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"Infant mortality in Orissa has started showing signs of decline as evident from the National family Health Survey-III (2005-06) after a period of long spell of persistently high infant mortality rate...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Azizah
"Kematian bayi merupakan hal yang penting. Meksi begitu, AKB di Indonesia belum turun sesuai potensi idealnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia tahun (SDKI) 2017 dengan populasi penelitian yaitu Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) 15 – 49 tahun. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah kematian bayi dan variabel independent dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, indeks kekayaan rumah tangga, karakteristik wilayah, kawasan daerah, inisiasi menyusui dini (IMD), layanan antenatal, layanan pos natal, tempat persalinan, penolong persalinan, usia ibu melahirkan, status kehamilan, paritas, interval kehamilan, jenis kelamin, berat lahir bayi, komplikasi kehamilan, dan komplikasi persalinan. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan faktor risiko paling dominan adalah pekerjaan ibu. Ibu yang bekerja 2,2 kali lebih tinggi berisiko mengalami kejadian kematian bayi dibanding yang tidak bekerja. Untuk itu, ibu yang mengalami kehamilan wajib memperhatikan dan melakukan layanan antenatal. Jika terdapat penyulit kehamilan, sebisa mungkin tidak melakukan pekerjaan dengan aktifitas berat agar berat. Serta melakukan layanan pos natal jika bayi yang lahir <2500 gram atau >3500 gram.

Infant mortality is important. However, IMR in Indonesia has not decreased according to its ideal potential. This study uses secondary data from the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) with the study population, women of reproductive age (WUS) 15 - 49 years. The dependent variable in this study was infant mortality and the independent variables in this study were maternal education, maternal occupation, household wealth index, regional characteristics, regional area, early breastfeeding initiation, antenatal services, post-natal services, place of delivery, delivery helper, maternal age, pregnancy status, parity, pregnancy interval, gender, birth weight, pregnancy complications, and delivery complications. The result of multivariate analysis showed that the most dominant risk factors were maternal occupation. Working mothers are 2.2 times higher risk experiencing infant mortality than those who do not work. For this reason, mothers who are experiencing pregnancy are obliged looking for antenatal services. If there is pregnancy complication, better do not do heavy work. As well as carrying out a pos natal service if the baby is born <2500 grams or> 3500 grams."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berdasarkan Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2012 diketahui AKB di Indonesia adalah 32 kematian per 1000 kelahiran hidup. Angka ini masih jauh dari target Renstra Kementerian Kesehatan RI Tahun 2010-2014 yang menargetkan AKB tahun 2014 sebesar 24/1000 kelahiran hidup, dan target Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) yang menargetkan AKB tahun 2015 sebesar 23/1000 kelahiran hidup. AKB tersebut menunjukan peningkatan derajat kesehatan anak di Indonesia belum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, dan dapat mengancam kelangsungan hidup anak di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui determinan kematian bayi di Indonesia dengan menganalisis lebih lanjut data SDKI Tahun 2012. Determinan kematian bayi pada peneilitian ini dapat dilihat dari faktor ibu (umur ibu saat melahirkan, pendidikan ibu, status pekerjaan ibu, paritas, perdarahan saat melahirkan, merokok), faktor lingkungan (keadaan rumah, wilayah tempat tinggal, status ekonomi), faktor bayi (jenis kelamin, berat bayi lahir, mendapatkan ASI), faktor upaya kesehatan (pemberian imunisasi tetanus pada saat ibu hamil, mendapat pil/sirup zat besi pada saat ibu hamil, tempat persalinan, penolong persalinan, kepemilikan jaminan kesehatan).
Unit analisis adalah bayi yang lahir dalam rentang waktu setahun sebelum survei SDKI 2012. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan menggunakan analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian diketahui dari 2965 bayi yang lahir dalam rentang waktu setahun sebelum survei, 1,9% meninggal dunia, dan 98,1% bayi masih hidup. Diketahui faktor status ibu bekerja, berat bayi lahir, dan mendapatkan air susu ibu merupakan faktor yang signifikan terhadap kematian bayi, dengan faktor dominan adalah faktor mendapatkan air susu ibu (ASI).
Penelitian ini menyarankan agar memasyarakatkan pentingnya ASI, pentingnya nutrisi ibu hamil, meningkatkan kualitas penatalaksanaan bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR), serta meningkatkan akses, kuantitas dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan ibu dan anak dengan memperhatikan aspek teknis dan manajerial.

Based on Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012 IMR in Indonesia known is 32 deaths per 1000 live births. This figure is still far from the target of the Ministry of Health Strategic Plan, 2010-2014 targeting 2014 IMR of 24/1000 live births, and the millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that targets IMR 2015 at 23/1000 live births. The IMR showed an increase in the degree of child health in Indonesia is not as expected, and could threaten the survival of children in Indonesia.
This study was conducted to determine the determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia to further analyze the data IDHS 2012. Determinants of infant mortality in this study can be seen from maternal factors (maternal age, maternal education, maternal employment status, parity, bleeding during childbirth, smoking), environmental factors (home state, region of residence, economic status), infant factors (gender, birth weight, breast fed), and factors of health efforts (tetanus immunization of pregnant women at the time, got pills/syrup iron, place of delivery, birth attendents, health insurance ownership).
The unit of analysis is the baby born in the span of a year prior to the survey IDHS 2012. Study design was cross-sectional by using logistic regression analysis. The results of the 2965 research showed the babies born in the span of a year before the survey, 1,9% died, and 98,1% of babies are still alive. Known factors working mother status, birth weight, and get breast milk is a significant to infant mortality, the dominant factor is the factor of getting breast milk.
This study suggests that promote the importance of breastfeeding, the importance of maternal nutrition, improve the quality of management of low birth weight (LBW), as wel as improving access, quantity and quality of maternal and child health services by taking into account the technical and managerial aspects.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desi Harvianti
Data survey SDKI 2012 menunjukkan bahwa angka kematian bayi (AKB) di Indonesia adalah 34 per 1000 kelahiran hidup. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa AKB belum mencapai target MDGs dan masih terjadi kesenjangan antar provinsi di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi antara faktor sosial ekonomi, ibu dan bayi, lingkungan, gizi, serta pengendalian penyakit pada setiap provinsi di Indonesia dengan AKB pada tahun 2012. Desain studi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain studi ekologi (multiple group comparison) dengan uji statistik yang digunakan adalah korelais dan regresi linear sederhana. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara faktor sosial ekonomi (pendidikan ibu, penggunaan kontrasepsi, dan koefisien gini), faktor ibu dan bayi (jarak kelahiran, kehamilan remaja, BBLR), faktor lingkungan (ketersediaan alat cuci tangan dan pembuangan tinja), serta faktor pengendalian penyakit (perawatan antenatal, penolong persalinan, tempat persalinan, kunjungan neonatal pertama, dan imunisasi dasar lengkap) dengan AKB di Indonesia tahun 2012. Namun, faktor-faktor bias perlu diperhatikan, sehingga perlu penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui hubungan di tingkat individu.

, "IDHS 2012 survey data showed that the infant mortality rate (IMR) in"
"Indonesia is 34 per 1,000 live births. These results indicate that the IMR not achieve the MDGs and still be a gap between the provinces in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between socioeconomic factors, maternal and infant, environment, nutrition, and disease control in every province in Indonesia with IMR in 2012. The study design used in this research is the design of ecological study (multiple group comparison) the statistical test used was correlation and simple linear regression. The results show that there is a correlation between socioeconomic factors (maternal education, contraceptive use, and the Gini coefficient), maternal and infant factors (spacing births, teenage pregnancy, low birth weight), environmental factors (availability of hand washing and disposal of feces), as well as the controlling factor disease (antenatal care, birth attendance, place of delivery, neonatal first visit, and complete basic immunization) with IMR in Indonesia in 2012. However, these factors need to be considered biased, so more research is needed to determine the relationship at the individual level."]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesia's infant mortality rate declined to 64' infannt deaths per
l ,000 live births in l99l _ Adolescent mothers. women who first married under
the age of lS. and mothers who did not obtain antenatal care and tetanus
immunizations were at greater risk of experiencing an infant death. In addition.
levels of infant mortality were substantially higher when births were spaced
closer together. For example, the infant mortality rate among adolescent
mothers was l25 when births were spaced less than 24 .months apart and 96
when births were separated by more than two years. Roughly half of all infant
deaths occur within the first 28 days of life in Indonesia. Findings indicate that
mothers who were less than 20 years of age. who did not have antenatal care
and tetanus immunizations. and who spaced births less than 24 months apart
were more likely to experience a neonatal death. With the exception of
antenatal care, these factors were also associated with elevated levels of
postnatal mortality (infant deaths that occur when infants are between l-l2
months of age). However, postneonatal mortality was also higher among
mothers who gave birth at home rather than in a health facility, who were
assisted at delivery by non-medical staff and who had lower levels of
educational attainment. Postneonatal mortality is determined by a broader
array of program and socioeconomic measures than neonatal mortality. and
may be reduced more readily through Family Planning/Mother and Child
Health (FPAHCH) service interventions. In order to reduce both neonatal and
postneonatal mortality. greater effort should be made to increase the age at first birth. space births more than two years. and attain higher tetanus coverage
levels among expectant mothers.
Journal of Population, Vol. 3 No. 1 June 1997 : 19-36, 1997
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sahril Kasim
"Angka Kematian Bayi merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam bidang kesehatan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kesejahteraan sosial ekonomi masyarakat sebab bayi sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan dilingkungan sekitar. Jika masyarakat memiliki standar kehidupan yang buruk, maka bayi akan merespon lebih cepat dibanding kelompok usia lainya.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel sosial ekonomi terhadap angka kematian bayi di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan korelasi Pearson, diperoleh hasil hubungan yang signifikan antara pengeluaran keseharan, pendapatan perkapita, angka buta huruf serta staf kesehatan terampil terhadap IMR pada level signifikansi 5. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear majemuk ditemukan bahwa variabel pengeluaran keseharan, pendapatan perkapita, angka buta huruf serta staf kesehatan terampil secara parsial maupun simultan memeiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap angka kematian bayi pada alpha sebesar 5.
Berdasrakan hasil tersebut maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa untuk menekan angka kematian bayi di Indonesia, pemerinta perlu untuk melakukan beberapa perbaikan diantaranya; menyediakan institusi pendidikan khusus ibu dan anak untuk menciptakan tenaga kesehatan terampil, meningkatkan kontrol terhadap alokasi dana kesehatan, merancang kebijakan untuk mengontrol demografi di Indonesia serta menekan angka buta huruf terutama bagi para wanita di pedesaan.

An infant mortality rate is one of the most important health indicator to measure socio economic well being of the society since the baby is very sensitive to the environmental changes. If the society has a bad standard of living so the baby will quickly responds compare to other age groups.
The objective of this research is to examine the influence of socio economic variables to infant mortality rates in Indonesia. By using Pearsons correlation it reveals that there is a strong and significant correlation between per capita income, health expenditure, skilled health staff, illiteracy rate to infant mortality rates at 5 level of significance. By using multiple linear regressions the author foundout that health expenditure, percapita income, illiteracy rate and skilled health staff are both simulteneously and partially significant at 5 level of significance.
Throughout this findings the author concludes that the government need to do few improvements in accordance to reduce infant mortality rates in Indonesia, such as increasing the availability of special educational institutions of parental and baby health cares, increasing the control of health expenditure and ensure the effectiveness of health budget allocation, preparing for a better demography policy to control the population problem and suppress the woman illiteracy rates, especially in rural areas.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tyas Jualita Santy
Kesehatan merupakan bagian penting dari pembangunan berkelanjutan. Salah satu indikator yang menggambarkan derajat kesehatan suatu wilayah adalah tingkat kematian bayi. Tingkat kematian bayi pada suatu wilayah terkait dengan banyak faktor seperti faktor kesehatan, maternal, demografi, dan sosioekonomi. Faktor sosioekonomi yang mempengaruhi tingkat kematian bayi di antaranya adalah ketimpangan pendapatan dan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara ketimpangan pendapatan dan kemiskinan dengan tingkat kematian bayi pada kabupaten/kota di Indonesia 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan indikator makro level kabupaten/kota dan rawdata Susenas 2016. Dengan menggunakan model regresi spasial Durbin diperoleh hasil bahwa ketimpangan pendapatan dan kemiskinan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kematian bayi suatu kabupaten/kota di Indonesia setelah dikontrol terhadap pengaruh faktor pendidikan perempuan, imunisasi, dan anggaran kesehatan. Hasil regresi spasial Durbin juga menunjukkan bahwa kondisi tingkat kematian bayi pada suatu kabupaten/kota selain dipengaruhi oleh ketimpangan pendapatan dan kemiskinan dalam kabupaten/kota, juga terkait atau dapat dipicu dengan kondisi ketimpangan pendapatan dan kemiskinan kabupaten/kota tetangg.

Health is an important aspect of sustainable development. One indicator that describes the health status of a region is the infant mortality rate. Infant mortality rates in an area are associated with many factors such as health, maternal, demographic, and socioeconomic factors. Socioeconomic factors that affect infant mortality rates include income inequality and poverty. This study aims to examine the relationship between income inequality and poverty with infant mortality rate in regencies in Indonesia 2016. This study uses regency-level macro indicators and raw data Susenas 2016. Using Durbin spatial regression model obtained results that income and poverty imbalance have a significant influence on infant mortality of regencies in Indonesia after being controlled for the influence of female education factors, immunization, and health budget. Durbin's spatial regression results also showed that infant mortality rates in a regency were in addition influenced by income and poverty inequality within regency, also related or may be triggered by conditions of income inequality and poverty of neighboring regencies."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Putriani Laksana
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang determinan kematian bayi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi ekologi dengan menggunakan uji korelasi. Variabel independen yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari data SDKI 2012 meliputi faktor demografi (daerah tempat tinggal), faktor ibu dan bayi (usia ibu, pendidikan, paritas dan berat bayi lahir), dan faktor pengendalian penyakit per orangan (frekuensi ANC, penolong persalinan, Inisiasi Menyusu Dini, dan waktu kunjungan neonatal).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang memiliki korelasi dengan tingginya AKB di Indonesia adalah daerah pedesaan, pendidikan tidak tamat SD/sekolah, paritas >5 anak, berat bayi lahir <2500 anak, frekuensi ANC <4 kali, penolong persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan, dan waktu kunjungan neonatal >7hari.

This thesis discusses about the determinants of infant deaths in Indonesia. This study use the ecological study design with correlation test. The independent variables in this study data sourced from IDHS 2012 include demographic factors (area of residence), maternal and infant factors (maternal age, education, parity and birth weight), and factor per puppets disease control (ANC frequency, birth attendants, breastfeeding early, and time of the visit neonatal).
The results showed that the variables that have a high correlation with IMR per provinces is a rural area, do not complete primary school education / school, parity > 5 children, birth weight <2500 children, the frequency of ANC <4 times, auxiliary delivery by health workes, and neonatal visits > 7 days.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurlaily Febriyuna
Salah satu tujuan pembangunan milenium dari tahun 1990 sampai dengan
2015 adalah mengurangi tingkat kematian balita hingga dua per tiga. Sampai
dengan saat ini, Indonesia telah berada pada jalur yang tepat dalam mencapai
target tersebut. Akan tetapi, perkembangan yang lambat pada penurunan kematian
bayi menunjukkan bahwa diperlukan perhatian lebih untuk meningkatkan
keselamatan pada bayi usia muda. Termotivasi oleh kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini
hendak mengidentifikasi determinan kematian bayi di Indonesia pada tahun 1997
sampai dengan 2012 menggunakan data Indonesia Demographic and Health
Survey (IDHS) periode ke 4, 5 dan 6. Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan
untuk mengidentifikasi eksternalitas yang dapat diperoleh dari investasi pada
pendidikan ibu, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai pada sumber air minum dan
sanitasi, serta vaksinasi anak di lingkungan sekitar rumah tangga. Kerangka
konseptual dari penelitian ini didasarkan pada kerangka teoritis Mosley dan Chen
(1984). Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi logistik untuk mengestimasi pengaruh
dari berbagai macam faktor yang mempengaruhi kematian bayi.
Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa faktor bio-demografis, yakni
karakteristik ibu dan anak adalah faktor kunci dalam memprediksi kematian bayi
di Indonesia. Bayi berjenis kelamin pria, anak kembar, ibu dengan tingkat
kelahiran tinggi, jarak kelahiran yang pendek antar bayi, usia ibu diatas 35 tahun,
dan komplikasi kehamilan merupakan faktor-faktor yang terbukti berhubungan
positif dengan kematian bayi. Faktor perilaku antara lain institusi kelahiran,
pengetahuan tentang cairan rehidrasi oral, dan praktek kontrasepsi merupakan
faktor-faktor penting yang memiliki hubungan negatif dengan kematian bayi.
Selain itu, higienitas pada tempat tinggal seperti ketersediaan sumber air minum
yang bersih, kepemilikan toilet pribadi, dan penggunaan material lantai yang
lebih baik juga merupakan faktor penting yang dapat meningkatkan status
ketahanan hidup bayi di Indonesia. Beberapa variabel sosio ekonomis juga
terbukti merupakan determinan penting dari tingkat kematian bayi di Indonesia.
Diantara berbagai jenis faktor tersebut, jumah anggota rumah tangga merupakan
faktor yang memiliki keterkaitan yang paling kuat dengan kematian bayi. Pada
level komunitas, regional Sumatra dan Kalimantan pada periode 2012 memiliki
tingkat keterjadian kematian bayi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan
regional Jawa dan Bali sedangkan regional Sulawesi pada periode 2007 memiliki
tingkat keterjadian kematian bayi yang lebih tinggi. Lebih lanjut, penelit ian ini
menemukan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat pada program imunisasi pemerintah
nasional memberikan efek eksternalitas yang positif pada tingkat ketahanan hidup
bayi di Indonesia

Reduction of under-five mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015
is a Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Indonesia has been on track in
achieving the MDG target on under-five mortality. However, slower progress on
infant mortality reduction shows that more attention should be given in order to
improve the survival of younger children. Motivated by this situation, this study
attempts to identify determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia between 1997
and 2012 using the 4th, 5th and 6th rounds of the Indonesia Demographic and
Health Survey (IDHS) data. In addition, the study aims to identify externalities
which may be generated by investments in mother’s education, water and
sanitation, and child vaccination by a household’s neighbors. The conceptual
framework is based on Mosley and Chen (1984). Logistic regressions are used to
estimate the effect of a variety of factors on infant mortality.
The regression results shows that bio-demographic factors which include
child and maternal traits are key predictors of infant mortality in Indonesia. Male
sex, birth multiplicity, higher birth rank, shorter birth interval, mother age above
35 years, and complication during pregnancy are positively related to infant
mortality. Behavioral practices such as institutional delivery, knowledge of Oral
Rehydration Solutions (ORS), and especially contraceptive practice are also
important factors that negatively related to infant mortality. Moreover,
household’s hygiene characteristics such as safe drinking water source, private
toilet, and improved flooring materials are also important factors that increase
infant survival status in Indonesia. Some socio economic variables are also found
to be significant determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia. Among the various
factors, the number of household members is the strongest factors related to infant
mortality. At the community level, Sumatra and Kalimantan regions in 2012 have
lower odds of infant mortality, whereas Sulawesi region in 2007 has higher odds
of infant mortality as compare to Java and Bali. Furthermore, the study finds that
immunization participation in the community has a positive spillover effect on
infant survival status.
Relevance to Development Studies
Beside economic achievement, the level of development in a country is also
reflected in the health status of its people. Several health indicators, including
mortality rate in young children, have been used by the United Nation
Development Programme (UNDP) as measurements of poverty. The literature
suggests that the high numbers of Child Mortality Rate (CMR), Infant Mortality
Rate (IMR), and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) exist in the Less Developed
Countries (LDCs). Indonesia, a middle income country in South East Asia has
been successful in reducing child mortality, but has not yet made enough progress
in reducing infant and neonatal mortality. Situation analysis is needed to identify
factors which may provide insights on how greater progress may be achieved.
, Reduction of under-five mortality rate by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015
is a Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Indonesia has been on track in
achieving the MDG target on under-five mortality. However, slower progress on
infant mortality reduction shows that more attention should be given in order to
improve the survival of younger children. Motivated by this situation, this study
attempts to identify determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia between 1997
and 2012 using the 4th, 5th and 6th rounds of the Indonesia Demographic and
Health Survey (IDHS) data. In addition, the study aims to identify externalities
which may be generated by investments in mother’s education, water and
sanitation, and child vaccination by a household’s neighbors. The conceptual
framework is based on Mosley and Chen (1984). Logistic regressions are used to
estimate the effect of a variety of factors on infant mortality.
The regression results shows that bio-demographic factors which include
child and maternal traits are key predictors of infant mortality in Indonesia. Male
sex, birth multiplicity, higher birth rank, shorter birth interval, mother age above
35 years, and complication during pregnancy are positively related to infant
mortality. Behavioral practices such as institutional delivery, knowledge of Oral
Rehydration Solutions (ORS), and especially contraceptive practice are also
important factors that negatively related to infant mortality. Moreover,
household’s hygiene characteristics such as safe drinking water source, private
toilet, and improved flooring materials are also important factors that increase
infant survival status in Indonesia. Some socio economic variables are also found
to be significant determinants of infant mortality in Indonesia. Among the various
factors, the number of household members is the strongest factors related to infant
mortality. At the community level, Sumatra and Kalimantan regions in 2012 have
lower odds of infant mortality, whereas Sulawesi region in 2007 has higher odds
of infant mortality as compare to Java and Bali. Furthermore, the study finds that
immunization participation in the community has a positive spillover effect on
infant survival status.
Relevance to Development Studies
Beside economic achievement, the level of development in a country is also
reflected in the health status of its people. Several health indicators, including
mortality rate in young children, have been used by the United Nation
Development Programme (UNDP) as measurements of poverty. The literature
suggests that the high numbers of Child Mortality Rate (CMR), Infant Mortality
Rate (IMR), and Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) exist in the Less Developed
Countries (LDCs). Indonesia, a middle income country in South East Asia has
been successful in reducing child mortality, but has not yet made enough progress
in reducing infant and neonatal mortality. Situation analysis is needed to identify
factors which may provide insights on how greater progress may be achieved.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sianipar, Maylan Tiolina Misrain
"Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) di Indonesia masih tergolong tinggi. Laporan Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) 2012 menunjukkan bahwa semakin rendah kuintil kekayaan (semakin miskin), maka AKB akan semakin tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui determinan kematian bayi pada keluarga miskin di Indonesia dalam rangka upaya mencegah kematian bayi pada keluarga miskin dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat perekonomian rendah.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi crossectional dengan populasi penelitian meliputi wanita usia subur 15 - 49 tahun yang berada pada kuintil 1 (poorest) dan kuintil 2 (poorer).
Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa determinan kematian bayi pada keluarga miskin di Indonesia adalah berat bayi lahir, jenis kelamin bayi, dan penolong persalinan, sedangkan umur ibu, paritas, jarak kelahiran, jumlah kunjungan pemeriksaan antenatal, ukuran bayi saat lahir, dan tempat persalinan merupakan variabel konfounding.
Pemerintah perlu menyediakan pelayanan kesehatan yang mudah dijangkau oleh keluarga miskin ataupun mendatangi keluarga miskin untuk melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal. Pengelola program kesehatan perlu mengupayakan program yang membantu ibu miskin memenuhi kecukupan gizi selama mengandung untuk mencegah bayi lahir dengan BBLR; mengintervensi ibu terkait pengaruh jenis kelamin bayi terhadap kematian bayi sehingga dapat dilakukan pencegahan sejak dini; dan menggalakkan program kesehatan yang mengupayakan agar ibu dapat bersalin di fasilitas kesehatan dan ditolong oleh petugas kesehatan.

fant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Indonesia is still relatively high. Reports Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012 show that the lower quintiles of wealth (the poor), the IMR will be higher. This study aims to find out the determinants of infant mortality in poor families in Indonesia in an effort to prevent infant mortality in poor family and improve the health of low economic communities.
This study used a cross-sectional study design with the study population includes women of childbearing age 15-49 years who are in quintile 1 (poorest) and quintile 2 (poorer).
Multivariate analysis show that the determinants of infant mortality in poor families in Indonesia were birth weight, infant gender, and assistance of delivery, while maternal age, parity, birth spacing, number of antenatal visits, size of the infant at birth, and place of delivery is the variable konfounding.
The government should provide health care that is easily accessible by poor families or poor families came to do the antenatal care. Health program managers need to pursue programs that help meet the nutritional adequacy poor mothers during pregnancy to prevent infant delivery with low birth weight; mother intervenes related to the influence of the sex of the infant so that the infant mortality can do early prevention; and promote health programs support mothers to delivery at health facility and adelivery by health workers.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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