lingkungan, karena golf adalah olah raga yang ideal di daerah beriklim sejuk. Untuk membangun lapangan golf di daerah tropis dan kering, developer harus menciptakan ekosistem buatan yang memerlukan banyak bahan kimia serta siraman air sehingga dapat mempengaruhi pengambilan lapangan golf akan mempengaruhi proses penyerapan air ke dalam tanah yang akan mempengaruhi kandungan air tanah di tempat tersebut.
Peneliti mengadakan penelitian tentang "Dampak Lapangan Golf pada Kondisi Air Permukaan", sebagai studi kasus peneliti memilih lokasi Jagorawi Golf and Country Club Kelurahan Cimpaeun, Kecamatan Cimanggis Kota Depok Propinsi Jawa Barat .
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, ada beberapa aktivitas di lapangan golf yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi air permukaan, aktivitas tersebut adalah: proses pemadatan, proses penyiraman dan penggunaan pupuk.
Aktivitas pemeliharaan lapangan golf memberi pengaruh negatif bagi lingkungan fisik, berupa:
Berkurangnya infiltrasi air ke dalam tanah sehingga meningkatnya aliran permukaan, Terjadi penurunan kualitas air, terutama di aliran sungai, untuk parameter: amoniak, nitrit, bahan organik, dan kebutuhan oksigen biologis (BOD).
Bagi lingkungan sosial memberi pengaruh positif berupa:
1) Kesempatan Kerja dan Berusaha. Kesempatan kerja sebagai tenaga satuan pengamanan, tenaga perawatan lapangan, dan pelayan pemain (caddy) banyak mengambil dari penduduk setempat. Berdampak negatif pada golongan petani yang lahan pertaniannya tergusur sehingga hilang matapencahariannya atau harus pindah ke tempat lain.
2) Peningkatan Pendapatan, adanya lowongan pekerjaan dengan terbukanya kesempatan kerja di lapangan golf dapat menambah penghasilan penduduk setempat
Agar dapat meningkatkan upaya pemeliharaan lingkungan terutama di sekitar lapangan golf, maka disarankan:
Penentu kebijakan (policy maker) agar selalu memonitor kegiatan pengelola lapangan golf dan secara tegas menuntut mereka secara hukum apabila terdapat pelanggaran terhadap kelestarian lingkungan.
Penentu kebijakan mewajibkan pengelola lapangan golf untuk membuat unit pengolahan limbahnya.
Pengelola lapangan golf agar membuat saluran terbuka di sekeliling lapangan golf dan memiliki jumlah balong yang cukup untuk menampung air buangan dan aliran permukaan, kemudian dapat menggunakannya kembali.
Perlunya ditetapkan baku mutu untuk limbah yang dikelurkan dari kegiatan pemeliharaan lapangan golf.

Golf Course Impact on Surface Water Condition (Case Study: on Jagorawi Golf and Country Club Cimpaeun Village, Cimanggis Sub-District, Depok City, West Java)The fast growing in various countries including in Indonesia, has caused development of golf course like flourishing growth of mushroom in the rainy season. The construction of numerous golf course seems to be uncontrolled and has caused various problems like conflicts in land exploitation, marginalization of local residents, and danger of environment contamination. Development of new golf course, however, will never stop.
The crucial problem golf course management is its impact on environment, because golf is ideal sport in regions with moderately cool climate. To construct golf course in tropical and dry areas, developer should create a synthetic ecological system that needs a lot of chemicals and water, that can affect the water supply and utilization in the surrounding areas. The process of soil compacting of the golf course affects the recharge process of water into ground, which in turn affects the water replenishment on the location.
The researcher has performed a research on" Golf Course Maintenance Impact on Surface Water Condition", as a case study the researcher has chosen the location of Jagorawi Golf and Country Club at Cimpaeun Village, Cimanggis Sub-District, Depok City, West Java.
The result of the study shows, that there are activities golf course maintenance that may affect surface water conditional, namely The sprinkler process, and the use of pesticide and manure.
The activities on golf course have a negative impact to the physical environment, namely:
Hydrological condition, the impact of golf course construction from hydrological point of view is the increase of stream on the ground surface as a result of soil compaction and the decrease of rainwater infiltrating into the soil.
The water quality. The impact on the quality of water such as the Ammonia and Nitrit content, the organic matter and biological oxygen demand.
The positive impact on social environment comprising:
Employment and business Opportunity. Employment opportunity for security guards, golf course maintenance workers, and caddies which area available for the local people. The negative impact on the local farmers, whose farms have to be remove and have to remove to another location or lose their earnings.
Increase of income, opportunity of employment offered by golf course may increase the income of the local people
To improve the environmental management in surrounding areas for the sake of promoting the socioeconomic condition of the community, the following activities become a necessity.
a policy maker, who shall be responsible to monitor activity of golf course manager and shall have the authority to take measure against any infringement of the rules and regulations of environment preservation,
a golf course have Water Treatment Plant (WTP),
a golf course manager, who can make irrigation surround the golf course and have many lakes to containment the effluent water and the increase of stream,
It's Necessary that effluent water from the golf course maintenance.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
King, Peter N.
Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press, 1997
333.73 PET tt (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Afdhal Pradisto
"Pemanasan global menjadi isu fenomenal karena sangat bahaya bagi kehidupan. Pemanasan global terjadi akibat proses peningkatan suhu rata-rata atmosfer, laut, dan daratan di bumi. Salah satu penyebabnya disebut Efek Rumah Kaca. Faktor yang membuat efek ini bisa terjadi adalah semakin pesatnya pembangunan gedung di dunia ini. Salah satu upaya untuk menangani kondisi ini adalah dengan menerapkan konsep Green Building dan Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB). Green Building adalah sebuah konsep perencanaan atau penerapan terhadap bangunan yang dioperasikan dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor lingkungan. Net Zero Energy Building adalah konsep bangunan tanpa energi yang bermaksud dapat memaksimalkan efisiensi energi dan memanfaatkan produksi energi terbarukan. Kedua konsep tersebut merupakan cara mengantisipasi pemanasan global dari bidang konstruksi yang bisa membuat lingkungan lebih baik. Sebagai bentuk dukungan penulis terhadap penerapan konsep tersebut, penulis dan tim mengikuti lomba yang diadakan ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) tentang Integrated Sustainable Building Design (ISBD). Dimana penulis dan tim melakukan perancangan dan penelitian terhadap gedung seni pada kampus dengan konsep Net Zero Energy Building yang berlokasi di Sydney, Australia. Penulis memfokuskan perancangan NZEB pada kategori Tepat Guna Lahan dan Konservasi Air. Untuk Tepat Guna Lahan, hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam perancangan adalah pemilihan tapak. Pemilihan tapak termasuk penting dalam perancangan NZEB ini. Tapak yang dipilih terletak di kawasan Macquarie University. Tapak tersebut dipilih dari 7 potensi tapak lainnya karena paling berpotensial dengan mempertimbangkan akses transportasi, luasan area, potensi tapak, fasilitas penunjang, dan jenis lahan. Untuk Konservasi Air, penulis menerapkan rainwater harvesting, pemanfaatan air bekas pakai, dan penggunaan fitur dengan efisiensi tinggi. Ketiga penerapan tersebut dapat mengurangi konsumsi air per tahun sebesar 38% dan mengurangi biaya yang diperlukan sebesar $307.113 per tahun.

Global warming is a phenomenal issue because it is very dangerous for life. Global warming occurs due to the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, sea, and land on earth. One of the causes is called the Greenhouse Effect. The factor that makes this effect possible is the rapid development of buildings in this world. One of the efforts to deal with this condition is to apply the concept of Green Building and Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB). Green Building is a concept of planning or application of buildings that are operated with due regard to environmental factors. Net Zero Energy Building is a zero-energy building concept that aims to maximize energy efficiency and utilize renewable energy production. Both concepts are ways to anticipate global warming from the construction sector that can make the environment better. As a form of the author's support for the application of the concept, the author and the team participated in a competition held by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) on Integrated Sustainable Building Design (ISBD). Where the author and the team carried out the design and research of the campus art building which has a location in Sydney, Australia. The author focuses on the design of the NZEB on the category of Appropriate Site Development and Water Conservation. For Appropriate Site Development, the thing that must be considered in the design is site selection. Site selection is important in the design of this NZEB. The selected site is in the Macquarie University area. The site was chosen from 7 other potential sites because it has the most potential by considering transportation access, site area, site potential, facilities, and land type. For Water Conservation, the author applies rainwater harvesting, utilization of used water, and the use of features with high efficiency. These three applications can reduce water consumption per year by 38% and reduce the required costs by $307.113 per year."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meilinda Irianti Putri
Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Laboratorium Dinas Kesehatan Kota (DKK) Bukittinggi adalah satu-satunya laboratorium pemeriksaan kualitas air paket A dan paket C yang ada di wilayah Sumatera Barat bagian bagian utara yang dimanfaatkan bukan hanya oleh kota Bukittinggi tapi juga oleh kota/kabupaten di wilayah Sumatera Barat lainnya.
Proses pengelolaan sampel air saat ini masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga memakan waktu yang cukup lama mulai dari registrasi tipe pemilihan pemeriksaan sampai dengan mengirimkan sampel kepada petugas oemeriksa (pranata laboratoium kesehatan). Proses kegiatan yang belum terkomputerisasi ini menyebabkan pencatatan dan pelaporan yang mendukung sistem informasi tentang pemeriksaan kualitas air sering tidak lengkap dan tidak akurat.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi pengelolaan sampel air pada UPTD Laboratorium DKK Bukittinggi agar didapatkan bentuk formulir dan penyajian yang terkomputerisasi yang dapat mempersingkat waktu.
Pengembangan sistem dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan terstruktur mengikuti tahapan siklus hidup pengembangan sistem. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dan observasi sistem di UPTD Laboratorium DKK Bukittinggi. Sistem yang dikembangkan berbentuk prototype.
Sistem informasi ini diharapkan menghasilkan infromasi yang cepat, tepat dan akurat yang dapat digunakan pihak manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk melakukan evaluasi pelayanan.

District Technical Unit (DTU) Laboratory of Bukittinggi District Health Office (DHO) is the only laboratory for water testing of Package A and Package C in northern West Sumatera. It is not only utilized by Bukittinggi but also by nearby areas in west Sumatera.
Water sample management is still in manual that is takes time longer starting from registration of testing type to sending sample to examiner (pranata laboratium kesehatan). The process is not computerized yet, and it causes incomplete and inaccurate reporting and recording of water quality test.
This research purpose to develop water sample management information system in DTU Laboratory of Bukittinggi DHO and to develop computerized forms and presentation that can reduce time of process.
This system development uses structured approach of system development life cycle (SDLC). The data collection process is by doing interview and observation in DTU Laboratory of Bukittinggi DHO. The system is developed in the form of prototype.
This system information is expected to produce rapid, appropriate and accurate information that can be used by management in making decision related to service evaluation."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sidabutar, Noni Valeria
"Air adalah kebutuhan pokok manusia yang jumlahnya akan bertambah seiring dengan pertumbuhan manusia. Sumber air baku Jakarta berasal dari Waduk Jatiluhur melalui Saluran Tarum Barat. Mutu air baku PAM Jakarta tercemar karena kegiatan antropogenik, padahal air baku yang akan digunakan seharusnya memenuhi baku mutu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis mutu air, kegiatan antropogenik di pinggir sungai yang menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air sungai dan menentukan strategi pemulihan air baku Jakarta. Pendekatan penelitian kuntitatif dan menggunakan metode gabungan kuantitatif dan kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian, yaitu rata-rata mutu air pada 8 titik pemantauan dengan metode STORET tahun 2011-2015, yaitu: (-50), (-53), (-53), (-52), dan (-53), sehingga masuk kategori cemar berat. Berdasarkan IP tahun 2011-2015 rata-rata (4,117), (5,04), (5,341), (4,542), dan (4,831), sehingga air masuk kategori cemar ringan dan sedang. Kegiatan antropogenik di pinggir sungai, yaitu kegiatan MCK, membuang air limbah cair di badan sungai, membuang sampah, dan lainnya. Kesimpulannya adalah air Saluran Tarum Barat tercemar karena kegiatan antropogenik masyarakat di sepanjang pinggir sungai.

The needs of clean water will increase in line with growth of human population. Currently, the main source of Jakarta?s raw water comes from Jatiluhur that flowed through West Tarum Channel. The water is polluted by anthropogenic activities, whereas raw water should fulfill first class of water quality. The aim of this study was to analyze the water quality status and anthropogenic activities on the riverbank which affect river?s water quality deterioration, and find the proper strategies to clean raw water in Jakarta. This research uses a quantitative research approach with mix-method.
The results of this research, using water quality of STORET method in 2011-2015 with the average in 8 monitoring samples are (-50), (-53), (-53), (-52), and (-53). They are classified as heavily polluted. Based on years of pollution index method in 2011-2015 had an average (4.117), (5.04), (5.341), (4.542), and (4.831), so that the water classified as light to lightly- and moderately-polluted. Anthropogenic activities along the riverbank, which are bathing, washing, and latrine activities, discharging domestic wastewater into river body, littering to the river, and others affect the the water quality of the river. The conclusion from this research is that the water in the West Tarum Channel has been contaminated by anthropogenic activities along the riverbank.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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