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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 1344 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Pritchard, J.A.T.
Manchester: The National Computing Centre, 1985
651.59 PRI i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paris: Springer, 2006
026 WEB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Nyoman Yogi Hermawan
Tingginya laju pertumbuhan kendaraan tidak hanya menimbulkan
permasalahan di jalan raya seperti kemacetan dan kecelakaan lalu lintas.
Permasalahan muncul pula dalam proses Registrasi dan Identifikasi kendaraan
terutam berkenaan dengan manajemen kearsipan menyangkut dokumen fisik
(kertas). Dengan adanya dokumen yang berbentuk fisik tersebut masih terbuka
kemungkinan dokumen yang ada dapat hilang atau tidak ada pada tempatnya yang
disebabkan oleh kelalaian maupun kesengajaan. Hilangnya arsip yang disimpan
pada Kantor Samsat Jakarta Selatan akan berpengaruh pada pelayanan kepada
masyarakat yakni berkurangnya kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap institusi kantor
samsat jakarta selatan yang oleh undang-undang diberikan kewenangan untuk
melakukan retensi terhadap arsip STNK.
Pengembangan manajemen kearsipan elektronik merupakan salah satu
upaya organisasi (Kantor Samsat Jakarta Selatan) melalui pendekatan yang
sistematik terpadu dan terencana untuk meningkatkan eektivitas organisasi dalam
meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dan sebagai wujud dari Good
Governance. Manajemen kerarsipan STNK elektronik ini dirancang untuk
memecahkan masalah-masalah yang timbul dalam pengelolaan arsip STNK fisik
seperti hilangnya arsip, arsip tertukar, arsip berada tidak pada tempatnya serta
proses pencarian yang memakan waktu dapat diatasi melalui model
pengembangan manajemen kearsipan STNK elektronik.
Berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 68 undang-undang Nomor 43 Tahun 2009
Tentang Kearsipan disebutkan bahwa, “Pencipta arsip dan/atau lembaga kearsipan
dapat membuat arsip dalam berbagai bentuk dan/atau melakukan alih media
meliputi media elektronik dan/atau media lain” oleh karena itu Samsat dalam
kapasitasnya selaku pencipta arsip jenis dokumen fisik seperti Formulir dan
persyaratan pendaftaran kendaraan bermotor, data pengesahan; dan data
pendukung untuk kendaraan mutasi, dapat dilakukan penyimpanan secara
elektronik dengan terlebih dahulu dilakukan alih media dari media fisik (kertas)
menjadi media digital (elektronik).

The high rate of vehicle growth does not only cause problems on the road
such as traffic jam and traffic accidents. The problems also show up in the vehicle
registration and identification process, especially those pertaining to archiving
management associated with physical document (paper). By the presence of such
physical form document, there is still a possibility that some existing documents
could be lost or being not in place caused by either a negligence or willfulness.
The lost of any file kept at the Samsat (one stop service office) of south Jakarta
will affect service to the public in term of a reduced public’s trust to South Jakarta
Samsat office institution which is by the law assigned with an authority to do the
retention on STNKs’ (vehicle register numbers)’ archive.
The development of electronic archiving management is one of the
organizational (south Jakarta Samsat office) effort through a systematically
integrated and planned approach to improve the organization’s effectiveness for
bettering its service to the public and as a realization of Good Governance. This
electronic STNK archiving management is designed to solve problems that arise
in the management of physical STNK archive such as the loss of archive, mixed
up archive, archive is being not in place as well as time-consuming searching
processes can be solved by the model of electronic STNK archiving management.
Pursuant to the provisions in article 68 of Law number 43 of 2009
concerning Archiving it is mentioned that ‘an archive creator and/or an archiving
institution may develop archives in various forms and/or conduct media transfer
covering electronic media and/or other media’, therefore Samsat in its capacity as
the creator of physical document type of archive such as forms and requirements
of motor vehicle registration, legalization data; and supporting data for
transferred vehicles, may conduct an electronic storage by firstly doing a media
transfer from physical media (paper) into digital (electronic) media.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Springer, 2008
621.381 DIG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Springer, 2008
651.59 DIG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The future of music archiving and search engines lies in deep learning and big data. Music information retrieval algorithms automatically analyze musical features like timbre, melody, rhythm or musical form, and artificial intelligence then sorts and relates these features. At the first International Symposium on Computational Ethnomusicological Archiving held on November 9 to 11, 2017 at the Institute of Systematic Musicology in Hamburg, Germany, a new Computational Phonogram Archiving standard was discussed as an interdisciplinary approach. Ethnomusicologists, music and computer scientists, systematic musicologists as well as music archivists, composers and musicians presented tools, methods and platforms and shared fieldwork and archiving experiences in the fields of musical acoustics, informatics, music theory as well as on music storage, reproduction and metadata. The Computational Phonogram Archiving standard is also in high demand in the music market as a search engine for music consumers. This book offers a comprehensive overview of the field written by leading researchers around the globe.
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pritchard, Leleand J.
Boston: Hougton Mifflin Company, 1958
332.1 PRI m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schusky, Ernest l.
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1973
301.2 SCH i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Woodfin, Rupert
Singapore: Rupert Woodfin, 2004
335.4 WOO i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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