Ditemukan 7254 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sri Astuti Rahayu
"The presence of sulphur compounds in natural gas can interfere to the quality of natural gas. The decline of combustion gas capacity, metal instrument corrosion in gas piping, and the environmental pollution from gas emission can affect by their presence. Bio-filter is one of the methods that selected to reduce sulphur content in natural gas. A lab scale study of hydrogen sulphide reduction in natural gas had conducted in oil and gas field using bio-filter method. The bio-filter system (±1 L volume) contains an active carbon and thiosulphide medium as a substrate, Thiobacillus thioparus as a single culture of sulphur bacteria, and Thiobacillus thioparus with sludge as a mixed culture of sulphur bacteria. The study of hydrogen sulphide reduction was conducted with continuous flow line process. The gas flow rate approximately 1.5 L/min with a fluctuate presence of Hydrogen sulphide (approximately 40 - 70 mg/L). The bio-filter system contains active carbon, thiosulphide medium, and single culture of T. thioparus appear as a good filter for hydrogen sulphide reduction. During 24 hours, the hydrogen sulphide reduction obtains 93% to 16%. When culture media added, the hydrogen sulphide reduction will increase almost 60% and then the reduction decrease to 4% after 20 hours. It is concluded that the bio-filter have potential to develop for sulphur reduction in natural gas."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Dampang
"Teknologi proses Thiopaq rencananya akan dikembangkan pada lapangan gas alam X. Proses Thiopaq merupakan teknologi terintegrasi untuk pemrosesan gas yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan karena menggunakan bakteri dari alam. Input proses Thiopaq adalah acid gas 3 MMSCFD dengan kandungan hidrogen sulfida mencapai 12% mol berhasil memperoleh kembali sulfur lebih dari 94%. Kadar H2S pada gas buang dapat diturunkan hingga 0 ppm. Kapasitas produksi sulfur 13 ton per hari. Dengan menggunakan proses Thiopaq, apabila harga sulfur sebesar 500 USD/ton maka didapatkan IRR sebesar 33%, harga NPV sebesar USD 53.237.964 dan PBP selama 2,35 tahun. Semakin tinggi harga sulfur maka revenue akan semakin meningkat dan mengakibatkan naiknya nilai NPV dan IRR sedangkan nilai PBP semakin rendah yang berarti bahwa waktu yang diperlukan untuk mencapai angka nol (titik balik modal) akan semakin cepat. Dan analisis sensitivitas menunjukan bahwa harga sulfur yang paling berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya perubahan NPV dan IRR.
Thiopaq process technology will be developed in the field of natural gas X. Thiopaq is an integrated process technology for gas processing. It is an efficient and friendly environmental because of using the natural bacteria. Feed stream of Thiopaq process is acid gas 3 MMSCFD with hydrogen sulfide 12% mole able to recover sulphur more than 94%. Level of hydrogen sulfide in flue gas can be reduced to 0 ppm. The production capacity is 13 ton per day of sulfur. By using technology Thiopaq, when the sulphur price of 500 USD/ton, it will obtain 33% of IRR, the price of NPV USD 53.237.964 and PBP of 2,35 years. The higher price of sulphur will also increase the amount of revenue and lead to the higher NPV and IRR. The lower value of PBP means the required time to reach zero (turning point of the capital) will be faster. And the sensitivity analysis of the increasing of sulfur price will have a significant influence in the NPV and IRR."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Kidnay, Arthur J.
"Updated to cover new advances, this book introduces the natural gas industry to readers new to the field or those providing a narrow service who would benefit from an understanding of the overall process. The initial chapters give a brief overview of basic concepts applicable throughout the chemical processing industry. The second part addresses natural gas processing, following the gas stream from purchase at the wellhead to its entrance at the market place. Wherever possible, advantages, limitations, and ranges of applicability of various processes are discussed so that their integration into the overall gas plant can be fully appreciated."
Boca Raton: CRC Press , 2011
665.73 KID f
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Asri Andara Putri
"Industri minyak dan gas bumi di tanah air memiliki peran penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional. Pada tahun 2018 Pemerintah sebagai wakil dari negara mengambil andil mengatur sektor ini dengan menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indoneisa Nomor 4 Tahun 2018 tentang Pengusahaan Gas Bumi Pada Kegiatan Usaha Hillir Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Permen ini mengatur kegiatan usaha gas bumi yang meliputi usaha pengangkutan gas bumi, kegiatan usaha niaga gas bumi, dan kegiatan usaha penyimpanan gas bumi. Terkait kegiatan usaha gas bumi melalui pipa pada ruas transmisi, permen ini mengatur bahwa kegiatan usaha pengangkutan gas bumi melalui pipa pada ruas transmisi hanya dapat dilakukan oleh 1 (satu) badan usaha serta konsumen gas bumi pada Wilayah Niaga Tertentu (WNT) yang wilayahnya sama dengan Wilayah Jaringan Distribusi (WJD) hanya dapat dipasok oleh 1 (satu) badan usaha pemegang izin usaha niaga minyak dan gas bumi sesuai dengan pasal 14 ayat (7). Pengaturan 1 (satu) Badan Usaha dalam satu Ruas Transmisi dan Wilayah Jaringan Distribusi pada suatu Wilayah Niaga Tertentu, mengarah kepada praktek monopoli yang menciptakan persaingan usaha tidak sehat.
Pada akhirnya, Penulis memiliki kesimpulan yaitu pengaturan terkait pengusahaan migas dalam Permen ESDM No. 4/2018 dapat mengarah kepada praktek monopoli, serta pelaksanaan berdasarkan Permen ESDM No. 4/2018 tidak dapat dikecualikan sesuai UU No. 5/1999 karena hanya bersifat peraturan pelaksana dan tidak mendapatkan pendelegasian dari peraturan diatasnya. Selain itu, perlu pembuatan payung hukum yang lebih tinggi seperti Undang-Undang untuk memenuhi asas kepastian hukum di sektor ini.
Oil and gas industry in Indonesia has a vital role in Indonesia for economic development. In 2018 government regulate oil and gas sector by issued Regulation of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 4/2018 about Natural Gas Business On Downstream Oil And Gas Business Activities. This regulation control natural gas business which includes natural gas transportation, natural gas trading, and natural gas storage. In related to natural gas business through the pipe on Transmission Segment, this regulation obliges that there is only 1 (one) licensed business entity that could operate and natural gas consumers in Certain Commercial Areas whose territory is the same as the Distribution Network Area can only be supplied by 1 (one) licensed business entity according to article 14 paragraph 7. This limitation can lead to monopolistic that endorsed unfair business competition. Eventually, Author has a conclusion that Regulation of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 4/2018 about Natural Gas Business On Downstream Oil And Gas Business Activities could lead to unfair business competition, and its implementation cannot be concluded by Law No. 5/1999 about Antitrust. Because Regulation of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 4/2018 only a subordinate legislation and doesnt have a direct delegation from Law No.5/1999. Beside of that, it is essential to have higher legislation to fulfilled legal certainty on this sector."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
665.73 Pla
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Texas : Petroleum Extention Service, 1974
665.73 PLA
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Suprapto Soemardan
"Pengembangan sebuah lapangan gas bumi memerlukan perencanaan akurat dalam rangka menentukan laju produksi gas yang merupakan salah satu tantangan utama dalam menentukan kelayakan proyek gas. Laju produksi gas optimum ditentukan tidak hanya oleh karakteristik cadangan gas dan reservoirnya, tetapi juga oleh persyaratan konsumen terkait tekanan gas jual, jangka waktu kontrak penjualan gas dan harga gas. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model optimisasi produksi gas yang didasarkan pada pendekatan biaya marjinal untuk memaksimumkan keuntungan ekonomi dengan menggunakan studi kasus lapangan gas bumi Blok Matindok di Sulawesi Tengah.
Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa meningkatkan tekanan gas jual dan harga gas meningkatkan laju produksi gas optimum dan meningkatkan keuntungan maksimumnya. Sementara itu, peningkatan jangka waktu kontrak penjualan gas akan mengurangi tingkat produksi gas optimum dan mengurangi atau menaikkan keuntungan maksimumnya tergantung atas cadangan gas dan karakteristik reservoirnya. Karena keterbatasan cadangan dan karakteristik reservoir gas, maka peningkatan harga gas membatasi laju produksi optimumnya hingga batas laju maksimum reservoirnya, namun keuntungan maksimumnya akan naik terus mengikuti kenaikan harga gas. Hasil riset ini dengan jelas menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat antara persyaratan kebutuhan konsumen gas dan laju produksi gas optimum, yang merupakan bagian penting untuk negosiasi harga gas dan perencanaan produksi.
The development of a gas field requires accurate planning, in order to determine the gas production rate which is one of the main challenges in determining the gas project feasibility. An optimum gas production rate is determined not only by the gas reserve and reservoir characteristics but also by the consumer’s requirements of the sales gas pressure, duration of the gas sales contract and gas price. This paper presents a gas production optimization model using marginal cost approach to maximize economic profit with Matindok Block as field data. The results reveal that increasing the sales gas pressure and gas price raises the optimum gas production rate and maximum profit. Meanwhile, increasing the duration of a gas sales contract will reduce the optimum gas production rate and reduce or increase the maximum profit depending on the gas reserve and reservoir characteristics. Due to limitation of gas reserves and reservoir characteristics, then an increase in gas prices limit the optimum production rate up to reservoir maximum rate limits, but the maximum profit will continue to follow up the gas price hike. This work clearly shows the relationship between the user's requirements and optimum gas production rate, which is an important piece of information for negotiating the gas price and planning production."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Shively, Bob
San Francisco, CA. : Enerdynamics, 2015
665.7 SHI u
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendri Jhon
"Landasan konstitusional sebagai landasan dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia seperti disebutkan dalam pasal 33 ayat (2) dan ayat (3) UUD 1945. Makna dari ?sebesar-besarnya? di dalam pasal tersebut memberikan amanat bahwa usaha minyak dan gas bumi haruslah meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Penguasaan negara terhadap minyak dan gas bumi tersebut bertujuan untuk menciptakan Ketahanan Nasional di bidang Energi (National Energi Security) dengan mengutamakan ketersediaan dan distribusi di dalam negeri. Dalam Ketahanan Nasional dibidang energi menuntut pemerintah untuk mengeluarkan kebijakan-kebijakan di bidang energi terutama di bidang minyak dan gas bumi terhadap kebutuhan dalam negeri. Pemerintah harus melakukan kebijakan baru dalam menyikapi keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang telah membubarkan BP Migas dalam melakukan kegiatan usaha hulu migas dengan membentuk perusahaan Negara. Perusahaan Negara tersebut harus memenuhi persyaratan seperti regulator atau kebijakan tetap berada dibawah dan dikendalikan pemerintah.
Constitutional basis as the cornerstone in the management of natural resources Oil and gas in Indonesia as referred to in Article 33 paragraph (2) and paragraph(3) UUD 1945. The meaning of "maximum" in the article is to provide the mandate that the oil and gas business should improve the welfare of the people. State control of oil and gas is intended to create a National Security in the field of Energy (National Energy Security) with emphasis on the availability and distribution in the country. In the field of energy, it is demanded the government to issue policies especially towards oil and gas for domestic needs. The government should undertake a new policy in response to the decision of the Constitutional Court that has been discorporate BP Migas in the upstream oil and gas activities by establishing a state enterprise. State companies must fulfill requirements such as regulatory or policy and remain under government control."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"From its regional beginnings, the liquefied natural gas (LNG) business has transformed into a broad international industry spanning several continents. This guide covers the legal, regulatory, political and practical elements of the LNG chain."
London: Globe Law, 2006
665.73 LIQ
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library