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"This paper is aimed at providing description of the current emergence of knowledge economy ,knowledge management (KM) ,challnges facing accounting discipline and ande for future accounting development . The dynamics of contemporary and sosial changes has created the condations of possibility leading to the emergence of knowledge economy and consequently knowledge management....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Ayu Putri
Dokter anak merupakan lini pertama penanganan masalah kesehatan pada anakanak.
Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatian/Hiperaktivitas (GPPH) adalah gangguan
perkembangan mental dan perilaku yang sering terjadi pada anak-anak usia sekolah
dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara pengalaman
praktek dengan tingkat pengetahuan/pemahaman, persepsi, dan sikap terhadap
GPPH diantara dokter anak di Indonesia. Rancangan studi potong lintang dan
metode uji acak sederhana digunakan dalam pemilihan sampel penelitian ini. Data
yang didapat adalah hasil dari kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan
reliabilitasnya menggunakan formula Pearson Alpha dan Cronbach’s Alpha. Hasil
dianalisis dengan uji korelasi spearman menggunakan program SPSS versi 20. Dari
total 109 responden, penelitian ini mengambil 96 responden melalui randomizer
sesuai formula sampel. Hasil dari 96 responden menunjukan bahwa tingkat
pengetahuan/pemahaman, persepsi, dan sikap terhadap GPPH berada pada tingkat
yang sangat rendah dan rendah (65.6%, 57.3%, dan 76%). Hasil analisis statistik
menunjukan bahwa hanya terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara persepsi dengan
pengalaman praktek (p<0.05), sehingga terdapat korelasi antara pengalaman
praktek dengan persepsi terhadap GPPH. Kesimpulannya, tingkat
pengetahuan/pemahaman, persepsi, dan sikap terhadap GPPH adalah sangat rendah
dan rendah dikalangan dokter anak, sehingga memerlukan edukasi lebih lanjut
terhadap ADHD kepada dokter anak tanpa melihat pengalaman praktek yang

Pediatricians are the first primary care to seek for children’s health
problem. Attention – Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common mental
and behavioral developmental disorder in children. In Indonesia, pediatricians
usually do not realize ADHD and effect to its inappropriate management thus leads
to high prevalence of ADHD. The aim of this research is to identify the correlation
between practice experience and level of knowledge / understanding, perception,
and attitude towards ADHD among pediatricians in Indonesia. For the sample
selections, a cross-sectional study design with simple random sampling method was
used in this research. The data that has been acquired from questionnaire is
analyzed with spearman correlation test method using SPSS program 20th version.
The result from 96 respondents showed the level of knowledge / understanding,
perception, and attitude towards ADHD were in very poor and poor levels (65.6%,
57.3%, and 76% respectively). Statistical analysis showed that there were no
significant differences in between knowledge / understanding and attitude with
practice experience (p>0.05) that imply there are no correlation between practice
experience and level of knowledge / understanding and attitude towards ADHD. On
the other hand, there was a significant difference in between perception with
practice experience (p<0.05) that implies there is a correlation between practice
experience and level of perception towards ADHD. In conclusion, the levels of
knowledge / understanding, perception, and attitude towards ADHD were very
poor and poor on knowledge / understanding, perception, and attitude among
pediatricians in Indonesia, so that a follow-up about ADHD is necessary among
pediatricians without considering their practice experience."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan asuransi yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah den gan kepemilikan saham Bank Indonesia dan Departemen Keuangan Rl. Bidang usaha bergcrak di bidang asuransi knedit. Pada tahun pmduksi 2006 perusahaan mengalami penurunan kinclja, yang mana pendapatan premi danjasa pelayanan mengalami penurunan sebesar 10% dari pendapatan tahun 2005. Agen yang merupakan fasilitator dalam mendukung strategi bisnis pemsahaan ?i aringan pemasaran terpadu untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada konsumen?, dituntut untuk marnpu menguasai semua. pengetahuan tentang produk agar marnpu mcnjual serta memberikan pelayanan memuaskan kepada konsumen.
Bila dianalisis den gan menggunal-can pendekatan enable:-5 Ba Nonaka, komponen yang paling lemah terletak pada tidak adanya intensi dan redundansi. Produk yang harus dikuasai agen dalam waktu yang singkat sedangkan pengetahuan yang dibagikan tidak terstruktur dan lerarah. Proses transfer pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang kurang Iancar sehingga menimbulkan gap kompctensi antara agen senior dan yunior, dan motivasi unmk rnernpelaj ari, menggunakan dan berbagi pengetahuan masih kurang. Tidak adanya intensi dan redundansi inilah yang menyebabkan bcium lancarkan mobilisasi sharing SECI Nonaka dan menghambat pula proses OKC sehingga mengakibatkan bclum munculnya budaya knowledge sharing di organisasi.
Untuk mclakukan pcrbaikan terhadap masalah tersebut, intervensi yang dilakukan pada tingkat organisasi adalah pengadaan enabler 5 Ba Nonaka yang menekankan pada intensi dan redundansi dalam rangka meningkatkan budaya knowledge sharing. Pada Iingkat kelompok (group) dilakukan intervcnsi menciptakan gaya kepemimpinan fasilitatiil yang diharapkan akan menjadi kataiisator proses pembelajaran dan pembahan dalam organisasi. Sedangkan pada tingkat individu dilakukan intervensi meningkatkan motivasi untuk belajar, menggunakan dan berbagi pengetahuan.
Ditinjau dari Strategy Map, intervensi psikologi berada pada perspective learning and growrh. Tujuan intewensi adalah merubah keadaan dari tidak adanya budaya knowledge sharing menjadi berkembangnya budaya knowledge sharing dalam organisasi dengan melakukan pembahan pada tingkat organisasi, kelompok dan individu (individual learning), sehingga diharapkan terjadi generate Ieuming yang berdampak pada perbaikan operation management pada internal process perspective serta customer perspective yang semakin baik. Dan secara tidak Iangsung akan memberikan dampak pada peningkatan share holder value organiswi.

PT XYZ is state-owned Insurance Company belongs to Bank Indonesia and Ministry of Finance. The main business as to provide an credit insurance. ln the year of 2006 production, the company had experienced low productivity, premium income and services had decreased of 10% in compare to 2005. Agents are facilitator to support business strategic ofthe company in order to ?Marketing synergy web to improve service to customers? has been pushed to be able to cover product knowledges. This is aimed to cater lack ofproduet knowledge and provide better service to the customers.
According to analysis approach of enabler 5 BA Nonaka, the most wealcnexes is no intention and redundancy. The product knowledge which must be owned by the agents in a short time, whereas the given knowledge has not structures and target yet. The knowledge transfer process and experience is inadequate, this is result to gap competency between senior and junior Agents. Moreover, there is lack of motivation on Ieaming, using and sharing the knowledge. lnexistency of intention and redundancy will cause ineffective of sharin g SECI mobilization as well as bad eliect to the process of OKC, which may result to unappearance ofknowledge sharing in the organization.
In order to resolve the problem, t.he intervention which must be done on the organizational level is to provide Enabler 5 Ba Nonaka particularly on the intention and redundancy to enhance knowledge sharing culture. The intervention which must be done on group level is to create facilitative leader style, and hopefully it will be a staping stone in a leaming process and improvement within tl1e organization. Whereas in the individual level the intervention which must be done is to motivate for learning using and sharing the knowledge.
Looking at Map Strategy, psychology intervention stands at lcaming perspective and growth. The aim of intervention is to change the situation fiom nothing of knowledge sharing culture to the enhancement of knowledge sharing culture within the organization, by doing of improvement on the organizational level, group and individual (individual leaming). Eventually, generate leaming which is etiected to improvement of operation management in the intemal perspective process and customers perspective is better. Moreover this will bring good impact to the increasement of organization share holder values.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970
London: George Allen & Unwin, 1949
121 RUS o
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Nengah Kusumawati
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran pengetahuan perawat tentang perawatan metode kanguru. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah perawat yang berjumlah 55 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan total sampling yaitu melibatkan seluruh populasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 14 (25,5%) orang memiliki pengetahuan yang tinggi tentang perawatan metode kanguru dan 41 (74,5%) orang memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup tentang perawatan metode kanguru. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar perawat dapat lebih meningkatkan pengetahuannya tentang perawatan metode kanguru dan rumah sakit setempat hendaknya meningkatkan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan dalam pelaksanaan perawatan metode kanguru.

The research objective was to obtain nurses? knowledge about kangaroo method care. This research method used descriptive design with total sampling technique that is involving the entire population. The respondents were 55 nurses.The results showed that 14 (25,5%) respondents had high level of knowledge about the kangaroo method care and 41(74,5%) respondents had moderate knowledge about it. This study recommends that nurses can further improve their knowledge about kangaroo method care, and local hospitals should improve the facilities that required for implementation of kangaroo method care."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Diabetic foot problem in Indonesia remains a big problem and still needs an optimum concern. Foot care education is one of efforts that must be performed to
prevent foot problem among diabetes mellitus patients. This study aimed to analyze effectivity of foot care education program in improving knowledge, self-efficacy
and foot care behavior of diabetes patients in Banjarbaru. This study was quasi experimental with prepost test as conducted at primary health care in
Banjarbaru in 2013. Foot care education program was provided to intervention group. Samples were 48 patients (32 persons in intervension group and 16 persons
in control group) using purposive sampling technique. Variables measured were knowledge, self-efficacy and foot care behavior of diabetes mellitus patients.
Intervension provided on respondents was in form of health education concerning foot care for twice. Every variable was measured twice before and after
intervension. Knowledge test was measured using Diabetic Foot Care Knowledge Questionnaire, self-efficacy was measured by using Foot Care Confident
Scale Self-Efficacy and foot care behavior was assessed using Behavior Foot Care Questionnaire. Data analysis used Manova. Results showed significant differences
on knowledge level (p value = 0.001), self-efficacy (p value = 0.000) and foot care behavior (p value = 0.000) before and after intervension.
Masalah kaki diabetik di Indonesia masih merupakan masalah besar dan masih memerlukan perhatian yang optimal. Edukasi perawatan kaki adalah salah
satu upaya yang harus dilakukan dalam mencegah masalah kaki untuk pasien diabetes melitus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas program
pendidikan perawatan kaki dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, efikasi diri, dan perilaku perawatan kaki pasien diabetes di wilayah Banjarbaru. Jenis
penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental dengan prepost test, dilakukan di puskesmas wilayah Banjarbaru tahun 2013. Kelompok intervensi
diberikan program pendidikan perawatan kaki. Sampel berjumlah 48 pasien (32 orang kelompok intervensi dan 16 orang kelompok kontrol) menggunakan
teknik purposive sampling. Variabel yang diukur adalah pengetahuan, efikasi diri, dan perilaku perawatan kaki pasien diabetes melitus. Perlakuan yang
diberikan pada responden berupa pendidikan kesehatan tentang perawatan kaki sebanyak dua kali. Setiap variabel diukur dua kali sebelum dan setelah intervensi.
Uji pengetahuan diukur menggunakan Diabetic Foot Care Knowledge Questionnaire, efikasi diri diukur menggunakan Foot Care Confident Scale
Self-Efficacy, dan perilaku perawatan kaki dinilai menggunakan Behavior Foot Care Questionnaire. Analisis data menggunakan Manova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
perbedaan yang signifikan pada tingkat pengetahuan (nilai p = 0,001), efikasi diri (nilai p = 0,000) dan perilaku perawatan kaki (nilai p = 0,000) sebelum
dan setelah intervensi."
Banjarmasin health polytechnic ministry of health, banjarmasin, indonesia, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Sarmuji
"Analyzing Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Management in Bio Farma, LtdKnowledge is very significant for a success of company. Through the creation of knowledge in either internal process or external process of the company will create value, which raise the grade of company out of basis of assets. Knowledge superiority as intangible has been proved in many cases of prominent company in the world recently.
The success of prominent company is enabled and master in organizing knowledge creation continuously. Creating knowledge of company means the ability of it as a whole. To create a new knowledge, spreading it in the company, and appearing in production, service and system.
It, however, has to be admitted that knowledge creation is not easy in practice. Basically it needs process management which is continuously and dynamically, commonly known as knowledge management. Through implementation in many factors backing up knowledge creation in individual level, community and organization wholly, will create synergic relation between knowledge modal as a foundation and innovation as the result.
Because of the important of knowledge, it has pushed the writer to research how knowledge creation practice, especially in a company characterized by knowledge intensive, the process and the decline of which will be very determined by how good knowledge developed in a company. Moreover, a strong control from the customer to the quality of Biofarma, Ltd. products make the company always to control the quality of product.
The strong control is caused that the product of Biofarma, Ltd. is a company that produces serum and vaccine, production that has big risk to the customers. The success of Biofarma in producing knowledge not only will determine the existence of the company but also will save human s from danger diseases.
This research finds how knowledge management and the activity of knowledge creation well done in the company. Knowledge management, according to Nonaka (2000) is enabling condition or requirement that is provided by knowledge creation. According to .Tarn Hidayat Tjakraatmaja (2002), knowledge management is identically to create learning environment. For the company wanting to increase the quality of knowledge creation, creating learning environment is a must.
This research uses knowledge management approach by Nonaka at. Al (2000) who asks requirement; instill knowledge vision manage a conversation mobilize knowledge activist, crate the right connect, and globalize local knowledge. Whereas for the activity of knowledge creation, this work uses model developed by Tuomi (1999) who divides knowledge into five groups of activities; articulation, accumulation, anticipation, apprehension, and action.
This research finds how knowledge management in Biofarma, Ltd., generally, has been running well. Based on, however, the basis of activity that is researched, the intensity of attention is not equal to the domination or the important of activities in knowledge management.
In knowledge creation, however, is found the weak in the basis that the activity of knowledge creation created more in this internal activity or daily activities. According to the result of the research that external activities must be more dominant in knowledge creation then that of internal.
Research can prove that knowledge creation is very involving with how knowledge managed. Like land for the potential of growing plant, knowledge management is life concession for knowledge creation.
Knowing how knowledge management and knowledge creation in the company will be able to identify the weakness that is still there. And knowing what activities or aspect which is very dominant relating to them will be known in which side knowledge management and knowledge creation must be strengthened. Like in Biofarma, Ltd. the activity that must be strengthened is external activities. Knowledge creation should be many More in community of interaction which pass through the restrictions of into and inter organization.
Xiii + 131 pages + 19 table - 18 pictures + 6 appendixes
Bibliography: 42 books, 13-science research journal (1991-2003), and 6 homepages
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tobing, Paul L.
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2007
658.403 8 TOB k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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