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"Dunia ketenagakerjaan Indonesia tahun 2006 banyak dihiasi dengan perdebatan panjang tentang upaya perbaikan iklim investasi,revisi UU No. 13 th 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan serta serunya pembahasan mengenai UMP di tingkat daerah
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Competitions amongst International Schools recently become a major concern of School management. The numbers of opening International schools in Jakarta provide a large opportunity of labor market especially those interested in working for a school. Hiring and retaining competent employees are not jobs; school management need to generate an attractive package to attract qualified employees. This research focuses on the job satisfaction from two different perspectives i.e. compensation and organizational climate. This research analyzes the correlation between compensation and organizational climate as factors that provide employee?s job satisfaction at British International School. Descriptive method is used to explore the correlations and identify the attribution of each factor that affects employee?s job satisfactions. The research indicates that compensation and organizational climate strongly affect the job satisfactions.
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi, 16 (1) Jan-Apr 2009: 18-24;Universitas Indonesia. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik, 2009
UI-BB 16:1 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibrahim Abbas
"Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melihat pengaruh dari adanya kompensasi yang diberikan maskapai saat terjadi keterlambatan melalui perspektif dari equity theory yaitu melihat sejarah dari hubungan pelanggan dengan maskapai. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah pelanggan yang maksimal menggunakan jasa penerbangan dalam 2 tahun terakhir. Penelitian dianalisis menggunakan metode kausal eksperimen dengan responden diberikan skenario yang telah diatur sedemikian rupa. Hasil penelitian kemudian diolah menggunakan metode uji beda independent sample t-test. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompensasi dan tingkat hubungan pelanggan - maskapai memiliki pengaruh terhadap brand loyalty pelanggan baik secara sikap maupun perilaku untuk menggunakan maskapai terkait.
This study tries to look at the effect of the compensation provided in the event of airline delays through the perspective of equity theory by look at the history of the customer relationship with the airline. Respondents in this research were required to experience airline service maximum in the last 2 years. The result was analyzed using causal experiments where respondents were given a scenario that has been arranged. The results then processed using independent sample t-test. Results of the study showed that compensation and relationship level customer - airline had an effect on the customer's brand loyalty both attitudes and behavior to the related airline."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seli Pibriani Hendrayani
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Pengembangan Karir Terhadap Turnover Perawat di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUP Fatmawati Tahun 2017. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Pengembangan KarirĀ  Terhadap Turnover Perawat di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUP fatmawati Tahun 2017. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan kuisioner menggunakan skala linkert. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat rawat inap RSUP Fatmawati Tahun 2017. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 82 perawat dengan metode pengambilan sampel simple random sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan Uji Validitas Kuisioner, Uji Reabilitas Kuisioner, Uji korelasi, dan Uji Regresi Linier sederhana dengan dengan menggunakan SPSS 20,0 for windows. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa Kompesasi berpengaruh negatif, kuat, dan signifikan, sebesar 82% terhadap turnover perawat dan pengembangan karir berpengaruh negatif dan lemah, terhadap turnover perawat di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUP Fatmawati sekitar 18%.

This study discusses the Influence of Compensation and Career Development on Turnover Nurse in Inpatient Installation RSUP Fatmawati Year 2017. The purpose of this study is to determine the Effect of Compensation and Career Development on Turnover Nurse in Inpatient Installation RSUP fatmawati Year 2017. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional approach and data obtained from interviews and questionnaires using linkert scale. The population of this research is all nurses of Inpatient Hospital of Fatmawati Year 2017. The sample used is 82 nurses with simple random sampling method. Data analysis used Test Questionnaire Validity, Test Questionnaire Reaction, Correlation Test, and Linear Regression Test simple by using SPSS 20,0 for windows. The result of the research shows that Compensation has negative, strong, and significant effect, 82% toward nurse turnover and career development have negative and weak effect on nurse turnover at RSUP Fatmawati hospital about 18%.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Revina Hikmaty Fadilla
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai sistem pemberian ganti kerugian yang dapat diberikan kepada Pemberi Pinjaman apabila terjadi gagal bayar dalam peer to peer lending. Belum adanya kewajiban pemberian ganti kerugian dalam risiko gagal bayar peer to peer lending dapat menimbulkan potensi masalah ke depannya. Permasalahan tersebut berkaitan dengan hubungan hukum dan tanggung jawab para pihak terhadap potensi risiko yang terjadi dalam peer to peer lending. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengatur mengenai sistem pemberian ganti kerugian dalam risiko gagal bayar peer to peer lending. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dimana keseluruhan data yang diperoleh diolah dengan metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Pemberi Pinjaman dapat mensyaratkan jaminan atau asuransi dalam perjanjian pinjam meminjam. Selain itu Pemberi Pinjaman atau Penyelenggara juga dapat mengajukan gugatan wanprestasi terhadap Penerima Pinjaman berdasarkan perjanjian pinjam meminjam dan mengajukan gugatan terhadap Penyelenggara berdasarkan perjanjian pemberian kuasa. Sedangkan Pemberi Pinjaman juga dapat mengajukan gugatan perbuatan melawan hukum apabila diketahui bahwa gagal bayar tersebut timbul karena akibat kelalaian Penyelenggara dalam menyeleksi Penerima Pinjaman. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar sebaiknya OJK melakukan perbaikan terhadap POJK 77/2016 atau membentuk suatu aturan baru guna dapat mengatur ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai kewajiban penggunaan Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan pada Pengguna dan Penyelenggara dalam sistem peer to peer lending, kewajiban Penyelenggara untuk bekerja sama dengan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam penjaminan kredit atau asuransi kredit dan pengaturan suku bunga pada Penyelenggara peer to peer lending.

This research aims to study the system of compensation payment that could be paid to the Lenders in case of default within peer-to-peer lending, where the default risks could inflict potential problems in the future for the obligation on the compensation payment has not existed yet. The problem is linked with the legal relations and the responsibilities of the involved parties towards the potential risks occurred within peer-to-peer lending. This research aims to regulate the compensation payment system of the Default Risks within peer-to-peer lending. The research method applied for this research is normative and juridical, where the overall data obtained have been analyzed through qualitative method. It then discovers that the Lenders could require collateral or insurance at loan agreement. In addition, the Lenders or the Operator may also propose lawsuit of default against the Borrower based on a loan agreement. The Lenders may also propose lawsuit of default based on a loan agreement or tort lawsuit based on powe of attorney agreement against the Operator. The tort suit may be proposed as long as the loss caused by the negligence of the Operator when selected the Borrower. This research suggest that OJK should improve POJK 77/2016 or compose a new regulation to regulate the provisions on the obligation to use of Financial Information Service System to the users and the organizers within peer to peer lending system, the responsibility of organizers to cooperate with credit guarantee or insurance companies, and interest rate arrangement to the peer-to-peer lending organizers."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A Study on Completing Compensation System with Job Value Based in Perum Since the company was established in November 25, 1946, founding system Human Resources (HR) still refers to civil servant. Even through status of corporate body has already changed, from division company, then state company and the last, public company with consequences that cost of HR no longer covered by government, the effort to complete system of HR building have never done. In addition, the ability of company finance is limited so that not every policy launched by government related to better remuneration for civil servant could automatically be applied in this company. The efforts for better welfare so far done by giving various allowances and these lack of proportional toward employee contribution. This condition causes HR cost to be fixed cost factor with is not directly connected to employee and company performance. Theoretically this condition is incorrect, because according to Milkovich (1999:10) compensation owns efficiency target especially in frame of performance improvement, quality, customer satisfaction and control of HR cost. Besides, Armstrong and Murlis.2(2003:16) mentioned that commitment on market economy will quickly be exposed that money is the best motivator. That's why there must be strong relation between compensation and performance. If not, that will indicate the existing compensation system has not reached target. Therefore, it is required to improve.
Armstrong and Muriis 1(2003:3) mentioned that strategy of compensation is corning from HR strategy and business strategy. While Walker (1992:10-11) described that HR strategy is how a company arranges its employees to be able to support business target through determined business strategy. Therefore, in this Thesis, is used logical frame as follows: To achieve target, the company should be backed up with good business strategy. To be able to arrange, plan and carry out business strategy, it is required HR support with high commitment through good business strategy in which compensation strategy is included.
The research output by Gomez-Mejia (1992:61-67) indicates that compensation strategy goes to two patterns, namely Algorithmic and Experiential. The algorithmic pattern focused on job or duty, while experiential one exposed on skill. If we connect to the existing business strategy, the application of compensation pattern using organization typology according to Miles and Snow, that is defenders type, prospectors and analyzers. Type of defenders has stable character and low demand of changes, so this is appropriate for highly dedicated HR, loyal and diligent, with algorithmic pattern for the remuneration. Type of prospectors is temporal, quick changes, so that appropriate for HR with high turn over using experiential system for salary. While analyzers type is correct and very careful and fix for HR with full consideration and the remuneration using between algorithmic and experiential.
The research conducted in Perum DAMRI through questioner and relevant data back up as well as data from benchmark with other relevant company. Research output analyzer for 364 samples of almost 7000 employees indicates that employees are not satisfied with financial compensation, because neglect internal and external equity; Contribution of compensation system toward employee performance are very low, so it is not yet optimal as tool / motivator for employees performance; Employees expect changes on financial compensation system, especially system of giving allowances based on achievement and heavy - light employees task. For component of basic salary, based on position, grade and long period of working.
Completing financial compensation system is carried out by mixing some allowances which is not proportional, into for on of variable salary based on job value, taken from job evaluation done before. Variable salary is arranged for separate salary structure, so that in the implementation there will be two salary structure that is basic salary structure and variable salary structure. Application of variable salary refers to research output by Gomez-Mejia and theory of Armstrong and Murlis, that is employees in operation with prospectors characteristics using variable salary with performance based; employees in mechanic / technician with analyzers characteristic using variable salary with skills based, while management and administration staff with defenders characteristic using variable salary with competency based.
One to existing compensation has been very long time implemented, the completion should be applied gradually and supported with strong commitment from management. Application of variable salary with performance based, skills based, and competency based constitutes first step to complete compensation system toward more ideal in company environment.
[Rincian Isi Tesis : xiii, 140 halaman + 21 tabel + 7 gambar + 10 lampiran, Bibliografi : 43 buku, 7 artikel, (1982 - 2003)]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinurat, Maria Ekklesia
"Kompensasi merupakan hak yang wajib diterima oleh pekerja saat terjadi Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK). Namun, hal tersebut sering kali diabaikan oleh pemberi kerja dengan berbagai alasan, salah satunya PHK dengan alasan efisiensi yang diakibatkan menurunnya stabilitas keuangan perusahaan. Sebelumnya, UU Ketenagakerjaan menyatakan bahwa PHK dengan alasan efisiensi hanya dapat dilakukan apabila perusahaan akan tutup secara permanen,namun melalui Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35 Tahun 2021 pengaturan tentang efisiensi telah berubah, dimana bertujuan untuk memberikan fleksibilitas lebih kepada pengusaha dalam mengelola PHK dengan alasan efisiensi. Pasca perubahan, tekananan ekonomi dan perubahan strategis sering menjadi justifikasi untuk melakukan PHK dan mengakibatkan ketidaksetaraan kedudukan pengusaha dan pekerja. Akan tetapi, penting untuk diperhatikan tindakan PHK dengan alasan efisiensi harus melalui pembuktian yang transparan dan objektif. Hal tersebut berimplikasi pada dilanggarnya hak pekerja yang salah satunya dalam hal kompensasi. Atas dasar tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan doktrinal dengan menganalisis menggunakan data hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Penelitian ini berfokus untuk menganalisis dan menelaah regulasi ketenagakerjaan terkait PHK secara khusus dengan alasan efisiensi.Simpulan dari penelitian ini, PHK dengan alasan efisiensi karena kerugian menjadi alasan yang tidak dilarang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memahami perubahan regulasi dan dampaknya terhadap hak-hak pekerja, serta menganalisis bagaimana pengaturan kompensasi terhadap kepentingan pekerja yang terkena PHK. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan rekomendasi untuk perbaikan regulasi dan pelaksanaan yang lebih adil bagi kedua belah pihak. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting dalam upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan keadilan bagi pekerja di Indonesia yang di PHK dengan alasan efisiensi.

Compensation is a right that workers must receive when a Termination of Employment (PHK) occurs. However, this is often ignored by employers for various reasons, one of which is efficiency due to the decline in the company's financial stability. Previously, the Employment Law stated that layoffs for efficiency reasons could only be carried out if the company was about to close permanently. However, through Government Regulation Number 35 of 2021, regulations regarding efficiency have changed, which aims to provide more flexibility to employers in managing layoffs. After change, economic pressure, market competition, or strategic changes often become justifications for layoffs and result in unequal positions of employers and workers. This has implications for violating workers' rights, one of which is in terms of compensation. On this basis, this research uses a doctrinal approach by analyzing primary, secondary and tertiary legal sources. This research focuses on analyzing and reviewing labor regulations related to layoffs specifically for efficiency reasons due to company losses. The research aims to understand regulatory changes and their impact on workers' rights, as well as analyze how compensation arrangements affect the interests of workers affected by layoffs. It is hoped that this research can provide recommendations for improving regulations and fairer implementation for both parties. Thus, this research makes an important contribution in efforts to improve welfare and justice for workers in Indonesia who are laid off for efficiency reasons."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
NASION 4:1 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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