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"Participation and empowerment are two important keywords in agricultural development program. One of the
agricultural programs that considerably implemented through farmer’s participation towards empowerment is Integrated
Pest Management (IPM). This article reviews the reflection of the concepts and implementations of farmer’s
participation and empowerment in the coffee Integrated Pest Management for Smallholder Estate Crops (IPM-SECP). It
can be explained that farmers were participated only in the planning and implementation stages of the project, while
monitoring and evaluation activities were solely done by the project implementing unit and other related agencies. In
the planning stage, the extent of farmer’s participation can be categorized as pseudo participation since farmers only
participated if they were the head of farmer’s group or local model farmers. Meanwhile, in the implementation stage, it
was found that farmers had a high extent of participation in the various activities and practices of training carried out by
the project. Nevertheless, farmers were empowered in terms of knowledge and skills gained, change in practices,
decision-making, productivity, and environmental awareness. As a result, farmer’s participation should be anchored in
all stages of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, so that they would be able to get immediate genuine
empowerment feedback of the project impact."
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Iqbal
"Participation and empowerment are two important keywords in agricultural development program. One of the agricultural programs that considerably implemented through farmer?s participation towards empowerment is Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This article reviews the reflection of the concepts and implementations of farmer?s participation and empowerment in the coffee Integrated Pest Management for Smallholder Estate Crops (IPM-SECP). It can be explained that farmers were participated only in the planning and implementation stages of the project, while monitoring and evaluation activities were solely done by the project implementing unit and other related agencies. In the planning stage, the extent of farmer?s participation can be categorized as pseudo participation since farmers only participated if they were the head of farmer?s group or local model farmers. Meanwhile, in the implementation stage, it was found that farmers had a high extent of participation in the various activities and practices of training carried out by the project. Nevertheless, farmers were empowered in terms of knowledge and skills gained, change in practices, decision-making, productivity, and environmental awareness. As a result, farmer?s participation should be anchored in all stages of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, so that they would be able to get immediate genuine empowerment feedback of the project impact."
Indonesian Center for Agro-socioeconomic and Policy Studies (ICASEPS), 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Hantoro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan dana desa di Kabupaten Sragen dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dalam penggunaan dana desa tahun 2016. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisa kuantitatif deskriptif dan estimasi ekonometrika dengan regresi logistik. Dari sembilan faktor yang dianalisa berpengaruh positif terhadap partisipasi masyarakat adalah jenis kelamin, usia, lama tinggal di desa, tingkat pendidikan, pekerjaan, tingkat penghasilan, tingkat kepemimpinan, tingkat komunikasi dan perilaku birokrasi. Dari kesembilan faktor tersebut, mayoritas faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan adalah jenis kelamin dan tingkat pekerjaan, masing-masing tiga desa, dimana nilai probability lebih kecil dari 0,05. Uji determinasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan McFadden R-Square sebesar 0,4675 di Desa Karangtalun, 0,5532 di Desa Padas, 0,1957 di Desa Duyungan dan 0,6376 di Desa Donoyudan, dimana prosentase dari nilai tersebut sebanyak 46,75 , 55,32 , 19,57 dan 63,76 probabilitas partisipasi masyarakat dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel X dalam model, sedangkan sisanya dijelaskan oleh variabel diluar model. Tingkatan partisipasi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori The Ladder of Participation, penelitian di keempat desa tersebut masuk dalam tahapan kelima yaitu penentraman, dimana perangkat desa akan menampung ide, saran dan masukan dari masyarakat untuk meredam keresahan masyarakat.

This study aims to determine the implementation of village grant in Sragen Regency and the factors that influence society participation in the use of village grant in 2016. The methods used to analysis are descriptive quantitative and econometric estimation with logistic regression. Among the nine factors which is analyzed have positive influence to society participation such as gender, age, duration of stay, village level, education level, occupation, income level, leadership level, communication level, and bureaucratic behavior. From the nine factors are obtained some have majority of significant effect that are gender and occupation where the probability value was less than 0.05. The determination test is done by using McFadden R Square of 0.4675 for Karangtalun Village, 0.5532 for Padas Village, 0.1957 for Duyungan Village and 0.6376 for Donoyudan Village, whereas 46,75 , 55,32 , 19,57 and 63,76 , were probability variation of society participation can be explained by variable X inside the model, while the rest is explained by variable outside the model. The level of participation in this study uses The Ladder of Participation theory, that is appeasement in fifth stage, where the village staff will accommodate ideas, suggestions and inputs from the society to reduce the public anxiety. "
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Arifianto
"Peraturan Perundang-undangan adalah dasar hukum tertulis, landasan hukum atau dasar hukum adalah landasan hukum atau legal basis. Indonesia sebagai Negara hukum tentu memiliki norma yang mengatur terkait dengan Proses pembentukannya dari tingkat pusat sampai daerah. Kemudian salah satu proses formil pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yaitu adanya Partisipasi Masyarakat. Partisipasi Masyarakat didalam Proses Pembentukan peraturan daerah adalah salah satunya syarat terwujudnya peraturan daerah yang ideal. Partisipasi Masyarakat didalam Pembentukan peraturan daerah berkaitan dengan tata cara yang diatur oleh Undang-Undang dan peraturan pelaksanaannya. Mulai dari Perencanaan, Penyusunan, Pembahasan sampai saat pada disahkannya menjadi sebuah Peraturan Daerah, serta disebarluaskannya peraturan daerah tersebut. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, Metode penelitian yuridis normatif adalah penelitian hukum kepustakaan yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan-bahan pustaka, seperti Peraturan Perundang- undangan, Buku, jurnal, majalah ilmiah, kamus, dan surat kabar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat di provinsi Banten dalam proses pembentukan Perda, belum maksimal terlaksana, selain terkendala didalam hal sosialisasi terkait dengan pembentukan perda, lembaga pembentuk dalam hal ini DPRD bersama Gubernur, terlihat hanya sekedar menggugurkan kewajiban, karena masyarakat yang dilibatkan, bukan masyarakt atau kelompok yang terdampak dan terkait dengan perda yang akan dibentuk oleh DPRD bersama Gubernur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa masih minimnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses pembentukan Perda di Provinsi Banten, hal ini dapat dilihat dari dokumen risalah siding paripurna, dimana didalam risalah tersebut absensi dari mastyarakat yang hadir cenderung bukan merupakan masyarakat yang terdapak langsung dari subtansi perda yang akan dibuat. Konsep ideal dalam hal ini seharusnya pemerintah dan DPRD menyerap aspirasi tersebut melalui Musrenbang, dengan demikian aspirasi masyarakat dalam proses pembentukan perda dapat di inventarisir permasalahan dan kebutuhan masyarakat.

Legislation is the written legal basis, the legal basis or legal basis is the legal basis or legal basis. Indonesia as a rule of law country certainly has norms that regulate the process of its formation from the central to the regional level. Then one of the formal processes of forming laws and regulations is Community Participation. Community Participation in the Formation Process of regional regulations is one of the requirements for the realization of ideal regional regulations. Community Participation in the Formation of regional regulations is related to the procedures regulated by the Law and its implementing regulations. Starting from planning, drafting, discussing until the moment when it becomes a regional regulation, as well as the dissemination of the regional regulation. By using the normative juridical research method, the normative juridical research method is library law research which is carried out by examining library materials, such as laws and regulations, books, journals, scientific magazines, dictionaries, and newspapers. The results of the study show that community participation in the province of Banten in the process of forming regional regulations has not been maximally implemented, apart from being constrained in terms of socialization related to the formation of regional regulations, the forming institutions in this case the DPRD and the Governor, are seen as merely aborting obligations, because the community is involved, not the community. or groups that are affected and related to regional regulations that will be formed by the DPRD together with the Governor. The results of the study show that there is still a lack of community participation in the process of forming regional regulations in Banten Province, this can be seen from the minutes of the plenary session, where in the minutes the absences of the people present tend not to be people who are directly affected by the substance of the regional regulations that will be made. The ideal concept in this case should be that the government and DPRD absorb these aspirations through the Musrenbang, so that people's aspirations in the process of forming local regulations can take an inventory of people's problems and needs."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fransisca Yultranennyo Manopo
"Pemekaran daerah diharapkan mampu meningkatkan layanan pendidikan di daerah pemekaran. Namun ditemukan partisipasi sekolah pada semua jenjang di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung turun dibandingkan Provinsi induknya setelah terjadinya pemekaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian campuran untuk melihat hubungan pemekaran daerah terhadap partisipasi sekolah. Dari hasil regresi data Susenas tahun 1992-2020, ditemukan bahwa pemekaran daerah menurunkan probabilitas anak bersekolah sebesar 3.81%. Probabilitas negatif paling besar terjadi pada jenjang SMA, dimana probabilitas anak bersekolah SMA turun sebesar 9.77% setelah terjadinya pemekaran daerah. Diikuti jenjang SMP dengan probabilitas sebesar 6.78%. Namun pada jenjang SD ditemukan tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan pemekaran daerah. Pengeluaran rumah tangga untuk pendidikan serta pendidikan kepala rumah tangga mampu meningkatkan probabilitas anak bersekolah di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Dari hasil analisis kualitatif, ditemukan bahwa keterbatasan ekonomi untuk menyekolahkan anak bukan menjadi kendala. Namun adanya kesempatan menjadi tenaga kerja anak terutama di tambang timah serta budaya keluarga yang mendukung hal tersebut dianggap menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi sekolah. Ditemukan pula indikasi partisipasi sekolah membaik, seiring dengan menurunnya kontribusi sektor primer pada PDRB (Produk Domestik Regional Bruto).

Regional expansions are expected to improve education services in the newly created regions. However, it was found that school participation at all levels in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province decreased compared to its parent province after the expansion. This study used mixed methods research to examine the relationship between regional expansion and school participation. The results of the 1992-2020 Susenas data regression found that regional expansion reduced the probability of children going to school by 3.81%. The greatest negative probability occurs at the senior high school level, where the probability of a child attending high school decreases by 9.77% after the regional expansion. Followed by the junior high school level with a probability of 6.78%. However, at the primary school level, it was found that it had no relationship with regional expansion. Household spending on education and the education of the head of the household can increase the probability of children going to school in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. From the results of the qualitative analysis, it was found that economic limitations to sending their children to school were not an obstacle. However, the opportunity to become a child labor, especially in tin mines and family culture that supports this are considered to be factors that influence school participation. There were also indications of improving school enrollment, in line with the declining contribution of the primary sector to GDP (Gross Domestic Product)."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muchtar Hadi Saputra
Upaya dalam mewujudkan suatu UUD 1945 yang demokratis dapat
terlihat dari proses pembuatannya yang dilakukan melalui mekanisme yang
demokratis dimana mekanisme yang demokratis adalah dengan melibatkan peran
serta masyarakat dalam prosedur perubahannya. Dalam penelitian ini diajukan dua
masalah pokok yaitu bagaimana pengaturan peran serta masyarakat dalam
perubahan UUD yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia dan bagaimana peran serta
masyarakat dalam mekanisme perubahan UUD 1945 guna mewujudkan suatu
konstitusi yang demokratis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum doktrinal yang
bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah dan perbandingan.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam perubahan UUD yang pernah
terjadi di Indonesia, tidak disebutkan secara eksplisit pengaturan peran serta
masyarakat di dalamnya. Adapun peran serta masyarakat dalam mekanisme
perubahan UUD 1945 baik perubahan pertama sampai dengan perubahan keempat
guna mewujudkan suatu konstitusi yang demokratis, hanya diikutsertakan dalam
dua tahapan dari tiga tahapan yang tersedia yaitu tahap sebelum perancangan
UUD 1945 dan tahap pada saat perancangan UUD 1945. Adapun peran serta
masyarakat dalam tahap setelah perancangan UUD 1945 tidak dikutsertakan
kembali. Atas dasar uraian tersebut, maka perlu dicantumkan secara eksplisit
peran serta masyarakat dalam perubahan UUD RI yang akan datang. Dengan
demikian, akan terlaksananya jaminan pelaksanaan perubahan UUD RI dengan
melibatkan peran serta masyarakat secara maksimal.

How amendment process of UUD 1945 is made as well as what it says as
the democratic constitution of UUD 1945 is which that process was needed public
participation in the amendment procedure. I will examine two main problems,
how is public participation regulated in constitution amendment process in
Indonesia and how is public participation in constitution amendment process of
UUD 1945 to create a democratic constitution. This research is a kind of doctrinal
legal research with qualitative design, using several approaches including
hystorical and comparative approach. The result of this research showed that in
regulations of constitution amendment of UUD , they were not explicit norm of
public participation. Public participation in constitution amendment procedure of
UUD 1945 in first until fourth amendment process, public participation
participated in two phases only, they were prae constitution amendment phase of
UUD 1945 and constitution amendment phase of UUD 1945. Post constitution
amendment phase of UUD 1945 was not participatin public participation in that
constitution amendment process. Hences, it is so important to put eksplisit public
participation article in the next constitution amendment of UUD RI. This way is
expected to guarantee participating public participation in that constitution
amendment process of UUD."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novrian Satria Perdana
"Pendidikan merupakan salah satu bentuk investasi jangka panjang dan merupakan salah satu aspek utama keberhasilan program pembangunan suatu negara, oleh karena itu Pemerintah terus berupaya mengembangkan kualitas pendidikan agar tercapai peningkatan kualitas SDM sehingga produktifitas mereka turut meningkat. Kondisi saat ini latar belakang pendidikan tertinggi yang ditamatkan oleh pekerja di Indonesia adalah jenjang Sekolah Dasar (SD) sehingga hal ini berdampak pada produktifitas mereka karena minimnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang mereka miliki akibat dari rendahnya tingkat pendidikan. Rendahnya capaian tingkat pendidikan saat ini mengindikasikan partisipasi masyarakat dalam memperoleh pendidikan di Indonesia masih rendah. Untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat untuk menempuh pendidikan (bersekolah) perlu dicari faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh terhadap partisipasi sekolah di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penulis melakukan penelitian tentang faktor internal dan eksternal apa saja yang mempengaruhi partisipasi anak-anak untuk bersekolah.
Penelitian ini menggunakan data SUSENAS 2012 dengan unit analisis anak-anak dengan usia 13-23 tahun, sehingga diperoleh responden sebanyak 219.009 anak. Variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah partisipasi bersekolah anak usia 13-23 tahun, dan variabel bebasnya antara lain faktor jenis kelamin anak, wilayah tempat tinggal, latar belakang pendidikan orangtua, jarak ke sekolah, usia perkawinan orangtua, pendapatan per kapita rumahtangga, dan jumlah anggota rumah tangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan model regresi logit dengan software pengolah data STATA 13.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah faktor internal berupa anak berjenis kelamin perempuan, wilayah tempat tinggal anak di perkotaan, latar belakang pendidikan Ibu yang semakin tinggi, jarak ke sekolah yang dekat, orangtua yang menikah di usia produktif, semakin besarnya pendapatan per kapita rumahtangga dan semakin sedikitnya jumlah anggota rumah tangga adalah faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap partisipasi sekolah untuk anak-anak di Indonesia. Setelah dilakukan olah data dengan menggunakan software STATA 13 dari 219.009 observasi diperoleh hasil Prob>chi2 =0.0000 yang artinya bahwa model yang diujikan dalam penelitian ini signifikan dan nilai correctly classified sebesar 99,17% menunjukkan bahwa model ini mampu memprediksi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi sekolah anak-anak usia 13-23 tahun, serta menjelaskan bahwa variabel terikatnya dapat dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel bebasnya sebesar 99,17 persen.

Education is one of the long-term investment and one of the main aspect of the success of development program in a country. Therefore, the government is always working to develop the quality of education in order to achieve the improvement of human resources quality so that their productivity is also improve. Current conditions the highest educational background is attained by workers in Indonesia is the Elementary level so that it makes the impact on their productivity due to the lack of knowledge and skills that they have because the low level of education. The low level of education indicates for community participation in school, necessary to find factors that influence to the participation of schools in Indonesia.
Based on these, the writer did the research about what kind of factors internal and external that influence the participation or students for school. In order to obtain many respondents 219.009 children, and independent variables are children genders, region of residence, educational background of parents, distance to school, the age of parents marriage, household income per capita, and the number of household members. This research used logit regression model with the data processing software Stata 13.
Based on the calculations, the results Prob> chi2 =0.0000 it means that the model tested in this research significant and the value of correctly classified is 99,17 percent show that this model is able to predict school participation of children in 13-23 years old in Indonesia and the dependent variable in this research may be influenced by the independent variables in the amount of 99,17 percent. For the next, it can be concluded that the factors that influence to the school participation of children 13-23 years old are: children female, residential areas of children are in urban area, the higher education background of their mother, school distances are close, parents who are married at the productive age, the increased of household income per capita, and fewer number of family members."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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