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"Informasi mengenai pengaruh tipe ekosistem terhadap struktur komunitas krustasea bentik di Teluk Gilimanuk belum pernah ada.Untuk itu telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas krustusea bentik di Teluk Gilimanuk,Bali Barat pada bulan Maret dan Mei 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Inisiatif Indonesia yang disampaikan pada KTT APEC ke 15 di Sydney adalah merupakan langkah yang tepat, sebab secara geografis perairan laut Indonesia terletak di daerah tropis yang kaya akan jenis hayati, termasuk terumbu karang (coral reef) dan kebetulan terletak di pusat terumbu karang dunia yang kita sebut sebagai The Coral Triangle yang memiliki keanekaragaman tertinggi di dunia
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Sediadi
Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi lingkungan terhadap struktur komunitas fitoplankton pada musim kemarau di perairan Teluk Ambon telah dilakukan sampling harian selama 30 had dan bulan Januari-Februari 1996 dengan waktu yang tetap, yaitu antara 08.00-10.00 WIT di tiga titik stasiun pengamatan. Parameter lingkungan yang diamati adalah kandungan klorofil-a, suhu perairan, salinitas, fosfat, nitrat, nitrit, oksigen, pH dan turbiditas. Sampling pertama ini diambil pada kedalaman 5 m. Sampling kedua di lima titik pengamatan di perairan Teluk Ambon Dalam, sebanyak empat kali pengamatan dari permukaan sampai kedalaman 20 m.
Analisis data menggunakan statistik multivariabel, yaitu berdasarkan analisis komponen utama (Principal Component Analysis) dan analisis faktorial koresponden (Correspondent Analysis). Data sekunder diperoleh dari Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, a.l. curah hujan dan prosentase intensitas penyinaran matahari.
Pada saat pengamatan, faktor lingkungan yang sangat mempengaruhi struktur komunitas fitoplankton di perairan Teluk Ambon adalah curah hujan. Fitoplankton yang mendominasi adalah dari kelompok diatom marga Chaetoceros. Struktur komunitas fitoplankton baik sebaran secara mendatar (horizontal distribution) dan sebaran tegak (vertical distribution) mempunyai keanekaragaman yang tinggi akibat dinamisnya pergerakan massa air karena pengaruh pasang-surut harian dari Laut Banda. Perairan Teluk Ambon Dalam sangat peka terhadap pengaruh sedimentasi dan pencemaran, untuk itu diperlukan suatu pencegahan pembuangan limbah dan pembukaan lahan secara rasional.

Ambon Bay is located in the Island of Ambon in the Molluccas. The Bay has a unique oceanographic environment. It has a shallow nentic inner bay (IAB) and a deep oceanic outer bay (0AB), which is strongly influenced by the Banda Sea. The OAB and The lAB are separated by a narrow sill of 15 m depth.
Multivariate Analysis of Community Structure of Phytoplankton And Related Environmental Factors in Ambon Bay. Daily sampling of phytoplankton and enviromental data were carried out at three stations from January to February 1996, between 08.00 to 10.00 p.m., at 5 m depth. The environmental parameters were observed, such as temperature, salinity, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity. In dry season, the community structure of phytoplankton in the Ambon Bay water was dominated by diatoms, such as the genera of Chaetoceros, Nifszchia, Rhisozolenia and Bacteriastrum. The abundance of phytoplankton ranged from 1.0 x 102 to 61.350 x 103 cell L-'. Daily fluctuations of phytoplankton diversities were high and diversities among stations were significantly different (p<0.05).
Hydrological conditions in The Ambon Bay were varied. Water temperature ranged from 27.60 to 30.50 °C, salinity ranged from 30 to 32 %, dissolved oxygen ranged from 4.28 to 4.37 ml concentration of phosphate ranged from 0.5 to 1.0 µg at. P04 ?P concentration of nitrate ranged from 0.1 to 1.5 µg at. N03-N L', concentration of nitrite ranged from 0.1 to 0.7 µg at. N02 -N L'', and pH ranged from 6.2 to 7.2. The highest rain fall was recorded at first observation (43.1 mm). The percentage of sun shine ranged from 8 to 100 %. The turbidities ranged from 0.12 to 1.98 NTU. Multivariate analysis shows that rain, turbidity and temperature influenced the community structure of phytoplankton.
Spatial Distribution of Chlorophyll-a And Community Structure of Phytoplankton in Inner Ambon Bay. Weekly sampling of phytoplankton and chlorophyll-a were carried out from January to February 1996, from the surface, 5, 10, 15 and 20 m depth at five stations. The abundance of phytoplankton from the surface to 20 m depth, ranged from 4.5 x 102 to 40.140 x 103 cell Six species of phytoplankton were identified, namely Chaetoceros diversum, Dytilum sot, Liptocylidricus danicus, Nitszchia pacifrca, Plantoniella so! and Noctiluca scinti/ans. Vertical distribution of phytoplankton diversities were heterogeneous. Concentration of chlorophyll-a from the surface to subsurface ranged from 0.196 to 5.044 mg m'. It seems that vertical distribution of chlorophyll-a did not correspond with the abundance of phytoplankton. The abundance of phytoplankton in the Inner Ambon Bay was strongly influenced by the daily tide.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tuapattinaja, Maureen A.
"Penelitian mengenai Polychaeta di hutan mangrove, perairan Teluk Kotania, Seram Barat telah dilakukan pada bulan Februari 1996. Dari sampel yang telah dikumpulkan diketahui bahwa di lokasi Teluk Kotania terdapat 40 jenis Polychaeta yang digolongkan ke dalam 36 marga dan 13 suku. Dua jenis di antaranya mempunyai frekwensi kehadiran yang tinggi yaitu Pulliella sp dan Armandia intermedia masing-masing (89%). Rata-rata kepadatan individu Polychaeta di lima lokasi berkisar antara 12.102 individu/m3 - 21.307 individu/m3 , keanekaragaman jenis berkisar antara 2,44 - 3,78 dan kemerataan jenis berkisar antara 0,56 - 0,78. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman dan kemerataan jenis di lima lokasi penelitian sangat ditentukan oleh kontribusi Pulliella sp dan Armandia intermedia. Hasil pengukuran terhadap faktor fisik lingkungan diperoleh kisaran nilai rata-rata salinitas 22,50/00 - 27°loo; suhu 29,5°C - 31°C dan pH 7,8 - 8,4. Sedangkan hasil analisis terhadap tekstur sedimen menunjukkan bahwa umumnya lokasi penelitian bersubstrat pasir sangat kasar, kecuali Pulau Burung didominasi oleh pasir sedang. Hasil analisis cluster dan analisis diskriminan di lima lokasi membentuk dua kelompok. Kelompok I terdiri atas Pulau Tatumbu dan Pulau Burung, sedangkan kelompok II terdiri dari Pelita Jaya 2, Pulau Buntal, dan Pelita Jaya I. Pengelompokan tersebut berdasarkan kepadatan jenis dan substrat. Janis Polychaeta yang menyebar pada jarak 0 - 45 m adalah Armandia intermedia, Pulliella sp dan Aphelia sp. Hasil analisis koresponden mendapatkan bahwa pengelompokan terbentuk berdasarkan kepadatan dan spesifikasi jenis di lokasi tertentu.

Polychaeta is a group of invertebrates which is important in the marine food chain, particularly for demersal fishes, shrimps, and crabs. Polychaeta lives in various habitats, in muddy, sandy, and stony bottoms. Information about Polychaeta in Indonesian waters, especially in Maluku waters, has not yet been known well. Based on those fact, a research on the community structure and distribution of Polychaeta of mangrove forest in the waters of Kotania Bay was conducted in February 1996. Samples were collected from five stations using a transect method. The aim of the study was to find out the relationship of Polychaeta community structure with the environmental factors in Kotania Bay. The distribution of Polychaeta of mangrove forest in Kotania Bay was also studied. Hopefully, the results of this study can be used as basic information for futher research. During the study, 40 species of Polychaeta belonging to 36 genera of 13 families were collected from the locality. Two species showed high frequency of occurrence (89%), i.e. Pa/lie/la sp and Armandia infermedia. This indicated that the two species were common and distributed more widely than the others. The highest' density of Polychaeta was in Burung Island (21.307 indlm3) and the lowest was in Pelita Jaya 1 (12.102.ind/m3). The highest density of Polychaeta in Burung Island was mainly due to the highest density of Pulliella sp, Armandia intermedia, and A. lepfocirrus. The highest diversity and evenness indeces of Polychaeta species were found in Buntal island. Tatumbu Island and Burung Island had the highest similarity index. The water conditions of Kotania Bay showed that salinity ranged from 22,5°100 to 27°1°0, temperature ranged from 29,5°C to 31°C, and pH varied between 7,8 and 8,4. Substrates mostly contained sand with the very high percentage of very coarse sand. Cluster analysis divided the five station into two groups : Group 1, defined by Tatumbu Island and Burung Island, and Group II, defined by Pelita Jaya 2, Buntal Island, and Pelita Jaya 1. Discriminant analysis also divided the stations into two groups. Medium sand in the substrat was responsible in separating the five stations into two different communities. Factorial Correspondence Analysis (CA) classified the species of Polychaeta into four group based on species densities and specification of species in the location."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arifah Dinda Lestari
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamdan Nurul Huda
Telah dilakukan penelitian lamun dan perifiton di wilayah perairan Teluk Lampung yaitu Hurun, Lahu, dan Ringgung untuk kondisi dan perubahan struktur komunitas padang lamun dan perifiton. Metode yang digunakan adalah transect menggunakan kuadrat berukuran 50x50cm. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis indeks keanekaragaman, kemerataan dan dominasi serta keterkaitan antara padang lamun, perifiton dan beberapa parameter lain menggunakan uji Spearman. Ditemukan 4 jenis dari 2 famili yaitu Hydrocharitaceae (Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, dan Halophila minor) dan Famili Potamagetonaceae (Halodule uninervis). Berdasarkan pengamatan ditemukan sebanyak 22 jenis perifiton baik alga epifit maupun meiofauna epifit. Perifiton dibagi dalam 10 kelompok yaitu Diatomae, Dinoflagellata, Copepoda, Medusae, Amphipoda, Isopoda, Cypris, Polychaeta, Bivalvia, dan Gastropoda. Dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun, terjadi penurunan indeks keanekaragaman, baik pada lamun maupun perifiton, yang menunjukkan penurunan stabilitas ekosistem padang lamun. Berdasarkan hasil uji Spearman, diketahui bahwa terdapat korelasi positif antara tingkat kerapatan setiap jenis lamun dengan tingkat kepadatan perifitonnya, kerapatan lamun dengan kandungan organik substrat, serta biomassa di bawah substrat dengan kandungan organik substrat.

The research of seagrass and periphyton in Lampung bay territorial has been done in Hurun, Lahu, and Ringgung, to know the conditions and changes of community structure of seagrass beds dan periphyton. Transect method using a square 50x50cm. Data observations were analyzed the diversity, evenness and dominance index. Linkages between seagrass, periphyton and some other parameters analyzed using the Spearman test. There 4 specieces from 2 families of seagrass found in Hurun, Lahu and Ringgung, that are Hydrocharitaceae (Enhalus acoroides,Halophila minor, and Thalassia hemprichii) and Potamagetonaceae (Halodule uninervis). Based on the observations found 22 species of algae either epiphytic periphyton and epiphytic meiofauna. Periphyton were divided into 10 groups Diatomae, Dinoflagellates, Copepods, Medusae, Amphipods, Isopods, Cypris, Polychaeta, Bivalves, and Gastropods. In the past 10 years, decline on diversity index and dominance index increased, both in seagrass and periphyton, which showed a decrease in the stability of seagrass ecosystems. Based on the Spearman test, there is a positive correlation between the density of periphyton and seagrass (spesific on type), the density of seagrass and substrate organic content, also biomass below substrate and substrate organic content."
Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhila Arifin Aziz
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Mutha Selina
"Penelitian tentang struktur komunitas makrozoobentos dalam ekosistem mangrove telah dilakukan di Cilamaya Wetan, Karawang, Jawa Barat pada Mei 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan struktur komunitas makrozoobentos seperti komposisi, kepadatan, keanekaragaman, kerataan, kerataan, dominansi, dan frekuensi kehadiran. . Tujuan lain adalah untuk menentukan hubungan antara kepadatan bakau dengan kepadatan dan keanekaragaman makrozoobentos di daerah tersebut. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling dan menggunakan metode transek kuadrat di tiga stasiun, yaitu Desa Muara Baru, Desa Tangkolak Barat, dan Desa Tangkolak Timur. Studi ini menemukan 16 jenis makrozoobentos dan 7 jenis bakau dengan kepadatan yang sangat padat (0,23-0,32 ind / m2). Kepadatan makrozoobentos tertinggi di Desa Tangkolak Barat (8 ind / m2) dan terendah di Desa Muara Baru (2 ind / m2). Keragaman makrozoobentos tergolong tinggi di Desa Tangkolak Barat dengan indeks 1,58 dan Desa Tangkolak Timur dengan indeks 2,05, sedangkan keragaman tergolong rendah di Desa Muara Baru dengan indeks 0,28. Distribusi makrozoobentos diklasifikasikan hampir terdistribusi secara merata di Desa Tangkolak Barat dan Desa Tangkolak Timur dengan indeks kegagangan masing-masing 0,88 dan 0,85, sementara itu didistribusikan secara merata di Desa Muara Baru dengan indeks kegagahan 0,59. Data menunjukkan tidak ada spesies yang mendominasi di Desa Tangkolak Barat dan Desa Tangkolak Timur, kecuali di Desa Muara Baru. Episesarma palawanense adalah macrozoobenthos yang memiliki frekuensi kehadiran tertinggi di Desa Muara Baru dengan frekuensi 27,7%. Parameter lingkungan termasuk suhu, pH, dan salinitas dianggap sebagai kategori normal untuk makrozoobentos dan kehidupan bakau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan bakau berhubungan dengan kepadatan dan keanekaragaman makrozoobentos.

Research on the structure of macrozoobenthos communities in mangrove ecosystems has been conducted in Cilamaya Wetan, Karawang, West Java in May 2019. This study aims to determine the structure of macrozoobenthos community such as composition, density, diversity, flatness, flatness, dominance, and frequency of attendance. . Another goal is to determine the relationship between mangrove density and the density and diversity of macrozoobenthos in the area. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling and using the quadratic transect method at three stations, namely Muara Baru Village, West Tangkolak Village, and East Tangkolak Village. This study found 16 types of macrozoobenthos and 7 types of mangrove with very dense density (0.23-0.32 ind / m2). The highest density of macrozoobenthos is in West Tangkolak Village (8 ind / m2) and the lowest in Muara Baru Village (2 ind / m2). The diversity of macrozoobenthos is relatively high in the village of West Tangkolak with an index of 1.58 and the village of East Tangkolak with an index of 2.05, while the diversity is relatively low in the village of Muara Baru with an index of 0.28. The distribution of macrozoobenthos is classified almost evenly in the Village of West Tangkolak and the Village of East Tangkolak with a trade index of 0.88 and 0.85 respectively, while it is distributed equally in the Muara Baru Village with a pride index of 0.59. Data shows that there are no species that dominate in the villages of West Tangkolak and East Tangkolak, except in Muara Baru Village. Palawanense Episesarma is macrozoobenthos which has the highest attendance frequency in Muara Baru Village with a frequency of 27.7%. Environmental parameters including temperature, pH, and salinity are considered normal categories for macrozoobenthos and mangrove life. The results showed that mangrove density was related to macrozoobenthos density and diversity."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rianta Pratiwi
Crustaceans are one of the most species invertebrates in coral reefs, comprising approximately 20 percent of all intervetebrate species. This taxa often found clearly living in coral communities. The order Decapoda is the most common crustaceans observed the coral reefs due their relatively large size and having bright colours. In addition, decapods contribute in the enviromental balance and having important roles in coral reef ecosystem such as defending live coral from predators and helping growth of corals."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2017
575 OSEANA XLII:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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