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"Providing sufficient food at an affordable price is an important problem for the developing countries,including Indonesia. Lack of food cpould results nto a social,economic and political instability of the country and finally causes the fall of the government.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iswan Ramdana
"Penerimaan pemerintah berperan sangat penting bagi keberhasilan pembangunan nasional mengingat kebutuhan pengeluaran rutin dan pembangunan Pemerintah selalu meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Sebagai ilustrasi, total pengeluaran Pemerintah pada tahun fiskal 1985/1986 yang baru mencapai Rp. 22,8 trilyun telah melonjak menjadi Ro. 354,6 trilyun pada tahun fiskal 2001 atau mengalami pertumbuhan rata-rata 19,5 % per tahun. Kebutuhan anggaran tersebut semakin membengkak pada tahun-tahun terakhir akibat berbagai faktor yang saling berkaitan, mulai dari merosotnya nilai mata uang rupiah, likuidasi dan restrukturisasi perbankan, bencana alam banjir dan kekeringan, serta konflik sosial dan politik, yang kemudian berujung pada krisis multidimensional.
Pada masa krisis ekonomi, alokasi pengeluaran pemerintah semakin meningkat tajam guna mengakoniodasi berbagai program untuk mengatasi dampak krisis, seperti kebijakan subsidi, perlindungan terhadap masyarakat miskin, dan pemberian stimulus fiskal bagi pengusaha kecil, menengah dan koperasi. Upaya pemulihan dan perlindungan terhadap masyakat tersebut akhirnya belum dapat dilakukan secara maksimal berkaitan dengan keterbatasan yang dihadapi pada sisi penerimaan negara.
Dalam perencanaan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara, penerimaan dalam negeri yang berupa hasil minyak bumi dan gas, pajak dan non pajak terutama digunakan untuk membiayai pengeluaran rutin pemerintah yang meliputi: belanja pegawai, belanja barang, subsidi. daerah otonom, bunga dan cicilan utang. Sedangkan untuk pengeluaran pembangunan dibiayai oleh surplus penerimaan dalam negeri yang dikenal sebagai tabungan pemerintah dan penerimaan dari pinjaman luar negeri. Namun yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian adalah jumlah pinjaman luar negeri Pemerintah telah mencapai US$ 70 milliar, sedangkan pinjaman pihak swasta mencapai US$ 80 milliar pada tahun 1999. Sementara itu cicilan bunga dan utang luar negeri pemerintah untuk tahun anggaran 1999/2000 telah mencapai Rp. 44,4 trilyun atau sekitar 31,2°k dari penerimaan dalam negeri yang berjumlah Rp. 142,2 trilyun. Untuk itu maka penerimaan dalam negeri."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisyah Fitri
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai analisis penerapan kebijakan bea masuk atas impor bahan baku susu dalam rangka mendukung strategi pelaksanaan Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor yang mendorong pemerintah mengembalikan tarif bea masuk bahan baku susu menjadi 5%, serta penerapan dan implikasi dari kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya keberatan dari pihak peternak sapi perah menjadi latar belakang dikembalikannya tarif bea masuk bahan baku susu menjadi 5%. Kelebihan dari kebijakan bea masuk bahan baku susu dengan tarif 5% antara lain petani susu dalam negeri mendapat perlindungan dari pemerintah, surplus produsen meningkat, dan meningkatnya penerimaan negara. Kelemahan dari kebijakan ini adalah industri menanggung beban banyaknya perizinan impor bahan baku susu, berkurangnya surplus konsumen dan menurunnya efek bersih.

This thesis analyses the implementation of a custom duty policy on raw milk imports in order to support the implementation of Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development. The purposes of this research are to analyze the factors that prompted the government to return the tariff of raw milk to 5%, the implementation, and the implication. This research uses qualitative approach with data collection technique through in-depth interviews and literature studies. The result of this research shows that the objections of dairy farmers became the catalyst of the return of the tariff of raw milk to 5%. The advantages of implementing a 5% tariff on raw milk imports are: protecting dairy farmer and increasing the producer’s surplus and government’s revenue with the import duty on raw milk. The disadvantages are that the industries have to endure many imports licensing, that this policy reduces consumer surplus along with consumer’s deadweight loss.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Dewi Arini
"Inspection of goods which are going out and coming in Customs Territory conducted by institution that have been assigned by government, which is Customs or international surveyor. The assignation of inspecting operator depends on the system used by pertinent government. If the government applies a pre-shipment inspection (PSI) system that is inspection of imported goods in a port load provided by independent private company to both exporters and government in order to give assessment of goods to be imported and exported, the operator is an international surveyor. On the other hand, if the government uses an on arrival inspection (OAI) system that is an inspection of imported goods in destination port, the operator is a local Customs.
A government can also apply PSI system and OAI system concurrently, for example, Indonesia in 1985 up to 1990. At that period, PSI operator checks importation with value above FOB US$ 5,000.00, and OAI operator checks importation with value until FOB USS 5,000.00, Along with the increasing of commercial activity and market forces demand to enhance Customs service and to fulfill Customs commitment as a member of World Customs Organization (WCO), hence existing Customs procedures and systems continue to develop. Since the launching of Law # 1011995 about Customs, inspection system of imported goods in Indonesia embraces an OAI system which is in Law # 10/1995 gives a larger trust to market forces, but it is without disregarding state's finance security. OAI system is based on a self-assessment implementation, risk management and a post clearance audit. The supervisory of OAI system relied on a post clearance audit, so it doesn't interfere the releasing of imported goods from the port The PCA implementation is a logical consequence of self-assessment implementation and selective physical examination which is embraced by Law # 10/1995 about Customs.
In general, advantage of PSI system is to give benefit to exporter and importer to his imported goods, so it can comply with quantity and quality of goods demanding in sales agreement. Besides, PSI can give benefit to government by improving state revenue through evasion of imported goods which are under standard, increasing foreign trade management by providing accurate commerce statistic, and supporting and pushing foreign capital cultivation incentive plan.
On the other hand, results of research conducted by Lembaga Manajemen Universitas Indonesia (LM UI) in 1997 indicating that the government have to pay US$1 for each of US$163.63 import value which is done by SGS as The PSI system operator during 1995 - 1997, comparing to USS 1 for each of US$ $ 989,22 import value which is done by Customs as The OAL system operator in the year after SGS implementation. Thereby, the results indicate that The OAI system is more efficient compared to The PSI system. Results of research of LM UI also show that for each of USS 1 fee paid by government to SGS yield by US$ 4.40 of import duty revenue, while for each of US$ 1 fee paid by government to Customs yield US$ 18.68 of import duty revenue. Again, the data indicate that The OAI system is more effective compared to The PSI system.
Meanwhile, based on results research conducted by ECONIT Advisory Group, the cost paid by government during implementation of SGS service equal to almost 15% from total import duty in a yearlong. Whereas the cost paid by government to defray DJBC only equal to less than 14° c let %ear from total cost paid to SGS. Farther, cost which is must be paid by government dung import pattern by using PSI system that is executed by SGS indicate that government have to pay 0.6% on average from import value or 23% from collected import duty. Cost Collection equal to 23% is counted very high and above maximum international standard cost collection, which is 5% on average.
From system comparison and procedure analysis and cost-benefit analysis between PSI system and OAI system, PSI supporters argument and field facts, deeply interview, and perception participate observation results with some parties who is related to inspection system of imported goods in Indonesia, it can be concluded till now that The OAI system is the inspection system that are cheapest, fastest, simplest, most effective, and most efficient. This matter can be proved from its cost, time, and OAI procedure."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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