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"Sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-e (SSC) can be detected by Ocean color and thermal scanner (OCTS) derived from the advance Earth Observation Satelite (ADEOS) sensor
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dalam rangka diversifikasi penggunaan energi, opsi energi nuklir telah masuk
dalam peta bauran energi tahun 2025. Penentuan dan persiapan lokasi (atau sering
disebut tapak) PLTN menjadi salah satu infrastruktur penting yang mempengaruhi
perkembangan implementasi program PLTN. Daerah yang akan dikaji dalam
penelitian ini terletak dalam wilayah Provinsi Banten. Daerah penelitian dapat
dikatakan merupakan daerah yang relatif aktif secara kegempaan baik yang
berhubungan dengan pensesaran maupun aktivitas vulkanik. Oleh karena itu,
analisis pensesaran permukaan yang mencakup identifikasi dan karakterisasi sesar
kapabel menjadi hal yang krusial untuk dikaji. Identifikasi sesar kapabel diperoleh
melalui analisis komprehensif dari data citra satelit SPOT-5, data observasi
geologi langsung dan data geofisika berupa data gravity, geolistrik dan
magnetotellurik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis morfostruktural citra satelit dan
observasi geologi langsung, di daerah penelitian terdapat sesar-sesar dengan
karakteristik dan kronologi dari tua ke muda yaitu sesar mendatar dekstral berarah
N1680E/860 dan mengindikasikan bahwa beberapa bidang sesarnya telah
teraktifkan kembali menjadi sesar normal berarah N1780E/680; sesar normal
berarah N3500 E/680; sesar normal berarah N2520E/700; dan sesar mendatar
sinistral berarah N130-1400 E/720-820. Keberadaan sesar-sesar tersebut secara
meyakinkan dikonfirmasi oleh hasil pemodelan dan inversi 2-dimensi gravity dan
geolistrik. Berdasarkan hasil inversi 2-dimensi data magnetotellurik, keberadaan
basement yang berumur Pre-Tersier berada pada kedalaman lebih dari 700 meter.
Sesar-sesar yang telah teridentifikasi, ditinjau dari umur batuan yang dipotongnya
yaitu lebih muda dari Middle Pliestocene, maka termasuk kategori sesar kapabel.

In term of energy utilization diversification, nuclear energy has become an option
in energy mix of 2025. Nuclear power plant site preparation is one of the primary
issues in the development of nuclear energy program. The area of study is located
in Banten Province which is seismically active either related to faulting or
volcanic activity. Therefore, analysis of surface faulting which covered
identification and characterization of capable faults were crucial to investigate
further. Capable faults identification has been acquired through comprehensive
analysis of SPOT-5 satellite imagery, geological field observation data and
geophysical data which include gravity, geoelectric and magnetotelluric data.
Based on morfostructural analysis of satellite imagery and geological field
observation, it has been identified faults with characteristics and chronology
namely dextral strike-slip faults N1680E/860 indicating a reactivation into normal
faults N1780E/680; normal faults N3500 E/680; normal faults N2520E/700; and
sinistral strike-slip faults N130-1400 E/720-820. The existence of these faults has
been confirmed using 2-dimensional gravity and resistivity model and inversion.
Besides that, based on 2-dimensional magnetotelluric data inversion the presence
of Pre-Tertiary basement rock is indicated at depth of more than 700 meters. In
term of the rock ages, the identified faults were younger than Middle Pleistocene.
Accordingly, all the identified faults were categorized as capable faults."
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elhad Soumeru
"Tuna landed in 2014 reached a production of 1,093,537 tons and has a peak production in September amounted to 182 350 tonnes. temporal mapping potential areas of skipjack fishing aqua MODIS image, is thought to have optimum levels of arrest occurred in August which has a density of 25 214 mg/m3. This study aims to: (1) identify skipjack capture result; (2) Analyze distribution and variations chlorophyl-a and SST in spatial and temporal from Aqua Modis Imagery satelite; (3) Analyze the relationship and influence between Chlorophyl-a and SST to CPUE skipjack; (4)Mapping potential area of catching skipjack in Banda Sea waters and arround Maluku Province."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Sutiana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji aspek biologi panjang, bobot ikan, dan tingkat kematangan gonad ikan kembung lelaki terkait dengan parameter fisika suhu permukaan laut, kecerahan, dan arus dan kimia salinitas serta kesuburan perairan klorofil-a pada daerah penangkapan/fishing ground dalam upaya pengelolaan penangkapan ikan kembung di Kabupaten Pandeglang. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2016-April 2017. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di tiga titik fishing ground yaitu Batu Hideung, Sumur dan Panaitan. Pengukuran panjang, berat ikan, pembedahan untuk mengamati tingkat kematangan gonad serta pengukuran parameter fisika kimia perairan dilakukan secara in situ. Suhu permukaan laut pada lokasi penelitian berkisar antara 28.20-29.700C, Kecepatan arus 0.6-0.8 m/det, kecerahan 6-9 m, dan salinitas 30-32g/l. Nilai klorofil-a bulan Desember 0.13 mg/m3 kondisi fishing ground kurang subur, Februari-April nilai klorofil-a 0.9-2.0 mg/m3 yang mengindikasikan bahwa area fishing ground Batu Hideung dan Sumur dalam kondisi subur. Ikan kembung lelaki yang tertangkap dengan jaring rampus diperoleh nilai fork length antara 14-22 cm modus 18.3 cm. Ukuran ikan pertama kali tertangkap Lc adalah 17.17 cm. Hasil analisis hubungan panjang berat diperoleh nilai slope b ikan kembung jantan dalam kategori allometrik negatif dan ikan betina allometrik positif. Ukuran panjang pertama kali ikan matang gonad Lm sebesar 17.91 cm. Hasil analisis nilai Lc lebih rendah dibanding nilai Lm, hal ini berdampak negatif bagi kelestarian ikan kembung. Upaya pengelolaan sumberdaya ikan kembung perlu dilakukan dengan cara mengatur dan mengawasi operasi penangkapan berdasarkan siklus pola pemijahan ikan kembung.

The aim of this research was to study the relationship between biological aspects length, weight and gonad maturity level of Indian Mackerel and physical sea surface temperature, transparency, and current velocity , chemical parameters salinity and chlorophyll a of the fishing grounds in Pandeglang regency. The research was conducted from December 2016 to April 2017. Samplings were taken at three sites within the fishing grounds in Batu Hideung, Sumur and Panaitan. The measurement of length, weight, and surgery for gonad maturity level observation as well as physical chemical waters parameters measurement were conducted in situ. The sea surface temperature at the study site ranged from 28.20 29.700C, current velocity 0.6 0.8 m s, transparency 6 9 m, and salinity 30 32 g l. While the value of chlorophyll a in December was 0.13 mg m3, at which the fishing ground conditions were less fertile, the chlorophyll a value in February April ranged from 0.9 to 2.0 mg m3, indicating that the fishing grounds within Batu Hideung and Sumur were in fertile condition. The fork length Indian mackerel caught by a bottom gillnet was about 14 22 cm mode 18.3cm. The length of fish at first capture Lc was 17.17 cm. The value of slope b in the length weight relationship revealed that male Indian mackerel was in negative allometric while female Indian mackerel was still positive. Length at first maturity Lm was 17.91 cm. The value of Lc is lower than Lm, revealed that the fishing activity has negative impacts on sustainability of Indian mackerel. Efforts including arrangement and supervision of fishing operations based on the spawning patterns are needed to manage Indian mackerel resources.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parlinggoman, Tampubolon
Fisheries resources management aimed to improve community welfare especially fishermen and to conserve the fisheries resources and its environment, to keep the capture fisheries business system sustainability efficient and profitable. Beside marketing guarantee, optimalization between fisheries resources stock and fishing effort in each of fishing area. The improvement of capture fisheries must be held based on the existing condition, i.e.: marketing in determining the priority commodity, maximum sustainable yield and fisheries resources utilization level to determine limit of fisheries resources utilization chance, fishing technology and socio-economic condition to identify the fishermen's earns and absorption of labors related to capture fisheries sector. Based on the marketing aspect analysis, it is determined that the kinds of priority commodity in Southern of West Java Province are lobster, shrimp, tuna, skip jack tuna, and layar. Hence, the potency (MSY) and fisheries resources utilization level of the priority commodity still has very large chance to improve, except lobster has large enough chance. Based on the scoring approach, combined from many technical aspects, financial aspects and social aspect and linear goal programming analysis can be concluded that the proper fishing technology in southern waters of West Java Province are: (1) Purse seine 80 unit, (2) Denish same 127 unit, (3) Lines 144 unit, (4) Gillnet 80 unit, (5) Trammel net 376 unit."
T 21674
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tampubolon, Parlinggoman
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional, Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, 1997
341.44 IND a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rico Cassanovia
"Produksi ikan cakalang di PPN Palabuhanratu mencapai 34,92, tuna mata besar 30,66 , madidihang 26,74 dan albakora 7,66. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh klorofil-a dan SPL terhadap hasil tangkapan cakalang dan mengidentifikasi daerah potensial penangkapan cakalang di perairan Barat daya Palabuhanratu. Lokasi penelitian pada koordinat 06o 30,0 39; S - 07o 40,0 39; S dan bujur 105o 00 39;,0 T - 107o 00,0 39; T. Data yang digunakan citra SPL dan klorofil-a dari satelit Aqua MODIS melalui software SeaDAS, kemudian data CPUE cakalang dari PPN Palabuhanratu 2005-2011. Analisis data menggunakan regresi berganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan sebaran SPL di perairan barat daya Palabuhanratu antara 23,81oC -29,40°C, rata-rata 27,70°C dengan suhu optimum 27,27 -29,35°C. Konsentrasi bulanan klorofil-a antara 0,001 mg/m3 - 4,835 mg/m3, rata-rata 0,623 mg/m3 dan optimum 0,190 - 0,648 mg/m3. Hasil regresi berganda menunjukan hubungan SPL dan klorofil-a terhadap CPUE cakalang positif 19,5 artinya sangat lemah. Variabel SPL dan klorofil-a secara parsial dan simultan tidak mempengaruhi CPUE cakalang hanya 3,80.
Peta daerah penangkapan ikan cakalang potensial berdasarkan parameter SPL dan klorofil-a terjadi pada musim peralihan Barat ke Timur April-Mei hingga pertengahan musim Timur Juni-Juli dan puncaknya terjadi bulan Mei. Secara spasial daerah penangkapan potensial cakalang berada di mulut Teluk Palabuhanratu, selatan Ujung genteng dan tenggara Tanjung Sodong.

Production of skipjack in Palabuhanratu fishing port reached 34.92 , 30.66 bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna 26.74 and Albakora 7.66. The research objective analyzed the influence of chlorophyll a and SPL to skipjack CPUE and identify of potential fishing ground mapping of skipjack in the southwestern Palabuhanratu waters. Latitude position at 06o 30.0 39 S 07o 40.0 39 S and longitude 105o 00 39, 0 T 107o 00.0 39 T. Data were used in the SPL and chlorophyll a from MODIS Aqua satellite through SeaDAS software, then skipjack CPUE data from Palabuhanratu 2005 2011 . Analysis of data using multiple regression.
The results showed the distribution of SPL in southwest Palabuhanratu waters between 23,81°C 29,40°C, average 27,70°C with optimum temperature 27,27 29,35oC. Monthly chlorophyll a concentration of between 0.001 mg m3 4.835 mg m3, an average of 0.623 mg m3 and optimum 0.190 to 0.648 mg m3. The results of multiple regression analysis shows the relationship SPL and chlorophyll a of skipjack CPUE 19.5 means that very low. Variable SPL and chlorophyll a partial and simultan does not influence to skipjack CPUE only 3.80.
Potential fishing ground mapping based on parameters of the SPL and chlorophyll a transition the west to the east season April May to middle east season June July and the peak occurred in May. Spatially potential skipjack fishing ground at the mouth of the Palabuhanratu bay, southern of Ujung genteng and southeast of Tanjung Sodong.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"(software) of the IR1 (Infrared) and the calibration (CAL), it can be known when the dry season start based on the cloud top temperature and the cloud coverage of Indonesia. The results of the monthly MTSAT data in two years observations (period 2006 to 2007), shows that the dry season beginning of Indonesia is in June, July, August, September and October started from the eastern part of Indonesia to the western part of Indonesia especially the South Sumatera. Further by using Standard Presipitation Index (SPI) methods in June, July, August, September and October 2007 (five months), gives some information that the most experiencing drought areas in Indonesia especially in the eastern part of Indonesia are July and August. Keyword:Rainfall, MTSAT, drought "
620 DIR 6:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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