ABSTRAKSkripsi ini mencoba membahas pengaruh hubungan Raja-militer di
Thailand terhadap Konstitusi 2007. Untuk menjelaskan pengaruh Raja-militer,
digunakan teori militer, elit, peran Raja dan konstitusi. Metode penelitian yang
dipakai adalah kualitatif dengan teknik studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian
menunjukan bahwa hubungan Raja-militer di Thailand memiliki pengaruh
terhadap Konstitusi 2007. Hubungan Raja-militer bisa dilihat dari pasal-pasal
yang ada dan saat proses penyusunan draft Konstitusi 2007. Kesimpulannya,
Konstitusi 2007 bukanlah konstitusi yang demokratis melainkan suatu konstitusi
yang hanya menguntungkan beberapa pihak saja yaitu Raja dan militer.
AbstractThe thesis discussed the influence of King-Military relations in Thailand
to the Constitution of 2007. The theory of military, elite as well as role of King
and Constitution are applied in order to further explain the influence of the King-
Military. The research methodology is qualitative through literature study. The
research presented that the relations between King and Military in Thailand has
given influence to the Constitution of 2007. The relations itself was reflected
through the existing articles and the establishment process of the Draft
Constitution 2007. As a conclusion, the constitution of 2007 is understood as a
non democratic constitution which will only give advantage to several parties :
King and the Military."