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"An analysis of the conservative properties of shallows water equations is presented,focused on the concistency of their numerical solution with the conservation laws of mass and momentum...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Caro, Paul
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993
553.7 CAR w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cairns, James C.
London: Evans Brothers, 1972
553.7 AST w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"System of rice intensification yang dikenal dengan singkatan SRI telah diperkenalkan di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Sistem ini yang dipadukan dengan pemupukan organik telah memberikan hasil yang menggembirakan dalam memperbaiki produktivitas lahan dan air , dan keuntungan yang lebih baik bagi para petani....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tte h water hemma pro,one the most -important question of unsteady flow in pipelines....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haifa Siti Al-Kautsar
"Kebutuhan manusia akan air dimulai dari kebutuhan untuk air minum sampai sanitasi. Di Indonesia, terdapat kecenderungan menggunakan satu sumber air dengan satu mutu untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan sehingga terjadi pemborosan air bersih. Di sisi lain, kelangkaan air telah menjadi salah satu masalah lingkungan utama. Untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut diperlukan sumber air bersih alternatif, salah satunya air hujan. Penelitian dikhususkan pada sektor hotel, karena hotel memiliki tingkat konsumsi air yang tinggi. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan skema pemanfaatan air hujan sebagai strategi penghematan air bersih yang disusun berdasarkan potensi air hujan, kategori kebutuhan air di hotel dan kriteria kualitas air. Dengan menggunakan metode rainwater harvesting, potensi air hujan yang jatuh pada luasan atap gedung dan sisi dinding hotel dapat dihitung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan air hujan dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan kebutuhan air PDAM di hotel berupa kebutuhan untuk siram tanaman, pemadam kebakaran, sanitasi, dan dapur sehingga terjadi penghematan air PDAM sebesar 2.398,07 m3/tahun. Untuk mencapai kualitas air setara air PDAM perlu dilakukan pengolahan air hujan dengan biaya per m3 sebesar Rp 10.757/m3 sehingga penghematan yang dapat dilakukan adalah selisih biaya air dari pengadaan air PDAM sebesar Rp 45.158.976 /tahun.

Human's need for water start from the need for drinking water to sanitation. In Indonesia, there is a tendency to use one source of water with one quality to meet all needs which causing a waste of clean water. On the other hand, water scarcity has become one of the main environmental problems. To solve this problem, an alternative source of clean water is needed, one of which is rainwater. The research is done specifically for hotels sector, because hotels have a high level of water consumption. The main objective of this study is to develop a rainwater utilization scheme as a strategy to save clean water which prepared based on rainwater potential, hotel water consumption and criteria of water quality. By using the rainwater harvesting method, the potential of rainwater that falls on the roof area and the walls of the hotel can be calculated. The result shows that the rainwater can be used to replace the water needs of PDAMs in the hotel in the form of needs for plants watering, fire engines, sanitation, and kitchens so that there was a saving of PDAM water of 2,398.07 m3 / year. To reach the quality of PDAM water, the rainwater need to be processed with a cost of Rp 10,757/m3, so the saving that can be made is the difference in water costs from PDAM water supply of Rp 45,158,976 /year."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vinny Valentine Alfian
"Keterbatasan air bersih sudah menjadi ancaman global termasuk di Indonesia. Hal ini diperparah dengan krisis air yang sedang terjadi. DKI Jakarta sebagai kota metropolitan merupakan kota dengan jumlah penduduk yang tinggi. Menurut hasil sensus penduduk yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik tahun 2010, jumlah penduduk DKI Jakarta adalah sebanyak 9.604.329 jiwa. Dari segi ekonomi, masyarakat DKI Jakarta sebagian besar merupakan masyarakat ekonomi menengah ke atas. Tingkat pendapatan yang tinggi akan diikuti oleh tingkat konsumsi air yang tinggi pula sementara ketersediaan air cenderung terbatas. Untuk itu perlunya mengetahui tingkat konsumsi air bersih masyarakat dalam rangka upaya penghematan air. Dengan melakukan survey pada 500 responden di 5 wilayah di DKI Jakarta yaitu Kelurahan Menteng, Kelurahan Pondok Pinang, Kelurahan Penggilingan, Kelurahan Pluit dan Kelurahan Meruya Selatan didapatkan rata-rata konsumsi air bersih rumah tangga masyarakat menengah ke atas adalah sebesar 234,82 liter/orang/hari dengan rincian mencuci tangan 4,02 liter/orang/hari; menggosok gigi 3,45 liter/orang/hari; MCK 67,78 liter/orang/hari; mencuci pakaian 40,24 liter/orang/hari; mencuci piring 23,43 liter/orang/hari; masak 7,69 liter/orang/hari; menyiram tanaman 35,14 liter/orang/hari; mencuci kendaraan 51,11 liter/orang/hari dan minum 2,10 liter/orang/hari.

Water scarcity has become a global threat, including in Indonesia, which is compounded by the water crisis happened in DKI Jakarta as a metropolitan city with a high population. According to the population census conducted by the Badan Pusat Statistik in 2010, the population of Jakarta is 9,604,329. From an economic perspective, the people of Jakarta are mostly upper middle income people. High level of income will be followed by a high level of water consumption as well as the availability of water tend to be limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the water consumption in an effort to save water. Based on survey of 500 respondents in 5 areas in Menteng, Pondok Pinang, Penggilingan, Pluit and Meruya Selatan, the average water consumption of upper middle households is 234.82 liters / person / day with handwashing 4.02 liters / person / day; teeth brushing 3.45 liters / person / day; MCK 67.78 liters / person / day; clothes washing 40.24 liters / person / day; dishes washing 23 , 43 liters / person / day; cooking 7.69 liters / person / day; plants watering 35.14 liters / person / day; vehicles washing 51.11 liters / person / day and drinking 2.10 liters / person / day.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khoirul Abidin
"Laju pertumbuhan yang tinggi di Kecamatan Teluk Jambe Timur sebesar 5,43 % perlu diikuti dengan peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas layanan air minum untuk memenuhi tingginya kebutuhan air minum masyarakat. Instalasi Pengolahan Air Minum (IPAM) Karawang Kabupaten Karawang berencana untuk melakukan peningkatan kapasitas eksisting dengan evaluasi dan optimalisasi. Kapasitas eksisting dari IPAM Karawang adalah 320 L/detik yang berasal dari WTP 1 100 L/detik dan WTP 2 220 L/detik. Langkah yang dilakukan untuk evaluasi adalah evaluasi kualitas air baku dan air produksi, proyeksi jumlah penduduk dan kebutuhan air, serta evaluasi WTP 2. Tingginya parameter fisika dan kimia pada air baku dapat diturunkan dengan unit yang ada di IPAM Karawang sehingga kualitas air produksi sudah sesuai dengan PERMENKES 492/2010. Evaluasi dilakukan untuk WTP 2 karena memiliki potensi peningkatan kapasitas produksi.
Evaluasi dilakukan pada unit tandon prasedimentasi, intake, WTP 2 (flokulasi, sedimentasi, dan filtrasi), dan reservoir berdasarkan kriteria desain. Hasil evaluasi menghasilkan kapasitas maksimum WTP 2 sebesar 340 L/detik. Dari evaluasi dan optimalisasi kapasitas produksi IPAM Karawang meningkat dari semula 320 L/detik menjadi 440 L/detik. Jika dikaitkan dengan proyeksi jumlah penduduk dan kebutuhan air, kapasitas eksisting 320 L/detik dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air sampai tahun 2013. Sedangkan kapasitas hasil evaluasi dan optimalisasi 440 L/detik mampu memenuhi kebutuhan air daerah layanan sampai tahun 2015.

The population rate of Teluk Jambe Timur district is 5,43 %. It needs the increase of the quality and quantity of public water treatment to fulfill the society’s need of potable water. Water treatment plant (WTP) Karawang plans to do improvement to the existing capacity by evaluating and optimizing. The existing planed are evaluating the raw water quality and the effluent, projection of chemical parameters of raw water can be reduced using the existing WTP Karawang units as PERMENKES 492/2010. This final project is to evaluate the WTP 2 because it is potentially able to increase the production capacity.
Evaluation is done to pre sedimentation, intake, WTP 2 (flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration), and reservoir based on the design criteria. Base on the evaluation result, the capacity of WTP 2 can be increase to be 340 L/s in maximum. Based on the evaluation and production capacity optimalization of WTP Karawang increase from 320 L/s to 440 L/s. Related with population projection and the need of water, the existing capacity 320 L/s can fulfill the need of water until 2013. Meanwhile, the capacity based on evaluation and optimizing 440 L/s can fulfill the need of water until 2015.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herjuna Rahman
"Air hujan dapat dinilai merugikan bagi suatu lingkungan perkotaan dalam tingkat yang besar, tetapi juga dapat bernilai bermanfaat, jika dikelola dengan baik untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan kembali air oleh alam, dengan tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat yang hidup pada daerah yang mengalami hujan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, program ?Water Balance Model? (WBM) yang dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Daerah British Colombia, Kanada, digunakan untuk membandingkan antara volume air antara air hujan (total rainfall) dengan limpasannya (discharge) , begitu juga dengan jumlah infiltrasi yang dapat dihasilkannya, yang dapat ditingkatkan oleh penerapan teknologi Surface Enhancements dan Source Controls dari aplikasi Manajemen Air Hujan Perkotaan (Urban Rainwater Management).
Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menguji kemampuan program WBM, yang hanya dapat diakses dari situs www.waterbalance.ca, dengan mengikuti semua tahapan yang diperlukan oleh program tersebut. Sebelum program WBM ini dapat diuji, diperlukan terlebih dahulu untuk mencari berbagai macam data yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat mengoperasikan program dengan benar, seperti antara lain data hujan, topografi, jenis tanah, penggunaan lahan (tipe & luas), dan penutup permukaan lahan, untuk dapat mewakili daerah yang akan ditinjau tersebut, dalam hal ini daerah perwakilan untuk Sub-DAS Sugutamu.
Data-data lain yang diperlukan adalah juga data mengenai teknologi source controls dan surface enhancements, dari teknologi Best Management Practice (BMP) yang mendukung konsep Low-Impact Development (LID), yang sudah tersedia oleh program WBM ini. Setelah pengumpulan semua data tersebut, program dapat digunakan dengan memasukkan semua data yang sudah diperoleh kedalam program WBM melalui situs program, dan melihat hasil yang keluar setelah program dijalankan, untuk selanjutnya dapat dianalisa. Hasil yang diperoleh dari seluruh perhitungan di dalam program akan berupa beberapa macam grafik.
Ada dua macam grafik yang dihasilkan tersebut, yaitu grafik Exceedance Summary, yaitu grafik yang menunjukkan jumlah limpasan yang terjadi dalam suatu jenjang waktu tertentu, dan juga Volume Sumamry, yaitu grafik yang memperlihatkan perbandingan antara volume limpasan total (Total Discharge) , dengan kehilangan total (Total Losses) , infiltrasi DAS (Catchment Infiltration) , dan infiltrasi dari teknologi source control (Source Control Infiltration) . Oleh karena program WBM ini masih di dalam masa percobaan, maka semua hasil yang diperoleh hanya berupa suatu hasil rekayasa saja untuk menguji kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh program WBM tersebut.

Rainwater can be considered harmful for an urban environment in excess amounts, but can also become valuable, if well managed to enhance the natural restoration of water within the environment, with the long-term objective for the restored water to be used by the local community living within the area of this rainfall. Therefore, the ?Water Balance Model? (WBM) program which was developed by the Local Government of British Colombia, Canada, is used to compare the volume of water between total rainfall and its discharge, along with the total infiltration which it can produce, which can be enhanced by applying Surface Enhancement and Source Control technology through the application of Urban Rainwater Management.
The main objective of this study is to test the abilities of the WBM program, which can only be accessed through ?Water Balance Model? website, which is www.waterbalance.ca, by following the specific steps needed by the program itself. Before the WBM program can be tested, several types of data is needed to properly operate this program, such as rainfall data, topographic data, soil type data, land use data (type & area), and surface type data, which can represent the area in which is to be observed, in this case the representation area of the Sugutamu Sub-River Basin.
Other data which is needed include data regarding source control and surface enhancement technology, from Best Management Practice (BMP) technology which supports the Low-Impact Development concept, which is already provided by the WBM program. After gathering all of the data, the program can be used by inputing all the required data into the WBM program through the program website, and seeing the results which are produced after the program is run, to be used for further analysis. The results which are produced from all calculations in the program are in the form of several different types of graphs.
There are two different types of graphs which are produced, which are the Exceedance Summary graph, which shows the amount of runoff which occurs in a certain time frame, as well as the Volume Sumamry graph, which shows the comparison between volumes of the Total Discharge, with the Total Losses, Catchment Infiltration, and Source Control Infiltration. Because the WBM program is still under testing, therefore all the results produced are only engineered results, to test the abilities of this WBM program.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
R.01.08.70 Rah a
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nunik Sri Wahjuni
"Surakarta is the second biggest city in Central Java. The expansion of the city is directed to the north and south. The expansion to the north side is encouraged by the existing Mojosongo PERUMNAS. The Mojosongo PERUMNAS has been developed to the northeast area approaching the Putri Cempo final waste disposal site.
The final waste disposal site is located in the area that consists of volcanic stones, big conglomerates, lava precipitation, tufa, calcareous, and sand stone. The shallow well water in the Nojosongo PERUMNAS tends to be infiltrated by either the leachate or run off from Putri Cempo final waste disposal site, so that the water quality will, of course, be decreasing and potentially will in turn affect the health of community.
Clean water is an essential necessity for human being. Only 40% of the urban and semi urban population and 25% of the rural population in Indonesia have access to a reliable supply of clean water. In Surakarta, only a. small part of the population has been supplied with potable water.
The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of Putri Cempo final waste disposal site towards the water quality of nearby wells. The quality of well water is compared with water quality criteria from the Health Ministry through its Regulation Number 418/MENKES/PER/IBC/1890.
The Location of observed shallow wells was purposely chosen. The sample of well water was collected on two occasions (in the months of July and September). The samples were collected from twelve shallow wells: eight community shallow-wells which are used for daily activities; one unused well; and three other shallow wells purposely made for this re-search. Sampling process was conducted by using standard equipment from Balai Telrnik Kesehatan Lingkungan Yogyakarta (BTKL Yogyakarta). Samples were analyzed in BTKL Yogyakarta, the examined characteristics were: total suspended solids, iron, manganese, chloride, hardness, sodium, sulphate, BOD, COD, Pb, Cd, Cu and Cr. T Test has been employed to analyze sample collected in the month of July and September. The degree of existing parameters and the distance of the wells have been analytically described.
The results indicate that two parameters in lea-chafe (iron and manganese) have exceeded the threshold value of Waste Water Standard as stated in KEP-03/MEIflcLH/I I/ 1991. The wells number 1,2 and 3 which have the distance of 10 in.50 m and 100 m from the final waste disposal respectively have been affected by the lea-chafe; iron and manganese have already exceeded the thres hold value as stated in the regulation number 4l6/MENKES/PER/I/1990 concerning clean water. The content of pollutants has been highest in well number 1 that have the distance of 10 m. T test analysis indicated that season does not affect the quality of well water around the final waste disposal site. Bacteria Escherichia coil was found in high degree in every examined wells. This certify that those 12 examined well water does not fulfill a requirement for potable water. This has got to be seriously paid attention.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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