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Ditemukan 9794 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
McVeigh, J.C.
New York : Pergamon Press, 1983
621.47 MCV s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Giovanelli, Ronald G.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Uni. Press, 1984
523.7 GIO s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rian Pramudia Salasa
"Solar filament adalah objek pada kromosfer atau korona matahari yang dapat menjadi indikator terjadinya aktivitas-aktivitas cuaca antariksa (space weather). Aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut dapat menimbulkan efek pada kehidupan di bumi seperti gangguan pada pembangkit listrik, kerusakan pada komponen satelit dan wahana luar angkasa, membahayakan aktivitas manusia di luar angkasa, mengakibatkan gangguan pada sistem berbasis komunikasi radio, dan lain-lain. Deteksi filament merupakan bagian penting dari aktivitas peramalan dan peringatan dini serta riset terhadap cuaca antariksa. Pengamatan filament dilakukan menggunakan teleskop dengan fiter Hydrogen-Alpha (H-Alpha). Hingga saat ini telah teradapat beberapa metode yang dikembangkan untuk melakukan deteksi filament pada citra H-Alpha secara otomatis. Namun metode-metode tersebut masih menggunakan algoritma tradisional yang berbasis intensity thresholding, yang mana sangat bergantung pada banyak langkah preprocessing untuk melakukan binerisasi citra H-Alpha. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan deep learning berbasis CNN yaitu Mask R-CNN untuk melakukan deteksi dan ekstraksi fitur-fitur matahari pada citra H-Alpha secara otomatis dan real-time. Hasil dari deteksi dan ekstraksi fitur ini kemudian disimpan ke dalam basis data hingga dapat digunakan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan data untuk aktivitas riset, peramalan, dan sistem peringatan dini. Citra yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah citra H-Alpha milik Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN), yang diambil pada bulan Oktober 2017 – Agustus 2018. Sistem yang dirancang dapat mendeteksi filament dan fitur-fitur matahari lainnya dalam waktu 0.3 detik dengan skor ketelitian hingga 0.95.

Solar filament is an object in the Sun’s chromosphere, in which its appearance used as indicator of Sun’s activites in term of space weather. The Sun’s activities itself affect human life in any ways, such as disturbance on power grids, errors on satellites and spacecrafts, anomalies on radio waves based systems, etc. Thus, solar filament detection is an important task on forecasting, early warning, and other research activities regerding the Sun on solar physics topic. Filament observation carried out using solar telescope equipped with Hydrogen-Alpha (H-Alpha) filter, and captured in an image using a capture device. There are some methods has developed to detect filament on H-Alpha images automatically. Most of them uses traditional algorithm based on intensity thresholding, which is very dependent on many preprocessing steps in the binarizing process. This study utilize CNN based deep learning named Mask R-CNN to perform real-time, automatic detection and ectraction of filaments and other solar features on H-Alpha images. The detection and extraction results then recorded in a database to satisfy data availability on solar activity related tasks. This study uses H-Alpha images obtained from Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN), captured between October 2017 - August 2018. This study shows that the implemented Mask R-CNN based system detects filament and other solar features in approximately 0.3 seconds with 0.95 precision score."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universita Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andini Yuvita Putri
"Beruang madu (Helarctos malayanus) merupakan salah satu spesies dari Famili Ursidae dan dapat ditemukan di Pulau Sumatra dan Kalimantan. Ancaman yang dihadapi beruang madu di habitat alaminya menyebabkan diperlukannya lembaga konservasi ex-situ untuk melestarikan dan memastikan kesejahteraan beruang madu. Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka merupakan salah satu lembaga konservasi ex-situ yang berada di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Beruang madu merupakan hewan soliter di alam, sedangkan beruang madu di penangkaran dapat ditempatkan di kandang yang sama. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menambah informasi mengenai interaksi antara sepasang beruang madu jantan dan betina dengan perbedaan usia yang mencolok yang ditempatkan di kandang peraga yang sama. Penelitian ini juga ingin mengamati perilaku reproduksi beruang madu jantan ketika ditempatkan di kandang peraga yang sama dengan beruang madu betina yang sudah melewati masa produktifnya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seekor beruang madu jantan bernama Potter (8 tahun) dan seekor beruang madu betina bernama Tutik (24 tahun). Pengamatan dilakukan di Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka selama 100 jam atau 360.000 detik dengan metode focal animal sampling. Hasil yang didapat yaitu beruang madu jantan melakukan perilaku afiliatif dengan persentase sebanyak 94,82%, agonistik sebanyak 0,00%, dan reproduktif sebanyak 5,18%. Beruang madu betina melakukan perilaku afiliatif dengan persentase sebanyak 14,55%, agonistik sebanyak 76,37%, dan reproduktif sebanyak 9,09%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah beruang madu jantan lebih banyak melakukan perilaku afiliatif (94,82%) dibandingkan agonistik (0,00%) terhadap beruang madu betina. Beruang madu betina cenderung menghindari interaksi sosial dan lebih banyak melakukan perilaku agonistik (76,37%) terhadap beruang madu jantan. Selama waktu pengamatan, perilaku reproduktif lebih banyak dilakukan beruang madu jantan (19 detik) dibandingkan beruang madu betina (5 detik). Beruang madu jantan tetap melakukan perilaku sosial normal, baik reproduktif maupun nonreproduktif, walaupun tidak dibalas dan ditolak beruang madu betina yang sudah melewati usia produktif.

The malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is one of the species in Ursidae Family and can be found in the Island of Sumatra and Borneo. The threats that sun bears receive in its natural habitat lead to the need for ex-situ conservation to preserve and ensure the welfare of sun bears. Gembira Loka Zoo is one example of ex-situ conservation that is located at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sun bears are known to be solitary animals in the wild, however sun bears in captivity can be placed in the same enclosure. This study was done to add information about the interaction of male and female sun bear with prominent age gap when placed in the same enclosure. This study was also conducted to observe the male reproductive behavior when placed in the same enclosure with a female sun bear that has surpassed the productive age. The subject of this study was a male sun bear named Potter (8 years old) and a female sun bear named Tutik (24 years old). Observation was done for 100 hours or 360.000 seconds with focal animal sampling method. The result of this study is the male sun bear did affiliative behavior with the percentage of 94,82%, agonistic for 0,00%, and reproductive with 5,18%. The female sun bear did affiliative behavior with the percentage of 14,55%, agonistic with 76,37%, and reproductive with 9,09%. The conclusion of this study is the male sun bear did more affiliative behavior (94,82%) than agonistic behavior (0,00%). The female sun bear tends to avoid social interactions and did a lot of agonistic behavior (76,37%) towards the male sun bear. During observation, reproductive behavior was done more by the male sun bear (19 seconds) then the female sun bear (5 seconds). The male sun bear keeps on doing normal social behavior, whether it’s reproductive or non-reproductive, even though the behavior did not reciprocated and was rejected by the female sun bear that has surpassed the productive age."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barber, Daniel
"A House in the Sun describes experiments in solar house heating in American architectural, engineering, political, economic, and corporate contexts from the beginning of World War II until the late 1950s. Solar houses were built across the United States, and also proposed for sites in India, South Africa, and Morocco. These experiments developed parallel to transformations in the discussion of modern architecture, relying on new materials and design ideas for both energy efficiency and claims to cultural relevance. These experiments also developed as part of a wider analysis of the globe as an interconnected geophysical system. Perceived resource limitations in the immediate postwar period led to new understandings of the relationships among energy, technology, and economy. The solar house, both as a charged object in the milieu of suburban expansion, and as a means to raise the standard of living in developing economies, became an important site for social, technological, and design experimentation. A House in the Sun argues that this mid-century solar discourse was one of the first episodes in which resource limitations were seen as an opportunity for design to attain new relevance. Furthermore, discussion of and experimentation in solar technology established both an intellectual framework and a funding structure for the articulation of global environmental concerns in subsequent decades. In presenting evidence of resource tensions at the beginning of the Cold War, the book presents a new perspective on the histories of architecture, technology, and environmentalism, one more fully engaged with geopolitical and geophysical pressures."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khohirul Hidayah
Penelitian dilakukan pada Juli 2011 – Januari 2012 di koridor riparian perkebunan akasia yang dikelola oleh PT RAPP (Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper) Sektor Peranap, Riau untuk memperoleh informasi kelimpahan relatif, aktivitas dan sistem sosial beruang madu (Helarctos malayanus Raffles, 1821). Total 20 camera trap dipasang di 57 lokasi pada 4 koridor riparian, setengah dari kamera menggunakan aroma pemikat untuk meningkatkan probabilitas deteksi. Penelitian menghasilkan 3.337 trap nights efektif, 1.614 foto beruang madu dan 143 foto independen beruang madu. PRESENCE versi 5,7 digunakan untuk menganalisis penggunaan habitat dan efektivitas aroma pemikat. Analisis data menunjukkan kelimpahan relatif beruang madu di koridor riparian adalah 4,3%. Beruang madu sedikit lebih aktif selama siang hari (42%) dibandingkan pada malam hari (20%). Aroma pemikat meningkatkan probabilitas deteksi hingga 67,4%. Sebagian besar beruang madu di lokasi penelitian hidup secara soliter (84%), kecuali induk beruang madu dan anaknya (0,5%) atau pasangan beruang madu jantan dan betina dewasa yang diindikasikan akan kawin (15,5%). Persentase hutan alam di sekitar area penelitian memengaruhi penggunaan habitat beruang madu di koridor riparian (ΔAICc = 0). Penelitian jangka panjang yang melibatkan pemasangan kamera di hutan asli sekitar koridor sangat diperlukan untuk memberikan rekomendasi yang lebih baik bagi upaya pengelolaan beruang madu di area perkebunan.

This research was conducted from July 2011 until January 2012 at riparian corridor within acacia plantation managed by Sector Peranap PT RAPP (Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper), Riau to gain information on relative abundance, activity, and social system of sun bear (Helarctos malayanus Raffles, 1821). A total of 20 camera traps were installed at 57 locations in 4 riparian corridors, half of which used aromatic scent to increase the detection probability. The research produced 3,337 effective trap nights, 1,614 photos, and 143 independent photos of sun bear. PRESENCE v.5.7 was applied to analyze habitat use and the effectiveness of aromatic scent. Data analyses showed that relative abundance of sun bear in the riparian corridor was 4.3%. The sun bears were slightly more active during the day (42%) compared at night (20%). Aromatic scent increased detection probability to 67.4%. Most of sun bear in the research areas was solitary (84%), except mother and her cub (0.5%) or adult male and female engaged in potential mating (15.5%). The percentage of natural forest around the research site influenced sun bear’s habitat use in riparian corridor (ΔAICc = 0). Long-term research using a more comprehensive camera traps installed in native forest around the riparian corridors in need to produce sound recommendations to protect and manage sun bears in this plantation."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wilkinson, John
"This book presents these findings in a way that will be welcomed by amateur astronomers, students, educators and anyone interested in the Sun. Enhanced by many colour photographs, the book combines newly acquired scientific understanding with detailed descriptions of features visible on the Sun’s surface and in its atmosphere.
In the past, observing the Sun has been left to academics with specialised instruments, since solar observation has been unsafe because of the risk of eye damage. This book explains how amateur astronomers can safely observe the various solar phenomena using special hydrogen-alpha telescopes that are not too expensive. Amateurs can now make a positive contribution to science by monitoring the Sun as professionals do.
Amateurs can also access the solar images taken by satellites via the internet. This book helps readers interpret and understand what these images are showing about the Sun, including the latest 3D images. Solar observers will enjoy comparing their own solar telescope observations with those produced by space probes such as SDO, SOHO, Hinode and STEREO, and further enjoy learning about transits, eclipses, and space weather and how the Sun compares to other stars in the universe."
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Macdonald, Lee
"This book surveys what is visible on the sun, before describing how to record solar features and measure solar activity levels. There is also an account of how to use H-alpha and Calcium-K filters to observe and record prominences and other features of the solar chromosphere, the Sun's inner atmosphere. The second edition includes an update of Chapter 2 to reflect advances in solar observing equipment since 2002, and a section on building a solar projection box, originally included in the main body of this chapter has been moved to Appendix A. Also Chapter 6 thru 8 have been completely revised to give amateur astronomers advice on how to use film to photograph the Sun, and how to use digital cameras. This new edition also includes more than twice as many illustrations as the first and almost half of them new images."
New York: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wu, Y.C.
Amsterdam Djambatan 1950
923 S 430
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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