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Ditemukan 197561 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Christina Maria Kristanti
"Reviewed indicators of National Household Health Survey (NHHS) 1995 were done to know wheter the target of dental health for all by the year 2000 which was the program goals has been achieved. The indicators reviewed were index DMF-T, prevalence of dental caries, percent people with a minimum of 20 functional teeth and percent people with complete teeth. Index DMF-T is a total number of D-T (decayed teeth) score, M-F (missing teeth) score and F-T (filled teeth) score that shows level of seriousness of dental damage caused by dental caries/ cavity. The findings showed that indicator "DMF-T index among children aged 12 years" was low (2.21) and achieved the target. But it is not a positive one finding that the score was dominated by D-T score which have not been took up yet, and the high prevalence of population with dental caries experience which was covered 77% of children aged 12 years. Indicator "population aged 18 years that retain all their teeth" is not a sharp one because it is only show the retainning of the teeth without knowing the conditions of the teeth, loss or caries. Target year 2000 that was "75% population aged 35-44 years have a minimum of 20 functional teeth" has been achieved. Target year 2000 that was "50% population aged 65+ years have a minimum of 20 functional teeth" can not been achieved. Indicator of "children aged 5 years with caries free" was not collected by SKRT 1995, but it is needed to monitor the program prevention. Indicator "population with deep pocket" is important to know the damage of teeth that caused by periodontal diseases. It is recommended to have a comprehensive services which consist of promotion, protection, early diagnosis and prompt treatment. Indicator "prevalence of caries" on a couple of age groups is needed, and also indicator of "children aged 5 years with caries free" and "population with deep pocket" specifically on age 35-44 years and 65+ years."
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Improvement of human resources has the purpose of increasing the quality of service for patients in every treatment unit, which should be anticipated by the oral health unit in every hospital. Improvement of service quality can be obtained by increasing the number of dental units. Along with the increasing knowledge in the society, the need for special services as also expanding. This problem can be solved by increasing the number of specialists in dentistry through scholarships, provided for dentists with high achievements. The samples for this cross sectional designed research were taken from all non-educational class B government hospitals in Indonesia. The data were gathered by using questionnaire and guided in depth interviews. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that most hospitals have no completely with the dental unit is 78.8%. There are 14 hospital (42.4%) needs oral laboratory."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 229-233
Dentist and dental nurse as dental heath personnel in community health center are spear heads in community dental health service. The effectiveness and efficiency of community dental health service needs
updated adequate dental health knowledge and skill. One effort to assure the fulfillment of those needs is by providing community dental health survey training. This training aims at improving the skill and capability of dental health personnel to conduct dental health survey. The training consisted of materials on community dental health survey, principles of survey implementation, and field survey activity as an integral part of the training. Survey was conducted among third grade students of Madrasah lbtidaiyah (MI) in Tangerang city. Targeting and sampling part of the survey was implemented by city health office. There were 224 students, 182 parents, and 16 teachers who were successfully examined and/or interviewed. The survey showed that
the participants' knowledge was significantly (p<0.05) improved. The survey also showed that only 34% of students had good oral hygiene score. There were 46.9% of students who suffered Ml caries and 47.3% had caries on their permanent teeth. Parents' knowledge and attitude regarding child dental health was quite good and teachers had implemented students dental care effort. ln conclusion, the survey training model was proved to be useful to refresh the community dental health science while simultaneously obtained important data through survey. This model had never been conducted before and new breakthrough in the community dental health science refreshing activity targeted to local dental health personnel."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Rahardjo
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
PGB 0583
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heriandi Sutadi
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2005
PGB 0451
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Usman Sumantri
"Latar belakang. Berdasarkan hasil survey Departemen Kesehatan R.I pada Pelita IV, menunjukkan penyakit karies gigi dan penyakit periondontal makin meningkat dibandingkan pelita III. Gambaran penyakit dari masyarakat yangg berobat ke Puskesmas dari tahun 1989-1992, menunjukkan bahwa penyakit gigi dan mulut berada pada urutan kedua dan ketiga dari 10 penyakit terbanyak yang diderita masyarakat. Ironinya adalah dari banyaknya penyakit gigi dan mulut yang ada tidak menjadikan cakupan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut lebih baik, karena dari pemantauan Departemen Kesehatan R.I, menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas hanya 4 propinsi yang telah mencapai target nasional (9 orang perhari). Hal ini mejadi menarik karena sampai saat ini belum didapatkan adanya gambaran atau informasi inengenai faktor-faktor yang mungkin berperan dalam pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas oleh masyarakat pengguna jasa pelayanan tersebut.
Tujuan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya infolmasi dan gambaran mengenai faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas yang ditinjau dari aspek pengguna jasa pelayanan. Sedangkan yang menjadi objek studi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengunjung yang memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan (sebagai daerah penelititian).
Metode. Jenis penelitian adalah cross sectional untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel independen yang ditinjau dari aspek pengguna jasa pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas, yang terdiri dari variabel pendidikan, pengetahuan, pekerjaan, penghasilan, sikap, besar anggota keluarga dan jarak ke tempat pelayanan dengan variabel dependen adalah pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas selang enam bulan sebelumnya sampai dengan penelitian dilakukan. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur yakni berpedoman kepada kuesioner. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis univariat, analisis bivariat dan analisis regesi logistik niultivariat untuk melihat faktor mana yang paling erat hubungannya dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas.
Hasil. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, diperoleh bahwa sebagian besar pengguna jasa pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas Pasar Minggu adalah berpendidikan sedang (SLTP dan SLTA), sebagian besar mempunyai pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada tingkat pengetahuan sedang, sebagian besar tidak bekerja, rata-rata berpenghasilan rendah, sebagian besar mempunyai sikap mendukung terhadap pelayanan kesehatan gigi, dan rata-rata berkeluarga kecil dan sebagian besar bertempat tinggal dekat dengan Puskesmas.
Hasil Uji statistik baik secara bivariat maupun multivariat diperoleh 2 variabel bebas yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas Pasar Minggu yaitu variabel pekerjaan dan sikap terhadap pelayanan kesehatan gigi. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang menentukan seseorang untuk memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Puskesmas adalah sikap yang mendukung terhadap pelayanan disamping adanya faktor pekerjaan.

Back Ground. Base on the result of survey data by Ministry of Health in Pelita IV, indicated that dental caries and periodontal diseases were more increase than in Pelita III. Illustration of the disease scheme taken from the community whose came to Puskesmas in 1989-1992, demonstrated that dental and oral diseases were second rank and third rank from the ten most occurring diseases. Nevertheless the high ranking of oral and dental diseases would not be better coverage of dental health services. The investigation, which conducted by Ministry of Health, had proved that the utilization of dental health services at Puskesmas in Indonesia, only 4 provinces had achieved the national target. The problem would be more interesting because of rare information which concerning about the factors influenced the utilization by the patients.
Objective. the researcher would have the information and illustration about the factors which have been connected with the utilization of dental health services from the viewpoint or patients.
Method. The research was a cross section to find the connection between independent variables from viewpoints of patients as the consumer, such as education, knowledge, occupation, income, attitude, number household of member, distance, and dependent variable which was the utilization of dental health care services at Puskesmas Pasar Minggu during six month before the research was taken. Data was taken from structured interview and will be analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression, to see which factors would have the closest connection with the utilization dental health care services at Puskesmas Pasar Minggu.
Results. The results found that mostly the patient at Puskesmas Pasar Minggu were the middle eduction (SLIP, SLTA), jobless, low income. Most of them supported the dental health services, belong to small families, and live near the Puskesmas.
The bivariate and multivariate statistics showed that only two independent variabels connected with utilization of dental health services at Puskesmas Pasar Minggu. Such as variable of occupation and variable of attitude. Concerning about the results above, the researcher conclude that two variables (occupation and attitude) would be the most factors which determined the utilization of dental health services.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Armasastra Bahar
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2013
PGB 0275
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mia Damiyanti
The objective of this study was to find out the relationship between prior learning and performance of final test on dental material science. A sample of 70 respondents was randomly selected from students in the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. The data were taken through objective (for entry learning) and essay tests. The relation among prior learning and final test on dental material science was analysed by partial correlation and multiple regression techniques. The resulting findings are as follows: there was a positive correlation between student's prior learning and performance of final test (r=0.533). This study also revealed that the mean score of students ability on prior learning and final test were higher than their theoretical mean score. It can be concluded that prior learning significantly contributed to learning achievement in dental material science."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Wuryan Prayitno
"Sejak zaman dahulu manusia telah diganggu oleh masalah gigi dan mencari berbagai macam cara untuk meringankannya. Penyembuh penyakit gigi pertama adalah seorang dokter, tetapi menjelang abad pertengahan para "barber surgeons" dari daratan Eropa telah melakukan kekhususan untuk perawatan gigi. Para praktisi belajar melalui "trial and error" dan observasi secara intensif, dan menjelang abad ke-15 mereka telah mengembangkan bidang yang baru ini lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan para dokter yang telah lama melakukan praktek ilmu kedokteran pada waktu itu. Kecepatan berkembang ini dua kali lipat pada abad ke-18 ketika Pierre Fauchard (1678-1761) melalui risalah besarnya "Le Chirurgien Dentiste" yang edisi pertamanya diterbitkan pada tahun 1728 dengan tegas menyatakan bahwa bidang kedokteran gigi merupakan profesi yang murni (a true profession). Tidak lagi terperosok dalam takhyul dan tidak merupakan cabang dari ilmu kedokteran, akhirnya sejak zaman itu, bidang kedokteran gigi dikembangkan dengan dasar prinsip-prinsip keilmuan yang rasional sebagai suatu profesi.
Akhir-akhir ini terbetik issue yang mengecilkan fungsi profesi kedokteran gigi. Perkenankanlah sebagai seorang anggota profesi tersebut, secara pribadi saya menghimbau kepada masyarakat luas bahwa keragu-raguan tersebut kalau memang ada, tidaklah perlu, karena profesi ini di Indonesia dengan jatuh bangun telah dirintis oleh para anggota profesinya, semenjak didirikannya Sekolah Kedokteran Gigi pada tahun 1928 (Stovit) di Surabaya. Selama hampir 65 tahun pendidikan kedokteran gigi di Indonesia telah berkembang menjadi 11 Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi pemerintah dan swasta. Ini membuktikan bagaimana kelompok profesi ini ingin berkembang, dan berkembang terus, agar dapat ikut mengembangkan dharma baktinya bagi kepentingan kemanusiaan. Di samping itu sejak tahun 1950 para dokter gigi di seluruh Indonesia telah mendirikan suatu wadah profesi yang disebut PDGI atau Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia. Demikianlah para hadirin sedikit pendahuluan sebelum saya menginjak pada kekhususan mengenai bidang Periodontologi."
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1993
PGB 0445
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
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